I have a string with keywords, separated by comma's.
Now I also have a nice RegEx, to filter out all the keywords in that string, that matches a queried-string.
Check out this initial question - RegEx - Extract words that contains a substring, from a comma seperated string
The example below works fine; it has a masterString, and a resultString. That last one only contains the keywords that has at least the word "car" in it.
masterString = "typography,caret,car,align,shopping-cart,adjust,card";
resultString = masterString.match(/[^,]*car[^,]*/g);
Result from the code above;
"caret", "car", "shopping-cart", "card"
But how can I use the RegEx, with a variable matching-word (the word "car" in this example static and not variable).
I think it has to do something with a RegExp - but I can't figure out...
Here's a general solution for use with regexes:
var query = "anything";
// Escape the metacharacters that may be found in the query
// sadly, JS lacks a built-in regex escape function
query = query.replace(/[-\\()\[\]{}^$*+.?|]/g, '\\$&');
var regex = new RegExp("someRegexA" + query + "someRegexB", "g");
As long as someRegexA and someRegexB form a valid regex with a literal in-between, the regex variable will always hold a valid regex.
But, in your particular case, I'd simply do this:
var query = "car";
var items = masterString.split(",");
query = query.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
if (items[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query) >= 0) {
How about this one?, you only need to replace \ \ with String , and it works for me. it can find whether your string has "car", not other similar word
var query = 'car';
var string = "car,bike,carrot,plane,card";
var strRegEx = '[^,]*'+query+'[,$]*';
Answer provided by OP and removed from inside the question
I figured out this quick-and-maybe-very-dirty solution...
var query = 'car';
var string = "car,bike,carrot,plane,card";
var regex = new RegExp("[^,]*|QUERY|[^,]*".replace('|QUERY|',query),'ig');
This code outputs the following, not sure if it is good crafted, 'though..
"car", "carrot", "card"
But ended figuring out another, much simpler solution;
var query = "car";
var string = "car,bike,carrot,plane,card";
string.match(new RegExp("[^,]*"+query+"[^,]*",'ig'));
This code outputs the string below;
["car", "carrot", "card"]
My app-search-engine now works perfect :)
Suppose I have a sting like this: ABC5DEF/G or it might be ABC5DEF-15 or even just ABC5DEF, it could be shorter AB7F, or AB7FG/H.
I need to create a javascript variable that contains the substring only up to the '/' or the '-'. I would really like to use an array of values to break at. I thought maybe to try something like this.
var srcMark = array( '/', '-' );
var whereAt = new RegExp(srcMark.join('|')).test.str;
alert("whereAt= "+whereAt);
But this returns an error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: array
I suspect I'm defining my array incorrectly but trying a number of other things I've been no more successful.
What am I doing wrong?
Arrays aren't defined like that in JavaScript, the easiest way to define it would be with:
var srcMark = ['/','-'];
Additionally, test is a function so it must be called as such:
whereAt = new RegExp(srcMark.join('|')).test(str);
Note that test won't actually tell you where, as your variable suggests, it will return true or false. If you want to find where the character is, use String.prototype.search:
str.search(new RegExp(srcMark.join('|'));
Hope that helps.
You need to use the split method:
var srcMark = Array.join(['-','/'],'|'); // "-|/" or
var regEx = new RegExp(srcMark,'g'); // /-|\//g
var substring = "222-22".split(regEx)[0] // "222"
"ABC5DEF/G".split(regEx)[0] // "ABC5DEF"
From whatever i could understand from your question, using this RegExp /[/-]/ in split() function will work.
For splitting the string at all special characters you can use new RegExp(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/) in split() function.
var arr = "ABC5DEF/G";
var ans = arr.split(/[/-]/);
arr = "ABC5DEF-15";
ans = arr.split(/[/-]/);
// For all special characters
arr = "AB7FG/H";
ans = arr.split(new RegExp(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/));
You can use regex with String.split.
It will look something like that:
var result = ['ABC5DEF/G',
].map((item) => item.split(/\W+/));
That will create an Array with all the parts of the string, so each item[0] will contain the text till the / or - or nothing.
If you want the position of the special character (non-alpha-numeric) you can use a Regular Expression that matches any character that is not a word character from the basic Latin alphabet. Equivalent to [^A-Za-z0-9_], that is: \W
var pattern = /\W/;
var text = 'ABC5DEF/G';
var match = pattern.exec(text);
var position = match.index;
console.log('character: ', match[0]);
console.log('position: ', position);
I have the following div:
<div data-test="([1] Hello World), ([2] Foo Bar)"></div>
Now what I am trying to do is to find the cleanest way to break the string into the following pieces:
array ["1", "Hello World", "2", "Foo Bar"];
How can I achieve this the proper and fast way?
I managed to get close but my solution seems somewhat ugly and doesnt work as expected.
var el = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
data = el.getAttribute('data-test');
list = data.replace(/[([,]/g, '').split(/[\]\)]/);
for(str of list) {
str = str.trim();
I still get the spaces at the start of each string. I dont really want to use trim or anything similar. I tried to add a whitespace character to my regex s/ but that was a bad idea too.
The below function should work.
function strToArr(str) {
var arr = [];
var parts = str.split(', ');
parts.forEach(part => {
var digit = part.match(/(\d+)/g)[0];
var string = part.match(/(\b[a-zA-Z\s]+)/g)[0];
arr.push(digit, string);
return arr;
var text = '([1] Hello World), ([2] Foo Bar)';
var textReplaced = text.replace(/\(\[([^\]])\]\s([^)]+)\)/g, '$1, $2');
var array = textReplaced.split(', ');
Without any cycle.
You can try the following regular expression:
list = data.replace(/^\(\[|\)$/g, '').split(/\] |\), \(\[|\] /);
Two steps:
remove the heading "(["and tailing ")"
split the string into the parts you want with the delimiter symbols
Suppose the format of the string is fixed.
I'm doing a tracking application for my company and I really need your help
I've got some strings that display it wrong
I'll get the postcode/zipcode and the city name and the "function" (for example distrubition basis)
The string I get is something like that (it's swiss and the format is postcode cityname function)
place = "5506 MägenwilDistributionsbasis";
now postcode is "5506"
cityname is "Mägenwil"
function is "Distributionsbasis"
my question is how can I split the cityname and function (for this example now)?
is it possible to do it with regex or an if statement?
You can split the string using the following regexp:
var myString = "5506 MägenwilDistributionsbasis";
var units = /(\d+ )([A-Z][^A-Z]+)(.+)/g.exec(myString);
Check out contents of array units: there you see units[0] is the whole string, and units[1], units[2], units[3] are what you need.
Note According to comments I must say, it's just a draft for possible solution to let you understand how to start working on the problem in JS. So when you will test your application with more complicated city names and function names in the "magic string", try to figure out what regexp fits your purposes perfectly, because ([A-Z][^A-Z]+) definitly will not match all the known city names.
You could implement that in the most primitive way. Something like this:
place = "5506 MägenwilDistributionsbasis";
var codeAndNameAndFunction = place.split(" ");
var code = codeAndNameAndFunction[0];
var nameAndFunction = codeAndNameAndFunction[1];
var startOfTheFunction;
for (var i = 1, len = nameAndFunction.length; i < len; i++) {
myCharacter = nameAndFunction.charCodeAt(i);
if (myCharacter >= 65 && myCharacter <= 90) {
startOfTheFunction = i;
var name = nameAndFunction.slice(0, startOfTheFunction);
var functionName = nameAndFunction.slice(startOfTheFunction,nameAndFunction.length);
This is a slight modification of Florian Peschka's answer:
You can split the string using the following regexp:
var myString = "5506 Yverdon-les-BainsDistributionsbasis";
var units = /(\d+ )(.+)([A-Z][^A-Z]+)/g.exec(myString);
Check out contents of array units: there you see units[0] is the whole string, and units[1], units[2], units[3] are what you need.
Note that this will only work if the "function" name is always in the form of Capital Letter followed by Non-capital letters.
Im trying to find a patterns in the sentence for regex matching.. in the code below result contains a string and we are checking if the word apple is present in it.
var patt = /apple/gi;
var newResult = patt.test(result);
I found the above code from a used case.. But i was wondering if i have more than one values and i want to check it in the string result, lets say an array with values var arr=["apple", "orange"] var patt=/arr[0]/gi will not work.. what could be the way in that scenario??
To check multiple entries, you can use the OR operator:
var patt = /apple|orange/gi;
var newResult = patt.test(result);
if you have a variable, you can do the below, IF(!) your key is regexp safe of course (that is, it doesn't contains characters which have meaning in regexp syntax):
var key = "apple";
var patt = new RegExp(key, 'gi');
var newResult = patt.test(result);
Although in this case, you might as well use indexOf:
var key = "apple";
var newResult = result.indexOf(key) > -1;
To use a string for your regex expressions, you need to create the regex using the regex constructor.
var pattern = "apple|orange";
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); // g is for global match
Read more about it here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
I'm taking some text and want to split it into an array. My goal is to be able to split it into phrases delimited by stopwords (words ignored by search engines, like 'a' 'the' etc), so that I can then search each individual phrase in my API. So for example: 'The cow's hat was really funny' would result in arr[0] = cow's hat and arr[1] = funny. I have an array of stopwords already but I can't really think of how to actually split by each/any of the words in it, without writing a very slow function to loop through each one.
Use split(). It takes a regular expression. The following is a simple example:
If you already have the array of stop words, you could use join() to build the regular expression. Try the following:
regex = new RegExp("\\b(?:" + stop_words.join('|') + "|\\s)+\\b", "i");
A working example http://jsfiddle.net/NEnR8/. NOTE: it may be best to replace these values than to split on them as there are empty array elements from this result.
This does a case insensitive .split() on your keywords, surrounded by word boundries.
var str = "The cow's hat was really funny";
var arr = str.split(/\ba\b|\bthe\b|\bwas\b/i);
You may end up with some empty items in the Array. To compact it, you could do this:
var len = arr.length;
while( len-- ) {
if( !arr[len] )
arr.splice( len, 1);
Quick and dirty way would be to replace the "stop word" strings with some unique characters (e.g. &&&), and then split based on that unique character.
For example.
var the_text = "..............",
stop_words = ['foo', 'bar', 'etc'],
unique_str = '&&&';
for (var i = 0; i < stop_words.length; i += 1) {
the_text.replace(stop_words[i], unique_str);