So, i'm adding 2 characters 4 levels together (hp, attack, strength and defense) and then comparing them. However I am having a problem. when the numbers are added together they're added together as a string so it outputs as follows. 9060951/99709940 instead of 246 (90+60+95+1)/308 (99+70+99+40). Here is what I am doing.
function calculate(player1, player2) {
var total1 = player1.getTotal();
var total2 = player2.getTotal();
var differencePercentage;
if(total1 > total2) {
differencePercentage = total2 + "/" + total1 + " = " + (total2/total1);
} else {
differencePercentage = total1 + "/" + total2 + " = " + (total1/total2);
var percentage = differencePercentage;
return percentage;
function Player(hp, attack, strength, defense) {
this.hp = parseInt(hp);
this.attack = parseInt(attack);
this.strength = parseInt(strength);
this.defense = parseInt(defense);
this.getTotal = function() {
var total = 0;
total = hp + attack + strength + defense;
return total;
Why is this happening?
You are parsing the Ints into this.hp, this.attack etc. in your Player function but not into the getTotal function
Try this
this.getTotal = function() {
var total = 0;
total = this.hp + this.attack + this.strength + this.defense;
return total;
working on some word problems for my intro class and my html keeps getting stuck in a loop in the alert section of my code. once it goes in there it doesn't come back out no matter if I am inputting correctly. this is a beginner class so we have only just gotten into loops and switches so please keep it basic. thanks in advance!
var custOwed, numCust, dayTotal;
var woodTotal, alumTotal, steelTotal;
var rate;
var woodCount = 0;
var alumCount = 0;
var steelCount = 0;
var woodAccum = 0;
var alumAccum = 0;
var steelAccum = 0;
var anotherOrder = "yes";
var woodRate = 10;
var alumRate = 15;
var steelRate = 25;
var errorFlag = 0;
anotherOrder = prompt("Another Order", "yes or no");
while (anotherOrder == "yes") {
poleType = prompt("What type of pole would you like today?", "wood, aluminum, or steel");
numFeet = prompt("How many feet?", "10");
numFeet = parseInt(numFeet);
switch (poleType) {
case "wood":
woodCount = woodCount + 1;
woodAccum = woodAccum + numFeet;
rate = woodRate;
case "aluminum":
alumCount = alumCount + 1;
alumAccum = alumAccum + numFeet;
rate = alumRate;
case "steel":
steelCount = steelCount + 1;
steelAccum = steelAccum + numFeet;
rate = steelRate;
errorFlag = 1;
if (errorFlag == 1) {
alert("You typed " + poleType + " the only choices were wood, aluminum, or steel");
anotherOrder = "yes";
} else {
custOwed = numFeet * rate;
alert("You Owe" + custOwed);
anotherOrder = prompt("Another Customer?", "yes or no");
numCust = woodCount + alumCount + steelCount;
woodTotal = woodAccum * woodRate;
alumTotal = alumAccum * alumRate
steelTotal = steelAccum * steelRate
dayTotal = woodTotal + alumTotal + steelTotal;
document.write("Number of Customers: " + numCust);
document.write("<br>Wood Customers: " + woodCount);
document.write("<br>Total Feet of Wood: " + woodAccum);
document.write("<br>Total owed of Wood: $" + woodTotal.toFixed(2));
document.write("<br>Aluminum Customers: " + alumCount);
document.write("<br>Total Feet of Aluminum: " + alumAccum);
document.write("<br>Total owed of Aluminum: $" + alumTotal.toFixed(2));
document.write("<br>Steel Customers: " + alumCount);
document.write("<br>Total Feet of Steel: " + alumAccum);
document.write("<br>Total owed of Steel: $" + alumTotal.toFixed(2));
document.write("<br>Total owed from the day: $" + dayTotal.toFixed(2));
I need to assign instances of my object as values in my array, but when I try to add let to my loop for collecting user input, I get an error stating that "[" is an unexpected token. This is a new technique to me so I'm not sure if this is even a practical method for making a table. Any help is appreciated.
function generateTable() {
var tblStart = "<table>";
//This is the header line for my table.
var tblMeat = "<tr> <td><b>Name</b></td> <td><b>Attendance</b></td> <td><b>Homework</b></td> <td><b>Midterm</b></td> <td><b>Final</b></td> <td><b>Course Grade</b></td> <td><b>Round Grade</b></td> <td><b>Letter Grade</b></td> </tr>";
var tblStop = "</table>";
//This determines the number of rows.
var rowCount = prompt("How many students are in the class?");
//I want to assign instances of Student to this array which will be used to fill the table cells.
var pupil = [NUMBER(rowCount)];
//This object should process user entries and use them to calculate the total grade, rounded grade, and letter grade.
function Student(name, attendance, homework, mGrade, fGrade) { = name;
this.attend = attendance;
this.homewrk = homework;
this.midter = mGrade;
this.fingrad = fGrade;
this.course = function () {
var attGrade = this.attend * 0.1;
var hwkGrade = this.homewrk * 0.2;
var midGrade = this.midter * 0.3;
var finGrade = this.fingrad * 0.4;
var combGrade = attGrade + hwkGrade + midGrade + finGrade;
return combGrade.toFixed(2);
this.round = Math.round(this.course);
this.letter = function() {
if(this.course < 60) {
return '<p style="color:red;">F</p>';
} else if(this.course >= 60 && this.course <= 69.9){
return "D";
} else if(this.course >= 70 && this.course <= 79.9) {
return "C";
} else if(this.course >= 80 && this.course <= 89.9) {
return "B";
} else if(this.course >= 90 && this.course <= 100) {
return "A";
/*This loop should collect user input based on the declared number of students, and assign input values to instances of
Student based on which execution of the loop is being run. I am getting an error stating "[" is unexpected for line 79.
for (var r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) {
var studentN = prompt("Enter student name.");
var studentA = prompt("Enter student attendance.");
var studentH = prompt("Enter student homework grade.");
var studentM = prompt("Enter student midterm grade.");
var studentF = prompt("Enter student final grade.");
let pupil[r] = new Student(studentN, studentA, studentH, studentM, studentF);
for(var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
tblMeat += "<tr>";
for(var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
tblMeat += "<td>" + pupil[i].name + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].attend + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].homewrk + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].midter + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].fingrad + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].course() + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].round + "</td><td>" + pupil[i].letter() + "</td>";
tblMeat += "</tr>";
//This just puts it all together.
var completeTable = tblStart + tblMeat + tblStop;
document.getElementById("placetable").innerHTML = completeTable;
I ran your program through uglifyJS. It's actually for compressing javascript code, but when there is a lot of code to debug, it's a life changer.
The script told me:
Parse error: Unexpected token: punc ([)
Line 59, column 16
let pupil[r] = new Student(studentN, studentA, studentH, studentM, studentF);
You're trying to define an already existing variable. Remove "let".
A tiny advice for the future.
The user should be able to enter in an integer and see the base, squared, and cubed result of that number. The base result should be listed under the "base" header, the squared result should be listed under the "squared" header and the cubed result should be listed under the "cubed" result. However, my output is listed all results under the "base" header. How can I make the results be listed under the related headers? This is what I have:
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var calculate = function () {
//Get the input from the user and assign it to the userInput variable
var integer = $("integer").value;
var header = "Base" + " " + "Square" + " " + "Cubed" + "\n";
var squared = "";
var cubed = "";
var base = "";
var displayOutput;
for (var i = 1; i <= integer; i++) {
base += i + "\n";
squared += i * i + "\n";
cubed += i * i * i + "\n";
displayOutput = base + squared + cubed;
$("output").value = header + displayOutput;
var form_reset = function () {
$("output").value = "";
$("integer").value = "";
//Assign event handlers to their events
window.onload = function () {
$("powers").onclick = calculate;
$("clear").onclick = form_reset;
It all depends on the output. Trying to stay as close as possible to your code, seems you are inserting your resulting displayOutput string into a textarea control. If you want to keep it that way, try tabs (\t) to separate your columns, and only a new line at the end (\n). Also, I noticed you were concatenating every column (base, square, and cubed) on every iteration, so I removed that. Here's the result:
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var calculate = function () {
//Get the input from the user and assign it to the userInput variable
var integer = $("integer").value;
var header = "Base" + " " + "Square" + " " + "Cubed" + "\n";
var squared = "";
var cubed = "";
var base = "";
var displayOutput = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= integer; i++) {
base = i + "\t";
squared = i * i + "\t";
cubed = i * i * i + "\n";
displayOutput += base + squared + cubed;
$("output").value = header + displayOutput;
var form_reset = function () {
$("output").value = "";
$("integer").value = "";
//Assign event handlers to their events
window.onload = function () {
$("powers").onclick = calculate;
$("clear").onclick = form_reset;
$("theform").onsubmit = function() { return false; };
The script works great for adding items on invoice however i cant figure how to convert the data using .toFixed(2) to show $10.00 instead of 10. I get an error every time I try to add .toFixed(2) . thank you
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction() {
var answer = document.getElementById('total');
var x = document.getElementById('itemprice1');
var y = document.getElementById('itemprice2');
var z = document.getElementById('itemprice3');
var w = document.getElementById('itemprice4');
var taxt = document.getElementById('taxtot');
var thetot = document.getElementById('thetot');
// parseFloat converts to values, otherwise you'll concatenate the strings.
answer.value = parseFloat("0" + x.value) + parseFloat("0" + y.value) + parseFloat("0" + z.value) + parseFloat("0" + w.value);
function myFunction1() {
var answer = document.getElementById('total');
var taxt = document.getElementById('taxtot');
var thetot = document.getElementById('thetot');
thetot.value = parseFloat("0" + answer.value) + parseFloat("0" + taxt.value);
if (thetot > "0") {
//function myFunction2()
var taxt = document.getElementById('taxtot');
var tx1 = document.getElementById('tax1');
var tx2 = document.getElementById('tax2');
var tx3 = document.getElementById('tax3');
var tx4 = document.getElementById('tax4');
var x = document.getElementById('itemprice1');
var y = document.getElementById('itemprice2');
var z = document.getElementById('itemprice3');
var w = document.getElementById('itemprice4');
var answer = document.getElementById('total');
taxt.value = parseFloat("0" + tx1.value) * ("0" + x.value) + parseFloat("0" + tx2.value) * ("0" + y.value) + parseFloat("0" + tx3.value) * ("0" + z.value) + parseFloat("0" + tx4.value) * ("0" + w.value);
Presumably your controls are in a form, so you can reference them simply using their name in the form. You can also convert strings to numbers using unary +:
function myFunction(formId) {
var f = document.getElementById(formId);
var answer =;
var x = +f.itemprice1.value;
var y = +f.itemprice2.value;
var z = +f.itemprice3.value;
var w = +f.itemprice4.value;
var taxt = f.taxtot;
var thetot = f.thetot;
// Presumably here is where you want to use toFixed
answer.value = '$' + (x + y + z + w).toFixed(2);
function to_dollar_string(amount)
return "$" + amount.toFixed(2);
=> "$10.00"
=> "$10.57"
I can't figure this out I keep getting stuck in a loop. I don't know if I have my calculation or if statements in the right areas, please I could use some help. My output is like a end of day report. I could really use the help.
<script type="text/javascript">
// assignments
var cost, nachosCounter, moneyCollected, nachosRate, corndogRate, hotdogRate;
var hamAccum, hotdogAccum, corndogAccum, nachosAccum, hamburgerRate;
var beginDay, orderType, hamCounter, hotdogCounter, corndogCounter;
var totalHotdog, totalNachos, totalCorndog, totalHamburger, moneyCollected;
var hamburgerRate = 4;
var hotDogRate = 2;
var cornDogRate = 3;
var nachosRate = 5;
var hamCounter = 0;
var hotdogCounter = 0;
var corndogCounter = 0;
var nachosCounter = 0;
var beginDay = "yes"
//initalizing loop
beginDay = "yes"
//start loop
while (beginDay == "yes")
orderType = prompt("hamburger, hotdog, corndog, nachos", "");
if (orderType == "hamburger")
hamCounter = hamCounter + 1;
if (hamCounter == 1)
hamAccum = "<br>The total number of hamburgers purchased: " + hamCounter;
hamAccum = hamAccum + "<br>" + hamCounter;
else if (orderType == "hotdog")
hotdogCounter = hotdogCounter + 1;
if (hotdogCounter == 1)
hotdogAccum = "The total number of hotdog purchased:<br>" + hotdogCounter;
hotdogAccum = hotdogAccum + "<br>" + hotdogCounter;
if (orderType == "corndog")
corndogCounter = corndogCounter + 1;
if (corndogCounter == 1)
corndogAccum = "<br>The total number of corndogs purchased: <br>" + corndogCounter;
corndogAccum = corndogAccum + "<br>" + corndogCounter;
if (orderType == "nachos")
nachosCounter = nachosCounter + 1;
if (nachosCounter == 1)
nachosAccum = "<br>The total number of nachos purchased: <br>" + nachosCounter;
nachosAccum = nachosAccum + "<br>" + nachosCounter;
totalHotdog = hotdogCounter*hotDogRate;
totalHamburger = hamCounter*hamburgerRate;
totalCorndog = corndogCounter*cornDogRate;
totalNachos = nachosCounter*nachosRate;
moneyCollected = totalNachos+totalCorndog+totalHamburger+totalHotdog;
beginDay = prompt("More to add?", "yes");
document.write("<br>The total dollar amount for hotdog: $ " + totalHotdog);
document.write("<br>The total dollar amount for hamburger: $ " + totalHamburger);
document.write("<br>The total dollar amount for corndogs: $" + totalCorndog);
document.write("<br>The total dollar amount for nachos: $" + totalNachos);
document.write("The total amount of money collected: $" + moneyCollected);
// -->