Trouble Returning Value of Clicked Element Javascript - javascript

I'm trying my hand at Javascript and interacting with the DOM for the first time by making a simple quiz game. All of my elements are generated dynamically by JS except a few divs.
so here is my problem.
I have
Question 1.
I want to be able to click on any of the answers and have the values returned. To do that, I wrote the function
function checkCorrectness(element){
element.onclick = function(){
nodes = element.childNodes
for(i = 0; i<nodes.length; i++){
nodes[i].onclick = function(){console.log(nodes)};
//Note answers selectsthe div containing the 4 <p> elements A,B,C,D
Which returns me, as expected, an array of the four elements containing my answers. So, I thought the logical next step would be to select the particular node onClick by changing it by console.log-ing nodes[i] instead of nodes. I would expect this to return me the element which I clicked on, so I could compare its inner HTML to the correct answer, therefore seeing if it was the right answer.
function checkCorrectness(element){
element.onclick = function(){
nodes = element.childNodes
for(i = 0; i<nodes.length; i++){
nodes[i].onclick = function(){console.log(nodes[i])};
However, it just returns undefined. Any help would be much appreciated!

Ah, you've discovered JavaScript closures ( This is a very common mistake for those new to JS, so don't feel bad. When you log nodes[i], you're actually accessing nodes at the index for the most recent value of "i" at the time the function executes. Which, in this case, is nodes.length, which is undefined... sorry if that doesn't make sense, but check out the linked article.
You really want something like this:
var logNode = function(val) {
return function() { console.log(nodes[val]) };
for(i = 0; i<nodes.length; i++){
nodes[i].onclick = logNode(i);

The whole logic of your quiz may be written in a couple of lines
// JavaScript
window.onload = function(){
// This is a simple structure to hold your question_id and the correct answer
// var data = {'10':'B', '11':'D', '12':'A', '13':'A'}; ...
// for this exampple we'll have only one
var data = {'10':'B'};
var li = document.getElementsByTagName('UL')[0].children;
for(i = 0; i < li.length; i++){
li[i].onclick = function(){
if(data[] == this.innerHTML){
alert(this.innerHTML + " -> Correct");
// Let's say every question has an `id`
// I'd use a list for this case but you may use any other markup
<ul id="10">
Working jsBin


Detect a button and then press it in JavaScript

I want to make a function that would detect a button on a web page and then click it. But I want it to click a specific item.
function imready()
var btn = document.getElementsByClassName('text-xxxs mb-02');
for (var i = 0; i < btn.length; i++)
if (btn[i].innerText.indexOf('AK-47') > -1)
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ type: 'dontrun', update: 1 }, function (response) {
How do I make it so that the var "btn" should equal to document.getElementsbyClassName('x') and also a different className ('y')?
Quoting from
getElementsByClassName() returns an HTMLcollection object which is similar to an array but not really an array so you can't call
array methods using the returned value. One hack is to use Array's
prototype methods along with .call()/.apply() to pass the returned
object as the context.
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("royal") ;
var collapsedElems = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsed");
var earray =, 0);
var concatenated = earray.concat.apply(earray, collapsedElems) ;
Demo Fiddle
As far as i understand your question, you can use document.querySelector('.classX.classY') to select the needed button with both classes.
That works for the case if you only need one button on the page selected, from your code i assume exactly that.

Javascript - Collection of objects with parent properties in common

I'd like to create a collection of objects that works like an array. Some time ago, I made this question and I came up with the following solution with the help of the people that helped me:
Newobj.Collection = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < arguments[i].length; j++){
return this
Newobj.Collection.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype);
Newobj.Collection.prototype.push = function(o){, new Newobj.Element(o));
However, this leaves the children unconnected from the parent. For example, imagine this collection has a render() function, which makes its children to print some HTML onto the page. Well, I'd like to be able to say something like:
Newobj.Collection.html_container = '#cont';
Newobj.Collection.render = function(){
$.each(this, function(i, el){
Newobj.Element.render = function(){
It should be able to set different collections in one page, so make a global container for all the Newobj.Collections is not a solution. This is an example, and I need this for more complex processes than just a render() function.
Anyone has an idea how can I make an array to be able to access a parent class which it is part of?
If the solution could be JSON.stringifyed and be seen as an array on the server side, it would be great too, though it's not the main problem for this question. Right now, if I set a property to the array, it is seen as an object with size > 0 on the server side.
Thank you!
Create reference to collection in element:
Newobj.Collection.prototype.push = function(o){, new Newobj.Element(o,this));
//element constructor gets as second paramater instance of collection
//this.parent in every element is collection reference
Newobj.Element.prototype.render = function(){
or no reference in Element option:
Newobj.Collection.render = function(){
var parent=this;
$.each(this, function(i, el){
Newobj.Element.render = function(html_container){
But this version need to have methods parameters.

Using querySelectorAll to get ALL elements with that class name, not only the first

I've ditched jquery about 9(ish) months ago and needed a selector engine (without all the hassle and don't mind ie<7 support) so i made a simplified version of document.querySelectorAll by creating this function:
// "qsa" stands for: "querySelectorAll"
window.qsa = function (el) {
var result = document.querySelectorAll(el)[0];
return result;
This works perfectly fine for 95% of the time but I've had this problem for a while now and i have researched mdn, w3c, SO and not to forget Google :) but have not yet found the answer as to why I only get the first element with the requested class.
And I know that only the first element being returned is caused by the "[0]" at the end, but the function won't work if I remove it so I've tried to make a for loop with an index variable that increases in value depending on the length of elements with that class like this:
window.qsa = function (el) {
var result, el = document.querySelectorAll(el);
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) {
result = el[i];
return result;
Again that did not work so I tried a while loop like this:
window.qsa = function (el) {
var result, i = 0, el = document.querySelectorAll(el);
while(i < el.length) {
result = el[i];
return result;
By now I'm starting to wonder if anything works? and I'm getting very frustrated with document.querySelectorAll...
But my stubborn inner-self keeps going and I keep on failing (tiering cycle) so I know that now is REALLY the time to ask these questions :
Why is it only returning the first element with that class and not all of them?
Why does my for loop fail?
Why does my while loop fail?
And thank you because any / all help is much appreciated.
Why is it only returning the first element with that class and not all of them?
Because you explicitly get the first element off the results and return that.
Why does my for loop fail?
Because you overwrite result with a new value each time you go around the end of loop. Then you return the last thing you get.
Why does my while loop fail?
The same reason.
If you want all the elements, then you just get the result of running the function:
return document.querySelectorAll(el)
That will give you a NodeList object containing all the elements.
Now that does what you say you want, I'm going to speculate about what your real problem is (i.e. why you think it doesn't work).
You haven't shown us what you do with the result of running that function, but my guess is that you are trying to treat it like an element.
It isn't an element. It is a NodeList, which is like an array.
If you wanted to, for instance, change the background colour of an element you could do this: = "red";
If you want to change the background colour of every element in a NodeList, then you have to change the background colour of each one in turn: with a loop.
for (var i = 0; i < node_list.length; i++) {
var element = node_list[i]; = "red";
You are returning a single element. You can return the array. If you want to be able to act on all elements at once, jQuery style, you can pass a callback into your function;
window.qsa = function(query, callback) {
var els = document.querySelectorAll(query);
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) {[i], els[i], i);
return els;
qsa('button.change-all', function(btn) {
// You can reference the element using the first parameter
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
qsa('p', function(p, index){
// Or you can reference the element using `this`
this.innerHTML = 'Changed ' + index;
qsa('button.change-second', function(btn) {
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
var second = qsa('p')[1];
second.innerHTML = 'Changed just the second one';
<button class='change-all'>Change Paragraphs</button>
<button class='change-second'>Change Second Paragraph</button>
Then you can call either use the callback
qsa('P', function(){
this.innerHTML = 'test';
Or you can use the array that is returned
var pList = qsa('p');
var p1 = pList[0];
This loop
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) {
result = el[i];
overwrites your result variable every time. That's why you always get only one element.
You can use the result outside though, and iterate through it. Kinda like
var result = window.qsa(el)
for(var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
var workOn = result[i];
// Do something with workOn

Get array values and put them into different divs with a for loop?

I'm trying hard to learn javascrip+jquery on my own, and also trying to learn it right. Thus trying to enforce the DRY rule.
I find myself stuck with a problem where I have an array,
var animals = [4];
a function,
var legs = function(amount){
this.amount = amount;
this.body = Math.floor(Math.random()*amount)+1;
and an evil for loop. I also have 5 div's called printAnimal1, printAnimal2 and so on.. In which I wish to print out each value in the array into.
for(i = 0; i < animals.length; i++){
animals[i] = new legs(6);
I feel as if I'm close to the right thing, but I cant seem to figure it out. I also tried something like this:
for(i = 0; i < animals.length; i++){
animals[i] = new legs(6);
$this = $(".printAnimal");
But one of the problems seem to be the "+i" and I cant make heads or tails out of it.
I also know that I can simply do:
But that would break the DRY rule. Is it all wrong trying to do this with a for loop, or can it be done? Or is there simply a better way to do it! Could anyone clarify?
Your first attempt should be fine, as long as you take "animals[i]" out of quotes in your append() call ($(".printAnimal"+i).append(animals[i]))
Also, I assume you declared var i; outside your for loop? If not, you'll want to declare it in your for loop (for(var i=0....)
EDIT: problems with your fiddle
you never call startGame()
you didn't include jQuery
you can't (as far as I know) append anything that isn't html-- in your case, you're trying to append a js object. What do you want the end result to look like? is a working fiddle showing that append() works as you think it should.
edit: forgot to update the fiddle. Correct link now.
EDIT: reread your response to the other answer about what you want. is a working fiddle with what you want. More notes:
You didn't declare new when you called DICE
you have to reference the field you want, (hence dices[i].roll), not just the object
Just a few comments:
This is declaring an array with only one item and that item is the number 4
var animals = [4];
In case you still need that array, you should be doing something like:
var animals = []; // A shiny new and empty array
and then add items to it inside a for loop like this:
animals.push(new legs(6)); //This will add a new legs object to the end of the array
Also, what is the content that you are expecting to appear after adding it to the div?
If you want the number of legs, you should append that to the element (and not the legs object directly).
for(i = 0; i < animals.length; i++){
animals.push(new legs(6));
Adding another answer as per your comment
var i, dicesThrown = [];
function throwDice(){
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6);
//Throw 5 dices
for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){
dicesThrown.push( throwDice() );
//Show the results
for (i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){
$("body").append("<div>Dice " + (i+1) + ": " + dicesThrown[i] +"</div>");

How can I loop through ALL DOM elements on a page?

I'm trying to loop over ALL elements on a page, so I want to check every element that exists on this page for a special class.
So, how do I say that I want to check EVERY element?
You can pass a * to getElementsByTagName() so that it will return all elements in a page:
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++) {
// Do something with the element here
Note that you could use querySelectorAll(), if it's available (IE9+, CSS in IE8), to just find elements with a particular class.
if (document.querySelectorAll)
var clsElements = document.querySelectorAll(".mySpeshalClass");
// loop through all elements instead
This would certainly speed up matters for modern browsers.
Browsers now support foreach on NodeList. This means you can directly loop the elements instead of writing your own for loop.
document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(function(node) {
// Do whatever you want with the node object.
Performance note - Do your best to scope what you're looking for by using a specific selector. A universal selector can return lots of nodes depending on the complexity of the page. Also, consider using document.body.querySelectorAll instead of document.querySelectorAll when you don’t care about <head> children.
Was looking for same. Well, not exactly. I only wanted to list all DOM Nodes.
var currentNode,
ni = document.createNodeIterator(document.documentElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
while(currentNode = ni.nextNode()) {
To get elements with a specific class, we can use filter function.
var currentNode,
ni = document.createNodeIterator(
return node.classList.contains('toggleable') ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
while(currentNode = ni.nextNode()) {
Found solution on
As always the best solution is to use recursion:
function loop(node){
// do some thing with the node here
var nodes = node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i <nodes.length; i++){
if(nodes[i].childNodes.length > 0){
Unlike other suggestions, this solution does not require you to create an array for all the nodes, so its more light on the memory. More importantly, it finds more results. I am not sure what those results are, but when testing on chrome it finds about 50% more nodes compared to document.getElementsByTagName("*");
Here is another example on how you can loop through a document or an element:
function getNodeList(elem){
var l=new Array(elem),c=1,ret=new Array();
//This first loop will loop until the count var is stable//
for(var r=0;r<c;r++){
//This loop will loop thru the child element list//
for(var z=0;z<l[r].childNodes.length;z++){
//Push the element to the return array.
return ret;
For those who are using Jquery
$("*").each(function(i,e){console.log(i+' '+e)});
Andy E. gave a good answer.
I would add, if you feel to select all the childs in some special selector (this need happened to me recently), you can apply the method "getElementsByTagName()" on any DOM object you want.
For an example, I needed to just parse "visual" part of the web page, so I just made this
var visualDomElts = document.body.getElementsByTagName('*');
This will never take in consideration the head part.
from this link
javascript reference
<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function findhead1()
var tag, tags;
// or you can use var allElem=document.all; and loop on it
tags = "The tags in the page are:"
for(i = 0; i < document.all.length; i++)
tag = document.all(i).tagName;
tags = tags + "\r" + tag;
// -->
<body onload="findhead1()">
<h1>Heading One</h1>
since my last answer i found better simpler solution
function search(tableEvent)
document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'block';
var params = 'formAction=SearchStocks';
var elemArray = document.mainForm.elements;
for (var i = 0; i < elemArray.length;i++)
var element = elemArray[i];
var elementName=;
params += '&' + elementName+'='+ encodeURIComponent(element.value);
params += '&tableEvent=' + tableEvent;
prepareUpdateTableContents();//function js to handle the response out of scope for this question
Getting all elements using var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i=0, max=all.length; i < max; i++); is ok if you need to check every element but will result in checking or looping repeating elements or text.
Below is a recursion implementation that checks or loop each element of all DOM elements only once and append:
(Credits to #George Reith for his recursion answer here: Map HTML to JSON)
function mapDOMCheck(html_string, json) {
treeObject = {}
dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(html_string) // use jsdom because DOMParser does not provide client-side Window for element access
document = dom.window.document
element = document.querySelector('html')
// Recurse and loop through DOM elements only once
function treeHTML(element, object) {
var nodeList = element.childNodes;
if (nodeList != null) {
if (nodeList.length) {
object[element.nodeName] = []; // IMPT: empty [] array for parent node to push non-text recursivable elements (see below)
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
console.log("nodeName", nodeList[i].nodeName);
if (nodeList[i].nodeType == 3) { // if child node is **final base-case** text node
console.log("nodeValue", nodeList[i].nodeValue);
} else { // else
object[element.nodeName].push({}); // push {} into empty [] array where {} for recursivable elements
treeHTML(nodeList[i], object[element.nodeName][object[element.nodeName].length - 1]);
treeHTML(element, treeObject);
Use *
var allElem = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0; i < allElem.length; i++) {
// Do something with all element here
i think this is really quick
document.querySelectorAll('body,body *').forEach(function(e) {
You can try with
