OK, this is a bit of a tricky one, and I've got a deadline. So anybody who can solve this riddle in the next six hours (by 7am pacific time) gets $100 sent to them via paypal. If not, you still have my undying gratitude for solving the mystery.
I've got an idangero.us swiper with three slides in it. In each slide is a jquery countdown timer from here: http://github.com/rendro/countdown/
Here's how this thing is supposed to work:
When the page loads, you should see a timer count from 3-1 over 3 seconds. When the countdown is finished, it toggles a couple of things. Then there's supposed to be a five second delay, after which, it should automatically slide to the next slide, and the process should repeat. If you manually swipe to another slide, the process should also start over on that slide. Problem is that the timer count doesn't reset. The amount of time does, but the number doesn't. And the timeout function is kinda sketchy. It seems like it skips a beat sometimes.
Here is a dumbed down live example
And here is the Fiddle
And the script:
$(document).ready(function() {
/* initialize swiper */
var mySwiper = new Swiper('.videos',{
grabCursor: true,
onSlideChangeEnd: function(swiper, direction) {
$(".countdown").data('countdown').update(+(new Date) + 3000).start();
/* create countdown */
$(function() {
date: +(new Date) + 3000,
render: function(data) {
$(this.el).text(this.leadingZeros(data.sec, 0));
/* when countdown ends, do this */
onEnd: function() {
/* when video is loaded, start timer, and slide to next video */
setTimeout( function() {
Hello im not sure, but You did tried to use function named setInterval...
timerId = setInterval(function()
and then to reset it:
Another thing is that the countdown ist working. Is method render really exist in jQuery countdown?
Try following:
/* create var*/
var counter = +(new Date) + 3000;
/* create countdown */
$(function() {
until: counter
$('.countdown').countdown(destroy ? 'destroy' : {until: counter });
Maybe destroying and creating countdown every slide would work.
I'm doing an easy slider with buttons, it works fine, but I'd like to add TimeOut() function to current code, to allow slides to change automatically.
I tried to do that with jQuery but it didn't work.
$('.reviews-slider-button').click(function() {
var i = $(this).index();
$('.reviews-slider-person-' + (i + 1)).show();
I'd like to change automatically slider every 10 seconds, and when I would click on .reviews-slider-button it would reset the timer ( to avoid situation I click to change slide, and timer automatically change to the next one).
I'd be grateful for your advice's.
You can use setInterval to click your button every 10 seconds:
var timer = ''; // Make global variable
function ScrollAuto() {
temp = setInterval(function() {
}, 10000)
return timer;
And to reset your timer, inside your reset button add:
Similarly to the answer from Shree, but make it cleaner, but use timeout, not interval, you want the system to change slide every 10 seconds unless you click, in which case you reset the timeout, go to the next slide, and set up the next timeout
Something like this:
var slideMaxDuration = 10000; // in ms
var slideTimer = void 0;
function nextSlide() {
// ... go to next slide ...
function autoContinue() {
setTimeout(autoContinue, slideMaxDuration);
You also need to set up the initial autoContinue when you want the whole thing to start.
I'm trying to implement letter by letter animation on section with two slides. Currently I'm using jQuery code for that, but I'm afraid it's far from the ideal option.
Here's my code example: codepen
$.fn.animation = function () {
//get the welcome msg element
var $message = $(this);
//get a list of letters from the welcome text
var $getList = $(this).text().split("");
//clear the welcome text msg
//loop through the letters in the list array
$.each($getList, function(idx, element) {
//create a span for the letter and set opacity to 0
var newElement = $("<span/>").text(element).css({
opacity: 0
//append it to the welcome message
//set the delay on the animation for this element
newElement.delay(idx * 90);
//animate the opacity back to full 1
opacity: 1
}, 1100);
First problem is that I can't do, so the second sentence with class "secondary" runs only after first one is finished. I've tried to use .delay and setTimeout, but that doesn't help.
Also I'm not sure, how to start animation on second slide, when it's loaded.
I know there's plugins for that stuff, but I'd like to do that in vanilla JavaScript, or jQuery, css3.
Would be glad for any help.
And yeah, here's an example how I would like it to look - http://bootstrapart.net/influence/v1.5.3/
Is it possible to make, so the animation starts every time, when slide is changed?
Click here to see the whole code working.
Changes I made in css: I set the opacity of html text tags (<h1>,<h3> and <h4>) to 0, so they are hidden. Then in the animation function they are made visible again.
Changes I made in script: To start the second text animation with delay I used setTimeout() function:
To detect the slide event of carousel, according to Bootstrap Documentation you can use this method:
$('.carousel').on('slid.bs.carousel', function () {
// here is where you start the animation for the second slide
To track on which slide we are I introduced a variable caled: var $wichSlide. Here is the working method to start the animation when slide is changed:
$('.carousel').bind('slid.bs.carousel', function (e) {
if($whichSlide == 1){
//set $whichSlide position for the next slide event
$whichSlide = 2
//start to animate the text
/*set the text on the second slide to be invisible
* because we don't want it to appear before animation starts
}else if($whichSlide == 2){
$whichSlide = 1;
See the working code
I've only been working with javascript for the past 3 days and I have an assignment to do. (Don't ask me why they're making me create a game on my first js assignment) I've made this game you can view it here http://nwdevelopment.host56.com/game.html
How it should work: Click the start button, then the start button goes away and the animation starts on the character. Timer will still go until 30 seconds are up. (1 second currently for testing purposes) Game ends and displays amounts of clicks in pop up ( + 50 to win). Start button comes back up and you can play again.
The problem i'm having is:
1: I need to make the button go away when clicked, but still continue to count down until the end of the game but come back up when the game ends. Where can I learn to do this? Direct me to a site or show me please.
2: During all of this, when you press start game, i need Ganon to move around slowly while you click on him and the score goes up. I got the score to go up but I can't get him to move and I'm not even sure where to start. Also, when you click on him I need it to move 10 pixels randomly on the screen.
I need this in the simplest form you can give me with javascript. Can you point me in the right direction for tutorials or something? Here is the code so far, sorry the CSS and scripts are in one file currently. (leaving out the CSS as i don't think you need it.)
<div id="textWrapper">
<h1>Try to Defeat<br /> Ganon!</h1>
<p class="description">Click on Ganon and watch your score rise! If you hit Ganon enough times before the time runs out, you win!</p>
<br />
<!-- Counter -->
<div id="numberCounter">
<div id="backgroundImageWrapper">
<div id="ganonWrapper">
<img src="ganon.png" alt="ganon" onclick="myFunction()"/>
<div id="buttonWrapper">
<button id="button" onclick="myTimer()">Start Game</button>
var counter = 0;
function add() {
return counter += 1;
function myFunction(){
document.getElementById("numberCounter").innerHTML = add();
function myTimer() {
setTimeout(function(){ alert("Game over!"); }, 1000);
Maybe this little fiddle can help you get the timer things to work.
// lets put everything in our game object
var game = {
//this is the init function (we call this function on page load (see last line))
init: function(){
//we attach a click event on the button
document.getElementById('start').addEventListener('click', function(){
//we hide the button
document.getElementById('start').style.display = "none";
//on click we start the timer
//this is the timer object
timer: {
startTime: 5, //the time we start with (used to reset)
currentTime: 5, //the counter used to remember where the counter is
interval: null, //the interval object is stored here so we can stop it later
start: function(){
//when we start the timer we set an interval to execute every 1000 miliseconds
game.timer.interval = setInterval(function(){
game.timer.currentTime -= 1; //we minus 1 every second to the timer current time
//update the textbox to show the user what the time is
document.getElementById('counter').value = game.timer.currentTime + ' seconds';
//if timer hits 0 we show the game is over and reset the game, we also clear the timer
//so it wouldn't count below zero
if(game.timer.currentTime == 0){
alert('game over');
//this is the reset function
reset: function(){
document.getElementById('start').style.display = 'inline-block';
game.timer.currentTime = game.timer.startTime;
document.getElementById('counter').value = game.timer.currentTime + ' seconds';
//we start the game on page load
//you should wrap this in
//window.onload = function(){}
//but jsFiddle does this automaticly
I am trying to adapt the countdown timer from http://www.jqueryscript.net/time-clock/Simple-jQuery-Html5-Based-360-Degree-Countdown-Timer-countdown360.html to add buttons which determine the time to count down.
I am a little confused (no, really a lot confused) about
a) how to link the buttons to the countdown display,
b) how to stop the display starting until I have clicked the desired button, and
c) how to reset the process without reloading the page.
Currently it takes the initial seconds value of 10 (put there just to test to see what it is doing) but does not respond to the buttons.
Here is the html:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../src/jquery.countdown360.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<div id="container">
<div id="countdown"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
radius : 50,
seconds : 10,
fontColor : '#FFFFFF',
autostart : false,
onComplete : function () {//will ring bell
window.onload = init;
function init(){
document.getElementById('btnStart1').onclick = start1;
document.getElementById('btnStart2').onclick = start2;
document.getElementById('btnReset').onclick = cdreset;
function start1(){ // starts 1 min countdown
seconds = 60;
function start2(){ // starts 2 min countdown
seconds = 120;
function reset() { // resets countdown
<div id="container">
<div id="countdown"></div>
<input type="button" value="1 min" id="btnStart1"/>
<input type="button" value="2 min" id="btnStart2"/>
<input type="button" value="Reset" id="btnReset"/>
Any help would be most welcome!
Answer & Demo
So it turns out there isn't a legit way of doing this, truth be told there isn't a lot of documentation about the subject and the plugin itself doesn't provide such functionability, or at least not in a user friendly way.
But I went down to the guts of the code and managed to make it work.
Here is a JSFiddle where I demonstrate what I understood you wanted.
<div id="countdown"></div>
<button id="start">Start</button>
<button id="set60">Set 60s</button>
<button id="set120">Set 120s</button>
<button id="reset">Reset</button>
start = document.querySelector("#start");
set60 = document.querySelector("#set60");
set120 = document.querySelector("#set120");
reset = document.querySelector("#reset");
div = $("#countdown");
pingSound = new Audio("http://www.sounddogs.com/previews/2220/mp3/402763_SOUNDDOGS__mu.mp3");
pingSound.preload = "auto"; //<- Optional but recommended
countdown = div.countdown360({
radius: 50,
seconds: 30,
fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
autostart: false,
onComplete: function () {
countdown.start(); //This right here is for showing the clock on load.
start.onclick = function () {
set60.onclick = function () {
setSeconds(countdown, 60);
set120.onclick = function () {
setSeconds(countdown, 120);
reset.onclick = function () {
setSeconds(countdown, 0);
function startCountdown(countdown) {
function setSeconds(countdown, seconds) {
countdown.settings.seconds = seconds;
start, set60, set120, reset : Link to their respective button elements.
div : Link to the countdown div element.
pingSound : Audio element that contains the "ping" sound.
countdown : The countdown object itself, you need to declare it like this, passing the initial properties and saving it in a variable.
startCountdown(countdown) : Takes any countdown object and start's it's execution, this will get the countdown running.
setSeconds(countdown,seconds) : Takes any countdown object and set's it second (it can be used in mid-excecution). It works by first stopping the countdown, then updating the Countdown.settings.seconds property, which is the actual seconds the countdown will run.
With those variables & methods, how I did it is pretty straight forward.
If you want the clock hidden until you play it:
We first create the countdown object and hide the div.
div = $("#countdown");
div.css( "display" , "none" );
countdown = div.countdown360({..});
Why? Well because of how the plugin works. As soon as you create the countdown your div is made bigger by the plugin, and you need to create the countdown there because that's the only way it works, so if you don't want a blank square of nothing (since we haven't started the countdown) you have to hide the div itself.
So, we add an onclick event to each button:
for start -> startCountdown(countdown) , div.css( "display" , "block" ); -> Starts the countdown and shows the div.
for set60 -> setSeconds(countdown,60) -> Sets the countdown to 60s.
for set120 -> setSeconds(countdown,120) -> Sets the countdown to 120s.
for set0 -> setSeconds(countdown,0) -> Sets the countdown to 0s.
And that's it, it took me a while to figure out, hopefully I didn't just bore you to death, and may I suggest getting a better plugin next time? Good luck :)
If you want the clock displayed on load:
Okey, so this is an update upon your request, if we part from my original code, to make the div appear on load is quite simple (JSFiddle & code here have been updated)
We first create the countdown object, then start it and inmeadiatly stop it (freezing it until you start it again).
countdown = div.countdown360({..});
Now, we add the same onclick events to the buttons except for the start button, which will no longer have to display the div as block as it isn't hidden.
for start -> startCountdown(countdown) -> Starts the countdown.
If you want to play a sound at the end of the countdown:
For the ping sound to play in the end, you just need to create a new Audio object with the mp3/ogg src as a parameter:
pingSound = new Audio("http://www.sounddogs.com/previews/2220/mp3/402763_SOUNDDOGS__mu.mp3");
Then, preload the audio so it's ready to play (otherwise when you call play it will first have to load). This is optional but recommended.
pingSound.preload = "auto";
And then call the Audio.play() function in the countdown's onComplete event.
countdown = div.countdown360({
That's it, happy coding :)
Updated code to display the clock on load (1:43p.m 31/12/14)
Updated code to play sound in the end of countdown(6:10p.m 02/01/14)
First you don't have jquery.js and you are using $('#countdown')
You don't have any function called cdreset .
Well I wrote a similar code for you :
var m = setInterval(start, 1000), // init the interval , every 1 sec will call start function
s = 60;
function start(){
s = s -1;
document.getElementById("count").innerHTML = s;
function stop(){
<p id="count">60</p>
<input type="submit" onclick="stop()" value="stop" />
it will count down starting from 60 to -XXX
You should add a condition so as to stop the timer at 0 :)
I am working in phonegap ios application. In my application I'm using increment timer and decrement timer using javascript setTimeout function. When I press the menu button in my iPhone the timer function paused its count. When I reopen its start the counting from end. So anyone help me to solve this problem. How to run phonegap ios application javascript function in background.
Timers run on main thread. So when application goes into background they can not run. What you can do is to save the timer count and time when application goes into background. When application comes into foreground, take the difference of time and and it to you count.
you can get source code as well as demo for timer from this link
use the blow code it implement the timer
var count = 0;
var timer = $.timer(function() {
timer.set({ time : 1000, autostart : true });
There are many other options also which you can explore. For example
var Example1 = new (function() {
// Stopwatch element on the page
var $stopwatch;
// Timer speed in milliseconds
var incrementTime = 70;
// Current timer position in milliseconds
var currentTime = 0;
// Start the timer
$(function() {
$stopwatch = $('#stopwatch');
Example1.Timer = $.timer(updateTimer, incrementTime, true);
// Output time and increment
function updateTimer() {
var timeString = formatTime(currentTime);
currentTime += incrementTime;
// Reset timer
this.resetStopwatch = function() {
currentTime = 0;
Hope this helps.!