I want to create a Node.js logged decorator (function filter) that works like this (pseudocode warning):
logged = function(f) {
return function() {
log(f.file, f.line, f.class, f.name, arguments)
return f.call(this, arguments)
Is there a way of accesing the information above? I'm going to be doing heavy logging, so throwing a fake Exception and reading the trace is probably not viable (or is it?).
Note: by f.class I mean the name of the function that holds the prototype. Also, I'm using coffee-script, in case it matters
You don't have to throw the exception, var stack = new Error().stack is enough. From there it is possible to parse out the file, line number, and the class name. BUT the problem is, that it only tracks the function calls, so now to get the proper information for the decorated function Error should be initialized some where within the function or the class. Doing this in decorator, you can get only the information about the file/linenumber where the decoration of the function was occurred, and not where the function was declared.
function User(){}
User.prototype.foo = function(){};
User.stack_ = function(){
return new Error().stack
// ...
function wrapp(Ctor, name){
var stack = Ctor.stack_();
var info = parseStack(stack);
var orig_ = Ctor.prototype[name];
Ctor.prototype[name] = function(){
console.log('Info:', info);
return orig_.apply(this, arguments);
function parseStack(stack){
// implement better stacktrace parser
return stack.split('\n')[1];
// ...
wrapp(User, 'foo');
// ...
var user = new User;
// and you get smth. like
// Info: at Function.User.stack_ (filename:line:column)
I think this is maximum you can get, and you must always define this stack_ function.
So if you open up the inspector, you get this (if you're unlucky):
I'm building a tiny JS component which displays debugging information - is there any way to read the number of encountered errors and warnings so far?
A hacky solution I could come up with involves a bit of trickery by replacing the console.(error|log|warn) functions with my own, but I'm yet to test if it works for all cases (e.g. outside of code I own).
Is there a better way to do this?
As noted in this answer, it's generally not a good idea to change the behavior of native objects/methods. However, the following code should get you what you need in a fairly innocuous manner:
// Add this IIFE to your codebase:
(() => {
// Get all of the property names of the console:
const methodsToTrack = Object.keys(window.console);
// Create an object to collect total usage tallies in:
const usageRegistry = {};
for (let i = 0, j = methodsToTrack.length; i < j; i++) {
let methodName = methodsToTrack[i];
// If the property is not a method, don't touch it:
if(typeof window.console[methodName] !== 'function') {
// Cache the original console method here:
let consoleMethod = window.console[methodName];
// Overwrite console's method to increment the counter:
window.console[methodName] = function () {
// Defining registry properties here, so the registry only contains values for methods that were accessed:
usageRegistry[methodName] = usageRegistry[methodName] || 0;
// Execute the original method's behavior, capturing the returned value (if any) in a var, to return it at the end:
const returnedValue = consoleMethod(...arguments);
// Increment the usage registry for the executed method:
// Return the value the console's method would have returned, so the new method has the same signature as the old.
return returnedValue;
// Define a funciton to output the totals to a console log, then clean up after itself:
window.showConsoleTallies = function () {
// Examples:
console.log('log 1');
console.error('error 1');
console.log('log 2');
console.warn('warn 1');
console.error('error 2');
console.log('log 3');
PS: That's the ECMA6 version, but feel free to run it through Babel if you'd like it to be compiled for use in older browsers.
I am trying to overload/replace functions in the ami-io npm package. That package is created to talk to asterisk AMI, a socket interface.
I need to talk to a service that has almost the exact same interface, but it presents a different greeting string upon login, and it requires an extra field in the logon. All the rest is the same. Instead of just plain copying the 600 LOC ami-io package, and modifying two or three lines, I want to override the function that detects the greeting string, and the login function, and keep using the ami-io package.
Inside the ami-io package there is a file index.js which contains the following function:
Client.prototype.auth = function (data) {
this.logger.debug('First message:', data);
if (data.match(/Asterisk Call Manager/)) {
this.socket.on('data', function (data) {
this.send(new Action.Login(this.config.login, this.config.password), function (error, response) {
if (response && response.response === 'Success') this.emit('connected');
else this.emit('incorrectLogin');
} else {
this.emit('incorrectServer', data);
Now I want to match not on Asterisk Call Manager, but on MyService, and I want to define and use Action.LoginExt(this.config.login, this.config.password) with another one with an extra parameter.
Is this possible? I tried this in my own module:
var AmiIo = require('ami-io');
var amiio = AmiIo.createClient({port:5038, host:'x.x.x.x', login:'system', password:'admin'});
amiio.prototype.auth = function (data) {
this.logger.debug('First message:', data);
if (data.match(/MyService Version/)) {
this.socket.on('data', function (data) {
this.send(new Action.LoginExt(this.config.login, this.config.password, this.config.extra), function (error, response) {
if (response && response.response === 'Success') this.emit('connected');
else this.emit('incorrectLogin');
} else {
this.emit('incorrectServer', data);
...but it resulted in TypeError: Cannot set property 'auth' of undefined, and now I am clueless.
Also, can I define a new Action.LoginExt object in my own module? How?
The action.js module defines the Action objects as follows:
function Action(name) {
this.id = this.getId();
this.set('ActionID', this.id);
this.set('Action', name);
var Message = require('./message.js');
var util = require('util');
util.inherits(Action, Message);
Action.prototype.getId = (function() {
var id = 0;
return function() {
return ++id;
function Login(username, secret) {
Login.super_.bind(this, 'Login')();
this.set('Username', username);
this.set('Secret', secret );
... more functions ...
(function() {
var actions = [
... more functions ...
var util = require('util');
for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
util.inherits(actions[i], Action);
exports[actions[i].name] = actions[i];
exports.Action = Action;
What I think I understand is that Action is subclassed from Message. The Login function in its turn is subclassed from Action, and exported (in the last code block).
So I think in my code I could try something similar:
// extend ami-io with LoginExt function
function LoginExt(username, secret, company) {
Login.super_.bind(this, 'LoginExt')();
this.set('Username', username);
this.set('Secret', secret );
this.set('Company', company);
var util = require('util');
util.inherits(LoginExt, amiio.Action);
But util.inherits fails with undefined. I've also opened a issue on ami-io.
You can use:
var AmiIo = require('ami-io');
AmiIo.Action.Login = function NewConstructor(){}; //to override Login action
//new constructor shold extend AmiIo.Action.Action(actionName)
//and also, you can use
AmiIo.Action.SomeNewAction = function SomeNewAction(){};//to create new actuion
//it also should extend AmiIo.Action.Action(actionName);
AmiIo.Action is just an Object. All constructors are fields of it.
To create new events you don't need to do anything, because it is just an object. If server send to you
Event: Armageddon
SomeField: 123
ami-io will create event with name 'Armageddon'.
To override Client#auth() method, you just should do
var AmiIo = require('ami-io');
AmiIo.Client.prototype.auth = function (){};//new function
amiio is an instance of a Client. The prototype property is only meaningful on constructor functions, such as Client. It is not meaningful on the result of a constructor function (except in the uncommon case that the instance happens to also be a function itself -- but even in that case, altering the instance's prototype does not influence its parent constructor).
Instead, you need to get the instance's prototype with Object.getPrototypeOf:
Object.getPrototypeOf(amiio).auth = function() { ... }
If you don't need to change this for every client, but only a single client, you don't need to change the prototype at all. Changing the instance's auth is sufficient:
amiio.auth = function() { ... }
Note that you code will not work if Action.LoginExt is local to the module scope. If the module exports it, you can probably do AmiIo.Action.LoginExt instead. If it does not export LoginExt, you will need to copy the code that implements it a re-implement it in your importing scope. It may be simpler to modify the module itself.
Here's the solution I applied that worked:
// Override the AmiIo auth procedure, because the other login is slightly different
// Write our own Login function (which adds a company)
function Login(username, secret, company) {
Login.super_.bind(this, 'Login')();
this.set('Username', username);
this.set('Secret', secret );
this.set('Company', company);
// This function should inherit from Action
var util = require('util');
util.inherits(Login, AmiIo.Action.Action);
AmiIo.Action.Login = Login;
// replace the auth with our own, to add the company. Also
// this sends a slightly different greeting: "Service Version 1.0"
AmiIo.Client.prototype.auth = function (data) {
if (data.match(/Service Version/)) {
this.socket.on('data', function (data) {
this.send(new AmiIo.Action.Login(this.config.login, this.config.password, this.config.company), function (error, response) {
if (response && response.response === 'Success') this.emit('connected');
else this.emit('incorrectLogin');
} else {
this.emit('incorrectServer', data);
// our own function to grab the version number from the new greeting
AmiIo.Client.prototype._setVersion = function(version){
var v = version.match(/Service Version ([\d\.]*[\-\w\d\.]*)/i);
if (v){
this.version = v[1];
So it turns out this was as doable as I hoped it would be. Both answers by #NumminorihSF and #apsillers helped me here, but I could mark only one of them as the best answer.
By Pure, I mean in the sense of the λ-calculus, i.e., a single-argument function containing nothing on its body other than single-argument functions and single argument function calls. By recovering the source code, I mean up to variable renaming. So, for example,
n2 = function(v0){return function(v1){return v0(v0(v1))}}
Should print:
function(v0){return function(v0){return v0(v0(v1))}}
function(v0){return function(v0){return v0(v0(v0(v0(v1))))}}
That is, the first line shows the original source of the function n2, and the second one shows the source of the function that is returned by the evaluation of n2(n2).
I've managed to implement it as follows:
function source(f){
var nextVarId = 0;
return (function recur(f){
if (typeof f === "function"){
if (f.isVarFunc) return f(null);
else {
var varName = "v"+(nextVarId++);
var varFunc = function rec(res){
var varFunc = function(arg){
return arg === null
? "("+res.join(")(")+")"
: rec(res.concat(recur(arg)));
varFunc.isVarFunc = true;
return varFunc;
varFunc.isVarFunc = true;
var body = f(varFunc([varName]));
body = body.isVarFunc ? body(null) : recur(body);
return "(function("+varName+"){return "+body+"})";
} else return f;
The issue is that I'm using some rather ugly method of tagging functions by setting their names to a specific value, and that it won't work in functions that are applied more than once (such as a(b)(b)). Is there any better principled way to solve this problem?
Edit: I managed to design a version that seems to be correct in all cases, but it is still an ugly unreadable unprincipled mess.
Finally, this is a considerably cleaned up version of the mess above.
// source :: PureFunction -> String
// Evaluates a pure JavaScript function to normal form and returns the
// source code of the resulting function as a string.
function source(fn){
var nextVarId = 0;
return (function normalize(fn){
// This is responsible for collecting the argument list of a bound
// variable. For example, in `function(x){return x(a)(b)(c)}`, it
// collects `a`, `b`, `c` as the arguments of `x`. For that, it
// creates a variadic argumented function that is applied to many
// arguments, collecting them in a closure, until it is applied to
// `null`. When it is, it returns the JS source string for the
// application of the collected argument list.
function application(argList){
var app = function(arg){
return arg === null
? "("+argList.join(")(")+")"
: application(argList.concat(normalize(arg)));
app.isApplication = true;
return app;
// If we try to normalize an application, we apply
// it to `null` to stop the argument-collecting.
if (fn.isApplication)
return fn(null);
// Otherwise, it is a JavaScript function. We need to create an
// application for its variable, and call the function on it.
// We then normalize the resulting body and return the JS
// source for the function.
else {
var varName = "v"+(nextVarId++);
var body = normalize(fn(application([varName])));
return "(function("+varName+"){return "+body+"})";
It is still not perfect but looks much better nether less. It works as expected:
console.log(source(function(a){return function(b){return a(b)}}))
(function(v0){return (function(v1){return (v0)((v1))})})
I wonder how inefficient that is, though.
I've got a slightly unusual pattern I'm trying to achieve and have not quite figured it out. My goal is to create a function called debugLog as a flexible console.log replacement, which can be called as follows:
debugLog('thing to log #1', 'thing to log #2', objectToLog1, objectToLog2);
^^ the number of params should be arbitrary, just as is possible with console.log
That is what I'll call the "default" functionality. Now I'd also like to add some additional functionality through property functions.
debugLog.setDebugFlag(true); // sets the internal this.debugFlag property to true or false depending on param
I'm trying to do this in Node and what I have so far does not quite let me achieve this pattern:
var debugLog = function () {
this.debugFlag = this.debugFlag || true;
if (this.debugFlag) {
console.log.apply(null, arguments);
} else {
// production mode, nothing to log
debugLog.prototype.setDebugFlag = function (flagBool) {
this.debugFlag = flagBool;
module.exports = new debugLog();
This module would be including in a Node app using the standard require pattern:
var debugLog = require('./debugLog.js');
The question is how can I achieve this pattern of a function object with default functionality, but also extended "property" style functions? Please note I am already aware of the typical pattern where ALL functionality comes from function properties (such as debugLog.log() and debugLog.setDebugFlag()). But that patterns does NOT achieve my key goal of a shorthand for the default functionality that simply involves calling the function directly.
Is it even possible to do?
You could do it this way
var debugLog = (function() {
var debugFlag = true;
function log() {
if (debugFlag) {
console.log.apply(null, arguments);
} else {
// production mode, nothing to log
log.setDebugFlag = function(flag) {
debugFlag = flag;
return log;
module.exports = debugLog;
You could use closure, like so:
// debugLog.js
var debugFlag = true;
function debugLog() {
if (debugFlag) {
console.log.apply(null, arguments);
} else {
// production mode, nothing to log
debugLog.setDebugFlag = function (newFlag) {
debugFlag = newFlag;
module.exports = debugLog;
and use it like this:
// otherFile.js
var debugLog = require('./debugLog');
debugLog('This wont appear!');
Somewhere a constructor is defined like
var Something = function() {
// do stuff
If I could insert the line
mydebug.Something = this;
at the beginning, I could store the most recently created instance of Something, which would help me debugging. I can't, but I get passed the Something (the function and its name) and can replace it by something else. I just don't know how to make the "something else" to behave like the original.
function intercept(someConstructor, someName) {
return function <<someName>> () { // 1
var result = <<create a new instance>>; // 2
mydebug[someName] = result;
return result;
which would get called as
intercept(Something, "Something")
There are at least two problems:
I don't know how to create a function having a name given by a variable.
I don't know how to create the instance.
For 1:
Depending on where you are storing that function you don't have to name it in your intercept implementation.
You can just do return function () { ... or you can do something similar to someObject[someName] = function()... and then return someObject[someName].
For 2:
If I understand correctly you should be able to just do var result = new someConstructor();, but I'm not 100% clear on your goal.