How to create array from json in extjs for nested combobox - javascript

how to create array from json in extjs. Please find below json structure and the required array structure
"DepartmantCodes": [
"DepartmentCode": "12",
"DivisionCode": [
"DepartmentCode": "22",
"DivisionCode": [
Array structure

Using Ext.each and an empty array you can iterate through the json object and create the required array:
var endArray = [];
I've double nested the foreach in the example because, although your code has only 2 division codes in each array, I assume there could be any number of division codes?
Here is a fiddle for a working demonstration.


MongoDB - Updating multiple subarrays in an array

Is it possible to remove elements from multiple subarrays inside of one big array? My structure looks something like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": ""
"users": [
"friends": [
"friends": [
I have a friend id and I need to remove it from all the "friends" arrays in the "users" array
You can do with the positional operator $[] as follow:
db.no_more_friends.update({ "users.friends":"the_friend_id" },{ $pull:{"users.$[].friends":"the_friend_id"}} ,{multi:true})
Just take in consideration that with {multi:true} it will perform the user id removal to all friends sub-arrays in all documents where "the_friend_id" is found

How access nested JSON node after converting from SOAP?

Using node.js(javascript) how do I access the GetDataResult node in this JSON data that has been converted from SOAP data.
"s:Envelope": {
"$": {
"xmlns:s": ""
"s:Body": [{
"GetDataResponse": [{
"$": {
"xmlns": ""
"GetDataResult": ["You entered: TEST"]
Test using nodejs interactive mode :
$ node
> var x = {
... "s:Envelope": {
..... "$": {
....... "xmlns:s": ""
....... },
..... "s:Body": [{
....... "GetDataResponse": [{
......... "$": {
........... "xmlns": ""
........... },
......... "GetDataResult": ["You entered: TEST"]
......... }]
....... }]
..... }
... }
> console.log(x["s:Envelope"]["s:Body"][0]["GetDataResponse"][0]["GetDataResult"][0])
Output :
'You entered: TEST'
Explanations :
I try to elaborate a bit from comments below. There is no container, I try to explain :
You have to think json like what it is : an object or a data structure.
In python, we would say it's a dict, in perl a hash table etc... Globally, it's all about associative array
So when you see in JSON :
"key" : { "value" }
it's an associative array
If instead you see
"key": [
{ "key1": "foo" },
{ "key2": "bar" },
{ "key3": "base" }
It's an array of hashes or array of associative arrays.
When you access a simple associative array without spaces or odd characters, you can (in js do :
In your case, you have odd character : in the key name, so x.s:Envelope wouldn't work. Instead we write: x['s:Envelope'].
And as far as you have arrays of associative arrays inside [], you have to tell js which array number you need to fetch. It's arrays with only one associative array, so it's simple, we go deeper in the data structure by passing array number, that's what we've done with

Using dictionary as D3 data source

I want to use this data (below) as a data source for a d3.js program:
"component": {
"name1": {
"graphname": {
"title": "foo",
"data": [
{"data": "DATE IN ISOFORMAT", "value": 5},
{"data": "DATE IN ISOFORMAT", "value": 10}
"name2": {
"graphname": {
"title": "foo",
"data": [
{"data": "DATE IN ISOFORMAT", "value": 5},
{"data": "DATE IN ISOFORMAT", "value": 10}
"component2": {...
D3 accepts only array data? How i can manipulate it to work?
I want to graph for all component any "graphname" aggregated by "name"
Any tips?
D3 does not just accept arrays as data sources, but for looping purposes, arrays are much more convenient than JavaScript objects ("dicts"). There is a very easy way to convert objects to arrays, though. If your object above were called d, then its corresponding array can be created with:
var dlist = d3.entries(d);
Now dlist will be something like:
[ { key: 'component',
value: { name1: ..., name2: ... } },
{ key: 'component2',
value: { name1: ..., name2: ... } } ]
The original dict has been remapped into an array of "records," each with key and value pairs. This "array of records" pattern is very common in D3 work, and JavaScript in general. If you need to loop over the sub-structures (e.g. the name1, name2, ... values, d3.entries can be applied at multiple levels of the original structure, as those dict-to-list transforms are required.
Since this answer is called out in the comments as wrong, here's a working example of using an object ("dict") as a data source for a D3 program: first in a simple loop, then secondarily using the idiomatic d3 .data(...).enter() pipeline.

Addressing Objects in a JSON Array

I'm sending a JSON array to a script for further processing. The JSON array contains a bunch of objects each of which contain a further array of objects. What I need to know is how to access values within those nested objects. So, for instance, if the script receives the following:
petlist = [
{"catName":"Felix","catType":"British short haired"}
How would I then address, say, a) dogName, b) birdType, or c) the entire cats object?
Also, am I correct in my terminology here? As I understand it the stuff in square brackets is an array, while the stuff in curly braces is an object.
edit: I am building the JSON in Javascript and I then need to access the elements in a Jade template (in an 'each' loop)
I changed your JSON a little bit because I think it was not very fun to work with. Basically I just loop through the objects thats why I thought you should have a key like name instead of dogName, catName and so on.
You can find the working example with Jade in this JSFiddle
<div id="jadeoutput"></div>
<pre id="jadeinput" style="display:none">
- console.log(petlist)
h1 List
- for(var i in petlist)
li= "Item - "+ petlist[i].name
- for(var j in petlist[i].pets)
li= "Pet - " + petlist[i].pets[j].name + " " + petlist[i].pets[j].type
$(function() {
var json = {
"petlist" : [
"name" : "cats",
{ "name":"Felix","type":"British short haired"}
"name" : "dogs",
"name" : "fish",
"name" : "birds",
"pets" :

What is the correct format of populating a JSON object with a nested array of objects?

I'm trying to create a JSON object with a nested array of JSON objects. What is the correct format of this?
Here is an example what I am trying to create:
"reviewCount": 96,
"reviews": [
{"name": "Sean Steinman", "date": "reviewed 2 weeks ago", "reviewContent": "Fantastic Service"},
{"name": "Ryan Lundell", "date": "reviewed in the last week", "reviewContent":"Ask for Scott!"}
Here is what I have so far:
var reviewObj = {
reviewCount: reviews.length,
reviews: [{name: , date: , reviewContent:}]
After I initialize it, I will fill it with a for loop that runs through an existing array of strings.
The array that I'm using to populate the JSON object is:
"\nSean Steinman\nreviewed 2 weeks ago\n Fantastic Service\n",
"\nRyan Lundell\nreviewed in the last week\n Ask for Scott!\n• • •\n"
So I'm creating a new array in my for with tmpArr = reviews[i].split('/n');, and then where I'm getting stuck is how to stick that into the JSON object as an object.
First, you're not building a "JSON" object. You're just building an object. It's not JSON until you JSON-encode it. {"name": "bob"} is not JSON, it's an object literal. '{"name": "bob"}', the string, is JSON.
Second, you cannot loop inside an object literal, which is what your second code example seems to indicate you're trying to do. Instead, you need to initialize you reviews property to an empty array, and then loop and append items to the array.
var reviews = [
"\nSean Steinman\nreviewed 2 weeks ago\n Fantastic Service\n",
"\nRyan Lundell\nreviewed in the last week\n Ask for Scott!\n• • •\n"
var reviewObj = {
reviewCount: reviews.length,
reviews: []
reviews.forEach(function(line) {
var review = line.split("\n");{name: review[0], date: review[1], reviewContent: review[2]});
