Lets say I have the following function. What would be a proper way to write a Spy, or any other method of testing this with Jasmine?
var Ideas = require('../models/Ideas').Ideas;
var doSomething = function doSomething(req, rsp, userId) {
controllerHelper.batchGet(req, rsp,
function(ids) { return Ideas.get(ids, userId); },
function(tags) { return Ideas.getTags(tags, userId); },
function(tags) { return Ideas.getSpecificTags(tags, userId); },
function() { return Ideas.getAll(userId); });
If you want to test if the function has been called or with what arguments it was called you can use jasmine.createSpy()...
it("should test your function", function () {
doSomething = jasmine.createSpy();
If you want to test the return result of the function you can just call it in your expect...
it("should test your function", function () {
expect(doSomething(req, rsp, userId)).toEqual(expectedResult);
I have a test that creates a controller like such...
this.createScope = function(scope) {
if (scope) {
this.scope = scope;
} else {
this.scope = $rootScope.$new();
this.controller = $controller("menuController", {
"$scope": this.scope,
updateActionList: function() {
return {
finally: function() {}
I added this part...
updateActionList: function() {
return {
finally: function() {}
Because when I run my tests, all of them fail because....
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'updateActionList().finally')
updateActionList() is a local function that is called in the actual code like this...
updateActionList().finally(function() {
//Do stuff
updateActionList() returns a promise from getThings() with a .then and a .finally blocks.
I just want the finally block to resolve itself really so the tests can pass.
Or is there some other thing I need to do? I'm not sure why the finally is undefined.
So this call...
updateActionList().finally(function() {
//Do stuff
returns a promise from some other function, essentially my problem was that the function returning the promise before updateActionList() mock needed another finally call.
this.getThings = jasmine.createSpy("getThings").and.returnValue({
then: function(cb) {
return {
finally: function(cb) {
return {
finally: function(cb) {
I have 2 functions where one calls the other and the other returns something, but I cannot get the test to work.
Using expect(x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(someParams); expects a spy to be used, but I am unaware of how to spy on a function within the same file...
Error: : Expected a spy, but got Function.
Usage: expect().toHaveBeenCalledWith(...arguments)
doSomething(word: string) {
if (word === 'hello') {
return this.somethingElse(1);
somethingElse(num: number) {
var x = { "num": num };
return x;
fake = {"num": "1"};
it('should call somethingElse', () => {
it('should return object', () => {
In your Example.spec.ts, just add a spyOn(component, 'somethingElse'); as first line of your it('should call somethingElse ... test :
fake = {"num": "1"};
it('should call somethingElse', () => {
// Add the line below.
spyOn(component, 'somethingElse');
it('should return object', () => {
The expect method needs a Spy as parameter when used before a toHaveBeenCalledWith (as per the Jasmine documentation).
Say that you have spyOn(obj, 'method').and.callFake(fn);. How can you subsequently revert obj.method back to it's original function?
Use case: if you are doing a callFake in a big beforeEach and want to use the original method for one of your test cases, but the fake in the rest.
var obj = {
method: function () {
return 'original';
module.exports = obj;
var obj = require('../test.js');
describe('obj.method', function () {
it('should return "original" by default', function () {
it('should return "fake" when faked', function () {
spyOn(obj, 'method').and.callFake(function () {
return 'fake';
it('should return "original" when reverted after being faked', function () {
spyOn(obj, 'method').and.callFake(function () {
return 'fake';
// what code can be written here to get the test to pass?
I'm using Jasmine v2.5.2.
Edit: Well, I suppose you could just write:
obj.method = function () {
return 'original';
but that feels way too not-DRY. Is there something jasmine-based like obj.method.revertToOriginal()?
You can call callThrough() on spied method to revert it to basic function.
var obj = {
method: function() {
return 'original'
describe('obj.method', function() {
it('should return "original" by default', function() {
it('should return "fake" when faked', function() {
spyOn(obj, 'method').and.callFake(function() {
return 'fake';
it('should return "original" when reverted after being faked', function() {
spyOn(obj, 'method').and.callFake(function() {
return 'fake';
obj.method.and.callThrough() // method for revert spy
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//"></script>
Hi I have a Angular service that uses another service that loads data from the local storage on init.
.factory('localStorage', function ($window)
if (!$window.localStorage)
// throw Error
return $window.localStorage;
.factory('session', function (localStorage)
var container = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sessionContainer'));
return {
getUser: getUser
Now i want to test the session service.
describe('SessionService', function ()
var service;
var localStorageMock;
// Load the module.
// Create mocks.
beforeEach(function ()
logMock = {};
localStorageMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('localStorageServiceMockSpy', ['setItem', 'getItem']);
module(function ($provide)
$provide.value('localStorage', localStorageMock);
inject(function (_session_)
service = _session_;
it('should call `getItem` on the `localStorageService` service', function ()
describe('getUser method', function ()
it('should return an empty object when the user is not set', function ()
var result = service.getUser();
it('should return the user data', function ()
// localStorageMock.getItem.and.returnValue('{"user":{"some":"data"}}');
var result = service.getUser();
expect(result).toEqual({some: 'user data'});
As you can see in the should return the user data section.
I need a way to update the container so getUser returns the expected data.
I tried to update the getItem spy, but this does not work. The localStorageMock is already injected in the session service when i want to change the spy.
Any help?
The most simple way is to have a variable with mocked value that is common for both function scopes:
var getItemValue;
localStorage: {
getItem: jasmine.createSpy().and.callFake(function () {
return getItemValue;
setItem: jasmine.createSpy()
it('should return the user data', function ()
getItemValue = '{"user":{"some":"data"}}';
inject(function (_session_) {
service = _session_;
var result = service.getUser();
expect(result).toEqual({some: 'user data'});
Notice that inject should be moved from beforeEach to it for all specs (the specs that don't involve getItemValue may use shorter syntax, it('...', inject(function (session) { ... }))).
This reveals the flaw in service design that makes it test-unfriendly.
The solution is to make container lazily evaluated, so there is time to mock it after the app was bootstrapped with inject:
.factory('session', function (localStorage)
var containerCache;
function getUser() {
return this.container;
return {
get container() {
return (containerCache === undefined)
? (containerCache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sessionContainer')))
: containerCache;
getUser: getUser
Additionally, this makes possible to test session.container as well. In this case localStorageMock.getItem spy value may be redefined whenever needed.
I'm testing an AngularJS service, and as part of it, I want to make sure a certain callback is never called. Right now, my test looks like
it('should succeed to login the user', function () {
var params = {
email: '',
password: 'hunter2'
var member = {
remoteAddress: ''
$httpBackend.expectPOST(fakeApiUrl + '/1/authentication/login', params)
.respond(200, member);
auth.login(, params.password).then(
function (m) {
function () {
// I want this to be fail()
The problem is, in order to make the test fail if that callback is triggered, I have to do something dirty like expect(true).toBe(false).
Is there a better way to accomplish this? For example, is there a more appropriate matcher I could be using, or should I be structuring my test differently?
One way to do it is to create a spy and assert that the spy was never called...
var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('mySpy');
$httpBackend.expectPOST(fakeApiUrl + '/1/authentication/login', params)
.respond(200, member);
auth.login(, params.password).then(
function (m) {
it('should succeed to login the user', function () {
var params = {
email: '',
password: 'hunter2'
auth.login = jasmine.createSpy().andReturn($q.reject());
auth.login(, params.password).then(
function (m) {
function () {
// I want this to be fail()