Meteor: Get the post date - javascript

I'm having some difficulty to get the Date() to display the text with the date.
This is in my client.js:
Questions = new Meteor.Collection("questions");
Template.questions.items = function(){
return Questions.find({},{sort:{'submittedOn':-1}});
This is in clientserver.js:
Questions = new Meteor.Collection("questions");
Meteor.startup(function () {
addQuestion : function(questionText){
console.log('Adding Question');
var questionId = Questions.insert({
'questionText' : questionText,
'submittedOn': new Date(),
'submittedBy' : Meteor.userId()
return questionId;
How can I post the text with the date in it?

You need a helper to format the date to your needs. moment is recommended for that. First add it:
mrt add moment
Then create a helper. See documentation for formatting options.
UI.registerHelper('formatDate', function(date) {
return moment(date).format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
Finally use the helper in a template:
<template name="questions">
{{#each items}}
{{formatDate submittedOn}}


Jquery how to translate text date with momentjs

I have a bunch of <p>-tags which each has a date inside. Now I want to translate those to another format using momentjs but it doesn't really work.
<div class="container">
<p class="ordered">2018-10-01</p>
<p class="ordered">2018-10-02</p>
<p class="ordered">2018-10-03</p>
and my js file:
$(".ordered").each(item => {
let formatted_order_date = moment(item).locale("de").format("Do MMM");
Here is a JSFIDDLE
So, can someone tell me what is the issue here?
item in your example is not the datestring, but is the index.
The callback in each has two params: the index, and the item (as second): each((i,item) ...
The item then is the complete html element, so we need to get the 'value' (the inner html) out of it:
$(".is-ordered").each((i,item) => {
// console.log($(item).html());
let datestring = $(item).html();
let formatted_order_date = new moment(datestring)
.format("Do MMM");
console.log(formatted_order_date); // 3rd Oct
Instead of using item, try using $(this).
$(".ordered").each(() => {
const formatted_order_date = moment($(this).text().trim()).locale("de").format("Do MMM");

Changing the format of date after picking from datepicker after SAPUI5

I have a datepicker from which I want to extract the date and display in a label. Currently the date is getting displayed in the format MM/DD/YYYY but I want it in the format MMM dd, yyyy (Nov 17, 2017). Below is the code :
var date = view.byId("__date");
<HBox alignItems="Center" renderType="Bare">
<Label text="Date of Screening" width="50%"/>
<DatePicker class="sapUiLargeMarginBegin" width="50%" id="screeningDate"/>
In addition to Naveen's answer here's the solution with your existing code:
var date = view.byId("__date");
// Make date object out of screenDate
var dateObject = new Date(screenDate);
// SAPUI5 date formatter
var dateFormat = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getDateInstance({pattern : "MMM dd,YYYY" });
// Format the date
var dateFormatted = dateFormat.format(dateObject);
FYI, By getting view controls and updating the property in it is not good. It will be good if you have a model.
Solution for your problem is below,
<Label text="{
path: '/date',
type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Date',
formatOptions: {
style: 'medium',
pattern: 'MMM dd, yyyy'
<DatePicker dateValue="{/date}"/>
And in the controller I have a JSONModel as below,
onInit : function() {
this.model = new JSONModel({
date : new Date(0)

Display 'Today' instead of date

I am using angular and moment.js to display dates in my app. If the user chooses a date other than today I want the format to be '12:00 PM Sat 21st Nov' which I have working when the user clicks a day from my calendar with amDateFormat
the following:
$scope.setDate = function(day){
var myDate =;
$ = moment($
'year': myDate.year(),
'month': myDate.month(),
<div> {{ date | amDateFormat:'h:mm A ddd Do MMM'}}</div>
If the date chosen is today how do I display the date to be '12:00 PM Today' instead?
I am not familiar with angular. However you can use moment calendar for today date.
From the doc you can tweak the calendar like this:
moment.locale('en', {
calendar : {
sameDay : 'LT [Today]'
And then call moment().calendar();
Here is a snippet with an alternative way of doing it assuming you are using a version that is at least 2.10.5:
var divTime = $('#time');
var time = moment().calendar(null, {
sameDay: 'LT [Today]'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="time">

Rendering collection data in a template using a reactive join with Meteor JS

I would like to output data from two collections using a reactive join into my template, then pair the users, post and comments through a common id.
So far, I can see with Mongo commands that the JSON data exist, but my template doesn't render any data. What am I doing wrong?
FYI, the meteorpad doesn't compile but the github repo will.
Meteor Pad Example:
There's so much wrong that it's hard to know where to start.
1) When you're loading the initial post and user data you're inserting the whole returned array as one element rather than inserting each element individually into your posts collection.
2) You're creating a publish subscription with the name "postsSet", but you're trying to subscribe to it with a different name.
3) You're not calling publishComposite correctly at all. You should be publishing the user required for each post as part of the children array.
4) The template needs updating based on the above
5) The username needs to be supplied via a helper.
6) You should really map the "id" attributes to Mongo's "_id" instead.
Here's come code which works. Note that you'll need to call meteor reset everytime you restart, otherwise you'll get duplicate id errors since you currently reimport the data every time.
Posts = new Mongo.Collection("Posts");
var groundPosts = new Ground.Collection(Posts);
Users = new Mongo.Collection("Users");
var groundUsers = new Ground.Collection(Users);
if (Meteor.isClient) {
console.log('POSTS DATA = ' + Posts.find().fetch());
console.log('USERS DATA = ' + Users.find().fetch());{
"submit .ontra": function (event) {
// This function is called when the new task form is submitted
var text =;
content: text,
date: new Date() // current time
// Clear Form = "";
// Prevent default form submit
return false
posts: function() {
return Posts.find();
username: function() {
return Users.findOne({_id: this.userId}).username;
'fetchJSONData': function() {
var postsResponse ="GET","");
var usersResponse ="GET","");
var postsData = JSON.parse(postsResponse.content);
var usersData = JSON.parse(usersResponse.content);
postsData.forEach(function (post) { = new Date();
post._id = String(
post.userId = String(post.userId)
usersData.forEach(function (user) { = new Date() // current time
user._id = String(
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publishComposite('postsSet', {
find: function () {
return Posts.find({});
children: [
find: function (post) {
console.log("%j", post.userId);
console.log("%j", Users.findOne({ _id: post.userId }));
return Users.find({ _id: post.userId });
//console.log('POSTS DATA = %j', Posts.find().fetch());
//console.log('USERS DATA = %j', Users.find().fetch());
<div class='container'>
<form class='ontra'>
<input type='text' name='text' placeholder="Type to add new post">
{{#each posts}}
{{> post}}
<template name='post'>
<span class="text">{{content}}</span>
<span class="text">{{username}}</span>
Your code doesn't run on meteorpad because the fetchJSONData method is executed on the server before it is defined in the common.js file. You should probably be calling the method after an event triggered on the client, or not use a method at all and simply fetch your JSON data on Meteor.startup.
Regarding the reactive join, it seems you want to do something very similar to Example 1 of the documentation:

EmberJS displaying a formatted date

I'm trying to display a formatted date in EmberJS, but it's outputting a blank string.
<script id="metamorph-9-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
<script id="metamorph-9-end type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
App.GroupsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend
formatedDrawDate: (->
moment(#get 'drawDate').format 'MMM Do YY'
The data:
App.GROUPS = [
id: 1
drawDate: new Date()
# ...
My Route:
App.GroupsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
I can see a cleanly formatted date in the console under the controller. I'm not sure why it's not displaying, though.
You need to use an itemController and put your formattedDrawDateproperty on it. Your code as it is now simply adds a single property to your controller - not to each of it's content.
App.GroupsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend
itemController: 'group'
App.GroupController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
formatedDrawDate: (->
moment(#get 'drawDate').format 'MMM Do YY'
The documentation has a bit more info.
