jQuery Flot xaxis elements number - javascript
Im trying to generate graph with jquery Flot.
This is the script Im using:
var plot = $.plot("#placeholder", [
{ data: data2, label: observation_obj.concept_name}
], {
series: {
lines: {
show: true
points: {
show: true
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
yaxis: {
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%d.%m"
The result I'm getting is this:
My data is contains of two points, I dont know why in the x axis I see 4 points,
Can anyone help?
The ticks on the x-axis are automatically generated so that they are evenly spaced on the axis. If you want to change that you can give flot an array of (in your case) timestamps which match the timestamps from your data (only examples here):
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%d.%m",
ticks: [1383582043000, 1383682043000]
See the documentation for more infos / examples.
How to make one line smooth and the other NOT on a chart?
So I'm looking for a way to make one of the lines on my chart NOT smooth and the other smooth. There is a master option to make every line on the chart smooth but not a particular line that I know of. Here is my chart of what it looks like PS. Im using JQ Plots http://www.jqplot.com/index.php Here is my JS code. //STOCK HIGH VS LOW var line1 = [['2017-11-27',175.0800],['2017-11-28',174.8700],['2017-11-29',172.9200],['2017-11-30',172.1400],['2017-12-01',171.6700],['2017-12-04',172.6200],['2017-12-05',171.5200],['2017-12-06',170.2047],['2017-12-07',170.4400],['2017-12-08',171.0000],['2017-12-11',172.8900],['2017-12-12',172.3900],['2017-12-13',173.5400],['2017-12-14',173.1300],['2017-12-15',174.1700],['2017-12-18',177.2000],['2017-12-19',175.3900],['2017-12-20',175.4200],['2017-12-21',176.0200],['2017-12-22',175.4240],['2017-12-26',171.4700],['2017-12-27',170.7800],['2017-12-28',171.8500],['2017-12-29',170.5900],['2018-01-02',172.3000],['2018-01-03',174.5500],['2018-01-04',173.4700],['2018-01-05',175.3700],['2018-01-08',175.6100],['2018-01-09',175.0600],['2018-01-10',174.3000],['2018-01-11',175.4900],['2018-01-12',177.3600],['2018-01-16',179.3900],['2018-01-17',179.2500],['2018-01-18',180.1000],['2018-01-19',179.5800],['2018-01-22',177.7800],['2018-01-23',179.4400],['2018-01-24',177.3000],['2018-01-25',174.9500],['2018-01-26',172.0000],['2018-01-29',170.1600],['2018-01-30',167.3700],['2018-01-31',168.4417],['2018-02-01',168.6200],['2018-02-02',166.8000],['2018-02-05',163.8800],['2018-02-06',163.7200],['2018-02-07',163.4000],['2018-02-08',161.0000],['2018-02-09',157.8900]]; var line2 = [['2017-11-27',173.3400],['2017-11-28',171.8600],['2017-11-29',167.1600],['2017-11-30',168.4400],['2017-12-01',168.5000],['2017-12-04',169.6300],['2017-12-05',168.4000],['2017-12-06',166.4600],['2017-12-07',168.9100],['2017-12-08',168.8200],['2017-12-11',168.7900],['2017-12-12',171.4610],['2017-12-13',172.0000],['2017-12-14',171.6500],['2017-12-15',172.4600],['2017-12-18',174.8600],['2017-12-19',174.0900],['2017-12-20',173.2500],['2017-12-21',174.1000],['2017-12-22',174.5000],['2017-12-26',169.6790],['2017-12-27',169.7100],['2017-12-28',170.4800],['2017-12-29',169.2200],['2018-01-02',169.2600],['2018-01-03',171.9600],['2018-01-04',172.0800],['2018-01-05',173.0500],['2018-01-08',173.9300],['2018-01-09',173.4100],['2018-01-10',173.0000],['2018-01-11',174.4900],['2018-01-12',175.6500],['2018-01-16',176.1400],['2018-01-17',175.0700],['2018-01-18',178.2500],['2018-01-19',177.4100],['2018-01-22',176.6016],['2018-01-23',176.8200],['2018-01-24',173.2000],['2018-01-25',170.5300],['2018-01-26',170.0600],['2018-01-29',167.0700],['2018-01-30',164.7000],['2018-01-31',166.5000],['2018-02-01',166.7600],['2018-02-02',160.1000],['2018-02-05',156.0000],['2018-02-06',154.0000],['2018-02-07',159.0685],['2018-02-08',155.0300],['2018-02-09',150.2400]]; var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1, line2], { title: 'AAPL High vs Low', seriesDefaults: { rendererOptions: { ////// // Turn on line smoothing. By default, a constrained cubic spline // interpolation algorithm is used which will not overshoot or // undershoot any data points. ////// smooth: true } }, legend: { show: true }, axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, tickOptions: { formatString: '%b %#d, %#I %p' }, min: 'November 20 2017', tickInterval: '1 month' } }, highlighter: { show: true, sizeAdjust: 7.5 }, canvasOverlay: { show: true, objects: [ {horizontalLine: { name: 'average', y: 171.21, //**AVERAGE_FLOAT_VALUE** lineWidth: 2, color: '#FF5555', shadow: false }} ] }, series: [{ lineWidth: 4, markerOptions: { style: 'square' } }], series: [ { label: 'High' }, { label: 'Low' } ], }); If it cant be done in JQ Plots, do you guys know of any other charts that can do this. Pretty much Im looking for a chart to look like this in the end.
Replying kinda late but.. Yes you can do it in jqplot as well. Instead of using a seriesDefaults option, go directly and add it in each series you want: series: [ { // custom line lineWidth:2, markerOptions: { style:'diamond' } }, { // here is your smooth line rendererOptions: { smooth: true, }, markerOptions: { style:"circle" } } ]
Disclaimer: I read it on the internet . . . but apparently d3 can do this (https://gist.github.com/thiyagu-p/3925981). Also, if you Google 'd3 moving average and volume' you get some interesting results. YMMV.
I don't know about jqPlot but you could certainly do this with RGraph: https://www.rgraph.net/demos/svg-line-trading.html And if you wanted the gray decorative bar at the back you could use another Bar chart to get this effect before drawing the Line charts and give it some dummy data of: [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1]
highstock issue : pointInterval property is not working when series data set contains date and value?
I used pointInterval property to set interval as 30 days but my data set contains daily data. That method is not working. chart is displaying all the points. please check below image for the chart i got https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1wfs7NUcZnGQkk2QWdEbE9ndmM/edit What is needed is to draw only three points for three months in the above chart. Following is the code i used to do this. Note that 'options.data.points' has data set in format of [[date,value],[]....] var stockChartData = { chart: { renderTo: 'container' }, title: { text: "Stock Chart" }, credits: { enabled: false }, yAxis: [ { labels: { align: 'left', x: 2 }, title: { enabled: false }, lineWidth: 2 } ], navigation: { buttonOptions: { enabled: false } }, scrollbar: { enabled: false }, series: [{data: options.data.points, type: 'line', pointInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000 *30}] }; stockChart = new Highcharts.StockChart(stockChartData, function (chart) { }); please help me to solve this issue
http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.2/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/stock/plotoptions/pointinterval-pointstart/ The data set this example uses is in the format of [value,value,...] (see http://www.highcharts.com/samples/data/large-dataset.js). So when pointInterval for a month is used, for example the last two values will be used for the values of last two months. For the same data when pointInterval for a year is used, the same last two values is used for the last two years. So the chart doesn't ignore the between values, therefore you will not have for example an average value of the month for day values. EDIT: You can use plotOptions.series.dataGrouping for grouping the day values in a month: http://jsfiddle.net/worhscy0/
How to set minimum step on a time axis
I am using code below to display some daily statistics: var data2 = [[[1401897069000, 10], [1401983469000, 20], [1402069869000, 15]]]; $.plot('#pieChart2', data2, { series: { bars: { show: true }, }, xaxis: { mode: "time", timeformat: "%Y/%m/%d" } }); Is there any way of setting time axis step because otherwise there are duplicated labels on time axis and bars looks like just lines. See jsfiddle (Firefox only)
The section "Time Series Data" section of Flot's API.md documents the minTickSize option. From the documentation: "...you can specify that you just don't want ticks at a size less than a specific tick size with "minTickSize". Note that for time series, the format is an array like [2, "month"], see the next section." You can set the minTickSize option as specified in the documentation like so: $.plot('#pieChart2', data2, { series: { bars: { show: true }, }, xaxis: { mode: "time", timeformat: "%Y/%m/%d", minTickSize: [1, "day"] } } I've updated your JSFiddle with an example: http://jsfiddle.net/cH29a/3/
Chart duration of event with Flot
I'm trying to chart the duration of something using flot and having some issues. In my sql table I have two datetime columns and I am performing the below select to get the difference between them as a timestamp that works with flot (I think) $p1Query = $db->rawQuery("SELECT AVG((synth.page2-synth.page1)) AS difference FROM (SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pageoneloadtime))*1000 AS page1, (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pagetwoloadtime))*1000 AS page2 FROM usersession) synth"); $p1Average = floor($p1Query[0]['difference']); The javascript section of my chart looks like this. var pageTimeData = [["Page 1",<?= $p1Average ?>],["Page 2",<?= $p2Average ?>],["Page 3",<?= $p3Average ?>],["Page 4",<?= $p4Average ?>]]; $.plot("#pageTimeChart", [ pageTimeData ], { series: { bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.6, align: "center" } }, xaxis: { mode: "categories", tickLength: 0 }, yaxis: { mode: "time", timeformat: "%M:%S", minTickSize:[2,"seconds"] } }); But I can't figure out why my chart isn't displaying any bars. I have verified that I have loaded the necessary javascript files
I realized it was just a simple type. minTickSize:[2,"seconds"] needs to be minTickSize:[2,"second"]
How to create a line to show threshold in bar graph
I am using flot to create bar charts like I need to specify a threshold like a line at 750(y axis) for example, to show the limit... there is one jquery.flot.threshold.js file in flot package, but i dont know how to use it on bar charts.How to do it ?
Seems there was some issues with using the threshold plugin with the current flot release version. If you just want to mark a threshold, it might be easier to use the grid markings option: $.plot($("#placeholder"), [ d1, d2, d3 ], { series: { stack: true, bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.6 } }, grid: { markings: [ { xaxis: { from: 0, to: 12 }, yaxis: { from: 0, to: 20 }, color: "#6D7B8D" }] } }); Produces (fiddle here):