Requring all the files in a directory nodejs - javascript

The topic may seem to be duplicate. Read it completely
I know there are multiple packages available in nodejs to require all the files in a directory.
But I am in a research to require all the files in a folder and use the variables and functions which are exported in each js file. Need to perform this just by requiring the directory name.
For example,
var files = require("./folder");
The folder may contain some files like
File1.js, File2.js, File3.js
I want to use all the variables and functions which are exported in all the js files.
I think there might be some way in the "Package.json" file.
But I am not expert in "Package.json".
Can anyone help me to figure out the senario?

Could you just make an index.js file with the modules and just require that.
From the docs
It is convenient to organize programs and libraries into self-contained directories, and then provide a single entry point to that library. There are three ways in which a folder may be passed to require() as an argument.
The first is to create a package.json file in the root of the folder, which specifies a main module. An example package.json file might look like this:
{ "name" : "some-library",
"main" : "./lib/some-library.js" }
If this was in a folder at ./some-library, then require('./some-library') would attempt to load ./some-library/lib/some-library.js.
This is the extent of Node's awareness of package.json files.
If there is no package.json file present in the directory, then node will attempt to load an index.js or index.node file out of that directory. For example, if there was no package.json file in the above example, then require('./some-library') would attempt to load:


Run only spec files in cypress

I have my folder structure like this within integration folder, I have Page Object folder, where I have two js files i.e. LoginPage.js and SignUpPage.js
and outside of that PageObject folder, I have spec files i.e. LoginTestCases.spec.js and SignUpTestCases.spec.js
While running :
npx cypress open
It ran all js files present within Integration folder, but I want to run spec files only and i want to see only those files on my TestRunner as well.
I know that we do some little change in cypress.json file, but Don't remember at all.
Can anyone help me out, here?
In your cypress.json file, add the list of spec files you want to run under testFiles array, something like this. And this will only execute the spec files that you have mentioned and also in the order you have mentioned.
If your spec files are inside integration folder
"testFiles": [
If the spec files are somewhere else, then you have to give the absolute path.
"testFiles": [
"path to TC/LoginTestCases.spec.js",
"path to TC/SignUpTestCases.spec.js"
In case you want to just get only the .spec.js files and you have a lot of files, you can use the wild card using:
"testFiles": ["*.spec.js"]

JS Cannot load web worker module unless the worker.js is under public/

I would like put my worker.js under the same src/ directory as main.js, which loads the worker. (src/ is parallel to public/) However I got the following error if worker.js is under src/.
//in main.js
let worker = new Worker('./worker.js', {type:"module"});
Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
However if I put worker.js under public/ (index.html is under public/), or any directory under public/, everything works fine. Seems like it can only load from public/ aka. http://<my domain>/worker.js , if it is under any directory parallel to public/, then it cannot find it, aka. http://<my domain>/../src/worker.js doesn't work. Am I right on this?
Plus, in worker.js, I cannot import any thing in node_modules/ like what I do for other js files in src/.
I assume these two questions are related. Could you please let me know the solutions?
(I am using worker-plugin, npm, react.)
thank you.
Based on your entry file, webpack tries to create a dependency tree. So it looks trough all the files that are being imported through a import/require statement, and then it tries to bundle your files into a single bundle. However, it does not happen with the worker constructor. Thus, webpack does not see your worker file as a dependency of your single bundle, and, therefore, it does not bundle it. So, to make this work, you can use a loader in you webpack configuration such as worker-loader (, adding a rule in your webpack config file.

Meteor index.js is implied, how?

I have a pretty basic question and I've read through the Meteor Application Structure but this is still a little confusing:
In meteor chef's understanding the imports directory, it says that:
The index.js file is implied by not specifying a filename on the end. This is also known as an "entry point" file.
When I ran meteor create testproject --full to create a new project, in /client/main.js it writes import '/imports/startup/client';
Why doesn't main.js include the index.js file directly?
Why does import '/imports/startup/client' automatically include the index.js file only?
In Meteor's official documentation, index.js is not a reserved word.
HTML template files are always loaded before everything else
Files beginning with main. are loaded last
Files inside any lib/ directory are loaded next
Files with deeper paths are loaded next
Files are then loaded in alphabetical order of the entire path
Quoted from another question.
As Styx's comment points to, importing the index.js file is a characteristic of the CommonJS module system, which Node uses a version of and Meteor uses under the hood on the client.
The scaffold elects to not specify the index.js file for brevity.
It's also worth noting that the load order you've quoted does not apply when using the imports directory and ES6 imports. Files will be loaded in the order that they are referenced by the code.

Node.js - Error: Cannot find module 'config/chgpass'

I created the files following the tutorial (, but unfortunately the error is shown like in the image.
I'm new to node.js and to this kind of programming.
PS.: All of the other files that are referred in the tutorial are right, and the chgpass.js is in the target folder.
Code from the file that requests the chgpass.js file AND the tree from the folder (open with Word and select MS-DOS):
As your config folder is inside of node_modules folder, thus use:
var chgpass = require('config/chgpass');
In tutorial config folder is inside node_modules that way you can directly access it using require('config/chgpass')
But if you put outside of node_modules then you have to give the complete path of the folder from the location you are requiring it. That is in your case: require('../config/chgpass')

Submodules in Browserify

In node.js if you a require a directory (require('foo')), it would look into that directory and find an index.js file and return whatever exports I have in that file, so I can just bundle up the contents of the directory in an index.js file. Therefore, I dont have to require bar and foobar separately if index.js already includes them.
However this approach doesn't work with browserify. It seems like only thing browserify understands is relative paths.
In other words I want to separate my project into submodules, call require on a directory as if I am calling require on a dependency. For example in the star.js file I want to be able to require('foo') and get the exports of bar.js and foobar.js (as long as /foo/index.js is importing bar.js and foobar.js)
Looking at the react source code, i think what i am describing is possible
In this file they call require on React-Children in line 14.
var ReactChildren = require('ReactChildren');
However react children is couple directories deeper.
Where is this mapping defined?
There isn't a way to specify a base directory because that's not how node modules work. If you want non-relative paths, use the node_modules directory. If you want require('foo') to work from any directory, just make a symlink from your project root:
ln -s foo node_modules/foo
