Resolve Google maps link into address using JavaScript - javascript

I have a Google Sheet with column in which there is links to google maps like this:
And I want to turn it into addresses like "м. Київ, вул. Олександра Довженко 1А".
I already know how to write custom functions for sheets in javascript. Now I want to know if it is possible to call Google Maps API functions from there, and what function to search for.
Of if there is a way to do it with CSV using some scripting language like Python - also good.


How to implement pagination for the result

I am using Google my business API and am trying to retrieve a list of businesses using the mybusinessinformation/ as indicated in the google doc below.
The issue is that this method doesn't provide pagination, meaning I can get only 10 locations.
What should I do to get more results?
I am using the Google API Node library.
Thank you!

Google sheets API: How to retrieve the A1 notation of an active range with javascript

I'm actually working on a web project based on Google Spreadsheet, and following the Browser quickstart method (
I would like to select a range on my sheet, and click on a button.
I would have a function that detect the active range's A1 notation, then stores it in a variable and display it in an input range.
Many people that are using the script editor are talkig about a "getActiveRange" function. But this function is only accessible when using the script editor, and not from my js file.
Is there another way to get the A1 notation of my selected range?
Using Sheets API, what you're asking isn't straight up available. Like what you've mentioned, this is somewhat doable using App Script's getActiveRange() but for Sheets APIv4, there's no ad-hoc to do that. The only supported methods in Sheets API v4 is found in the official reference.
You should be able to select a Range with the spreadsheets.values.get Method, take a look here:
Does that help you?

Best way to implement google maps

I found two way to implement google maps.
The First One
<script src = ""></script>
The Second One
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
my questions :-
1- What is difference between them?
2- Can I download (save) a part of google maps (my country map or city) to my localhost?
For your second question
By Broswer Google maps can only be executed using internet. Eventually local copy are actually not allowed and above all does not work. Google Maps can used only as a service and not as a local library.
For Mobile you can access (and also edit) your maps locally eg see this
In HTML5, you no longer need to define the type attribute for JS includes, so this format works:
<script src = ""></script>
Additionally, you are referencing the v3 of the Google Maps API with the above URL - see here in their documentation.
First question: This was answered by #staypuftman.
Second question: You may save a local copy of a part of google maps using Google Static Maps which will return a value as an image file.

Using google script to manipulate data conditional formating and data validation

I was looking for already 3 days but nowhere found how to manipulate those two tools by google script.
I am interested in maiking script runned dynamic creation of worksheets and fast edditing of worksheets.
I need to alter those: data validation and conditional formating which are available normaly on tool bar.
Please help, give me the name of class that consists of those or the functions in google script with little information I will find rest.
Thanks in adavance
Data validation can be set using Range.setDataValidation(). Unfortunately Apps Script doesn't support setting conditional formatting, but you can star this feature request to get notified if/when it's added.
The tools you are asking about appear to be in the Range class of the Google Apps Script Spreadsheet API. Note that the API calls deal with a range of cells at a time, although you can easily define a range that contains only one cell.
The question in its current form has nothing to do with Google App Engine, so consider taking that off the question tags.

How do I get traffic control for my Google Map object?

I have set my Google Map object to view as a ROADMAP, but there is no traffic options like there is on the regular Google Maps. Below is the control I am trying to get. Is this possible via the map options in the API? I tried looking in the docs but there is nothing there for that (unless I am missing something).
You can create a custom control as shown on this example from the documentation.
Here is an example that shows embedding a traffic control onto the map.
