Chart JS dynamic chart - javascript

I am using Chart.js to build a dynamic chart (the same canvas element shows data for 30 days, 7 days and 1 day depending on the value of a drop down.
I have the code working as far as redrawing the canvas. The new data appears on drop down change, but when I mouse over the chart the data flickers and I can see the previous version of the chart. I know I need to use the .clear() function to clear the data, but I'm not sure where this should happen. On var ctx before the function is executed? Or on
function redrawChart(data){
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myLine = new Chart(ctx).Line(data, {
responsive: true

Try this:
Before binding data , remove the canvas too ;)
<div id="DivChartContainer"></div>
$('#DivChartContainer').append('<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>');
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(barChartData, {
responsive: true,
barValueSpacing: 10,
barStrokeWidth: 0,
scaleShowLabels: true,
scaleShowGridLines: true,
scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,.05)",
scaleGridLineWidth: 1,
Issue Solved !!

destroy() works fine for me, check this code.
if (window.myDoughnut)
var ctx = $elm.getContext("2d");
window.myDoughnut = new Chart(ctx).DoughnutAlt(value, {showScale: true, scaleShowLabels: true, animation: false});

I've had similar issues with .clear() and .destroy()
What worked for me:
completely remove and replace the <canvas> element


ChartJs mouse hover bug (showing previous charts)

I think my issue is a known one, everytime I make a new chart and hover my mouse over some points in the canvas, the old charts flash in and out all the time. Here's one of the threads I followed to try and fix it, but nothing seems to work. I tried re-appending the canvas, using destroy, clear, if statements which should clear it, but nothing.
Here's my code:
var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: chartjsDate,
datasets: [{
label: 'temp',
data: chartjsTemp,
backgroundColor: "rgba(240,240,240,0.5)"
I tried adding myChart.destroy(); before and after that code, even if(myChart!=null){myChart.destroy();}, but still nothing. Any help on how to fix it would be appreciated. All other threads I found are quite old and their solutions don't work.
Edit: Some stuff I tried, to no avail:
var myChart;
if (myChart != undefined || myChart !=null) {
I also had this problem. To solve it,
you first have to declare myChart variable globally and then try this way.
//var my chart declare globally.
let chartData = {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: chartjsDate,
datasets: [{
label: 'temp',
data: chartjsTemp,
backgroundColor: "rgba(240,240,240,0.5)"
if (typeof(this.myChart) != "undefined") {
const ctx = this.renderRoot.querySelector('#chart-canvas').getContext('2d');
this.myChart = new Chart(ctx, chartData);
Solved! I added this above the javascript code:
var button = document.getElementById("submitButton");
submitButton.addEventListener("click", function(){
And changed my submit button to have the id "submitButton", like this:
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" id="submitButton" value="Send" />
This way, everytime you press the submit button, it destroys the previous chart. The weird thing is that when trying to use myChart.destroy(); I got errors.
Above solutions are working for me but when I have two charts on the same page, Only one is showing. Other charts are becoming empty. Here is the solution for that.
var ctx = document.getElementById("bar-chart").getContext("2d");
//Destroy the previous chart;
//Rename the "bar" according to your component
if( != undefined); = new Chart(ctx , {});
if you don't change the "bar", only one chart will show in your page.
It is not bug. Basically you were creating a new graph each time. What you need here is to update graph instead of drawing a new one on that canvas. This can be done using the following code.
if(typeof Graph ==="undefined"){
window.Graph = new Chart(Graph_ctx, Graph_config);
//updating with new chart data
//redraw the chart
var ctxLine = document.getElementById("line-chart").getContext("2d");
//var myLineChart;
if( != undefined); = new Chart(ctxLine, {});
For more clear check this:
I usually do this before creating my chart
document.querySelector(".chart-container").innerHTML= '<canvas id="bar_chart"></canvas>';
var chart3 = $('#bar_chart');
graph = new Chart(chart3, {
type: 'bar',
data: chart_data,
options: options
My html:
<div class="chart-container">
<canvas id="bar_chart"></canvas>0
Just Use That and solve your Problem ;
if(window.myChart!=undefined) {
var oldcanvasid=;
if(chardcanvasid==oldcanvasid) {
var ctx = document.getElementById(chardcanvasid).getContext('2d');
window.myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: charttype,
data: datass,
options: optionss,

Resize the radius with in ChartJs Chart

I.m using ChartJs for "doughnut-pie-chart". The default radius is much bigger than what I expect,. Is there and way to resize the radius width.?
The documentatin part did not provide any info.
$( document ).ready(function() {
var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d");
new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(doughnutData, {responsive : true});
Extend the Doughnut chart to set the outerRadius (perhaps using an option that you pass in) after the prototype's initialization
name: "DoughnutAlt",
initialize: function(data){
Chart.types.Doughnut.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.outerRadius *= this.options.radiusPercentage;
and then use the extended chart type
var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d");
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).DoughnutAlt(doughnutData, {
responsive : true,
radiusPercentage: 0.8

ChartJS: How to dynamically create data arrays

I am working on a Web Application for a client and it has lots of graphs to show data about multiple things.
Currently I am working on a graph that will show skills for each Work item, since work items get added and changed all the time I can't have the chart setup like this...
var workName1 = {
labels : graphWork['New Work']['labels'],
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
highlightFill : "rgba(151,187,205,0.75)",
data: graphWork['New Work']['values']
window.onload = function(){
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).Bar(workName1, {
// invertXY: true
// responsive : true,
Doing it this way would be too static and also because I will have a drop down that functions kind of like this,
$( "#typeUser" ).change(function() {
chartType = $('#typeUser').val();
if(chartType == "Random Work"){
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).Bar(randomWork, {
// responsive : true,
invertXY: true
}else if(chartType == "New Work"){
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).Bar(workName1, {
// responsive : true,
invertXY: true
Again that is also very static and wouldn't allow for dynamic changes if new work gets added.
What can I do to set this up dynamically. I have thought about doing a $.each on graphWork and then some how creating the variable sets that way but then I dunno how I would do the change function or if that is the correct way to go about doing this?
I have setup a JSFiddle that is pulling data and can be used for testing and to see what I am doing.
u can with .draw() to new draw the canvaselement if u filled it with new data.
And with .reflow() u bring the start-motion back ;D
Maybe try this:

Draw multiple charts using chart.js at different locations?

I am using following code to draw multiple charts on a single page at different locations.
window.onload = function(){
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas2").getContext("2d");
window.myLine = new Chart(ctx).Line(lineChartData, {
responsive: true
var ctx2 = document.getElementById("canvas1").getContext("2d");
window.myLine = new Chart(ctx2).Line(lineChartData2, {
responsive: true
This draws charts together one after other. I want to draw them at different location with some text between them. How can I do that?

How to clear a chart from a canvas so that hover events cannot be triggered?

I'm using Chartjs to display a Line Chart and this works fine:
// get line chart canvas
var targetCanvas = document.getElementById('chartCanvas').getContext('2d');
// draw line chart
var chart = new Chart(targetCanvas).Line(chartData);
But the problem occurs when I try to change the data for the Chart. I update the graph by creating a new instance of a Chart with the new data points, and thus reinitializing the canvas.
This works fine. However, when I hover over the new chart, if I happen to go over specific locations corresponding to points displayed on the old chart, the hover/label is still triggered and suddenly the old chart is visible. It remains visible while my mouse is at this location and disappears when move off that point. I don't want the old chart to display. I want to remove it completely.
I've tried to clear both the canvas and the existing chart before loading the new one. Like:
targetCanvas.clearRect(0,0, targetCanvas.canvas.width, targetCanvas.canvas.height);
But none of these have worked so far. Any ideas about how I can stop this from happening?
I had huge problems with this
First I tried .clear() then I tried .destroy() and I tried setting my chart reference to null
What finally fixed the issue for me: deleting the <canvas> element and then reappending a new <canvas> to the parent container
My specific code (obviously there's a million ways to do this):
var resetCanvas = function(){
$('#results-graph').remove(); // this is my <canvas> element
$('#graph-container').append('<canvas id="results-graph"><canvas>');
canvas = document.querySelector('#results-graph');
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.canvas.width = $('#graph').width(); // resize to parent width
ctx.canvas.height = $('#graph').height(); // resize to parent height
var x = canvas.width/2;
var y = canvas.height/2;
ctx.font = '10pt Verdana';
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.fillText('This text is centered on the canvas', x, y);
I have faced the same problem few hours ago.
The ".clear()" method actually clears the canvas, but (evidently) it leaves the object alive and reactive.
Reading carefully the official documentation, in the "Advanced usage" section, I have noticed the method ".destroy()", described as follows:
"Use this to destroy any chart instances that are created. This will
clean up any references stored to the chart object within Chart.js,
along with any associated event listeners attached by Chart.js."
It actually does what it claims and it has worked fine for me, I suggest you to give it a try.
var myPieChart=null;
function drawChart(objChart,data){
// Get the context of the canvas element we want to select
var ctx = objChart.getContext("2d");
myPieChart = new Chart(ctx).Pie(data, {animateScale: true});
This is the only thing that worked for me:
document.getElementById("chartContainer").innerHTML = ' ';
document.getElementById("chartContainer").innerHTML = '<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>';
var ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d");
We can update the chart data in Chart.js V2.0 as follows:
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, data); = new_data;
I had the same problem here... I tried to use destroy() and clear() method, but without success.
I resolved it the next way:
<div id="pieChartContent">
<canvas id="pieChart" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
var pieChartContent = document.getElementById('pieChartContent');
pieChartContent.innerHTML = ' ';
$('#pieChartContent').append('<canvas id="pieChart" width="300" height="300"><canvas>');
ctx = $("#pieChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var myPieChart = new Chart(ctx).Pie(data, options);
It works perfect to me... I hope that It helps.
This worked very well for me
var ctx = $("#mycanvas");
var LineGraph = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: chartdata});
Use .destroy this to destroy any chart instances that are created. This will clean up any references stored to the chart object within Chart.js, along with any associated event listeners attached by Chart.js. This must be called before the canvas is reused for a new chart.
It's best to use Chart.js specific functionalities to initially check for the existing chart instance and then perform destroy or clear in order to reuse the same canvas element for rendering another chart, instead of handlding HTML elements from within JS.
ChartJs's getChart(key) - finds the chart instance from the given key.
If the key is a string, it is interpreted as the ID of the Canvas element for the Chart.
The key can also be a CanvasRenderingContext2D or an HTMLDOMElement.
Note: This will return undefined if no Chart is found. If the instance of the chart is found, it signifies that the chart must have previously been created.
// JS - Destroy exiting Chart Instance to reuse <canvas> element
let chartStatus = Chart.getChart("myChart"); // <canvas> id
if (chartStatus != undefined) {
// chartStatus.clear();
//-- End of chart destroy
var chartCanvas = $('#myChart'); //<canvas> id
chartInstance = new Chart(chartCanvas, {
type: 'line',
data: data
<!-- HTML -Line Graph - Chart.js -->
<div class="container-fluid" id="chartContainer">
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="150"> </canvas>
This approach would save you from remove - create - append a Canvas element into DIV from inside JS.
Simple edit for 2020:
This worked for me. Change the chart to global by making it window owned (Change the declaration from var myChart to window myChart)
Check whether the chart variable is already initialized as Chart, if so, destroy it and create a new one, even you can create another one on the same name. Below is the code:
if(window.myChart instanceof Chart)
var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext("2d");
Hope it works!
Complementing Adam's Answer
With Vanilla JS:
document.getElementById("results-graph").remove(); //canvas
div = document.querySelector("#graph-container"); //canvas parent element
div.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", "<canvas id='results-graph'></canvas>"); //adding the canvas again
Using CanvasJS, this works for me clearing chart and everything else, might work for you as well, granting you set your canvas/chart up fully before each processing elsewhere:
var myDiv= document.getElementById("my_chart_container{0}";
myDiv.innerHTML = "";
I couldn't get .destroy() to work either so this is what I'm doing. The chart_parent div is where I want the canvas to show up. I need the canvas to resize each time, so this answer is an extension of the above one.
<div class="main_section" >
<div id="chart_parent"></div>
<div id="legend"></div>
$('#chart').remove(); // this is my <canvas> element
$('#chart_parent').append('<label for = "chart">Total<br /><canvas class="chart" id="chart" width='+$('#chart_parent').width()+'><canvas></label>');
When you create one new chart.js canvas, this generate one new iframe hidden, you need delete the canvas and the olds iframes.
$('#graph-container').append('<canvas id="canvasChart"><canvas>');
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvasChart");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { blablabla });
This worked for me.
Add a call to clearChart, at the top oF your updateChart()
`function clearChart() {
var parent = document.getElementById('parent-canvas');
var child = document.getElementById('myChart');
parent.innerHTML ='<canvas id="myChart" width="350" height="99" ></canvas>';
Since destroy kind of destroys "everything", a cheap and simple solution when all you really want is to just "reset the data". Resetting your datasets to an empty array will work perfectly fine as well. So, if you have a dataset with labels, and an axis on each side: = [];[0].data = [];[1].data = [];
After this, you can simply call:;[0].data.push(y);
or, depending whether you're using a 2d dataset:[0].data.push({ x: x, y: y});
It'll be a lot more lightweight than completely destroying your whole chart/dataset, and rebuilding everything.
If you are using chart.js in an Angular project with Typescript, the you can try the following;
Import the library:
import { Chart } from 'chart.js';
In your Component Class declare the variable and define a method:
chart: Chart;
drawGraph(): void {
if (this.chart) {
this.chart = new Chart('myChart', {
In HTML Template:
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
What we did is, before initialization of new chart, remove/destroy the previews Chart instance, if exist already, then create a new chart, for example
if(myGraf != undefined)
myGraf= new Chart(document.getElementById("CanvasID"),
Hope this helps.
First put chart in some variable then history it next time before init
#Check if myChart object exist then distort it
if($scope.myChart) {
$scope.myChart = new Chart(targetCanvas
You should save the chart as a variable.
On global scope, if its pure javascript, or as a class property, if its Angular.
Then you'll be able to use this reference to call destroy().
Pure Javascript:
var chart;
function startChart() {
// Code for chart initialization
chart = new Chart(...); // Replace ... with your chart parameters
function destroyChart() {
export class MyComponent {
constructor() {
// Your constructor code goes here
ngOnInit() {
// Probably you'll start your chart here
// Code for chart initialization
this.chart = new Chart(...); // Replace ... with your chart parameters
destroyChart() {
For me this worked:
var in_canvas = document.getElementById('chart_holder');
//remove canvas if present
while (in_canvas.hasChildNodes()) {
//insert canvas
var newDiv = document.createElement('canvas');
in_canvas.appendChild(newDiv); = "myChart";
Chart.js has a bug:
Chart.controller(instance) registers any new chart in a global property Chart.instances[] and deletes it from this property on .destroy().
But at chart creation Chart.js also writes ._meta property to dataset variable:
var meta = dataset._meta[];
if (!meta) {
meta = dataset._meta[] = {
type: null,
data: [],
dataset: null,
controller: null,
hidden: null, // See isDatasetVisible() comment
xAxisID: null,
yAxisID: null
and it doesn't delete this property on destroy().
If you use your old dataset object without removing ._meta property, Chart.js will add new dataset to ._meta without deletion previous data. Thus, at each chart's re-initialization your dataset object accumulates all previous data.
In order to avoid this, destroy dataset object after calling Chart.destroy().
for those who like me use a function to create several graphics and want to update them a block too, only the function .destroy() worked for me, I would have liked to make an .update(), which seems cleaner but ... here is a code snippet that may help.
var SNS_Chart = {};
// IF LABELS IS EMPTY (after update my datas)
if( labels.length != 0 ){
if( Object.entries(SNS_Chart).length != 0 ){
array_items_datas.forEach(function(for_item, k_arr){
array_items_datas.forEach(function(for_item, k_arr){
// chart
OPTIONS.title.text = array_str[k_arr];
var elem = document.getElementById(for_item);
SNS_Chart[''+for_item+''] = new Chart(elem, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: labels[''+for_item+''],
datasets: [{
// label: '',
backgroundColor: [
borderColor: '#757575',
borderWidth : 2,
// hoverBackgroundColor : '#616161',
data: datas[''+for_item+''],
options: OPTIONS
// chart
just declare let doughnut = null before creating your chart
const doughnutDriverStatsChartCanvas = $('#dougnautChartDriverStats').get(0).getContext('2d')
const doughnutOptionsDriverStats = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
responsive: true,
let doughnut = null
doughnut = new Chart(doughnutDriverStatsChartCanvas, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: doughnutChartDriverStats,
options: doughnutOptionsDriverStats
