disable panning on map with mouse - javascript

I have discovered how to remove the controls for panning and zooming. I also found the property to stop zooming in on mouse clicks. How can I prevent the user from panning the map with the mouse?

You should set map.dragMap = false;

Here is an example of map instantiation expanded with all options related to the functionality mentioned in the question, both the ones already found and the one OP asked for. The option that answers the question is "dragMap": false:
var map = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
"type": "map",
"theme": "light",
"dataProvider": {
"map": "worldLow",
"getAreasFromMap": true
"dragMap": false, // disables map dragging/panning
"zoomOnDoubleClick": false, // disables zoom on double click
"zoomControl": {
"zoomControlEnabled": false, // disables +/- zoom control
"panControlEnabled": false // disables pan controls (default)
"areasSettings": {
"autoZoom": false, // disables zoom when click on area
"selectable": true // determines whether an area is selectable - i.e. clicking on an area/country changes its color


Determining when a two-finger map drag occurs on a leaflet map

I am trying to work around the issue where a map is just part of the page, and on a mobile if you scroll down to the map, it fills the screen and you can't scroll the page anymore - you scroll the map instead.
so I changed the draggable option to have two finger map scrolls. This works.
var mymap = L.map('mapid', {
center: [latitude,longitude],
zoom: 17,
layers: [streetmap], //default layer
dragging: !L.Browser.mobile, tap: !L.Browser.mobile //twofinger map controls, one finger page scrolling
But I want to still have the map auto-follow the player, unless they have deliberately dragged the map away (and then a button to snap back to automove). The code of relevance for that stuff is here:
var panbtn = L.easyButton({
states: [{
stateName: 'pauseAutoMove',
icon: 'fa-sign-in fa-lg',
title: 'Centre display at current Player', //Tooltip
onClick: function(btn, map) { //if you click the button whilst it is in pauseAutoMove, recentre map and unpause
currentAutoMove = true; //Set flag, that currently map is being moved to recentre
currentAutoMove = false; //Remove flag again
pauseAutoMove = false; //set flag to stop Auto moving map
stateName: 'AutoMove', //clicking the button once it is doing AutoMove does nothing
icon: 'fa-crosshairs fa-lg',
mymap.on("zoomstart", function (e) { currentAutoMove = true }); //Set flag, that currently map is moved by a zoom command
mymap.on("zoomend", function (e) { currentAutoMove = false }); //Remove flag again
mymap.on('movestart',(e)=>{ //Check if map is being moved
if(!currentAutoMove){ //ignore if it was a natural PlayerLoc or programmatic update
pauseAutoMove = true; //set flag to stop Auto moving map
panbtn.state('pauseAutoMove'); //change button style to remove crosshairs and have a arrow-in icon
and elsewhere
function updatemap() { // Update the current player location on map
playerLoc.setLatLng([latitude,longitude]); //update current player marker instead of creating new ones
//other stuff goes here to update too
if(!pauseAutoMove){ //pan the map to follow the player unless it is on pause
currentAutoMove = true; //Set flag, that currently map is moved by a normal PlayerLoc Auto update
currentAutoMove = false; //Remove flag again
mymap.invalidateSize(); //reset map view
}; // end updatemap
Now that I have two-finger map-dragging, on the mobile, it does NOT register the change of state to panbtn. The map snaps back again and I can't stop it now. (Still works as intended on a PC screen).
So, my question: It seems mymap.on('movestart',(e)=>{... is NOT being triggered by a two-finger drag? Is there a way to re-enable that?
Leaflet events for touch interaction, including touch zoom (which is what happens when you use 2 fingers, even just for panning) are "touchstart", "touchmove" and "touchend".
However, these events will likely fire even with 1 finger touch, so you may need to add a check similar to Leaflet TouchZoom hamdler: https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/blob/v1.7.1/src/map/handler/Map.TouchZoom.js#L68
So you could combine with what you have with something like:
function mayDisableAutomove() { //Check if map is being moved
if(!currentAutoMove){ //ignore if it was a natural PlayerLoc or programmatic update
pauseAutoMove = true; //set flag to stop Auto moving map
panbtn.state('pauseAutoMove'); //change button style to remove crosshairs and have a arrow-in icon
mymap.on('touchmove', (e) => {
if (!e.touches || e.touches.length !== 2) { return; }
mymap.on('movestart', mayDisableAutomove);

Jquery with mouseover that works only on hover

i'm having some difficulty with the jquery mouseover.
I simply want to have the distortion effect happen when the mouse hovers over the image, and not when the mouse leaves. I am using mgGlitch for the effect and using jquery for the hover. I appreciate the help!
$(".glitch-img").hover(function() {
$( ".glitch-img" ).mgGlitch({
// set 'true' to stop the plugin
destroy : false,
// set 'false' to stop glitching
glitch: true,
// set 'false' to stop scaling
scale: true,
// set 'false' to stop glitch blending
blend : true,
// select blend mode type
blendModeType : 'hue',
// set min time for glitch 1 elem
glitch1TimeMin : 200,
// set max time for glitch 1 elem
glitch1TimeMax : 400,
// set min time for glitch 2 elem
glitch2TimeMin : 10,
// set max time for glitch 2 elem
glitch2TimeMax : 100,
// .mouseout(function() {
// $(".glitch-img").myGlitch({
// // set 'true' to stop the plugin
// destroy : false,
// // set 'false' to stop glitching
// glitch: false,
// // set 'false' to stop scaling
// scale: false,
// // set 'false' to stop glitch blending
// blend : false,
// })
From the JQuery Docs:
The .hover() method binds handlers for both mouseenter and mouseleave events.
What you want to do instead is bind the event to the mouseover() function. Reference

Openseadragon : weird selection rotation when rotating canvas

I am currently working on a viewer using OpenSeadragon, and the Picturae selection plugin for adding a cropping tool.
Selection is working fine, but when I rotate the image, rotation of selection is acting weird : it rotate around the bottom left corner, instead of the center of selection.
I made a video of the case : normal behavior of selection rotation when image is straight, and weird behavior when image is rotated.
The desired effect is to rotate around the center of selection...
I use the following code to initialize selection :
var selection = viewer.selection({
element: null, // html element to use for overlay
showSelectionControl: true, // show button to toggle selection mode
toggleButton: null, // dom element to use as toggle button
showConfirmDenyButtons: true,
styleConfirmDenyButtons: true,
returnPixelCoordinates: true,
keyboardShortcut: 'c', // key to toggle selection mode
rect: null, // initial selection as an OpenSeadragon.SelectionRect object
startRotated: false, // alternative method for drawing the selection; useful for rotated crops
startRotatedHeight: 0.1, // only used if startRotated=true; value is relative to image height
restrictToImage: true, // true = do not allow any part of the selection to be outside the image
onSelection: function(rect) { viewer_crop_download(rect); },
cancel : function(){ viewer_crop_disable(); },
prefixUrl: PREFIX_URL,
selection: {
REST: 'selection_rest.png',
GROUP: 'selection_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'selection_hover.png',
DOWN: 'selection_pressed.png'
selectionConfirm: {
REST: 'selection_confirm_rest.png',
GROUP: 'selection_confirm_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'selection_confirm_hover.png',
DOWN: 'selection_confirm_pressed.png'
selectionCancel: {
REST: 'selection_cancel_rest.png',
GROUP: 'selection_cancel_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'selection_cancel_hover.png',
DOWN: 'selection_cancel_pressed.png'
OpenSeadragon : https://openseadragon.github.io
Picturae selection plugin : https://picturae.github.io/openseadragonselection/
Thanks !

Is it possible to programatically trigger click/drag events in order to start a carousel moving

I have a requirement to create a dragable free-scrolling carousel, which I can do with the likes of http://flickity.metafizzy.co/ or http://idangero.us/swiper/. However neither of these allow me to specify an initial movement. Is it possible to simulate a click-drag on these carousels to 'give them a spin'?
Something like:
$('.home-map-wrapper').trigger('mousedown').trigger('mousemove', { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }).trigger('mousemove', { clientX: 10, clientY: 0 });
Update 1
I've created a fiddle with Flickety to demonstrate. How do I give this an initial movement?
Update 2
I want it to move initially like you've grabbed it and given it a gentle spin. But I don't want it to auto advance, like with 'autoPlay'. Unfortunately Flickerty offers no such configuration.
You do not have to use events to launch your carousel using flickity,
You can simply:
Retrieve your Flickity instance
Specify a velocity for your carousel
Specify that you are in freeScrolling mode (and not scrolling toward a specific position)
Launch animation
function initFlickety() {
var flickityElement = $('.home-map-wrapper').flickity({
freeScroll: true,
wrapAround: true,
prevNextButtons: false,
pageDots: false,
freeScrollFriction: 0.00
var flickity = flickityElement.data("flickity"); // [1]
flickity.velocity = -1; // [2]
flickity.isFreeScrolling = true; // [3]
flickity.startAnimation(); // [4]
If I understood correctly you want to have an initial movement on load.
I have tried setting autoPlay to a specific value on plugin initialization like this:
autoPlay: 1000,
freeScroll: true,
wrapAround: true,
prevNextButtons: false,
pageDots: false,
freeScrollFriction: 0.00
Check this Fiddle

Highcharts - how to get consistent mouseover and mouseout events for columns?

How to get consistent mouseover and mouseout events for highcharts columns?
The issue can be replicated by hovering the mouse horizontally back and forth along the middle of the chart in this js fiddle
This issue has been resolved by the below accepted answer.
In addition, I recommend setting tooltip.shared to false, and plotOptions.column.stickyTracking to false.
shared: false
stickyTracking: false # Mouse events will occur on column vs surrounding area
mouseOut: onItemMouseOut
mouseOver: onItemMouseOver
enabled: false # Removes default mouse over behavior.
In the screenshot, the arrows represent the mouse hovering back and forth along the middle of the chart. The expected behavior is that the currently hovered column will be full opacity.
This is how the mouse events are declared in the highcharts options configuration :
point: {
events: {
mouseOut: onItemMouseOut,
mouseOver: onItemMouseOver
These are the mouse event handlers :
var onItemMouseOver = function(){
var chart = $('#container').highcharts();
var series = chart.get('series-1');
var currentItem = this;
// Reduce opacity of all columns besides currently hovered column.
for(var i=0; i<series.segments[0].length;i++){
var segment = series.segments[0][i];
segment.graphic.attr({opacity: 0.3});
var onItemMouseOut = function(){
var chart = $('#container').highcharts();
var series = chart.get('series-1');
var currentItem = this;
for(var i=0; i<series.segments[0].length;i++){
var segment = series.segments[0][i];
segment.graphic.attr({opacity: 1});
I'm using a custom tooltip style, I had some suspicion the tooltip is interfering with the normal mouse events.
How about simply setting the opacity of the item you mouse over to 1 along with the other items to 0.3:
segment.graphic.attr({opacity: 0.3});
} else {
segment.graphic.attr({opacity: 1});
Fiddle Example
This way the hovered column will be for sure highlighted. In some cases when moving to a new column the item you moved to would still have an opacity of 0.3 causing the seemingly inconsistent behaviour, this means that two mouseover events happened rather than a in-between mouseout. This can happen when you have mouse events happening nearly the same time and the elements being very close to as each other (or even overlapping).
