Collect data with PHP from dynamically created inputs - javascript

I have this code:
It's a form where a user can add input-text dynamically, he can add and delete as many as he wants (only and the first being mandatory). And since he can add and delete the ones he likes their ID's may not be consecutive.
My question is how can I collect the data from the newly created inputs with PHP and store it in vars, each input in it's own var, independently ([input_1] > $input_1, so on). My idea was to create a for loop and go through all the elements from 0 to n, and those who contain data would be stored and those who don't wouldn't. Would that be an appropriate approach?
I am sorry that I don't have any PHP code to show but I don't even know where to start with this one, so thank you very much in advance if you can help me with this one.

I have checked your fiddle, and you have the next HTML as input element.
<input type="text">
If you want to send form data to a server, you have to wrap it in a form element. Here below is an example of a simple form
<form action="url_to_php_file.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="age[]" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
Here, you see a <form> element, which you can use to pass form data to the server. It has several attributes. Here, action is the URL to where the form content should be sent to. Pick it the PHP file where the form should be handled. If it's on the same page as the display, just use # as field.
Then method-attribute is to send the form by POST data. The other option is using GET, but it's not secure because using GET will send in the form data in the URL too. While POST will wrap it in the request.
If you have a form element, it's necessary to have a button to submit the form. By submitting, you're activating the trigger to send the form to the address described in action-attribute of the form. That's the input-submit element.
Now, the data itself. Each input has to be assigned with a name-attribute. The content of it will be associated to that name when submitting the form. If you want to send in multiple data as one name field, you have to use an array, the [] in the form name.
For example, age will only hold one data-entry. While age[] can hold multiple values.
If you want to add the element, just clone the said object, only if it doesn't have id with it. If you have multiple elements with same id, you can get unpredictable results. It's advisable to keep id's unique.
And on your PHP file, read the $_POST['name'] as an array.
...... edited.

I suggest to create these new inputs with name tags. These name tags must be unique e.g. cool_input1, cool_input_2, ... OR use as array: cool_input[].
As result - you can get incoming info in php and parse received data from POST/GET.
For the first idea you don't need to know real count of the generated inputs. You just can use 'foreach element in POST' and if its name matches your pattern - this is what you need.


Is there any way to edit a URL to embed a form entry?

I know it is possible to embed form values into the URL as parameters if the form has an ID assigned to it. But what if it does not have an ID?
For example the "Search" field in this page:
<input type="text" placeholder="Search " class="form-control ng-valid ng-dirty search-box" ng-model="search.$" ng-change="updateButtons()">
I know it is possible to embed form values into the URL as parameters if the form has an ID assigned to it.
That is not true.
Server-side (and occasionally client-side) code on a page may read the query string as a means to set default values for form controls (typically so that a form can be corrected and resubmitted if there were errors in the previous attempt).
In these cases, the name attributes will usually map onto the query string (because the form will generate the query string from the name attributes). Often an input will be given an id that is the same as its name.
It is entirely under the control of the site's authors.
There is no way to set values of inputs on another site without the other side providing a mechanism to allow you to do that.
There's a few different ways to do that. Looking at that HTML, it's the first text-type input inside the div, so the first method that comes to mind is this:
You could pull out the div (using the class "search-area") and then target the first text input box within that div. I don't know whether you're using jQuery or native JS or exactly what language/library/framework you're using.
JQuery would be something like:
var inputElement = $(".search-area")[0].first()
This SO answer may help:
jQuery: how to find first visible input/select/textarea excluding buttons?
Edited to add: Answer is targetting the input element. As the answer from someone else mentions.. You can't actually do what you're wanting to do with the URL.
Edited again. Misread the question. I'll leave this here in case someone else needs to know how to target an input field that doesn't have an ID. Alternatively, I have no problems if someone wants to delete this answer.

Get Input Field value using DTM on Submitting a form

I have two input fields that had the user access card and password. and the user click on submit button to authenticate.
I'm using DTM in my app to capture the user navigation but I want also to get the values of those field to my DTM so I would know who the user is.
And here is what I tried but with no luck.
Created Data element as below:
And created Event based rule. But not sure how to get the values to be shown in my report:
Thanks for your help.
Example Form
Since you did not post what your form code looks like, here is a simple form based on what I see in the screenshots you posted, that I will use in my examples below.
<form id='someForm'>
User Name <input type='text' name='userName'><br>
Password <input type='password' name='userPass'><br>
<input type='submit' value='submit' />
Data Elements
Okay first, let's go over what you did wrong.
1) You said you want to capture two form fields, but you only have one data element...maybe? You didn't really convey this in your question. I just assumed as much because of what you did throughout the rest of the screenshots. But to be clear: you should have two separate data elements, one for each field.
2) The CSS Selector Chain value you used is just input, so it will select the first input field on the page, which may or may not coincide with one of the input fields you are looking to capture. So, you need to use a CSS selector that is unique to the input field you want to capture. Something as simple as input[name="userName"] will probably be good enough (but I cannot confirm this without seeing your site). You will need to do the same for the 2nd Data Element you create for the other input field (e.g. input[name="userPass"])
3) In the Get the value of dropdown, you chose "name". This means that if you have for example <input type='text' name='foo'>, it will return "foo". Since you want to capture the value the user inputs, you should select "value" from the dropdown.
Putting all the above together, you should have two Data Elements that look something like this (one for the user name field and one for the password field; only one shown below):
Event Base Rule
Okay first, let's go over what you did wrong.
1) The value you specified in Element Tag or Selector is input. You aren't submitting an input field; you are submitting a form. Input fields don't even have a submit event handler! Your Event Type is "submit", so at a minimum, Element Tag or Selector should be form. But really..
2) Ideally, you should use a CSS Selector that more directly and uniquely targets the form you want to trigger the rule for. For example, maybe the form has an id attribute you can target in your CSS Selector. Or maybe the form is on a specific page, so you can add additional conditions based on the URL. What combination of CSS Selector or other conditions you use to uniquely identify your form depends on how your site is setup. In my example form above, I added an id attribute, so I can use form#someForm as the CSS Selector.
3) You checked the Manually assign properties & attributes checkbox, and then added two Property = Value items. This tells DTM to only trigger the rule if the input has a name attribute with value of "userName" AND if it has a name attribute value of "userPass". Well name can't have two values at the same time, now can it!
<input name='foo' name='bar'> <!-- bad! -->
All of this needs to be removed, because again (from #1), you should be targeting a form, not an input field.
4) For good measure, looks like you added a Rule Condition of type Data > Custom, but the code box is empty. The rule will only trigger if the box returns a truthy value. Since there is no code in the box, it will return undefined (default value returned by a javascript function if nothing is returned), which is a falsey value. This also needs to be removed.
Putting all the above together, the Conditions section of the Event Based Rule should look something like this:
But again, ideally your conditions should be more complex, to more uniquely target your form.
Referencing the Data Elements
Lastly, you can reference the input fields to populate whatever fields in the various Tool sections with the %data_element% syntax. For example, you can populate a couple of Adobe Analytics eVars like this (data element names reflect the examples I created above):
Or, you can reference them with javascript syntax in a custom code box as e.g. _satellite.getVar('form_userName');
Additional Notes
1) I Strongly recommend you do not capture / track this type of info. Firstly, based on context clues in your post, it looks like this may count as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which is protected under a number of laws, varying from country to country. Secondly, in general, it is a big security risk to capture this information and send it to Adobe (or anywhere else, really). Overall, capturing this sort of data is practically begging for fines, lawsuits, etc.
2) Note that (assuming all conditions met), the "submit" Event Type will track when the user clicks the submit button, which is not necessarily the same thing as the user successfully completing the form (filling out all the form fields with valid input, etc.). I don't know the full context/motive of your requirements, but in general, most people aim to only capture an event / data on successful form completion (and sometimes separately track form errors).

Get input Array Laravel not working

I'm creating an array of input in my form. And i wanna get this array on my controller in Laravel.
My inputs is hidden type, and i add this fields dynamically through JavaScript, using Backbone.
I add this inputs on my form:
<input type="hidden" name="id_poi[]" class="id_poi" value="">
The value is also set dynamically in JavaScript.
After i add this input, this is my DOM:
So, i can add many inputs on my form.
When i'll handle this array on Laravel, i just get the value of the last input of this array.
I'm testing in this way:
public function store() {
And i had this output:
What i'm doing wrong to fail to get the values in an array?
I had other element with the same name in my form, and i change it.
But the problem isn't solved yet, when i submit the form, the elements added dynamically isn't sent to PHP. Resulting in the same output above.
inputs is hidden name edit. Example
Sory, my English not good.

getting parent object and passing to other methods via a form in between

Thanks for the upvote and appreciation done. the black arrow. i when the create task is hit. it opens a form, form submit button makes an ajax call. Now , i need form values in that ajax call (thats simple to get the values by #form id and field) , but HOW to get the parent of the clicked arow div and pass THAT to the ajax call method
I might get the FIRST parent of a div that has .someClass by $(this).parents(".someClass").first() but how to actually do it practically and move the value to or through the form and then to the ajaxcall method.
the form is actually in between the clicked div and the ajaxmethod call
Well here is one way to do this.
Take a look at this code:
<form id="createForm">
<input name="task-title"></input>
<textarea name="task-description"></textarea>
^^^^ need the name for all inputs you care about
<input id="parentVal" type="hidden" name="parentVal"/>
<input type="button" value="Create" class="create..." onClick="ajaxCreateTask();" />
function ajaxCreateTask(){
$("#parentValue").val("getValueYouWant"); //sets the hidden input which makes it part of the form
$.post("url", $("#createForm").serialize());
Now let met explain a little how this works. When the serialize method is called, it basically turns the form into a map. The keys of the map are the name attributes and the values are the values of the inputs. We use a hidden input to contain the extra data - the parent data of the button clicked or whatever you want it to be. Then, you simply called the post jquery method which makes a post request to the url which is the first parameter, and the request contains the data in the second parameter, which is your form data. This page is really helpful.
Let me know if that helps and if you have other questions.

dojox.form.Rating Not Appearing in Post Data

I have a included a Dojo star rating widget (dojox.form.Rating) in a Dojo form but when submitted, it doesn't appear.
<div dojoType="dojox.form.Rating" numStars="5" id="field_3177" value="3"></div>
The documentation doesn't mention adding a name attribute, but even if I add one, it doesn't help.
<div dojoType="dojox.form.Rating" name="field_3177" numStars="5" id="field_3177" value="3"></div>
Examining the rendered HTML in Firebug, it seems the hidden input field has no name attribute - which would explain why it doesn't appear in the POSTed data.
<input type="hidden" dojoattachpoint="focusNode" value="3" id="field_3177" tabindex="0">
Is there something I should do before submitting?
You just need to add a name to the widget, i.e.
<div dojoType="dojox.form.Rating" numStars="5" id="field_3177" name="field_3177" value="3"></div>
This is nothing special to Dojo. All input elements must have a name in order to be submitted back to the server, see
Sorry, didn't see that you'd already tried adding a name param. I'd argue this is a bug in either the Form or (more likely) the rating widget. If you submit your form via XHR using dijit.form.Form.getValues() then you'll get the rating widget included - if you have a name. But if you use the native form submit then you don't.
I've created a test case at h You can get this to work for non-XHR form submission by quickly iterating through the values returned by getValues() and building the query string yourself. Not ideal. I suspect the template for the rating should be updated to put the name attribute onto the input node rather than the top level node.
Silly question:
have you added dojo.require("dojox.form.Rating"); to your code?
Hope it helps you.
