Restrict number of users in a session in vline - javascript

Can I restrict the number of users in a session? Is there any option in vline.session? Please guide if this can be done by writing custom javascript.
Referring to, a two party call controller is explained. I want to ask is there any way to restrict number of users in a session? There is no such option present in session's docs. Is it supported as a part of the API?
If this can be done using custom javascript, how?
As a part of my effort, I have tried to implement vline-django examples, but could not find a section in documentation that addresses this issue.
EDIT 2: The code that is working for me.
var vlineClient = (function(){
var client, session,
authToken = {{ user|vline_auth_token|safe }},
serviceId = {% vline_service_id %},
profile = {{ user|vline_user_profile|safe }};
// Create vLine client
window.vlineClient = client = vline.Client.create({"serviceId": serviceId, "ui": true});
// Add login event handler
client.on('login', onLogin);
// Do login
client.login(serviceId, profile, authToken);
function onLogin(event) {
session =;
// Find and init call buttons
var callButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('callbutton');
for (var i=0; i < callButtons.length; ++i) {
// add event handlers for call button
function initCallButton(button) {
var userId = button.getAttribute('data-userid');
// fetch person object associated with username
session.getPerson(userId).done(function(person) {
// update button state with presence
function onPresenceChange() {
button.setAttribute('data-presence', person.getPresenceState());
// set current presence
// handle presence changes
person.on('change:presenceState', onPresenceChange);
// start a call when button is clicked
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
return client;
How do I move ahead?

if i understand correctly the OP is trying to make a multi-user chat room - this is also what i wanted to do with vline and because i wanted a/v chat as well the number of participants should obviously be capped - it appears that the term 'session' is causing the confusion here so i will refrain from using it
i worked around this by creating a fixed number of users in a db and handling authentication
myself before actually associating a visitor with one of the prepared users - so some javascript logs in each visitor as one of those existing 'anonymous' users and sets only a logged_in? flag in the db so that the next visitor will log in as the next vacant user slot and when all slots are occupied the visitor gets a "chat room full - try again later" response
probably not the most elegant solution - for example the visitor chosen usernames are stored client-side and must be re-assigned to one of the user-definable vline session vars so it can be passed along with each message and the logged_in? db flag needs to be reset when the user exits
note that this was almost a year ago so im a bit foggy on exactly what i did but my app (rails) in up on github if youre interested to fork it - also i should add that although this sort of thing wasnt strictly supported by the vline API at the time there were at least some hints that some analogous feature was being prepared for so there may be some API support for this now - i did notice since then that they have released a "chat room demo" app on github and i would expect that their implementation is more concise than mine so you may want to look at that first - my app tho does have a mostly complete UI with gravatars and collaboration is welcomed


filtering user has permissions. with SQL & JS

I'm trying to filter what my user sees based on his user type. I have 3 user types as options in the database. Currently, I have an array filtering out everything other than "National Liaison Representative" which works. Though I need it to also filter the children within this called "nation" table. based on the user nation associated. I'm not sure if this is the best option or if there is a way to write an mySQL script and do it on the backend. I'm open to all suggestions questions or comments.
// Loop on directorates
for (var i = 0; i < reportingJSONObject.tree.length; i++) {
// if isNLR, and not national liason rep skip
//hr_directory has an associated nation connected by nation
var directorateObject = reportingJSONObject.tree[i];
// var userNation =
if (is_nlr=true) {
if ( != "National Liaison Representative")
console.log("skipping entry " +;
// gets rid of directorate entirely
// if (directorate = {
// continue;
// }
// if (currentVue.nation = userNation) {
// continue;
// }
It is often the case that both sides have some knowledge of user identity and permissions. The JS code might present data differently ("use a different template," etc.) based on the identity and permissions. Meanwhile, the host is the authority: it limits the API calls that may be used and determines what is returned by each of them. It also provides API calls which the JS code uses to determine what the current user's privileges are.
Actions must be ultimately vetted by the host. It must not be possible for an unauthorized user to succeed in executing a host call that he is not authorized to use, and only the host knows if he is or isn't. The client side is never the authority.

Firebase custom claim how to set?

I'm struggling with firebase custom claims.
I have tested a lot of approaches nothing works. Obviously, I miss something important in the concept itself.
So I'm back to the root. This script from the google example should apply customs rule on a newly created user
exports.processSignUp = functions.auth.user().onCreate(event => {
const user =; // The Firebase user.
const customClaims = {
param: true,
accessLevel: 9
// Set custom user claims on this newly created user.
return admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(user.uid, customClaims)
Then on a client, I check the result with
.then((idTokenResult) => {
// Confirm the user is an Admin.
if (!! {
// Show admin UI.
} else {
// Show regular user UI.
console.log("no param")
.catch((error) => {
Everything just a raw copy-paste still doesn't work. I've tested both from the local machine(there could be troubles with cors?) and deployed
This is a race situation. If the Function end first then, you will get the updated data.
The getIdTokenResult method does force refresh but if the custom claim is not ready then, it is pointless.
You need to set another data control structure to trigger the force refresh on the client. By example a real-time listener to the rtd;
And the logic inside the listener would be: if the value for that node exists and is a number greater than some threshold, then trigger the user auth refresh
During that time the ui can reflect a loading state if there is no datasnapshot or the not admin view if the datasnapshot exists but is a lower permission level.
In Functions you have to set the node after the claim is set:
I have a more detailed example on pastebin
The claims on the client are populated when the client gets an ID token from the server. The ID token is valid for an hour, after which the SDK automatically refreshes it.
By the time the Cloud Functions auth.user().onCreate gets called, the client has already gotten the ID token for the new user. This means that it can take up to an hour before the client sees the updated claims.
If you want the client to get the custom claims before that, you can force it to refresh the token. But in this video our security experts recommend (that you consider) using a different storage mechanism for claims that you want to be applied straight away.

Webhooks in Bitcoin Transactions - How to Apply Business Logics?

I want to start accepting Bitcoin on my website.
In order to do that, I wrote the following piece of code, but I truly struggle to understand how I can implement proper business logic after that the transaction is completed.
Here is the code:
<title>Pay with Bitcoin</title>
//Gets the URL of the Webpage and gets the price value of this transaction in USD.
//For simplicity Here the Value is passed in the URL.
//However in production you wanna use POST instead of GET.
const myUrl = window.location.href;
const url = new URL(myUrl);
const usdPrice = url.searchParams.get("price");
//This is the function where all the magin happens
const showQR = () => {
//URL of the api which will provide us with current BTC exchange rate
const apiUrl = "";
const hr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', apiUrl, true);
hr.onreadystatechange = function(){
//Make sure the API sent a valid response
if(hr.readyState == 4){
let ticker = JSON.parse(hr.responseText);
//Get last BTC/USD exchange value from the API , then convert Price from USD to BTC
let BTCprice = ticker.USD.last;
let btcToPay = usdPrice / BTCprice;
//Make sure you have just 8 decimal points in your BTC price!!
btcToPay = btcToPay.toFixed(8);
//Use google API (or other...) to create the QR code. Pass on your btc public address and
//the amount (btc price) dynamically created. Message and label parameters can be dynamic too.
let qrurl = ""+btcToPay+"%26label=CarRental%26message=BookingID123456";
//Populate the 'btc' DIV with QR code and other info...
document.getElementById('btc').innerHTML = "<img src=" +qrurl+"><br> <span class = 'greenMoney'>" + usdPrice + " usd / " + btcToPay + " BTC </span>";
<body onload = "showQR()">
<h1>Pay with BitCoin</h1>
<div id = "btc">
This code does the following:
Gets current USD/BTC exchange rate using the blockchain API.
takes the price in USD for the URL and converts it into BTC
generates a QR code using google API.
Embeds the price, label and message into the QR code
Renders the QR code in a DIV
I ve also set up a web hook service which will be listening to new transactions happening in the specified wallet address. Then a callback to my server is made, by mean of a POST request.
The problem is: the label and message parameters passed to the QR code will not be written in the blockchain.
They are just a handy reference for the customer to remind him what that specific transaction paid for.
As a result the callback to my server is practically useless.
In fact, the callback doesn't return any Booking Id or any other piece of information which could help me to understand who paid for what. Needless to say, in this scenario no business logic is possible: I can't update the order status on my DB, I can't send a confirmation email to the right customer.
How can I embed relevant information (e.g. Booking ID) into the BTC payment, ideally through the QR code?
If this is possible, how can I retrieve this information later on when my server receives the callback informing me that a new payment was made to my BTC wallet?
In short, you can't.
When accepting payments, you are supposed to give each invoice a new BTC address. This way, when you receive notification of an incoming transaction, you can check the receiving address to see which invoice is being paid, and compare the received amount against the expected amount.
Technically, you could embed stuff like a order ID into an OP_RETURN. However, most wallets don't support transactions like that, and any users who want to pay you from an exchange account would be unable to comply.
#Raghav Sood thank you for your input which routed me to the right direction.
Using NodeJS/Express/MongoDB in the backend, I managed to implement a solution which I would like to share here.
Before starting, I wanna make a big disclaimer: this solution is not the only one, it is not the best one, it is not the fastest and probably it is not the most elegant.
Anyway, this solution has the advantage of not relying on packaged third parties solutions. This is in line with the spirit of the whole "no intermediation" philosophy of the bitcoin community. Most imortantly, your XPub always stay in your server and is NOT shared with any external service, which is probably the wisest approach.
Having said that, here is how one can show dynamic unique BTC addresses to customers:
First of all , I put in place a counter which keeps track of how many btc addresses were created for customers from a my HD wallet.
This is important to make sure than you never present the same address twice to customers, which is good for privacy of all parties and also for the sake of implementing business logic in your app.
In order to do this, I store a "counter value" into my DB. Everytime someone visits the BTC payment page, this value is retrived from mongo using a "dealCount" function and is assigned to a "serialPay" variable, which is equal to the value gotten from Mongo + 1. In the backend, the code would be something like this:
`function dealCount(){`
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
Deal.find({_id: "ID_OF_OBJ_WHERE_YOU_STORE_COUNTER"}, function(err, data){
resolve(data[0].serialDeal + 1);
The new value obtained (which later on will be saved again into Mongo in order to keep track of addresses created) is used to generate the new BTC public address for the customer at hand. If you keep reading you will see how.
To create new public addresses dynamically, one needs the xPub Key of his or her HD Wallet. If one is coding in NodeJS there are a couple of libraries (which can be imported into the server) that will enable this operation rather easily: bitcoinjs-lib and/or bitcore-lib. Personally I opted for Bitcore-lib, because there are less dependencies to deal with and I found the supporting material easier to digest.
Codewise, address generation goes as follows:
const bitcore = require('bitcore-lib');"/pay.html", urlencodedParser, function(req, res){
let serialPay = dealCount();
const pub = new bitcore.HDPublicKey('INSERT_HERE_YOUR_XPUB_KEY');
let derivedHdPk = pub.derive('m/0/'+serialPay);
let derivedPk = derivedHdPk.publicKey;
let myDynAddress = new bitcore.Address(derivedPk);
res.render('pay', {myDynAddress: myDynAddress});
Then, using EJS as a templating engine, I could easily make the receiving bitcoin address dynamic in the front-end (/pay.ejs):
let myDynAddress = "<%=myDynAddress%>";
let qrurl = ""+myDynAddress+"?amount="+btcToPay+"%26label=CarRental";
This will generate the QR Code Dynamically. In the original question, one can see how to render that into the webpage. In the meantime one should also put in place a function to store the updated "serialPay" counter back to the DB.
At this point one should only start monitoring incoming (non-confirmed) payments to the dynamic BTC address generated. A simple way to do it, is using the websocket API. When the payment arrives, things go forward as suggested by #Raghav Sood: one checks the incoming transaction making sure the customer paid the right amount to the right address.
Now you know who paid for what and all sorts of business logics can be triggered.

Automatically assign a customer to a specific customer group on sign-up - Bigcommerce

I've been told by BC support that this isn't possible, but I would be surprised if there really wasn't a way.
I need to be able to automatically assign a customer to a specific customer group when they create an account. My thought:
I would add an extra field to the sign-up form
Provide a user with a code (a string or number)
User enters code when creating new account
User hits submit
On form submit I would grab the value of the extra field:
var codeInput = document.getElementById('code-input').value;
I would then compare that value to a pre-defined string, and if there is a match, I would assign that customer to groupX (with a group id of 8):
if ( codeInput === "codeIGaveToTheUser" ) {
currentUserGroupID = 8;
Is it possible to assign a customer to a specific group on sign-up like this (or any other way)?
Any help is much appreciated.
Although using BigCommerce webhooks would ensure the highest success rate of executing your customer group assignment app, it requires quite a bit of setup on BigCommerce (creating a draft app, getting an oAuth key, jumping jacks, etc), and may be a bit of overkill for your requirements.
Here's an easier way, in my {mostly} humble opinion, that takes advantage of much of what you included in your original question. Any solution though will nonetheless require an external server to handle the customer group assignment through the BigCommerce API.
Within the BigCommerce control panel, add in the extra field to the user sign up form like you mentioned.
So as you can see, this new input field has been added natively to the default registration page:
So now, when a user creates an account on your site, the value for the Signup Code (the custom field created) will be directly accessible through the API for that customer's account. Take a look at what that JSON data looks like:
Okay, so this is nice and all, but how do we automate it?
To do so, we will have to let our external application know that a customer just registered. Furthermore, our external application will need some sort of reference to this newly created customer, so that it knows which customer to update the customer group for. Normally a BigCommerce webhook would notify us of all this, but since we aren't using a BigCommerce webhook, here's the alternative method to triggering the external script.
We will trigger our external application via the BigCommerce Registration Confirmation page - createaccount_thanks.html. This page is loaded immediately after a customer creates an account, so it is the perfect place to insert our trigger script.
Additionally, now that the customer is logged in, we can access the customer's email address via a BigCommerce Global system variable -%%GLOBAL_CurrentCustomerEmail%%.
We should make an HTTP request from this page to our external application along with the customer's email address. Specifically, we can make an XMLHttpRequest via JavaScript, or to be modern, we'll use Ajax via jQuery. This script should be inserted before the closing </body> tag on createaccount_thanks.html.
Example of POST request (although a GET would suffice as well):
$(function() {
$('.TitleHeading').text('One moment, we are finalizing your account. Please wait.').next().hide(); // Let the customer know they should wait a second before leaving this page.
//** Configure and Execute the HTTP POST Request! **//
url: '',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({email:"%%GLOBAL_CurrentCustomerEmail%%"}),
success: function() {
// If the customer group assignment goes well, display page and proceed normally. This callback is only called if your script returns a 200 status code.
error: function() {
// If the customer group assignment failed, you might want to tell your customer to contact you. This callback is called if your script returns any status except 200.
$('.TitleHeading').text('There was a problem creating your account').after('Please contact us at +1-123-456-7890 so that we can look into the matter. Please feel free to continue shopping in the meantime.');
Now finally, you just need to create your serverside application responsible for handling the request above, and updating the customer's customer group. You can use any language that you desire, and BigCommerce even offers several SDK's you can use to save mega development time. Just remember that you need to host it somewhere online, and then insert its URL to the JS script above.
PHP Example (quick & dirty):
git clone
curl -sS | php && php composer.phar install
* StackOverflow/BigCommerce :: Set Customer Group Example
* Automatically assigning a customer group.
// Load Dependencies:
require ('bigcommerce-api-php/vendor/autoload.php');
use Bigcommerce\Api\Client as bc;
// Define BigCommerce API Credentials:
define('BC_PATH', '');
define('BC_USER', 'user');
define('BC_PASS', 'token');
// Load & Parse the Email From the Request Body;
$email = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'))->email;
// Execute Script if API Connection Good & Email Set:
if ($email && setConnection()) {
$customer = bc::getCollection('/customers?email=' .$email)[0]; //Load customer by email
$cgid = determineCustomerGroup($customer->form_fields[0]->value); //Determine the relevant customer group ID, via your own set string comparisons.
bc::updateCustomer($customer->id, array('customer_group_id' => $cgid)) ? http_send_status(200) : http_send_status(500); //Update the customer group.
} else {
* Sets & tests the API connection.
* #return bool true if the connection successful.
function setConnection() {
try {
'store_url' => BC_PATH,
'username' => BC_USER,
'api_key' => BC_PASS
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return bc::getResource('/time') ? true : false; //Test Connection
* Hard define the customer group & signup code associations here.
* #param string The code user used at signup.
* #return int The associated customergroup ID.
function determineCustomerGroup($signupCode) {
switch ($signupCode) {
case 'test123':
return 1;
case 'codeIGaveToTheUser':
return 8;
return 0;
So then you would do your customer group string comparisons directly in the serverside program. I'd recommend you rewrite your own BC API script as the one above in quality is really something along the lines of functional pseudo-code, but more so present to show the general idea. HTH
You would need to set up a server to listen for webhooks unless you wanted to do a cron job. We have some basic information on the developer portal, but I included more resources below. From there, you'd need to choose your server language of choice to listen for the webhooks once they been created, respond correctly (200 response if received), execute code based on this information, and then take action against the BC API.
So if you were looking for a code, you'd need to listen for the store/customer/created webhook, and have your code look for a custom field that contained the code. If it was present, then take action. Else, do nothing.
How do I receive Github Webhooks in Python

Paypal Embedded Flow not using returnUrl or cancelUrl

I am using Paypals Adaptive Payments and Embedded flow feature to provide checkout via a minibrowser. Everything seems to be working correctly in the sandbox environment except that when the payment is completed successfully, the user is never redirected to my returnUrl set in the PAY API request. Same goes for my cancelUrl.
After the payment is complete, the user is shown an order overview in the minibrowser and a button labelled "close". If a user clicks this button, the minibrowser is closed.
If a user clicks cancel at any time, the minibrowser is closed.
There doesn't seem to be a way to have my page aware of the change besides setting up some polling or something which doesn't make sense, my returnUrl and cancelUrl should be used somewhere, right?
this is my code to get the redirect url (using adaptive payments gem):
pay_request =
data = {
'requestEnvelope' => {'errorLanguage' => 'en_US'},
'currencyCode' => 'USD',
'receiverList' =>
{ 'receiver' => [
{'email' => '...', 'amount'=> 10.00}
'actionType' => 'PAY',
'returnUrl' => '',
'cancelUrl' => '',
'ipnNotificationUrl' => ''
pay_response =
redirect_to pay_response.approve_paypal_payment_url "mini"
And here is how I am setting up the paypal js:
var dg = new PAYPAL.apps.DGFlowMini({ trigger: "buyit", expType: "mini" });
It all seems pretty straight forward, not sure what I am missing.
Well - seems to be a bug on our side - just tried it myself and confirmed with our integration teams. :-(
Unfortunately the other short term fix I can think of other than what you've mentioned (checking for the existence of the popup window) is to call the PaymentDetails API from your server side to check the status of the Payment. I've opened the bug on our side but don't have an ETA.
Edit 10/18: Sorry I'm wrong. This is working - it's just that our developer guide is not providing all the required information. In case of the mini-browser flow, you would need to provide a 'callbackFunction' and also name your dgFlow variable as 'dgFlowMini'. (the latter is important - as apdg.js is expecting the 'dgFlowMini' variable to be defined) Here is the code that works:
var returnFromPayPal = function(){
alert("Returned from PayPal");
// Here you would need to pass on the payKey to your server side handle to call the PaymentDetails API to make sure Payment has been successful or not
// based on the payment status- redirect to your success or cancel/failed urls
var dgFlowMini = new PAYPAL.apps.DGFlowMini({trigger: 'em_authz_button', expType: 'mini', callbackFunction: 'returnFromPayPal'});
I have a working sample here: (make sure you select mini as the Experience Type)
We will get our docs updated and also cleanup apdg.js to remove the dependency on the JS variable name.
Looks like the PayPal experience for embedded flows has gotten worse. Now you'll receive an error message after invoking mini or lightbox that says "Payment can't be completed. This feature is currently unavailable."
