Cocos2D Javascript 3.0 Audio on iOS/iPad - javascript

So making a HTML5 game using the new Cocos2D Javascript 3.0 that just came out. Come into a pretty annoying pain in the ass with how audio is played on iOS and iPad. My game is aiming to be cross platform, and the audio works on browser and android devices. It even works on Windows Phone!
I have tried manipulating iOS's event handler (I'm aware that it doesn't allow you to play audio unless the user interacts with the device) but previous versions of cocos2D HTML5 have suggested that it's audio engine used to support iOS with no hassle. Now, it doesn't seem to...
Also I've looked at alternatives such as Howler.js, however implementing that to work with iOS requires that I have SimpleAudioEngine, which I do not believe 3.0 has.
Can anyone recommend any solutions? I'd be happy enough if I was even able to just play the background music on iOS.
I was using this to help for anyone interested

Fixed it. As I said, you can only play sounds once the user has actually interacted with the system, via a touch or click etc... I had this prior to asking my question. Seems the problem was that the audio hadn't loaded in time for the event to be triggered :D
Changed my audio to a .mp3 since it's much smaller, and wrapped my music to be played upon button entry.
var closeItem = cc.MenuItemSprite.create(
function () {
cc.log("New Game!");
playEffect:function() {
var audioengine = cc.audioEngine;
audioengine.playMusic(, true);


Mp3 sound is delayed on phone (iphone 7) - Blazor WASM + javascript

I have blazor WASM app with "correct" .mp3 file that is played via javascript code. On the Desktop lets say its pretty instant after pressing button but on the phone its skips few ms and then it seems there is delay and its not good user experience. I tried to look up some solutions but couldnt find anything. Is there any way to solve it or its just because of phone (Iphone 7)?
window.PlayAudio = (elementName) => {
<audio id="sound" src="#navManager.BaseUri/sound/correct.mp3" />
<button id="soundButton" #onclick="PlaySound">Click me to play "correct" sound</button>
public async Task PlaySound()
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("PlayAudio", "sound");
Please see the repo and webapp:
Thank you any help would be much apprieciated.
This is not a Blazor issue-- it's a client browser behavior. It was once the standard across all devices, but I think newer devices have dropped some of the restrictions as audio files are no longer considered "large files."
Getting consistent media playback across all platforms has always been EXTREMELY difficult-- especially apple products, and most especially older apple products. I suspect that the sound will not start loading at all until a user action (like a button click). Then, unless you have fast data transfer, it will take some time to buffer. This was a common security feature for mobile devices to prevent sites from wasting users' data with media they didn't want.
The solution is to catch a click early on in the site's progress-- usually with a loading screen and "click here to enter." Then IN THAT CLICK HANDLER (important) you pre-start all your audio files by playing them and immediately pausing them again. Now, they will (probably) load, and when you really want to play the file, it will be loaded and ready.
Note that a simulated click will not work, so you can't just do element.onclick() after the page renders. It has to be an actual user interaction.
Javascript audio elements have various events, like canplay which let you know when enough of an audio source is loaded that you can start playing it.
If you're lucky, Blazor has exposed the oncanplay event. Then you can use that even to enable your plaback button. I don't know if they have got around to audio events yet or not.

HTML5 audio/javascript stops working on android(google chrome) when screen is turned off

I have created a Web App which plays music playlist and it works well on desktop browsers and also in mozilla and opera of android. But When I play the songs on Chrome browser of Android and I turn off the screen, it stops after playing the current song. And as soon as I turn the screen on, it starts loading the next song in line.
From my observations, what I have understood is Google Chrome browser on android pauses the javascript code from executing if the screen is turned off till the screen is not waken up again. Is there any way I can prevent my specific library from pausing? Any approach or events?
Some related this question is what I am looking for: JavaScript halts in inactive android Chrome tab
There are so many WebApps which does not stop playing music. Does it need some permissions from Google App Store?
check what happens with youtube, at least few years ago i had an awful time dealing with that and that's what proved to my client it cant be done in the given time frame and budget. that was actually device specific, on some devices it worked fine and on others it didnt. check if it happens on other devices. the only solutions i could think of ware either to prevent screen turn off (on problematic devices or all of them at the beginning), or to build an app and handle onPause event
I don't think that you can change the behaviour of the Chrome app, if they want to save battery in the background and stop the javascript, you won't reactivate it.
There are maybe some other ways to get it working.
Tell your users that they should use Firefox or Opera on their mobile device.
All apps are allowed to play or stream music in the background, so you could make or use an app for your task.
Maybe you can use the default music player app on android. Open a playlist of streams using the app. (I don't know if this is possible, because I have no android device.)
I know that is not exactly what you want, but a maybe a way to get it working.

Best method to display html5 video on IOS

I'm breaking my head for few days trying to solve this and can't seems to find answer.
I'm trying to build a proof of concept for video player using HTML5 that works on Android and IOS, the trick is that at certain times i need to display objects on the video itself.
Now i would normally use the Video on Canvas or Video tag to solve it and then just create a layer on that with whatever additional data i want synced and triggered by the timer (on my specific example i've used PopcornJS to trigger time-based events).
NOW, it works fine on normal desktop browsers and it works well enough for android
but it seems that Safari won't render it no matter what... it insist on opening the video in it's own player that disregard any additional JS/HTML.
Ref about the issue can be seen here.
Afraid it isn't currently possible on iPhone in Safari. I've been working on an interactive presentation web app and have encountered the same problem.
This question covers the problem of full screen only video on the iPhone. The answers mention the webkit-playsinline attribute but point out that it only works inside a UIWebView object, not in Safari.
Hopefully this will change at some point in the future.

Multiple video.js players fail on flash fallback

I have the page setup with 4 videos, all using video.js. It works fine with chrome etc which use the html5 implementation, but when I view in ie7/8 and the flash fallback, the big video and the first of the small videos are fine, but the other 2 small videos are black, and have no play button overlay, and are unresponsive to clicking, although a right-click does bring up the flash context menu.
I have next to no knowledge of working with flash to play videos, except the odd embed in Wordpress, and I was glad to find Video.js to sort all that out for me. All I can see in the code is that the correct video files seem to be getting sent into flash, but maybe it is because the flash player (.swf) file is being called more than once? Just a novice guess. Any help gratefully received.
Edit, for completeness I set up a test for flash on the page in chrome etc - if you go to you can view the page with all players in flash. It works fine on chrome, ff and even IE7+8. To get the flash default I have used:
_V_.options.techOrder = ["flash", html5, "links"];
I will change the default to that order if I receive no replies from you helpful lot.
After the edit I went to the site in IE without the flashdefault query var and all four players were working.
The only thing I changed was adding preload="auto" to the small videos, and that seems to have been the fix. Although it could have been getting the flash videos into the cache using the flashdefault that fixed it, until some new videos are added we won't find out. To Moderators, should I accept this answer now or wait till I know for sure?

Show controls while HTML5 video is playing

Is there a way to show the controls after a video has started playing. Basically, I'm playing a video with play(), and I want the controls to stay up for a few seconds. Currently (at least on my Android device), the controls fade once the video starts.
Toggling the controls attribute doesn't work, unfortunately.
HTML5 video on Android (iOS too) is not opened inline but in the native player (i.e. outside the browser), so the <video>-tag attributes have no control over what is going to happen in the player.
I don't know if it's possible to "hack" / set-up the native player so I guess you'll have to do research on that. I don't know of any way to remotely influence the behavior of the Android application unfortunately. In case you find out something it would be nice if you could let me know btw.
Also see a recent question of mine (which is rather discouraging unfortunately).
