linking data from different json objects in jsrender - javascript

I am trying to link the data from foos and selectedFoos. I wish to list the selectedFoos and show the name from the foos object. The fooid in the selectedFoos would be linked to the foos id.
EDIT: I dont want to alter the structure of foos or selectedFoos.
fiddle is here
Html, Template
<div id="content"></div>
<script id="content_gen" type="x-jsrender">
<ul> {^{for sf}}
<li > {{: fooid}} - {{: code}} {{}} </li>
var foos = [{
"id": 1,
"name": "a"
}, {
"id": 2,
"name": "b"
}, {
"id": 3,
"name": "c"
var selectedFoos = [{
"fooid": 1,
"code": "z"
}, {
"fooid": 3,
"code": "w"
var app = {
sf: selectedFoos,
f: foos
var templ = $.templates("#content_gen");"#content", app);

You could add a view converter to lookup the name by id.
Like this -
<div id="content"></div>
<script id="content_gen" type="x-jsrender">
<ul> {^{for sf}}
<li>{{id2name:fooid ~root.f }} - {{: code}} </li>
var app = {
sf: selectedFoos,
f: foos
$.views.converters("id2name", function (id, foos) {
var r = $.grep(foos, function (o) {
return == id;
return (r.length > 0) ? r[0].name : '';
var templ = $.templates("#content_gen");"#content", app);

Scott's answer is nice. But since you are using JsViews - you may want to data-link so you bind to the name and code values. Interesting case here, where you want to bind while in effect traversing a lookup...
So there are several possible approaches. Here is a jsfiddle: that takes a modified version of Scott's fiddle, with a slightly simplified converter approach, but in addition shows using nested {{for}} loops, as well as two different examples of using helper functions.
You can modify the name or the code, and see how the update works. You'll see that code updates in all cases, but to get the name to update is more tricky given the lookup.
You'll see that in the following two approaches, even the data-binding to the name works too.
Nested for loops
{^{for sf }}
{^{for ~root.f ~fooid=fooid ~sf=#data}}
{{if id === ~fooid}}
<li>{^{:name}} - {^{:~sf.code}} </li>
Helper returning the lookup object
function getFoo(fooid) {
var r = $.grep(foos, function (o) {
return == fooid;
return r[0] || {name: ""};
{^{for sf}}
<li>{^{:~getFoo(fooid).name}} - {^{:code}} </li>
See the many topics and samples here
such as the following:

You should iterate over selectedFoos and lookup the name with fooid by iterating over foos. Then combine that data before rendering.

function getNameById(id) {
for (var i = 0; i < foos.length; i++)
if (foos[i].id == id)
return foos[i].name;
return '';
This function will return the name when given the id.
alert(getNameById(2)); // alerts "b"


Using AngularJS to create an instant search by querying an array

This is going to be a rather longwinded question, so please bear with me...
I have an array of about 25-30 items. They are sorted through various filters such as brand, type, material, size, etc.. How can I go about building a searchable filter. All of the ones I've seen just include a filter:query | in their filters. However I can't get mine to query my existing array.
Here is what my array looks like, only going to show 1 item to keep size down..
$scope.products = [
src: 'images/img/image1.jpg',
name: 'XXX-1A',
brand: 'Brand A',
material: 'dry',
size: '00',
type: 'dry pipe',
Function for filtering (only included 1 to save space):
$scope.brandIncludes = [];
$scope.includeBrand = function(brand) {
var i = $.inArray(brand, $scope.brandIncludes);
if (i > -1) {
$scope.brandIncludes.splice(i, 1);
} else {
$scope.brandFilter = function(products) {
if ($scope.brandIncludes.length > 0) {
if ($.inArray(products.brand, $scope.brandIncludes) < 0)
return true;
This is what I am using to filter from the HTML, I am using checkboxes to select each filter:
<div class="info" ng-repeat="p in products |
filter:brandFilter |
filter:materialFilter |
filter:typeFilter |
My search bar mark up:
<div class="filtering">
<div class="search-sect">
<input name="dbQuery" type="text" placeholder="Search pieces" class="search-input" ng-model="query"/>
One of the filter's mark up:
<input type="checkbox" ng-click="includeStyle('adaptor')"/>Adaptor<br>
Now that you have all the code, here are some of the things I've tried that don't seem to be running right:
My Attempt:
Search bar:
<input type="text" id="query" ng-model="query"/>
<li ng-repeat="p in products | filter:query | orderBy: orderList">
I understand that to some experienced with angular, this is a relatively easy task, but I am just learning and can't seem to wrap my head around searching a query. It's probably a simple solution that I am overlooking. This is my first Angular app and I am trying to bite off more than I can chew in order to learn more.
I appreciate all responses, thanks in advance!
As per request: CodePen
The simple built-in angular filter is not smart enough to to work with your checkbox design, so try writing a custom filter. You will need to bind the checkboxes you mentioned to variables in your scope, e.g. brandFilterIsEnabled. See the tutorial for writing custom filters. Here is a working example.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('ctrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.items = [{
$scope.searchNames = true;
$scope.searchColors = true;
$scope.$watch('searchColors', function(){
$scope.searchKeys = [ $scope.searchNames ? 'name' : null, $scope.searchColors ? 'color' : null ];
$scope.$watch('searchNames', function(){
$scope.searchKeys = [ $scope.searchNames ? 'name' : null, $scope.searchColors ? 'color' : null ];
myApp.filter('advancedSearch', function($filter) {
return function(data, keys, query) {
results = [];
if( !query ){
return data;
} else {
angular.forEach( data, function( obj ){
var matched = false;
angular.forEach( keys, function( key ){
if( obj[key] ){
// match values using angular's built-in filter
if ($filter('filter')([obj[key]], query).length > 0){
// don't add objects to results twice if multiple
// keys have values that match query
if( !matched ) {
matched = true;
return results;
<script src=""></script>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="ctrl">
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='searchNames'>search names</input>
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='searchColors'>search colors</input>
<input type='text' ng-model='query'>search objects</input>
<li ng-repeat="item in items | advancedSearch : searchKeys : query">
<span style="color:{{item.color}}">{{}}</span>

i10n angularjs assign translate variable

Okay so i have the following small translation file:
"components" : {
"1" : "Video",
"2" : "Lyd",
"3" : "Dokument",
"4" : "Tekst"
And then i have the following li item:
<li ng-repeat="type in componentTypes" ng-hide="module.module_type_id == 2 || module.module_type_id == 10">{{}}</li>
What you need to notice is :
Or more precisely:
With this it does not translate the <a></a> tag.
However if i do
it translates correctly however this method doesnt work for me
so my question is how can dynamicly change the value of a the translate attribute?
The reason components.{{1}} is not working is because the double curlies in Angular is just meant to evaluate an expression. 1 is just a number, so you'll get components.1 everytime.
If I understand what you need correctly, you need to have a corresponding component based on type. So if === 1 then your type is Video.
In order to achieve that in Angular dynamically, you should just have:
As far as I understand you want to dynamize the translation json if added a new type to your componentTypes array.
There is a solution for that need, you can implement a new custom translation loader factory and use it with specified way here After that you have to add this new item to the translation json, your array and then refresh the translation.
<div ng-app="myApp">
Links to must be accompanied by code. Please indent all code by 4 <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<input type="text" ng-model="" /> Add Component
<li ng-repeat="type in componentTypes" ng-hide="module.module_type_id == 2 || module.module_type_id == 10">{{ 'components.' + | translate }}</li>
Implementation of your application:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['pascalprecht.translate']);
var components_en = {
"components": {
"1": "Video",
"2": "Lyd",
"3": "Dokument",
"4": "Tekst"
myApp.config(function ($translateProvider) {
$translateProvider.useLoader('customLoader', {});
$translateProvider.translations('en', components_en);
myApp.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, $translate) {
$scope.module = {
module_type_id: 1
$scope.addComponent = function (type) {
// Add the componentTypes array you took from database
name: $scope.componentTypes.length + 1
// Add the translation object
components_en["components"][$scope.componentTypes.length] =;
$scope.componentTypes = [{
name: 1
}, {
name: 2
}, {
name: 3
}, {
name: 4
myApp.factory('customLoader', function ($http, $q) {
return function (options) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
I prepared a demonstration for that like usage, please below jsfiddle:
Note: This like translation modifications will not be persistent and new translations will be lost.
Please give this a try:
translate="{{'components.' +}}" //if there is id in type
translate="{{'components.' + ($index + 1)}}"

Angularjs ng-repeat with conditions

Lets say I have 10 articles objects array and each with their own article title in it ( assume some of them has the same title )
when i do ng-repeat="art in articles" and {{ art.article_title }} it will print the title 10 times which is not what I want.
I want to do something like
article 1
article 2
article 3
article 4
article 5......
something like that if articles share the same title.
You should write a custom filter, then you will be able to proceed like this:
<li ng-repeat="unique_article in articles|dedup">
<span ng-repeat="related in unique_article.related">
Article {{}}
Your filter may look for example like this (assuming your articles are sorted by title):
.filter('dedup', function() {
return function(articles) {
var deduped = [];
var last_article = null;
for(var i=0,max=articles.length;i<max;i++) {
var article = articles[i];
if(!last_article || last_article.article_title !== article.article_title)
article.related = [];
last_article = article;
} else {
return deduped;
(I did not test it, just written it ad hoc as a quick example, also if your articles are not sorted by title you will have to modify it)
Maybe re-thinking it would help, the ideal way to do this would be to re-arrange your object so that the articles fall under the titles, like so.
var arrangeArticles = function() {
var result = {};
angular.forEach($scope.articles, function( article ) {
var title = article.article_title;
if( !result[title] ) {
result[title] = [article];
} else {
$scope.articles = result;
$scope.$apply(); // Might be needed
I don't think that you can do this in the ng-repeat, with the layout that you expressed.
Then you would need to change your repeat to something like this
<div ng-repeat="(title, group) in articles">
<div ng-repeat="article in group">

How to render nested collections in Meteor?

Child categories nested inside of Parent Categories are not getting rendered in a Meteor template.
Consider a data model for 'Category' as such:
// Model Schema
Category {
idCategory : 20, (id of the category itself)
idCategoryParent : 0, (idCategory of our parent category)
defaultLabel : "Movies" (our label)
There are parent categories and child categories. Parent categories have an idCategoryParent property value of 0. Child categories store the idCategory of their parents as their idCategoryParent property. I'm trying to loop through a collection of these Categories and render them in the following way:
<b>Movies</b> // parent category is in bold
<ul> // child categories are rendered as an unordered list
However, this is what I actually get:
<ul> // empty...
Source Code:
// How we get the 'categories_parents' data
Template.content.categories_parents = function (){
* Get all parent categories (categories with an idCategoryParent of 0)
var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0});
var pCount = parents.count();
for (var i = 0; i < pCount; i++){
var pId = parents.db_objects[i]['idCategory'];
* Get all child categories of the parent (categories with
* an idCategoryParent equal to value of parent category's idCategory).
var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
var cCount = children.count();
* Assign the child categories array as a property of the parent category
* so that we can access it easily in the template #each expression
parents.db_objects[i]['children'] = children;
return parents;
// This is our template
<template name="content">
{{#each categories_parents}}
<b>{{defaultLabel}}</b><br />
{{#each children}}
Other template configurations I have tried in troubleshooting:
{{#each children}}
<li>A Child Exists Here</li> // Even this never rendered... no children?
Any clues as to why this is happening would be appreciated.
Your model is kind of iffy... Consider
{name:"Category name", parent:"_id of parent category"}
Okay, that's a lot simpler. To create a category.
var moviesId = Categories.insert({name:"Movies"});
That was easy enough. Now, to render in a way that {{#each}} works:
Template.categories.categories = function(parent) {
if (parent) {
return Categories.find({parent:parent}).fetch();
} else {
return Categories.find({parent:{$exists:false}});
You might be seeing where this is going...
<template name="categories">
{{#each categories}}
{{#each categories _id}}
Now I'm not sure if the {{#each}} block helper can take a function argument when it calls another helper. If it doesn't...
Template.categories.categories = function() {
return Categories.find({parent:{$exists:false}}).map(function(parentCategory) {
return _.extend(parentCategory,
That's a real doozy. It returns parent categories with a new "children" list property, that contains all the children categories. Now you can do:
<template name="categories">
{{#each categories}}
{{#each children}}
Clever, eh?
I don't know about db_objects, when I try and access that property on a cursor (which is what find() returns), it's null.
You could fetch the items that matches your query instead, and then do your iteration:
Template.content.categories_parents = function (){
var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0}).fetch(); // Returns an array.
for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++){
var pId = parents[i]['idCategory'];
var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
// No need for array here, cursor is fine.
parents.db_objects[i]['children'] = children;
return parents;
I'm new at this myself, so maybe there's a more efficient way of doing it, but I don't know it currently.
Update after Eric's comment.
The js file looks like this:
Categories = new Meteor.Collection("categories");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.categories.categories = function () {
var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0}).fetch();
for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i += 1) {
var pId = parents[i]['idCategory'];
var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
parents[i]['children'] = children;
return parents;
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
var data = [
{idCategoryParent: 0, idCategory: 1, label: "Movies"},
{idCategoryParent: 1, idCategory: 0, label: "Science Fiction"},
{idCategoryParent: 1, idCategory: 0, label: "Drama"},
{idCategoryParent: 0, idCategory: 2, label: "Music"},
{idCategoryParent: 2, idCategory: 0, label: "Jazz"},
{idCategoryParent: 2, idCategory: 0, label: "Piano"}
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
The html file looks like this:
{{> categories}}
<template name="categories">
{{#each categories}}
{{#each children}}
It works just fine for me.
My solution was to remove the {{#each}} logic from the template and replace it with a single handlebars helper expression, and pass back the needed html all at once. The html is generated from data in the cursor of the Categories collection.
Not so sure about having all this html in my logic though -- is this bad design? If so I'll defer to a better answer.
// This is the new template
<template name="content">
// Handlebars helper
Handlebars.registerHelper('listCategories', function() {
var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0});
var countParents = parents.count();
var string = '';
// iterate over each parent category
for(m = 0; m < countParents; m++){
// Get the parents category id
var pId = parents.db_objects[m].idCategory;
var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
var count = children.count();
* Build the Parent Category html
* Example: <b>Movies</b><ul>
string = string + '<b>' + parents.db_objects[m].defaultLabel + '</b><ul>';
// iterate over each child category
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
* Build the child category html
* Example: <li>Horror</li>
string = string + '<li>' + children.db_objects[i]['defaultLabel'] + '</li>';
// Close up the unordered list
string = string + '</ul>';
// Return the string as raw html
return new Handlebars.SafeString(string);
// Rendered out the result correctly like so:

Suggest any Good mustache document

Suggest me any good mustache doc. Also i want to know in a mushtach loop how do i get the count or the loop no. I mean how can i do a for loop in mustache.
In the below code i wish to change the id in every loop
<script src=""></script>
var data, template, html;
data = {
name : "Some Tuts+ Sites",
big: ["Nettuts+", "Psdtuts+", "Mobiletuts+"],
url : function () {
return function (text, render) {
text = render(text);
var url = text.trim().toLowerCase().split('tuts+')[0] + '';
return '' + text + '';
template = '<h1> {{name}} </h1><ul> {{#big}}<li id="no"> {{#url}} {{.}} {{/url}} </li> {{/big}} </ul>';
html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);
You can't get at the array index in Mustache, Mustache is deliberately simple and wants you to do all the work when you set up your data.
However, you can tweak your data to include the indices:
data = {
big: [
{ i: 0, v: "Nettuts+" },
{ i: 1, v: "Psdtuts+" },
{ i: 2, v: "Mobiletuts+" }
and then adjust your template to use {{i}} in the id attributes and {{v}} instead of {{.}} for the text:
template = '<h1> {{name}} </h1><ul> {{#big}}<li id="no-{{i}}"> {{#url}} {{v}} {{/url}} </li> {{/big}} </ul>';
And as an aside, you probably want to include a scheme in your url:
url : function () {
return function (text, render) {
text = render(text);
var url = text.trim().toLowerCase().split('tuts+')[0] + '';
return '' + text + '';
Expanding on #mu's answer, you could also keep an index in the data object and have the template refer to it and the function increment it. So you wouldn't need to add i to each item.
see demo :
