Maintain undo functionality with createRange() - javascript

I'm working on a Markdown text editor using a contenteditable and Rangy to easily add links and images. The problem is that rangy.createRange();, an important function in the Rangy library, cancels the ability to undo an action (text added in the contenteditable in my case).
I have browsed the Web to find a solution and I have found UndoManager, but I cannot find information about how to use it and if it has been added in Chrome (I'm working on a Chrome Packaged App so I don't care if Safari does not support it).
If somebody knows something about this piece of HTML5 it would be amazing.
Thanks in advance.

According to this link , none of the current browsers support the UndoManager spec. You can test that in your browser by trying to access document.undoManager which undefined in Chrome


Why can't we right-click paste into TinyMCE with paste plugin in Firefox?

It seems to be impossible to copy text and then paste it into a TinyMCE editor using right-click paste with Firefox if you have the "paste" plugin. Why is this?
I'm using:
Firefox 33.1.1 (although users have complained of the issue with FF 29)
TinyMCE 4.1.1 with the "paste" plugin
I can right-click paste into these without error:
an element with the contenteditable="true" attribute (same method as TinyMCE), tested on
a normal textarea
TinyMCE 4.1.1 without the "paste" plugin
Users have discussed on the TinyMCE forum as far back as 2007, and mention an alert that says "Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox" which I do not receive with FF 33. No one mentions why this problem occurs, and the TinyMCE admins claim "this is not a bug". I'm interested in knowing what change was made to either Firefox or TinyMCE that causes this, and why (security?).
This question -- tinymce mouse paste not working -- has an answer of how to fix the issue: remove the "contextarea" plugin or any plugin that is based on it. But I'm interesting in knowing why it happens in the first place.
A co-worker got me on the right track and I found these two links:
The removal of allowclipboard policy support broke the copy/paste buttons on some rich text editors like CKEditor. The standard Clipboard API's click-to-copy support will be implemented in the near future. The general keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, should always work.
By default, JavaScript is not allowed to read or set your clipboard data for security and privacy reasons. This is because websites scripts can erase and replace what you currently have in your clipboard (data loss issue) and they can read whatever you have in your clipboard (security and privacy issue); as such, you should grant access with caution.
Maybe someone with TinyMCE expertise can provide more information on how it accesses the clipboard.
Good follow-up questions might be: Why don't the other browsers do this? Why is ctrl+v safer?

HTML Rich Text Editor problems with justify* commands

I'm writing a simple Rich Text Editor which is currently working perfectly in Chrome and Firefox.
Internet Explorer however, is another story. I have finally managed to get most things working in IE with work-arounds and such, but all of my justify commands do nothing.
That is, this bit of code has no effect.
iframe.contentWindow.document.execCommand('justifyRight', false, null);
This is despite all other commands (ie: bold, italic, etc) working just fine.
Any clues as to why the justify* commands are different and not working?
I have a live demo available at
Turns out that it was simply the content inside the editor window (an iFrame) that was the problem. It was originally generated using a Mozilla editor. Due to the differences in how each browser renders it's HTML content, IE just didn't know how to apply it's version of justifyleft, etc. Working on an empty editor everything just worked as expected.
See "Internet Explorer Differences" here: for an explanation of what is different.
I'm going to chalk this one up to IE just being crap.

Dragging and dropping images from Firefox into Microsoft Powerpoint

I am trying to make a web page which allows users to drag and drop images into Microsoft Office applications, specifically Powerpoint.
By default (as of FF3.5), Firefox will insert the source URL when an image is dropped rather than the image itself. After adding the following Javascript/jQuery code (derived from,
$('img').attr('draggable', true).bind('dragstart', function (event) {
event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy';
dragging and dropping works from Firefox to Word and Excel, but not to PowerPoint. For an example of what happens, see I have tested this with FF3.6 and FF9.
How can I make it work with PowerPoint?
Just drag'n'drop outside the boundaries of the ppt slide (to make sure you're not dropping on a predefined textbox) - and release the mouse button -no coding needed!
Firefox drag will drop the image at the center of te ppt slide.
Status quo
Sadly there is nothing you can do from within your browser and the application to enable drop support for PowerPoint.
This is something that needs to supported at source level in PowerPoint (and it seem to be if you don't drop the image on an existing element but right outside the slide frame you want to drop it onto - but probably depending on version).
If it (for some reason still) does not support the image part of the drop but just the link (and if there is no option provided for changing this behavior) there is little to do but to hope Microsoft will update PowerPoint with this support in the future, - or - check the following options for work-arounds if needed:
You can look into writing an add-in (or possibly just use a macro - you might need to lower security to medium [PDF] for macros) for PowerPoint that will take the link that is dropped and replace it with the image the link refers to.
Here is one place to get you started making add-ins if this is a viable option.
Here is a commercial framework that makes creating add-ins very simple.
(disclaimer in this regard: I am here assuming this will be possible due to add-ins such as this which allow you to show a live web page inside PP).
Pipe-line / work process
There is also the option of injecting a third-party applications in the pipe-line to do screen snapshots of the image and have it inserted automatically into PP.
SnagIt is such an application (and there are probably others) and it has free extensions that will allow you to integrate "snags" directly with PowerPoint.
Or (the perhaps too obvious option): simply copy the image in browser and paste it into PowerPoint.
What is your version of Powerpoint?
It's very important because image format support may be lacking.
If that's the case your code needs a minimum version warning addition.
Could also ask to convert image to suitable format.
It may even be the case that it's impossible to the version of Powerpoint you're using to support this in the way you want.
You could try to use html code.
This code might help you:
Other possibilities are OLE object with a link to a image.
Could check how other Microsoft applications, that do something similar, handle things.
If that doesn't work you could try to generate an OLE object with a link to the image in it.

Inserting content into TinyMCE using Ipad's built-in browser

I'm currently using the following simple code to insert content into TinyMCE's editor:
tinyMCE.get("ole_mce").execCommand("mceInsertContent",false,'hello world!');
It works in every major browser I've tested with, except the iPad's built-in one -which is kinda critical for demonstration purposes.
Anyone knows a workaround for this?
Many thanks!
Edit: iPad firmware 4.2.1, tinymce 3.4.2, jquery 1.5.2
You can't use tinyMCE on the iPad at all, since contenteditable isn't supported there.

Why does CodeMirror not work on Ipad?

Greetings, works on Safari on PC, but not on an Ipad. Which is a shame, since I wanted to use it for an app. My question is not only why does it not work, but how should I go about analyzing things that break on Ipad Safari ?
CodeMirror2 works mostly fine on an iPad;
You can add text, remove text and move the cursor around.
You can however not hilite words and cut / copy / paste (as of today 2012-06-27).
The editor in CodeMirror is actually an iframe, and not a native text input form element. The problem here I suspect is that the browser on the iPad does not know if the keyboard should be activated because some DOM element has key events bound to it.
To do that, Safari would have to analyze the source code to deduce key bindings and when should the keyboard be activated - which sound hugely problematic to me.
perhaps it used an iframe in the past, but I have codemirror on my website now and I see no iframes at all contained inside it.
this is almost one year later though, so perhaps now the situation has changed.
