Javascript Prevent Default - Prevent Swipe Back Only - javascript

On a web app that I am working on, one of my elements is pretty large (a table), and thus, reaches near the edges of the iphone's screen.
When a user touchmoves on the element, the user can select various things that appear within the table. When the user's finger is in the table, I prevent all default touch actions. However, I do not prevent default touch actions universally on the page because I want the user to still be able to scroll and zoom normally when outside the element.
The problem I am facing is that if the User moves just a little bit outside the element while engaged in a touchmove, the user often ends up swiping back.
Like I said, I do not want to prevent default universally because scroll and zoom are important to me on this particular page. Is there a way to prevent back swipe only using jquery, polymer, javascript, or some combination of all three?


how to trigger all underlying buttons when dragging finger on screen react native

I am building a RN app. I have a page that displays some times in the week. The user clicks all the times they are free in. (Look at photo for visual representation)
Instead of having the user individually click on all the squares, how can you create a functionality where they can click on many squares at once by dragging their finger from the start square to the end one. Almost like how a mouse on a computer would work
Basically the question really is, if I drag my finger on the screen, how can i trigger all buttons I drag my finger across
This is not my project but the time slots kind of look like this
I don’t know if it’s possible… Some apps like Airbnb, Booking… don’t implement a drag action but the date range. The user selects a start and end dates to have multiple selections.
But maybe you could look at this library React Native Gesture Handler. It allow to simplify the gesture handler.
You should use Pan gesture to handle the drag behavior.

Make mouse cursor visible [duplicate]

I am aware that in most browsers (newest generation), the mouse cursor gets hidden when you type in any key like 'A' or Space. This is to let the user see what he types in.
The cursor gets back visible as soon as you move the mouse for a pixel.
Now here comes the problem -- This happens everywhere in a browser, even when I've focused a non-input element like a div or the such. I do, however, not want the browser to hide my cursor after the user has pressed a key as I'm using keys as shortcuts.
So the question is -- is there any way or trick or anything to prevent this from happening and/or letting the cursor auto-appear again after key-up?
I've tried various "hacks" over the web like invisible divs etc. but everything without success.
EDIT: As questioned, I am experiencing this behavior on every Browser (Chrome latest, Firefox latest, Safari latest) on latest MAC-OS-X.
This is not browser behavior but operating system behavior, and specifically Mac behavior. The cursor will not only hide if you type in the browser, but in any application on your Mac.
This means that the browser has no knowledge or control over the cursor, because it's hidden from a higher level. You can change the cursor with CSS or JavaScript for example, but it still won't show until you move it. You can't actually move the cursor using JavaScript, but even if you could I still doubt it'd help because the operating system didn't receive a signal of the cursor moving.
Also refer to this question on
How do I disable hiding of the mouse pointer while typing text?
I just thought of a possible solution to this, but it's going to be really hard to do this in a way that is not annoying the user:
Whenever the cursor moves, save it's position
When the document observes a keyup, show an image of a cursor at the exact coordinates of where the actual cursor was seen last (it's still there, but hidden)
When the actual cursor moves again, hide the image (actually, merge this function with 1.)
The problem here is going to be knowing what cursor image to show. You would first have to detect if the user is on a Mac (or another OS that hides the cursor), but also what cursor should be shown depending on what you're hovering. It means that for every element you're hovering you would also have to detect which cursor is being shown and show an image of the same cursor.
You can cover the basics/defaults by adding some css rules that cover hovering of links and inputs (pointer and text respectively), but what if the user uses custom cursors defined in his OS?
I haven't tried any code yet, this is just a concept that should work in theory so let me know if you need more help with it, but honestly I'd advise against trying to accomplish this. It's going to bring more trouble than it solves, imo.
Here's a Proof of Concept:

Prevent cursor from hiding in Browser after key is pressed

I am aware that in most browsers (newest generation), the mouse cursor gets hidden when you type in any key like 'A' or Space. This is to let the user see what he types in.
The cursor gets back visible as soon as you move the mouse for a pixel.
Now here comes the problem -- This happens everywhere in a browser, even when I've focused a non-input element like a div or the such. I do, however, not want the browser to hide my cursor after the user has pressed a key as I'm using keys as shortcuts.
So the question is -- is there any way or trick or anything to prevent this from happening and/or letting the cursor auto-appear again after key-up?
I've tried various "hacks" over the web like invisible divs etc. but everything without success.
EDIT: As questioned, I am experiencing this behavior on every Browser (Chrome latest, Firefox latest, Safari latest) on latest MAC-OS-X.
This is not browser behavior but operating system behavior, and specifically Mac behavior. The cursor will not only hide if you type in the browser, but in any application on your Mac.
This means that the browser has no knowledge or control over the cursor, because it's hidden from a higher level. You can change the cursor with CSS or JavaScript for example, but it still won't show until you move it. You can't actually move the cursor using JavaScript, but even if you could I still doubt it'd help because the operating system didn't receive a signal of the cursor moving.
Also refer to this question on
How do I disable hiding of the mouse pointer while typing text?
I just thought of a possible solution to this, but it's going to be really hard to do this in a way that is not annoying the user:
Whenever the cursor moves, save it's position
When the document observes a keyup, show an image of a cursor at the exact coordinates of where the actual cursor was seen last (it's still there, but hidden)
When the actual cursor moves again, hide the image (actually, merge this function with 1.)
The problem here is going to be knowing what cursor image to show. You would first have to detect if the user is on a Mac (or another OS that hides the cursor), but also what cursor should be shown depending on what you're hovering. It means that for every element you're hovering you would also have to detect which cursor is being shown and show an image of the same cursor.
You can cover the basics/defaults by adding some css rules that cover hovering of links and inputs (pointer and text respectively), but what if the user uses custom cursors defined in his OS?
I haven't tried any code yet, this is just a concept that should work in theory so let me know if you need more help with it, but honestly I'd advise against trying to accomplish this. It's going to bring more trouble than it solves, imo.
Here's a Proof of Concept:

Javascript : is there a way to detect user scrolling, but not scrolling done by code (i.e. scrollLeft etc)?

So. I'm making a page with buttons; clicking the buttons smoothly scrolls the page (actually a container) to anchors located further right. This is done with container.scrollLeft.
Now I'm trying to make it so that when the user scrolls manually (scrollbar, mousewheel, arrow keys etc), the automated smooth scrolling instantly stops.
I've tried doing this with container.addEventListener('scroll',StopScroll,false); but this fires up for any scroll, even done through code, not just done by the user.
Is there a way to detect only user scrolling ? Or maybe a work-around ?
Also, I'd rather not use Jquery, but I'll switch to it if it's the only way.
I've got a feeling that DOM scrolling and event scrolling are managed the same way, and therefore indistinguishable.
However, you might hook into mousedown/keydown and update a variable when a key or mouse button is held, and only perform scrollStop if that variable is set?

How to emulate this javascript functionality (movable div and saved positions)

I have seen a feature on a site I would like to emulate. I have intermediate php skill but am a novice javascript user. The feature is the site content displayed in divs which can be moved around on the screen and their position saved using cookies. This site: [url][/url] is where I saw it (latest podcasts, videos, reviews etc with filter)
How would I go about achieving this through javscript? I want to know how to connect javascript with the cookie so that the positions of the square divs are saved, as are the preferences of the content filter on each div. How can I achieve this?
Would this be a big job? Thank you for any help, I am working independently on this in my spare time so your contribution with advice is my lifeline.
As Zoidberg commented, its easy with JQuery or Yui, or any other javascript library that provides drag & drop functionality. They are almost easy to configure, checking at demo they give. They also expose certain events like beforeDrag, afterDrag, onDrop, etc. where you can fire a simple js function check the elements' dropped position store it in cookies. For setting cookies, there are world of code on internet.
Also, you might want to check floating absolute/relative positioning css, if your DOM divs are going to be floating around the page.
simplyharsh has the proper answer, but I'd like to expand on it a bit:
The basics of a draggable div aren't too complicated. You attach an onclick handler to initiate the dragging. Internally, that's accomplished by changing the div's CSS so it's position: absolute. Then you start monitoring mouse movements (basically onmousemove) and changing the div's top and left according to the movements you've captured.
Dropping is a bit more complicated. You can always just release the mouse and leave the div wherever you ended up moving it, but that leaves it absolutely positioned and therefore outside of normal document flow. But dropping it "inside" some other element means a lot of prep work.
Because of how mouseover/mouseout/mouseenter events work, they WON'T work while you're dragging an element - you've got your draggable div under the mouse at all times, so there's no mouseenter/leave events being fired on the rest of the page. jquery/mootools and the like work around it letting you specify drop zones. The locations/sizes of these zones are precalculated and as you're dragging. Then, as you're dragging, the dragged object's position is compared to these precalculated drop zone locations for every move event. If you "enter" one of those zones, then internally the libraries fire their mouseenter/mouseleave/mouseover events to simulate an actual mouseenter/leave/over event having occured.
If you drop inside a zone, the div gets attached as a child of that zone. If you drop outside, then it will usually "snap back" to where it was when you initiated the drag.
Resizing is somewhat similar, except you're adjusting height and width instead of top and left.
