Pass js variable to modal in Yii - javascript

I have a
- button that opens a modal window, and
- jquery dynatree.
How can I pass variable from js (the id of the selected node in the tree) to modal in Yii?
//the modal window
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbModal', array(
'id' => 'createExercise',
'header' => 'Create..',
'content' => $this->renderPartial('_form', ['model'=>$model], 1),
'footer' => [
TbHtml::button('Save', ['onclick'=>'$("#exercise-form").submit()']),
//the button
TbHtml::button('Create', array(
'id' => '#btnCreate',
'data-toggle' => 'modal',
'data-target' => '#createExercise',
I get the ID of active node from tree with this code:
How can be passed this ID to the modal?
Thank you!

You can pass it from your button, using the onClick Attribute
modify the button to this
TbHtml::button('Create', array(
'id' => '#btnCreate',
'data-toggle' => 'modal',
'data-target' => '#createExercise',
In you js function you can do what you want with value, for example you want to populate the modal with some dynamic data depending on node value you can do this
<script type="text/javascript">
function PassToModal(id){
<?php echo CHtml::ajax(array(
'update'=>'#createExerciseBody'// Id of the Modal Body
)); ?>


Prestashop Module Form creation

I want to add 21 checkboxes and a text field(Name) in a good design way. Also there must be "check all button" to check all the checkboxes, how to do it in module PHP page in prestashop.
Since I am new to prestashop I don't know about the form submission, I have to save these two fields together as a json array in database.
Is that possible in prestashop? please help me regarding this.
prestashop version = 1.6
Thanks in advance
Sample code
protected function getConfigForm()
return array(
'form' => array(
'legend' => array(
'title' => $this->l( 'Generate Export Order Settings' ),
'icon' => 'icon-cogs'
'input' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => 'display',
'values' => array(
'query' => array(
'id' => 'all_fields',
'name' => $this->l('All Fields'),
'val' => '1'
'id' => 'id',
'name' => 'name'
'submit' => array(
'title' => $this->l( 'Save Export Settings' ),
'class' => 'button pull-right',
'name' => 'save-main-display-settings',
I don't know how to add check box in 3 columns and 7 rows and select all button to select all the checkbox.
You can use the following JS code to add check all functionality:
var chk = $(this).attr('checked')?true:false;
Fiddle here:

Retrieve data from modal without refreshing

I have an h4 tag and a button. The button opens a modal with a GridView whose action column contains a button in order to select the row.
What I need the row button to do is closing the modal and populate the h4 tag with "Row 3 was selected", for instance. But I don't want the page to be reladed.
This is the parent page tag and button:
echo Html::button('Explotación', [
'value' => Url::to('/explotaciones/seleccionar'),
'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
'id' => 'modalButton'
'header' => 'Seleccionar Explotación',
'id' => 'modal',
'size' => 'modal-md'
echo "<div id= 'modalContent'></div>";
The action column in the modal:
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
'template' => '{seleccionado}',
'buttons' => [
'seleccionado' => function ($url, $model) {
return Html::a('<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>', '#', [
'id' => 'seleccionado_' . $model->exp_id,
'class' => 'seleccionado',
'data-fila' => $model->exp_id
Registering the javascript in the modal:
$assets_js = Yii::$app->assetManager->publish(__DIR__ . '/js');
$this->registerJsFile($assets_js[1] . '/seleccion.js', [
'depends' => [
And the javascript itself:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.seleccionado').click(function(evento) {
var value = 'HELLO';
value = $(this).data("fila");
The code prints the HELLO alert but it does not print the second one nor poupulates the h4 tag nor closes the modal.
Which is the right way to make this work?
Erasing the cache in order to reload javascript changes correctly did the trick. Thanks anyway.

Yii2: Get values to update form in modal window

I am using Yii2 modal to update a form in modal window but I am unable to fetch the values to be already filled in the form.
In this screen-shot link below:
When I click on edit option, It takes me to the update form which is opened in a modal window. But this form shows empty values in all fields. I want to update the form.
Please find this in this screen-shot below:
This is the snippet for what I have tried yet:
use yii\bootstrap\Nav;
use yii\bootstrap\Modal;
//'header' => '<h2>Hello world</h2>',
'size'=> 'modal-lg',
//'toggleButton' => ['label' => 'click me'],
$newmodel = new Backlog();
// $newmodel->id;
echo $this->render('/backlog/update', ['model' => $newmodel]);
echo Nav::widget([
'options' => ['class' => 'nav-pills navbar-right'],
'encodeLabels' => false,
'items' => [
['label' => '', 'items' => [
['label' => '<span data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalEdit" style="cursor: pointer;">Edit</span>','url' => 'javascript:void(0);'],
'<li class="divider"></li>',
['label' => '<span>Assign</span>', 'url' => ['#']],
'<li class="divider"></li>',
['label' => '<span>Convert To Backlog</span>', 'url' => ['#']],
'<li class="divider"></li>',
['label' => '<span>Close</span>', 'url' => ['#']],
if Backlog is an ActiveRecord Replace the Line with this.
$newmodel = Backlog::findOne(['ID'=>$id]);
Finally, I solved the problem using javascript and ajax loading :
var back_l_id=$(this).attr("b-id");
var modal_body=$("#modalEdit").find(".modal-body");
I added a class .edit-backlog to span and get the id ("b-id") and used in the above script. Hope this answer helps others too.

Javascript Not Working in Modal Window With Render Partial (Yii)

I implemented a modal with its content rendered using renderPartial(). However, when I try to call a script inside the modal window (e.g $.blockUI), it doesn't work at all. No errors though.
This is how I rendered the content:
echo CJSON::encode($this->renderPartial($view, array(
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'model' => $model,
'selectedIds' => $selected,
), TRUE, TRUE));

Get value of selectbox with JsHelper in CakePHP

I have a select box, and I want to use it to Ajax-update some other content on the page. So I have bound an event handler using the JsHelper (jQuery) like so:
echo $this->Form->select('car', $cars);
$this->Js->event('change', $this->Js->request(array(
'controller' => 'cars',
'action' => 'view',
array('async' => true, 'update' => '#car-view', 'evalScripts' => true),
But how can I get the value of the select box to send as an argument to the cars controller (at "???" in the code above)?
I could do everything in javascript, but is there any way to do this in cake?
To be honest, I struggled with this a while back. I couldn't find anything that worked, so I ended up just going the straight javascript route.
I think you are looking for this:
'action' => 'function'), array(
/*'before' => 'showLoader();',
'success' => 'hideLoader();',*/
'update' => '#selectboxid2',
'data' => $js->serializeForm(array('isForm' => TRUE, 'inline' => TRUE)) )));
