Changing the title of a dynamically generated dialog - javascript

I'm using tinymce with my own File Browser:
file_browser_callback: function(field_name, url, type, win)
title: 'My Title',
url : 'file_browser.html',
I wish to dynamically change the title, "My Title" of the dialog using javascript from within the file_browser.html iframe.
The html generated by tinymce looks something like this:
<div id="mceu_76-head" class="mce-window-head"><div id="mceu_76-title" class="mce-title">My title</div></div>
<div id="mceu_76-body" class="mce-container-body mce-abs-layout"><iframe src="file_browser.html" tabindex="-1">
Obviously I can't use getElementById("mceu_76-head") since this is dynamically generated and there are other dialogs whose Title I don't wish to change. What should I do? returns window settings which contains the id.
var win ={
title: 'My Title',
url : 'file_browser.html',
document.getElementById(win._id + '-title').innerHTML = 'New Title';
It works but I'm not sure it is right way.


How to use javascript + user input to search for a google image and display it in html?

I'm trying to make a javascript function that when called, will take user input from a textbox and search google images with that input and get the link from the first image that comes up and then set it as the source for an image (I have not decided on the id for the image yet), any suggestions on how to do this would be much appricated
You can do it easy with this Node library:
Here is an example of the JS code:
const imageSearch = require('image-search-google');
const client = new imageSearch('CSE ID', 'API KEY');
const options = {page:1};'APJ Abdul kalam', options)
.then(images => {
'context': item.image.contextLink
.catch(error => console.log(error););
// search for certain size'Mahatma Gandhi', {size: 'large'});
// search for certain type'Indira Gandhi', {type: 'face'});
With the atribute url, you can generate an a tag with this URL.

set data-options html attribute

I have the following HTML
<div id="tabPanelContainer">
<div id="Tab1" data-options="dxItem: { title: 'Tab1' }">
<div id="gridContainer1"></div>
<div id="Tab2" data-options="dxItem: { title: 'Tab2' }" >
<div id="gridContainer2"></div>
I want to create this using js or jquery I have tried the following:
var tabs = $('#tabPanelContainer').data("options","dxItem: { title: "+tabId+" }");
$(tabs).append('<div id='+gridId+'></div>');
var tabs = $('#tabPanelContainer').attr({ 'data-options': 'dxItem: { title: "+tabId+" }' });
$(tabs).append('<div id='+gridId+'></div>');
I have looked at multiple threads on how to do this and tried multiple things but nothing is working....
I have found this: How to set data attributes in HTML elements , and other similar threads but not quite the same or enough to figure it out.
This creates multiple grids but not the tabs. So to be clear if I create the HTML elements on the PHP file (hardcoded) then my tabs load correctly but if I try to dynamically create the tabs based on a for loop my tabs don't get created.
Instead of
You are setting the data attribute of #tabPanelContainer instead of each div element. Use this code instead:
var tabs = $("#tabPanelContainer"); // <div id="tabPanelContainer">
var tab = $("<div>", { id: tabId }); // <div id="Tab1">
tab.attr("data-options", "dxItem: { title: '" + tabId + "' }");
tab.append($("<div>", { id: gridId })); // <div id="gridContainer2">

Wordpress custom image upload

I need to use custom image field in wp plugin, everything works fine with upload/set function but have problem, when changing image:
When i already have a image and need to replace i pick up new image from media library and submit, old one image stay visible so i have two images in view.
I asume that problem is with select function and append part, obviously i'm using wrong logic here, bellow are jquery+html of my code and screenshot of problem:
Problem(two images):
First one should replaced with new selection image (second image)
Two images screenshot
This is my code:
$('#btn-upload-image').on('click', function(e) {
var button = $(this);
var figure = button.siblings("figure");
var custom_uploader ={
title: 'Insert image',
library: { type : 'image' },
button: { text: 'Use this image' },
id: 'library-' + (Math.random() * 10),
multiple: false
}).on('select', function() {
var attachment = custom_uploader.state().get('selection').first().toJSON();
figure.append( $('<img/>', { 'src': attachment.url }) );
and html:
<div class="form-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn-upload-image">Upload Image</button>
<input type="hidden" name="image" id="input-image" />
<input type="hidden" name="image_id" id="input-image-id" />
Here's the problem:
figure.append( $('<img/>', { 'src': attachment.url }) );
append inserts content at the end of the target element, maintaining existing content in place. What you want in this case is to replace whatever is in there with new content (the new image), so:
figure.html( $('<img/>', { 'src': attachment.url }) );
html replaces any content that was in the targeted element(s) with the new one.
Hope that helps!

Parse Markdown into HTML in JavaScript X-Editable field

I am using the jQuery X-Editable edit-in-place library on a field and the JavaScript Marked Markdown Parser library to try and convert Markdown strings into HTML.
The goal is to show HTL and when it turns into a textarea edit field, to then how the Markdown. The Markdown will be what is saved and loaded from the backend in the live app.
I have setup a JSFiddle demo for this functionality...
If you view the demo and click to edit the Description text and paste in this Markdown string # Marked in browser\n\nRendered by **marked** and click save, it will then alert you the parsed markdown to HTML string. THe problem is it does not update the DOM to show that new HTML string.
Any help in this please?
Marked library -
X-Editable library -
JavaScript from my demo
type: 'textarea', // text|textarea|select|date|checklist
url: '/updatetask',
pk: 123,
toggle: 'click', // click|dblclick|mouseenter|manual
inputclass: 'task_description resizable',
highlight: '#F1FFE7',
mode: 'inline', // inline | popup
placement: 'top',
title: 'Enter Task Description',
validate: function(value) {
if ($.trim(value) === '') {
return 'Task Description is Required';
params: function(params) {
//Addition params in addition to the default: pk, name, value
return params;
success: function(response, newValue) {
if (!response.success) return response.msg;
$('#task-description-modal').on('save', function(e, params) {
// Parse Description Markdown into HTML
var markdownDescription = marked(params.newValue);
//ajax emulation. Type "err" to see error message
url: '/updatetask',
responseTime: 400,
response: function(settings) {
if( == 'err') {
this.status = 500;
this.responseText = 'Validation error!';
} else {
this.responseText = '';
You're injecting your compiled HTML into the element you're using to get markdown input. This is simply setting yourself up for failure: have two elements, one for markdown text, and one to show the result, and switch between the two.
For instance, the following code already makes things work fine:
<div style="margin: 50px">
<span id="task-description-modal">Task Description text</span>
<div id="processed"></div>
$('#task-description-modal').on('save', function(e, params) {
var markdownDescription = marked(params.newValue);
You just need to make sure to only show the element you intend to be shown depending on what the user has just done. Hidden #task-description-modal until the user clicks on #processed, at which point you hide #processed and force .focus() on #task-description-modal? Perfect.

adding element with duplicate id 'FileULoader' FileUploader

createContent : function(oController) {
var oFileUploader = new sap.ui.commons.FileUploader({
id: "FileULoader",
//uploadUrl : "UploadFileServelet", // URL to submit the form to
name: "simpleUploader", // name of the input type=file element within the form
// uploadOnChange: true, // immediately upload the file after selection
buttonOnly: false,
buttonText: "Upload"
//var uploadBtn=new sap.ui.commons.buttons{this.creatId("upLoadFile"),}
var oMatrix = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayout({
layoutFixed : true,
width : '400px',
columns : 1 });
var text = new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"Confirm that the data will be wiped out once you upload new data file."});
var oDialog = new sap.ui.commons.Dialog({
new sap.ui.commons.Button({text:"Confirm", tooltip:"Confirm",press:function(e){oController.doFileUpload();oDialog.close();}}),
new sap.ui.commons.Button({text:"Cancel", tooltip:"Cancle",press:function(e){oDialog.close();}}),
return oDialog;
i used in two views . when i call the fileUploader the error turns out。
i have to use the id to identify the fileloder controller. to get the input file information .
if (!this.dialogUploadFile) {
this.dialogUploadFile = sap.ui.jsfragment("courseUP",
"adminView.dialogUploadFile", this);
_uploadCourse : function() {
if (!this.dialogUploadFile) {
this.dialogUploadFile = sap.ui.jsfragment("certiUploadFile",
"adminView.dialogUploadFile", this);
this is how i use the fragment. but is still go wrong with thew same error;
#Allen Zhang
You mentioned you used the code in two views. You can't create a dialog twice with the same id of Fileupload control. Use different id for different views.
Define id for your fragment usage:
<core:Fragment id="myFrag" fragmentName='my.frag' type='JS' />
Define fileupload id by calling createId:
var oFileUploader = new sap.ui.commons.FileUploader({
id: this.createId("FileULoader"),
//uploadUrl : "UploadFileServelet", // URL to submit the form to
name: "simpleUploader", // name of the input type=file element within the form
// uploadOnChange: true, // immediately upload the file after selection
buttonOnly: false,
buttonText: "Upload"
Also see my answers about fragment usage and get control inside fragment.
Is an option that you do not use id for the file uploader control, and do it like this?
createContent : function(oController) {
this.oFileUploader = new sap.ui.commons.FileUploader({
To access it, you do
where view is the javascript handle of one of your two views.
