How To Fade Out Function With No Unique ID/Class - javascript

I don't normally post my server side code but I guess I can post abit to solve this issue,I have a staff page that loops through in a database as I am going to use the database to do other things like deleting/demoting the staff if they did anything wrong and to make the site neater. (don't like demoting staff but in a case I need to)
Anyway I am looping it through with a box what I want now is when one of the boxes are clicked I want it to go to a php page (via a ajax request to delete the user from the database) then hide or fade way by using the hide or fade function.
But the only issue is how can I do this when it's looping through? because the div does not have it's own class or id and I don't think jquery can connect to a database to get a unique id (since it's client side)
Here's some of my code to help
while($staff_info = mysqli_fetch_array($select_staff)) {
$account_name = $staff_info['account_name'];
$position = $staff_info['position'];
$description = $staff_info['description'];
echo "
<div id='staff_boxes'> <text style='float:right;'> <a href='#' class='delete_button'> X </a> </text>";
</div> ";
Hoping to get some help and this I search Google but can't find nothing I might be doing it wrong for this type of system

You can give each box a unique id like this with your code:
while($staff_info = mysqli_fetch_array($select_staff)) {
$id = $staff_info['id']; // assuming you have an id field in your DB
$account_name = $staff_info['account_name'];
$position = $staff_info['position'];
$description = $staff_info['description'];
echo "
<div id='staff_boxes_$id'> <text style='float:right;'> <a href='#' class='delete_button'> X </a> </text>";
</div> ";
Alternatively, you can give all the divs the same class (e.g. <div class="staff_box"> ... </div> then use jQuery like this:
$('.staff_box').each(function(index) {
var box = $(this);
box.children('.delete_button').click(function(event) {


jQuery / Ajax properly sending "data-" value in an alert, but unable to append it into a specific div inside a php for

I currently have an html button which right below has a div where I want to post certain data.
Both of those elements are inside a php for loop.
<?php for($i = 0 ; $i < 10; $i++){ ?>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="ver"></label>
<div class="col-md-4">
<button data-dnipass="<?= $dni?>" class="ver" name="ver" class="btn btn-primary">
Ver líneas
<div id ="<?= $i?>" class="table userInfo" data-formpost="<?= $dni?>"></div>
<? } ?>
$dni is a value I take from my databae and is unique for each iteration.
Then I have an ajax script doing the following
var pulsado = $(this).data("dnipass"); //this is properly asigning the data
alert(pulsado); //this properly launches an alert with my desired value
$(this).data("formpost").append(pulsado); //im trying to append my variable to my ".userinfo" div but im unable to do so, since I dont know how to identify so
How can I append the var pulsado to my div with the class ."userinfo"? The content of the var pulsado is a simple string, like "x1234" or "x4321"....
Try the following code
var pulsado = $(this).data("dnipass"); //this is properly asigning the data
The closest finds the div under which your button is wrapped. next then finds the immediate div with userInfo class.
Just make use of append() like this :
var pulsado = $(this).data("dnipass");

Hover Event in Javascript/PHP/Codeigniter

To give some Background information: I've got a php-function "showSystems" which extracts data from our CMDB and shows it in a Dropdown generated by the Codeigniter form helper "form_dropdown". So the dropdown contains the names of all our servers and when clicking on one, some other unrelevant functions show different kinds of information about that particular system.
What I want to achieve now is, when hovering over a system listed in the dropdown, that the description of that system is shown in a label under the list. When nothing is hovered, the label is hidden.
Something like:
Server2 <-- hover over this
Label --> shows Description of Server2
How can I handle the mosehover-event in this generated dropdown using php/javascript?
Edit: So I give some more background-information, as it seems to have something to do with my technical setup.
The function, which produces the dropdown with the received data is written in a model of Codeigniter:
echo '<select class="minipanel" id="selectminipanel" size="25" style="width: 100%" onchange="window.location = \''.site_url(CONTROLLER.'/showItem').'/\' + this.value;">';
foreach($tmp as $key => $value):
if ($active == $key){
echo '<option onmouseover="displayDescription(this)" onmouseout="hideLabel()" value="'.$key.'" server-description="'.$value[1].'" selected>'.$value[0].'</option>';
} else {
echo '<option onmouseover="displayDescription(this)" onmouseout="hideLabel()" value="'.$key.'" server-description="'.$value[1].'">'.$value[0].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
The modul is loaded in a template via a view(which loads the model). The label is defined right after the codeigniter call:
<?php $this->load->view("V".$this->name."/vMinipanel"); ?>
<label id="description"></label>
The script is also written in this template's head section:
<script language="JavaScript">
function displayDescription($ele) {
var server_data = ele.server-description;
document.getElementById('description').innerHTML = server_data;
function hideLabel() {
document.getElementById('description').innerHTML ='';
So, why are the functions displayDescription and hideLabel not called?
Please check and run below code:
server 1<br>
server 2<br>
server 3
If you are using bootstrap
server 1
server 2
server 3
just these lines of codes will work fine for you .
trigger an event on mouse over, and use the element's data-description to show the details:
<option onmouseover="displayDescription(this)" onmouseout="hideLabel()" data-server-description="your_description" id='1'>
function displayDescription(ele)
// You can use the data-server-description attribute to catch the description
var server_data =;
// you can also use the ID to fetch the description if not embadded in as an html attribute
var server_id =;
document.getElementById('your_label_id').innerHTML = server_data;
function hideLabel()
document.getElementById('your_label_id').innerHTML ='';

jQuery, Ajax, SQL Pagination, problems with SESSION

This is my first time doing pagination with jQuery ajax.
I do it like this:
I include file 'GetAllMessages.php' into a div, only if i'm logged in.[works]
I include file 'GetMessages.php' again only if im logged in which tells me how many messages are in database.[works]
When I click on my 'messages' link I open a popup and I get my first four messages from 'GetAllMessages.php'.[works]
At the end of this div i have pages like [1,2,3...] and then with jquery $.ajax function (post method) i go again into 'GetAllMessages.php' but this time I tell the file which page I clicked so it gives me the messages I want next.[doesnt work]
It's like SESSION does not exsist, but if I add 'SESSION_START' at start in 'GetAllMesasages.php' it says its already started on my initial 'GetAllMessages.php' load, but when I click on page link[1,2,3...] the error goes away and it all works.
include ('config.php');
include ('getMessages.php');
$getMessagesQuery = "SELECT * from messages ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ".$startQuery.",".$messagesPerPage."";
$result = $conn->query($getMessagesQuery);
$markReadButton="<button class='button1'>Mark as read</button>";
}else if($mIsAnswered==1){
echo "
<div class='message ".$messageStatus."' data-messageid='".$mId."'>
<p class='date'>".$mDate."</p>
<p class='sender'>".$mName." - ".$mEmail."</p>
<p class='messageContent'>".$mMessage."</p>
<span class='buttons'>
<button class='reply'>Reply</button>
}else die();

PHP POST for HTML Select using another POST

This ain't something not working but just I'm confusing about how to do it, I want to fetch the values from my DB based on users' preferences that been chosen earlier.
These are the steps will be taken for my process:
User will select from images (will add HTML images then will whip it upon another selection)
Will continue till reaching last stage
Last stage will have 3 Select (dropdown menus) and 2 of them will change the content according to what user's chooses (like country and state dd)
else if ($_POST["data_key"]=="last")
$fetcher_theme = $_POST["themeid"];
$fetcher_category= $_POST["themecategory"];
$fetcher_product= $_POST["themeproduct"];
$fetcher_cover = $_POST["ctitle"];
$myquery="SELECT DISTINCT Layout.* FROM Layout,Products,Occasion, Cover, Theme
WHERE Layout.product=$fetcher_product
AND Layout.occasion=$fetcher_category
AND Layout.theme=$fetcher_theme
AND Layout.cover=$fetcher_cover;";
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo json_encode($final_arr);
else if ($_POST["data_key"]=="size")
$fetcher = $_POST["selected_id"];
$fetcher_theme = $_POST["themeid"];
$fetcher_category= $_POST["themecategory"];
$fetcher_product= $_POST["themeproduct"];
$fetcher_cover = $_POST["ctitle"];
$fetcher_size = $_POST["stitle"];
$myquery="SELECT DISTINCT Size.stitle FROM Layout,Products,Occasion, Size, Theme
WHERE Layout.product=$fetcher_product
AND Layout.occasion=$fetcher_category
AND Layout.theme=$fetcher_theme
AND Layout.size=$fetcher_size
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo json_encode($final_arr);
else if ($_POST["data_key"]=="finishing")
$fetcher = $_POST["selected_id"];
$fetcher_theme = $_POST["themeid"];
$fetcher_category= $_POST["themecategory"];
$fetcher_product= $_POST["themeproduct"];
$fetcher_cover = $_POST["ctitle"];
$fetcher_size = $_POST["stitle"];
$fetcher_finishing = $_POST["ftitle"];
$myquery="SELECT DISTINCT Finishing.ftitle FROM Layout,Products,Occasion, Size, Cover, finishing, Theme
WHERE Layout.product=$fetcher_product
AND Layout.occasion=$fetcher_category
AND Layout.theme=$fetcher_theme
AND Layout.size=$fetcher_size
AND Layout.cover=$fetcher_cover
AND Layout.finishing=$fetcher_finishing";
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo json_encode($final_arr);
My Engine JS (what I assign):
My Selects in JS (printing HTML):
myString +="<a>Sizes: </a><br><select id='sizesSelect' style=' width:200px'></select><br><br>";
myString +="<a>Cover: </a><br><select id='coverSelect' style=' width:200px'><br></select><br><br>";
myString +="<a>Finishing: </a><br><select id='finishingSelect' style=' width:200px'></select><br><br><br>";
Appending to Select in JS:
myString +="<script>$('#sizesSelect').append('<option val="+i+">"+this.getSize()+"</option>')</script>";
Now I need to know how can I post again to my PHP server to fetch the the values to other selects (refer for the img).
Select Size -> Update Covers -> Select Covers -> Update Finishing -> Select Finishing
Instead of using SQL to store and present previous user choices, you could keep the previous choices as $_POST data by re-adding the choises to the HTML Form as hidden input fields. Example: <input type="hidden" text="foo" name="<?=htmlspecialchars($_POST['foo'])?>">

Confirm Deletion Dialog Box

I have the following line of code
$product_list="$product_list $id - $product_name - $date_added <a href='inventory_edit.php?pid=$id'>edit</a> • <a href='inventory_list.php?deleteid=$id'>delete</a><br/>"
echo 'Do you really want to delete this item with ID of '.$_GET['deleteid']. '? Yes | No';
How can I make it appear as a dialog box and do you think using a dialog box instead of going to the confirmation page will be a good option?
I tried the following but when ever deleteid gets set it creates another new delete link how can I make the existing delete link show the confirm box?
echo 'Delete';
$product_list="$product_list $id - $product_name - $date_added <a href='inventory_edit.php?pid=$id'>edit</a> • <a href='inventory_list.php?deleteid=$_GET[deleteid]' onClick='return confirm(\'Do you want to delete?\');'>Delete</a><br/>"
Doesn't seem to be working.
var el = document.getElementById('deleteLink');
el.onclick = reallyDelete();
function reallyDelete(){
var verifyDelete = confirm("Really wanna delete?");
if (verifyDelete == false) {
Then you'd of course have to add the ID (deleteLink) to the A link, and this will also only work if there is one link to "delete" otherwise you might need to use onClick, but I would recommend googling around for a tutorial on how to achieve the best solution for you.
(There is also still Bootstrap)
<a href='inventory_list.php?deleteid=$id'>delete</a>
And delete this:
echo 'Delete';
