SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL on Function Call - javascript

I know what this error is generally from but I just can't find it in my code. I know it is the statement:
button.setAttribute("onclick", "makeUneditable(" + row_id + ")")
And I've included all the code so you can know what you're looking at. And just fyi {{row}} is a list that I pass in with Jinja2 and then convert to a string in javascript. But I am not sure what in that statement is illegal. Any ideas?
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
function makeEditable(row_id) {
row_id = String(row_id)
var row = document.getElementById(row_id);
row.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true")
var button = document.getElementById(row_id+"_button");
button.setAttribute("onclick", "makeUneditable(" + row_id + ")")
button.innerHTML = "Done Editing";
function makeUneditable(row_id) {
row_id = String(row_id)
var row = document.getElementById(row_id);
row.setAttribute("contenteditable", "false")
<table class="TFtable" style="width:300px">
{% for column_name in column_names %}
{% endfor %}
{% for row in table %}
document.writeln('<tr id="' + String({{row}}) + '">');
{% for cell in row %}
{% endfor %}
<td contenteditable="false">
document.writeln('<button id="' + String({{row}})+'_button"');
type="button" onclick="makeEditable({{row}})">Edit Connector</button>
{% endfor %}

Use single quotes around your value when concatenating it:
button.setAttribute("onclick", "makeUneditable('" + row_id + "')")


Set input value for post from results of javascript function

I have an HTML page with a search function that returns a table of search results. For each row of the table, there is a drop-down for the amount to donate and a Donate button. I would like to post the value from the row upon clicking Donate, but am unable to figure it out.
I have the confirm alert working with all the correct row information on click, but I am unable to set the hidden input value from within that function. So I made a second function results() and tried to set the value from that, but it's not working. If I just set it with some text (document.getElementById('donation').value = "some_text"), that works fine. But I would like to set the data from the row in which the button was clicked and set it as a value for POST.
This is my code:
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block title %}
{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
<form action="/donate" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<input autocomplete="off" autofocus class="form-control" name="name"
placeholder="What animal would you like to support?" type="text" size="40">
<button id="search" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="search">Search</button>
<table class="table" id="sponsor_table">
<thead class="thead-light">
<th scope="col">Scientific Name</th>
<th scope="col">English Name</th>
<th scope="col">Red List Category</th>
<th scope="col">Donation</th>
<th scope="col"></th>
{% for animal in animals %}
<th scope="row">{{ animal.canonicalName }}</th>
<td>{{ animal.vernacularName }}</td>
<td>{{ animal.redlistCategory }}</td>
<td> <select id="price" name="price" onChange="calc();">
<option value="">Amount</option>
<option value="25">$25.00</option>
<option value="50">$50.00</option>
<option value="100">$100.00</option>
<option value="200">$200.00</option>
<option value="500">$500.00</option>
<option value="1000">$1000.00</option>
<form action="/donate" method="post">
<td><input name="donation" type="hidden" value="">
<button id="donation" class="btn btn-primary" name="donation" value="Donate" >Donate</button></td>
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// code to read selected table row cell data (values).
// get the current row
var currentRow=$(this).closest("tr");
var col1=currentRow.find("td:eq(0)").text(); // get current row 1st TD value
var col2=currentRow.find("td:eq(1)").text(); // get current row 2nd TD
var col3=currentRow.find("td:eq(2) option:selected").text(); // get current row 3rd TD
var col4=currentRow.find("td:eq(3)").text(); // get current row 3rd TD
confirm("Would you like to support the " + col2 + " " + col1 + " population with a donation of " + col3 + "?");
function results()
var rowId =;
var data = document.getElementById(rowId).querySelectorAll(".row-data");
var species = data[0].innerHTML;
var name = data[1].innerHTML;
var category = data[2].innerHTML;
var amount = data[3].innerHTML;
return species;
} ;
document.getElementById('donation').value = results();
{% endblock %}
<form action="/donate" method="post">
<td><input name="donation" type="hidden" id="test" value="">
<button id="donation" class="btn btn-primary" name="donation" value="Donate" >Donate</button></td>
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// code to read selected table row cell data (values).
// get the current row
var currentRow=$(this).closest("tr");
var col1=currentRow.find("td:eq(0)").text(); // get current row 1st TD value
var col2=currentRow.find("td:eq(1)").text(); // get current row 2nd TD
var col3=currentRow.find("td:eq(2) option:selected").text(); // get current row 3rd TD
var col4=currentRow.find("td:eq(3)").text(); // get current row 3rd TD
confirm("Would you like to support the " + col2 + " " + col1 + " population with a donation of " + col3 + "?");
document.getElementById('test').value = [col1, col2, col3];

No response for the first click - JavaScript & Django

I am new to Django and working on a eCommerce website and trying to improve cart functions.
I follow the course to use JavaScript to update the items in the cart like below code.
If I clicked the "add" or "remove" button on other page(like product list), it works fine.
However, when I tried to lick "remove" button on the cart page (where I can see all the products in the cart), it worked fine as the very first time, the item removed from the cart.
Afterward, I clicked the button, the page just refreshed. Then I clicked another time, it worked again. So it's like after the first item removed, I have to click two times to remove the item I want.
Below are my JavaScript Code,, and my cart_home.html. Hope anyone could help get through this, I've been stuck for a week....
<script type="text/javascript">
var productForm = $(".form-product-ajax") // id:#form-product-ajax
console.log("Form is not sending");
var thisForm =$(this);
var actionEndpoint = thisForm.attr('data-endpoint');
var httpMethod = thisForm.attr('method');
var formData = thisForm.serialize();
url: actionEndpoint,
method: httpMethod,
data: formData,
success: function (data) {
var submitSpan = thisForm.find(".submit-span")
if (data.productAdded) {
submitSpan.html('<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm " type="submit" name="remove">Remove</button>')
} else {
submitSpan.html('<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm" type="submit" name="Add">Add to Cart</button>')
var navbarCount = $(".navbar-cart-count")
var currentPath = window.location.href
if (currentPath.indexOf("cart") != -1) {
error: function (errorData) {
function refreshCart() {
console.log("in current cart");
var cartTable = $(".cart-table")
var cartBody = cartTable.find(".cart-body")
var productRows = cartBody.find(".cart-products")
var currentUrl = window.location.href
var refreshCartUrl ='api/carts'
var refreshCartMethod="GET";
var data={};
url: refreshCartUrl,
method: refreshCartMethod,
success:function(data) {
var hiddenCartItemRemoveForm = $(".cart-item-remove-form")
if (data.products.length>0) {
i = data.products.length
$.each(data.products,function (index,value) {
var newCartItemRemove = hiddenCartItemRemoveForm.clone()
cartBody.prepend("<tr><th scope=\"row\">" + i +"</th><td><a href='" +value.url + "'>" + +"</a>" + newCartItemRemove.html() + "</td><td>" + value.price + "</td></tr>")
i --
}else {
window.location.href = currentUrl;
error:function(errorData) {
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% if cart.products.exists %}
<table class="table cart-table">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Prodcut Name</th>
<th scope="col">Product Price</th>
<tbody class="cart-body">
{% for product in cart.products.all %}
<tr class='cart-products'>
<th scope="row">{{forloop.counter}}
{% include "carts/snippets/remove-product.html" with} </th>
{% endfor %}
<th colspan='2'></th>
<td> <b>Subtotal : $</b><span class="cart-subtotal">{{cart.subtotal}}</span> </td>
<th colspan='2'></th>
<td> Tax : $<span class="cart-tax" >{{}} </span></td>
<th colspan='2'></th>
<td> <b>Total : $</b><span class="cart-total">{{}} </span> </td>
<th colspan='2'></th>
<td> <a class="btn btn-success" href="{% url 'carts:checkout' %}">Checkout</a> </td>
<div class="cart-item-remove-form" style='display:none'>
{% include "carts/snippets/remove-product.html" with}
{% else %}
<p class="lead">There is no porduct in your cart now! </p>
<p> <a class="btn btn-secondary" href="{% url 'products:list' %}">Go to check!</a> </p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}
def cart_detail_api_view(request):
cart_obj, new_obj = Cart.objects.new_or_get(request)
products = [{
for x in cart_obj.products.all()]
cart_data ={"products":products,"subtotal":cart_obj.subtotal,"total","tax"}
return JsonResponse(cart_data)
def cart_update(request):
product_id = request.POST.get('product_id')
if product_id:
product_obj = Product.objects.get(id=product_id)
except Product.DoesNotExist:
print("Show message to user, product does not exist")
raise("Producr does not exist")
return redirect("carts:home")
cart_obj, new_obj = Cart.objects.new_or_get(request)
if product_obj in cart_obj.products.all():
product_added = False
cart_obj.products.add(product_obj) # cart_obj.products.add(1)
product_added = True
request.session['cart_items'] = cart_obj.products.count()
if request.is_ajax(): #Asynchronous JavaScript Anx XML / JSON(JaveScrtip Object Notation)
print("Ajax request")
json_data = {
"productRemoved":not product_added,
return JsonResponse(json_data)
return redirect("carts:home")

delete disabled attribute using javascript in Django

I wanted to make the disabled attribute false, but it doesn't work. here is my code.
here ins my base.html
{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/duty.css' %}">
<script src="{% static 'js/duty.js' %}"></script>
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
here is my duty.html
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<h1>duties and details for TA</h1>
<p>#student:{{ course.capacity }}</p>
<table border="2" bordercolor="black" width="800" height="500" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<th>teaching activity</th>
<th>Approx. hours/student</th>
<td rowspan="3">Lab</td>
<td rowspan="3"><label><input class="duty" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="{{ taDuty.labNumber }}"></label>
<td><label><input class="duty" type="text" disabled="disabled" value="{{ taDuty.preparationHour }}"></label></td>
<button onclick="modification()">modify</button>
<button type="submit">save</button>
{% endblock %}
here is my duty.js
function modification() {
let node = document.getElementsByClassName('duty');
for (let i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
node[i].disabled = false;
my javascript function can be called. I tried to add alert() and it works, but the disabled attributed can't be set false. I don't know why. Thank you for any help!
Have a look at this, to enable the input field you can't just set elm.disabled = false.
Try using removeAttribute()
function modification() {
let node = document.getElementsByClassName('duty');
for (let i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {

How to sum only selected rows from a list

I have a grid with some items and I´d like to sum val_itemservico column from selected rows. My template sums all rows.
I´d like to sum val_itemservico column only for selected rows when I click on "Calcular" button. In this case, I need to know if ind_selecionado column is checked.
So, how can I do that?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<form class=" bd-form-20 " action="#" name="form-name" method="GET">
{% csrf_token %}
<label>Serviço: </label>{{filter.form.servico}}
<button type = "submit" >OK</button>
<div class=" bd-customhtml-29 bd-tagstyles bd-custom-table">
<div class="bd-container-inner bd-content-element">
<table id="table" border="1" rules="all" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <!--width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">-->
<th>ID Item Serviço</th>
<th>Item Serviço</th>
<th>Valor Serviço</th>
{% for item in response.object_list %}
<td> <input type="checkbox" id="item.ind_selecionado"></td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ item.desc_itemservico }}</td>
<td>{{ item.val_itemservico }}</td>
<td>{{ item.servico_id}}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% if response.object_list %}
Total: {{ response.object_list|length }}
{% endif %}
{% for item in response.object_list %}
{% endfor %}
<span id="sumV"></span>
var table = document.getElementById("table");
function getSum()
var sumVal = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++){
sumVal = sumVal + parseInt(table.rows[i].cells[3].innerHTML);
console.log("Sum: " + sumVal)
<button onclick="getSum();">Calcular</button>
You have to test for the value of the check input inside your loop that calculate the sum
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++){
sumVal = sumVal + parseInt(table.rows[i].cells[3].innerHTML);
should be replaced by something like :
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++){
sumVal = sumVal + parseInt(table.rows[i].cells[3].innerHTML);

Getting existing HTML in TR Body to Clear

I have a Jquery/Ajax call which updates cart details. At the moment I can't get the existing HTML in the cart-body(tablebody) to clear. The actual ajax request works and all items are added to cart but the original HTML entries stay. The particular code is here:
if (data.products.length > 0 ) {
Jquery Function
function refreshCart() {
console.log("in current cart")
var cartTable = $(".cart-table")
var cartBody = cartTable.find(".cart-body")
var productRows = cartBody.find(".cart-product")
var cartTotal = cartTable.find(".cart-total-sec")
var productQuantity = cartTable.find(".cart-item-quanity")
var currentUrl = window.location.href
var refreshCartUrl = '/api/cart/'
var refreshCartMethod = "GET";
var data = {};
url: refreshCartUrl,
method: refreshCartMethod,
data: data,
success: function(data) {
if (data.products.length > 0 ) {
$.each(data.products, function(index, value) {
cartBody.append("<tr><td>" + value.quantity + " x" + "</td><td>"+ + "</td><td>" + "£" + value.price + "</td></tr>")
} else {
window.location.href = currentUrl
error: function(errorData) {
HTML Form:
<h4>This is your shopping cart</h4>
<table class="cart-table">
<tr>These are the items in your basket and their respective totals</tr><br>
<tbody class="cart-body">
{% for item in cart.items %}
<form method="POST" action='{% url "shopping-cart-remove" %}'>
{% csrf_token %}
<tr class="cart-product"><span class="cart-item-quanity">{{ item.quantity }}</span> x {{ }} = {{ item.subtotal }}</tr>
<input type="hidden" name='id' value='{{ }}'>
<span class='remove-span'><button>remove</button><br></span>
{% endfor %}
<tr class="cart-total-sec"><td class="cart-price">{{ }}</td></tr>
Any help is really appreciated.
First you are making mistake, as i can see there's form in table, on refreshing you will lose that form so i guess you should append items in form not in .cart-body.
And for emptying html use cartBody.html(""); and you don't have to use productRows.html("") at all.
The issue as pointed out by Ultrazz008, was that the HTML was incorrectly formatted. For reference:
<table class="cart-table">
<tbody class="cart-body">
<form method="POST" class='form-product-ajax' action='{% url "shopping-cart-remove" %}' data-endpoint='{% url "shopping-cart-remove" %}'>
{% csrf_token %} {% for item in cart.items %}
<tr class=cart-product>
<td>{{ item.quantity}} x {{ }} {{ item.subtotal }}
<input type="hidden" name='id' value='{{ }}'>
<button class='remove-btn'>remove</button>
{% endfor %}
<tr class="cart-total-sec">
<td class="cart-price">{{ }}</td>
