Response of Ajax Request not in English - javascript

Basically i created an online API to scrape data from the Google play store, the API was working fine on my localhost server and everything was according to what I designed but, after uploading the API to my online server, when i send request to scrape data from the Google play store, it returns me in a foreign language, which Google translate says is "INDONESIAN"
So i did some research and modified the headers, currently these are my headers:
header('Content-Type: application/json');
header('Accept-Encoding: gzip');
header('Accept-Language: en');
header('Content-Language: en');
All of them are declared in PHP, but nothing happened, response is still in "INDONESIAN". I am getting what i want, just not in the desired language; please answer as quickly as possible

Found the answer in another post completely different than this,
i just had to append the "&hl=en" at the end of the play store link to make it open in english only like'.$appPackageName.'&hl=en
Google Play's language in English


dynamically generate content for a page when clicking on product

everyone. I am making a website with t-shirts. I dynamically generate preview cards for products using a JSON file but I also need to generate content for an HTML file when clicking on the card. So, when I click on it, a new HTML page opens like product.html?product_id=id. I do not understand how to check for id or this part ?prodcut_id=id, and based on id it generates content for the page. Can anyone please link some guides or good solutions, I don't understand anything :(.
It sounds like you want the user's browser to ask the server to load a particular page based on the value of a variable called product_id.
The way a browser talks to a server is an HTTP Request, about which you can learn all the basics on and/or MDN.
The ?product_id=id is called the 'query' part of the URL, about which you can learn more on MDN and Wikipedia.
A request that gets a page with this kind of URL from the server is usually a GET request, which is simpler and requires less security than the more common and versatile POST request type.
You may notice some of the resources talking about AJAX requests (which are used to update part of the current page without reloading the whole thing), but you won't need to worry about this since you're just trying to have the browser navigate to a new page.
Your server needs to have some code to handle any such requests, basically saying:
"If anybody sends an HTTP GET request here, look at the value of the product_id variable and compare it to my available HTML files. If there's a match, send a response with the matching file, and if there's no match, send a page that says 'Error 404'."
That's the quick overview anyway. The resources will tell you much more about the details.
There are some solutions, how you can get the parameters from the url:
Get ID from URL with jQuery
It would also makes sense to understand what is a REST Api and how to build a own one, because i think you dont have a backend at the moment.
Here some refs:

How do I access Wolfram's API data?

Could someone explain how I can access Wolfram's API data? I'm not worried about formatting for now--I would just like to learn the basics of interacting with the API.
The Wolfram website FAQ says this: "The Wolfram|Alpha API is designed to operate with interactive web technologies such as AJAX, Flash, and Silverlight."
And the documentation, which is located here:, says this: "A simple API call to retrieve output for the query "pi" would look like this:
This query did not specify a desired output format, and the default is to retrieve the plaintext and image representations of each subpod. The image is returned as an <img> tag suitable for direct inclusion in a web page. Here is the output:"
I just have no idea how to put this together to actually access the Wolfram API data. Do I use AJAX or something else? What is the basic code for accessing the data?
I'm very new at this, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!!
To use XMLHttpRequest their server must enable credentials by setting the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials response header to “true”
By AJAX I think they mean your server code should make the request.
In the next example they use Java Server Pages on their own domain to make the request:
Check other answers:
Wolfram API javascript cross origin sharing issue
If you use JQuery, a common javasSript framework, you can make an ajax request as follows
var requestData = function() {
url: "",
}).done(function(data) {
//data should contain the response from wolframalpha

National Weather Service javascript jquery ajax 0 error

For some reason the National Weather Service's xml site does not work for me. When I say "does not work", I mean that I've tried both XMLHttpRequest and ajax to GET the xml data from in order to write a script that displays current weather conditions. this is my code:
(function (){
function updateWeather(){
var url= "";
url: url,
dataType: 'xml',
document.getElementById("weatherbox").innerHTML="error" +xhr.status+xhr.statusText;},
I know that you typically cannot request information cross domain, but the NWS site says its open to the public and im using an ajax call and since it seems as though nobody else has this problem it must not be a cross domain error, but i have tried using crossDomain: true in the ajax call. I have tried making the url "https:...." instead but that did nothing. I've tried specifying type:'GET' in the ajax call as well. Every time I run the script it returns error0error . Does anyone have any ideas? A working implementation of an ajax call would be even better, I've been working at this for days and it's driving me crazy that I can't seem to retrieve this data.
in response to the first comment, I looked into it before but it seems like the SOAP service is for requesting data packages, such as "the weather in SF from january to september" or something, and from the looks of this:
"XML Feeds of Current Weather Conditions
This page provides access to observed current weather conditions for about 1,800 locations across the United States and US Territories. Two file formats designed for computer to computer data transfer are provided. RSS and XML lists are provided to aid the automated dissemination of this information. More information on RSS and XML formats/feeds. Comments and feedback are welcome. There is additional information about this offering via this Product Description Document.
Select a State or Territory to locate XML weather observations feeds available:
Select a State/Territory above to list display list of observations stations An index list of all available stations is available in XML (900kb): XML Format"
"About XML
NWS offers hourly weather observations formatted with xml tags to aid in the parsing of the information by automated programs used to populate databases, display information on webpages or other similar applications. This format is not to be confused with RSS and cannot be read by RSS readers and aggregators. These files present more detailed information than the RSS feeds in strings friendly for parsing. Both the RSS and XML feeds offer URLs to icon images. Additionally, A list of what phrases may appear in the XML tag and suggested icons is available. To access these feeds, select a state and then the last XML link in the column."
from this site:
i should be able to just use the xml from the link i posted above to retrieve current observation data and not packages like one would use for calculating or predicting forecast trends, AND it seems as though the SOAP request service actually would not work for my purposes because i cannot just order one data point.
You could use JSONP request to avoid getting CORS errors, but this SOAP service does not wrap data in script. Just try reading the docs here. You'll most probably have to create a client. NWS also provides a RESTful API. Read the tutorials here.
If you can use a php proxy, then look at for the solution, and the corresponding code link at pastebin
To summarize, the solution uses an intermediary to the remote site that sits at the same location as your JS code. You invoke the proxy by setting the url parameter to your target. Let's say you saved the proxy code to filename 'weatherproxy.php' and your webserver supports the php module and curl support, then you would set your variable as
var url = 'weatherproxy.php?url=';
With no other options to your proxy, on success it will return a json with the form:
{ status: { http_code: 200 }, contents: "your xml contents as a string" }
From there you would have to invoke an xml interpreter on 'contents'. Alternatively, there are parameters that you can supply to that proxy to return the raw xml. The parameter is '&mode=native'. I'm not sure though that jQuery can properly handle the XML that returns.
Have fun exploring the code.

Does d3.json() support authentication? If not, what other JavaScript options are available for JSON retrieval?

I am developing an application that needs to gather information from GitHub, so I began looking at their API. My initial thought was to use the d3.json() function to get the data (because it's simple and has done good things for me in the past), but there doesn't appear to be a way for me to authenticate with that function. For example, $ curl -u "username" is given as an example of basic authentication (from GitHub API--obviously they use curl for their examples).
So, is there a way to do authentication with the d3.json() function? And if not, what are my other options to get the JSON with JavaScript?
I'm experimenting now with using jQuery's getJSON method as shown here, because I started getting the error "XMLHttpRequest cannot load url Origin url is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin." Of course, the switch doesn't help with the ability to authenticate, but I can at least get the public data (which is most).
Edit #2:
Has anyone experimented with michael/github or fitzgen/github-api? I'm going to start looking into those.
If you have a PHP script which echos JSON, you can do all authentication server-side. Note that you can also send a GET request to your PHP script, so the way you call your script can be dynamic.

Using the HTTP Accept Header from JavaScript

I have a web service that performs a database search. It accepts both GET and POST requests, and can return data in either JSON, CSV, or HTML format based on the HTTP Accept header.
I have a web page that makes an Ajax request to this web service, and displays the search results.
I have been asked to add a button to this page that will allow the user to save the data in CSV format.
Earlier this year, someone was in the same boat, and got the response
You cannot do it using javascript
capabilities, since javascript has no
permission to write on client machine,
instead you can send request to server
to create csv file and send it back to
So I added a button that does"MyWebService.cgi?" + theSameQueryStringIPassedInTheAjaxCall),
which opens the HTML version in a new browser tab. I want the CSV version. Is there a way I could pass an Accept: text/csv HTTP header? (I know how to do it with XMLHttpRequest and setRequestHeader, but that doesn't help me.)
Don't think so. I think you should use an parameter instead.
