I keep hearing about how I should use arrays and objects to accomplish having dynamic variable names. I'm not sure how to get this to work with my current project.
I need dynamic variable names for html boxes, and dynamic names for scores entered. How do I accomplish this with my current code?
Below is the Javascript prompt for each of the 5 separate scores for each player.
var hole1 = prompt("Enter Hole 1 score:");
var hole2 = prompt("Enter Hole 2 score:");
var hole3 = prompt("Enter Hole 3 score:");
var hole4 = prompt("Enter Hole 4 score:");
var hole5 = prompt("Enter Hole 5 score:");
Below here is declaring a variable to store all of the 6 boxes that will hold the scores, and the score total.
var makeScoreBoxes ='<input type ="text" placeholder="Hole 1" id="hole1" /> <input type ="text" placeholder="Hole 2" id="hole2" /> <input type ="text" placeholder="Hole 3" id="hole3" /> <input type ="text" placeholder="Hole 4" id="hole4" /> <input type ="text" placeholder="Hole 5" id="hole5" /> <input type ="text" placeholder="Total Score" id="totalScore" />'
newdiv.innerHTML = makeScoreBoxes;
It then adds them all up here and stores the total inside of the totalScore variable:
totalScore = parseInt(parseFloat(hole1) +
parseFloat(hole2) +
parseFloat(hole3) +
parseFloat(hole4) +
It then takes hole1, hole2, hole3, hole4, and hole5, and the sum of them all, and puts them all in my index.html input boxes like this:
addTotal = document.getElementById('totalScore').value=totalScore;
addhole1 = document.getElementById('hole1').value=hole1;
addhole2 = document.getElementById('hole2').value=hole2;
addhole3 = document.getElementById('hole3').value=hole3;
addhole4 = document.getElementById('hole4').value=hole4;
addhole5 = document.getElementById('hole5').value=hole5;
hole1, hole2, hole3, hole4, hole5, all are fashioned to prompt the user, asking what their score was. And then puts them all in html input boxes all with the same id as the variable, hole1, hole2, hole3, holr4, and hole5. Since there ill be multiple people entering scores, how to I generate/iterate dynamic names for each html box id and javascript prompt variable so I can add up as many scores in as many boxes as I want?
You can simplify all your code to this:
var holePrompts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
holePrompts[i] = prompt('Enter Hole ' + (i + 1) + ' score:');
var totalScore = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
totalScore += parseFloat(holePrompts[i]);
document.getElementById('totalScore').value = parseInt(totalScore);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
document.getElementById('hole' + (i + 1) ).value = holePrompts[i];
Or even shorter if you don't do any other operations on scores:
var totalScore = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
score = prompt('Enter Hole ' + (i + 1) + ' score:');
document.getElementById('hole' + (i + 1) ).value = score;
totalScore += parseFloat(score);
document.getElementById('totalScore').value = parseInt(totalScore);
Quick side note, as you are new to JavaScript. When you are working with arrays and you are using i to print message. Pay attention to brackets: 'Enter Hole ' + (i + 1) + ' score:'.
If you will type it like this: 'Enter Hole ' + i + 1 + ' score:' it will output Enter Hole 01 score:, Enter Hole 11 score:, Enter Hole 21 score, and so on. It's because of order of operations. When number is added to string it's converted to character and concatenated.
Use object literal notation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_Objects
var scoreByHole = new Object();
scoreByHole['hole1'] = document.getElementById('hole1').value;
scoreByHole['hole2'] = document.getElementById('hole2').value;
...and so on. Then you can reference the object later like so:
var firstTwoHoles = scoreByHole.hole1 + scoreByHole.hole2
I've written a small jsfiddle to explain how arrays work:
var data = [];
var enteredValue = 1;
var i = 0;
while (enteredValue) {
enteredValue = prompt("Enter score of hole " + ++i);
if (enteredValue) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum = sum + parseFloat(data[i]);
alert("Entered score of " + data.length + " holes. Sum is: " + sum);
First we create a new array [] in the variable data. Next we have a while loop, which will be repeated everytime you enter a value. If you press cancel or enter nothing the while loop will be canceled.
Inside of the while loop, we trigger the prompt and if it contains a value, we push this value to the array data. If we enter some values the array may look like this:
[1, 2, 1.5]
In the last step we sum all the contents in the array using a for loop and output the result. Other programming languages like PHP have an array_sum() function, which does the same what the for-loop does now. But javascript doesn't have such function native included.
To address the single values in an array we may use a key. In arrays a key is an integer beginning with zero. So the first value in this array got the key 0. The second one, the key 1, ...
The for-loop does that for us, beginning with zero and ending with 1 number lower then the length of the array is. Because in the example above the array contains 3 values. The data.length would be 3. But the key of the last item is 2 (because it starts to count with zero, not with one).
Here you'll find the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fXgv4/1/
I hope this helps you understanding how to work with arrays in the future.
You don't actually have to use an array to make this work, just use this code:
And it will return the contents of that variable.
You can set variables using this method too.
If you need "let" instead of "var", you can't get it from the window object.
you can use eval
This is an example :
let a1 = "string 1";
let a2 = "string 2";
let i = 1;
console.log(eval(`a${i}`));// output: "string 1"
So I was asked to create an algorithm that when given a basic input of an array of counts and sites, it will output the accumulated visits to each TLD and Subdomain represented in a JSON object that will yield data like:
1120 com
800 google.com
310 reddit.com
60 mail.yahoo.com
10 mobile.sports.yahoo.com
50 sports.yahoo.com
10 stackoverflow.com
3 org
3 wikipedia.org
2 en.wikipedia.org
2 es.wikipedia.org
1 mobile.sports
1 sports
The input is something like:
// visits = [ "800,google.com",
// "60,mail.yahoo.com",
// "10,mobile.sports.yahoo.com",
// "40,sports.yahoo.com",
// "310,reddit.com",
// "10,stackoverflow.com",
// "2,en.wikipedia.org",
// "1,es.wikipedia.org",
// "1,mobile.sports" ]
My code looks like this so far and I know its wrong, but my brain is melted at the moment and I am not sure how to proceed. I am not necessarily looking for you to write the algorithm for me, but I do want to understand logically how I could break this down.
function getDomainHits(arr){
var splitCount = [];
var splitDomains = [];
var domainCountDict = {"Domains" : [],"Count" : 0};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
splitCount = arr[i].split(",");
splitDomains = splitCount[1].split(".");
for (var j = 0; j < splitDomains.length; j++){
if (!domainCountDict.Domain.includes(splitDomains[j])){
As you can see I stopped here because I couldn't think of the best way to split these into different key, value pairs - one being domains and the other being the counts. Also my algorithm doesn't exactly follow the requirements.
So I figured out the algorithm. Define a variable - initialize it as an Array, and a dictionary to store the processed array data.
var splitCount = [];
var domainCountDict = {};
Then you need to take the Array of strings (arr - the function parameter) and iterate through it. On each iteration you need to split the string element into another Array to further process it.
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
splitCount = arr[i].split(",");
So for the example input data of
// visits = [ "800,google.com",
// "60,mail.yahoo.com",
// "10,mobile.sports.yahoo.com",
// "40,sports.yahoo.com",
// "310,reddit.com",
// "10,stackoverflow.com",
// "2,en.wikipedia.org",
// "1,es.wikipedia.org",
// "1,mobile.sports" ]
Iteration 0 would be split into an Array of ["800","google.com"] and assigned to Var splitCount. You would then need to access splitCount and because of the input formatting you don't need to create a for loop. I created a variable to store the current count of the site - which will always be element 0 because of the format of the input data.
I didn't bother with input sanitation here because I didn't have time to create a map function that will turn the number elements into - well... numbers. I relied on the assumption that the input data will always have a number in the 0th index - which is terrible. Don't do this.
var curCnt = 0;
if (splitCount[0]){
curCnt = splitCount[0];
This next chunk of logic hurt my brain a little bit because I needed to find a way to store each domain component and its count in the dict and determine if the other domains contained components that already existed and if so increment those. Lets make some more Arrays!
var domain = [];
var currentDom = [];
if (splitCount[1] != undefined && splitCount[1]){
domain = splitCount[1].split(".");
for (var j = domain.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
Above you will see that created an Array to hold the domain components called domain and another called currentDom to hold the components that are being worked and have already been worked, because we want to make sure that we count com and google.com. Lets look inside of the for loop.
for (var j = domain.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
/*console.log("current iter: " + k + "\n"
+ "currentDom: " + currentDom.join(".") + "\n"
+ "current count: " + curCnt + "\n");*/
if (currentDom.join(".") in domainCountDict){
/*console.log("currentDom2: " + currentDom.join("."));
console.log("increment existing");*/
domainCountDict[currentDom.join(".")] += parseInt(curCnt);
if (!(currentDom.join(".") in domainCountDict)){
/*console.log("currentDom3: " + currentDom.join("."));
console.log("increment new");*/
domainCountDict[currentDom.join(".")] = parseInt(curCnt);
Above you will see that I am iterating backwards in this loop to work the TLD first and then the domains/subdomains. I chose to pop the last element off the end of the current array and unshift it to the beginning of the new Array, currentDom. This will effectively let me work on a portion of the entire FQDN to determine if it has been included in the dictionary.
I have a few if statements to determine if the currentDom is included in the array. I had to use Array.join() to accurately check if the string of the current domain components have been included in the dictionary. If not then the string of currentDom would be added as a key and the curCnt would be the value assigned. If so, then the value would be incremented. Because of my lazy input sanitation in the curCnt assignment I had to parse these as Int because JS dynamic types. I am sure there is a better way, but my brain hurts now.
Finally make sure that you return the created dictionary on the outside of all of these for loops.
The full algorithm is below
// Sample output (in any order/format):
// getTotalsByDomain(counts)
// 1320 com
// 900 google.com
// 410 yahoo.com
// 60 mail.yahoo.com
// 10 mobile.sports.yahoo.com
// 50 sports.yahoo.com
// 10 stackoverflow.com
// 3 org
// 3 wikipedia.org
// 2 en.wikipedia.org
// 1 es.wikipedia.org
// 1 mobile.sports
// 1 sports
let counts = [ "900,google.com",
"1,mobile.sports" ];
function getDomainHits(arr){
var splitCount = [];
var domainCountDict = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
splitCount = arr[i].split(",");
var curCnt = 0;
if (splitCount[0]){
curCnt = splitCount[0];
var domain = [];
var currentDom = [];
if (splitCount[1] != undefined && splitCount[1]){
domain = splitCount[1].split(".");
for (var j = domain.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
/*console.log("current iter: " + k + "\n"
+ "currentDom: " + currentDom.join(".") + "\n"
+ "current count: " + curCnt + "\n");*/
if (currentDom.join(".") in domainCountDict){
/*console.log("currentDom2: " + currentDom.join("."));
console.log("increment existing");*/
domainCountDict[currentDom.join(".")] += parseInt(curCnt);
if (!(currentDom.join(".") in domainCountDict)){
/*console.log("currentDom3: " + currentDom.join("."));
console.log("increment new");*/
domainCountDict[currentDom.join(".")] = parseInt(curCnt);
return domainCountDict;
For the sake of learning (I am very much a beginner), I am trying to write a function with that will generate random numbers according to three user inputed variables. The user can input how many random numbers to generate
var count = 10;
which numbers to avoid generating (seperated by commas)
var doNotInclude = (document.getElementById("doNotIncludeInput").value).split(",");
and what the highest number possible should be
var highestNumber = 10;
In theory, if the user inputed "1,2" for the doNotInclude variable, the function should create an array containing those two numbers and then each time it generates a random number, check it against the array to see if the number it generated is one of the numbers it isn't supposed to generate.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work. It creates the array as it should which I verified via console.log(), but it will still generate the numbers it isn't supposed to. Here's the full script:
document.getElementById("button").onclick = function() {
var total = 0,
average = 0,
random = 0,
count = parseInt(document.getElementById("countInput").value),
doNotInclude = document.getElementById("doNotIncludeInput").value).split(","),
highestNumber = parseInt(document.getElementById("highestNumberInput").value);
document.getElementById("text1").innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var proceed = false;
for (random = Math.floor(((Math.random()) * (highestNumber + 1))); proceed == false;) {
if (doNotInclude.indexOf(random)===-1) {
proceed = true;
document.getElementById("text1").innerHTML = document.getElementById("text1").innerHTML + "<br />" + (i + 1) + ". " + random;
total = total + random;
if (i == (count - 1)) {
total / count;
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "Mean average = " + (Math.round(total / count));
The part that isn't working
if (doNotInclude.indexOf(random)===-1) {
proceed = true;
the indexOf function, is something I read about on here, but I guess I don't fully understand it. By my understanding, it should check to see if any of the array values are the same as the random variable, and if not, then return "-1" and execute my code. It doesn't seem to be doing that though. I am super confused...would love some help. Is it possible the array is storing the numbers as strings instead of integers, and that is the problem?
Your if statement doesn't work because of coercion.
The array doNotInclude contains strings, but random is an integer value, === always compares value and type both.
You should either use ==. Or have the both types same.
Try this Fiddle
Count: <input id="countInput" value="10" /><br />
Do not include: <input id="doNotIncludeInput" value="0,1,2,3,4,5" /><br />
Highest Number: <input id="highestNumberInput" value="10" /><br />
<br />
<button type="button" id="button">Click to Run!</button><br />
<br />
Results:<br />
<div id="text1"></div>
document.getElementById("button").onclick = function() {
var currentCount = 0;
var randomNumbers = [];
var count = parseInt(document.getElementById("countInput").value);
var doNotIncludeInput = document.getElementById("doNotIncludeInput").value.split(",");
var highestNumberInput = parseInt(document.getElementById("highestNumberInput").value);
var resultsElement = document.getElementById("text1");
resultsElement.innerHTML = "";
while(currentCount < count) {
var random = -1;
while(random === -1){
random = Math.floor((Math.random()) * (highestNumberInput + 1));
for(var i in doNotIncludeInput) {
if(parseInt(doNotIncludeInput[i]) === random){
random = -1;
if(random !== -1){
currentCount += 1;
resultsElement.innerHTML = randomNumbers.join(', ');
I've just started learning coding on code academy and I'm really new to this.
I'm trying to make this program ask the user for values which it adds to an array from which it calculates the sample standard deviation.
// This array stores the values needed
var figures;
getStandardDeviation = function() {
// I need at least two figures for a standard deviation
figures[0] = prompt("Enter a number:");
figures[1] = prompt("Enter a number:");
// Checks whether user wishes to add more values to the array
var confirm = prompt("Would you like to add another? (Y or N)").toUpperCase();
// I can't figure out why the following if statement is not executed
// It checks whether the user wishes to add more values and adds them to the array
// If not it breaks the for loop
if (confirm === "Y"){
for ( i = 0; i === 100; i++){
figures[i + 2] = prompt("Enter a number:");
confirm = prompt("Would you like to add another figure? (Y or N)").toUpperCase();
if (confirm === "N"){
// The rest of the code works fine from here onwards
var sumx = 0;
var n = figures.length;
for(var i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
sumx += figures[i];
console.log("Sum = " + sumx);
var sumXsq = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
sumXsq += (figures[i] * figures[i]);
console.log("Sum x squared = " + sumXsq);
var sxx = (sumXsq - (sumx * sumx)/n);
console.log("Sxx = " + sxx);
var v = sxx/(n - 1);
console.log("Variance = " + v);
var standardDev = Math.sqrt(v);
console.log("Standard Deviation = " + standardDev);
The program is supposed to ask me if I want to add more values to the array, then when I confirm, it gives me a prompt to add more values.
Currently, when I execute the program I input the numbers 56 and 67. The code then asks me if I wish to add more values, I then confirm this. Instead of letting me add more values it ignores this and calculates the standard deviation with the first two values (56 and 67).
The output is:
Sum = 05667
Sum x squared = 7625
Sxx = -16049819.5
Variance = -16049819.5
Standard Deviation = NaN
for ( i = 0; i === 100; i++){[...]} means
Set i to 0
If it's not true that i === 100 (that is: if i is not 100), end the loop
Do whatever I put inside the {} braces, once
Do i++
Back to 2
As the initial value for i is 0 and not 100, the code inside the loop is never executed. If you want it to go from 0 to 99, it should be for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++).
You don't actually need a for loop, though. A while loop would be better. A loop like while (true){[...]} would run until it hit a break statement. As you wouldn't have the i in that case, you could use figures.push(parseFloat(prompt("Enter a number:"))) instead (you should use parseFloat, as per what Vincent Hogendoorn said) . push adds a new value at the end of an array, so it's exactly what you need. Something like:
if (confirm === "Y"){
while (true){
figures.push(parseFloat(prompt("Enter a number:")));
confirm = prompt("Would you like to add another figure? (Y or N)").toUpperCase();
if (confirm === "N"){
You could also change it so it doesn't ask if you want to stop if you don't have at least two values. That way you would be able to leave out that first part:
figures[0] = prompt("Enter a number:");
figures[1] = prompt("Enter a number:");
indeed your figures variable isn't defined as an array, like #James Donnely says.
Keep in mind you also fill in strings, so if you want to add up values you have to convert them to values.
you can use something like parseFloat for this.
if you don't use it, you sum up strings. 3+4 will be 34 instead of 7.
Your figures variable isn't defined as an array. Because of this figure[1] = prompt(...) never gets hit and a TypeError is thrown on var n = figures.length;.
var figures;
var figures = [];
JSFiddle demo.
You can then replace the for loop you're using after if (confirm === "Y") with a recursive function:
// Push a user input number into the figures array
figures.push(prompt("Enter a number:"));
// Function to add a new number and ask if we want to add more
function addNewNumber() {
// Push a new user input number into the figures array
figures.push(prompt("Enter a number:"));
// Ask if the user wants to add another number
if (confirm("Do you want to add another number?"))
// If they do, call this function again
// Trigger the function for the first time
JSFiddle demo with recursion.
function StandardDeviation(numbersArr) {
var total = 0;
for(var key in numbersArr)
total += numbersArr[key];
var meanVal = total / numbersArr.length;
var SDprep = 0;
for(var key in numbersArr)
SDprep += Math.pow((parseFloat(numbersArr[key]) - meanVal),2);
var SDresult = Math.sqrt(SDprep/numbersArr.length);
var numbersArr = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14];
I have a string that has been converted into an 2D Array in js.
board = "...|.X.|...|"
It is used to represent a game board
each . represents a space
each | represents a row
each X represents a wall
EDIT: code below for the 2d array creation
var src= "...|.X.|...|";
board = src.split(/\|/g);
for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
var cells = board[i].split('');
for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
cells[j] = parseInt(cells[j]);
board[i][j] = cells;
//returns 'X'
when i access board[i][j] it returns correctly:
[0][0] = "."
[1][1] = "X"
[1][2] = "."
etc etc
I want to update the specific element with a string representing a piece.
However when i insert into an element like so:
board[0][0] = "piece4"
The array returns in firebug as so:
board = "piece4|.X.|...|"
When it should look like:
board = ".piece4.|.X.|...|"
Why are elements [0][1] and [0][2] being overwritten? Am I not understanding arrays of array index access correctly in js?
I just had the same problem, but it had a more complex reason and I want to add it, in case someone finds this page searching for the same problem I had:
I had created and filled a 2-dimensional array like this:
var foo = Array(n).fill(Array(n).fill(0));
which creates a 2-dimensional n*n array filled with zeroes.
Now when I tried to overwrite a cell like this
foo[1][1] = 1;
I ended up with these values:
which is really surprising IMHO.
The reason for this was, that there has only been one row, which had internally been referenced three times. So when I changed the first index in "the second" row, it effectively changed all rows.
Bottom line: don't use Array.fill to create multi-dimensional arrays!
I'm betting that you have a one-dimensional array with strings stored in each. So your array actually looks like:
array (
[0] => '...',
[1] => '.X.',
[2] => '...'
When this is what you want:
array (
[0] => array (
[0] => '.',
[1] => '.',
[2] => '.'
[1] => array (
[0] => '.',
[1] => 'X',
[2] => '.'
[2] => array (
[0] => '.',
[1] => '.',
[2] => '.'
When constructing your 2D array, make sure you explicitly declare each entry in board as an array. So to construct it, your code might look something like this:
board = new Array();
rows = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++)
board[i] = new Array('.', '.', '.');
An other way to create a 2D array in javascript is to use Array.from function
var 2Darr = Array.from(Array(5), () => {
return new Array(5).fill(0)
This will create a 5 x 5 array completely filled with 0. Array.from takes two parameters, the first one is an javascript iterable Object to extract the array from, the second one is an optional callback where we can specify something to apply to the array elements.
Accessing the element can be done simply like in other languages.
I ran into a similar problem. So after reading a lot... this finally suited my needs.
myArr = [1,1,1];
var arr = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
arr[i] = Array.from(myArr);
//lets edit 3 positions
arr[0][1]= -1;
arr[3][2]= 100;
arr[8][0] = 8080;
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){
console.log(i + " === " + arr[i]);
if you noticed only the edited index values changed... nothing else
0 === 1,-1,1 <---
1 === 1,1,1
2 === 1,1,1
3 === 1,1,100 <---
4 === 1,1,1
5 === 1,1,1
6 === 1,1,1
7 === 1,1,1
8 === 8080,1,1 <---
9 === 1,1,1
Two remarks here:
Arrays start with index 0 in every dimension.
If you access a string as a 2D array, every element is a char rather than a string.
So if you write board[0][0] = 'X'; then you get the right behavior (and that changes the first character of the string, not the second).
The situation and solution given above is pretty simple. The issue of updating specific values in a list of objects (often referred to as an array, but that's a discussion for a different time) has more practical and industrial application. The problem you tend to run into is thinking that looking at a value in a specific cell, e.g. my_array[0][0] returns 'some value' will also let you change that value through an assignment e.g. my_array[0][0] = 'new value'. You will find that depending on how you defined your array, the change shows in the same row across the columns, not what you are needing.
Look at the example code as an illustration of creating, and managing a multidimensional list of objects (array).
<title>JavaScript Object List/Array</title>
//Make a JavaScript array that can manage data of inventory between different locations over time.
var list_of_brands = ["BMW","Harley Davidson","Honda","Kawasaki"];
var list_of_locations = ["Dayton","Cincinnati"];
//a month of data
var DAYS_IN_A_MONTH = 30;
var calendar = [];
for(day_of_sales = 1; day_of_sales <= DAYS_IN_A_MONTH; day_of_sales++){
//hold your locations
var shop_location = [];//You need to create a new array for each day - that's part of the trick!
for(location_index = 0;location_index < list_of_locations.length;location_index++){
//set up some starting inventory
var inventory = [];//You need to create a new array for each location - that's part of the trick!
for(brand_index = 0; brand_index < list_of_brands.length; brand_index++){
inventory[list_of_brands[brand_index]] = {"brand": list_of_brands[brand_index], "on_hand": 10,"sold": 0};
};//end inventory loop
shop_location[list_of_locations[location_index]] = {"city":list_of_locations[location_index],inventory};
}//end location loop
calendar[day_of_sales] = {"Day": day_of_sales, shop_location};
}//end calendar loop
//check your work
console.log('calendar:'); console.log(calendar);
console.log('shop_location:'); console.log(shop_location);
console.log('specific information: '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory['BMW'].brand);//returns 'BMW'
console.log('change Dayton.BMW information: '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory['BMW'].brand="Triumph");//change value
console.log('check work (Dayton.BMW): '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory['BMW'].brand);//check work - PASS
console.log('check work (Cincinnati.BMW): '); console.log(calendar[1].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].brand);//check work other location - PASS!!
//Make some lasting and specific changes
console.log("Now make a change in the month's value over showing a sale on the 13th");
var sale_date = 13;
console.log("date of sale " + sale_date + "th");
var original_number_on_hand = calendar[sale_date].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand;
console.log("original_number_on_hand on that date: " + original_number_on_hand);
var number_of_units_sold = 3;
console.log("number_of_units_sold on that date: " + number_of_units_sold);
var new_inventory_level = original_number_on_hand - number_of_units_sold;
console.log("new_inventory_level: " + new_inventory_level);
for(date_index = sale_date; date_index <= DAYS_IN_A_MONTH; date_index ++){
calendar[date_index].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].sold = number_of_units_sold;
calendar[date_index].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand = new_inventory_level;
console.log("Show change in inventory");
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[10].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[10].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[11].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[11].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[12].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[12].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[13].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[13].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[14].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[14].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[15].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[15].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
console.log(list_of_locations[0]+" has " + calendar[16].shop_location["Dayton"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand + " " + list_of_locations[1]+" has " + calendar[16].shop_location["Cincinnati"].inventory["BMW"].on_hand);
//add new items to a shop's inventory
var inventory_2 =[];
for(brand_index = 0; brand_index < list_of_brands.length; brand_index++){
inventory_2[list_of_brands[brand_index]] = {"brand": list_of_brands[brand_index], "on_hand": 10,"sold": 0};
};//end inventory loop
console.log("show inventory_2");console.log(inventory_2);
console.log("add inventory");inventory_2["Indian"] = {"brand": "Indian", "on_hand": 10,"sold": 0};
console.log("show updated inventory_2");console.log(inventory_2);
<p>look in the JavaScript console for output</p>
I am using the following jQuery functionality to count words in real time:
var input = '#' + this.id;
var word_count = function(field) {
var number = 0;
var original_count = parseInt($('#finalcount').val());
var matches = $(field).val().match(/\b/g);
if(matches) {
number = matches.length/2;
$('#finalcount').val(original_count + number)
The issue I am running into is that when I start typing in an input field, the count increases immediately by two, even on spaces and my delete key. Any ideas why this would happen?
I was following this tutorial: http://www.electrictoolbox.com/jquery-count-words-textarea-input/
<input class="widest" id="page_browser_title" name="page[browser_title]" size="30" type="text" value="">
Display Input:
<input class="widest" disabled="disabled" id="finalcount" name="page[word_count]" size="30" type="text" value="662">
It is incrementing with every key press because you are telling it to with:
$('#finalcount').val(original_count + number)
And if you add another word, you will find that it increments not by 2, but by 3. Presumably, you have several inputs on the page, and you intend for the finalcount input to display the number of words in each input. Either store the counts in a variable and add the variables together to get your finalcount value. Or count the words in each input every time.
var wordCounts = {};
function word_count (field) {
var number = 0;
var matches = $(field).val().match(/\b/g);
if (matches) {
number = matches.length / 2;
wordCounts[field] = number;
var finalCount = 0;
$.each(wordCounts, function(k, v) {
finalCount += v;
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/gilly3/YJVPZ/
Edit: By the way, you've got some opportunities to simplify your code a bit by removing some redundancy. You can replace all of the JavaScript you posted with this:
var wordCounts = {};
$("input[type='text']:not(:disabled)").keyup(function() {
var matches = this.value.match(/\b/g);
wordCounts[this.id] = matches ? matches.length / 2 : 0;
var finalCount = 0;
$.each(wordCounts, function(k, v) {
finalCount += v;
Check this example.
Why don't you use split(" ") instead of matching and dividing the result? You will have an array containing all your words, the length of the array will be the number of words.
var matches = $(field).val().split(" ");
Also, why are you adding every time the matches to the old result?
$('#finalcount').val(original_count + number)
Isn't this adding every time all the words twice?