Javascript regexp match doesn't work - javascript

var code = '{html}here is html code{/html}{css}here is css code{/css}';
var preg = code.match(new RegExp(/\{.*?\}(.*?)\{\/.*?\}/g));
Result: {.
How to output "here is html code" and "here is css code"?

Another way to get all submatches.
var code = '{html}here is html code{/html}{css}here is css code{/css}';
var re = /[^}]+(?=\{)/g;
var match;
while (match = re.exec(code)) {
here is html code
here is css code

You can do this:
var code = '{html}here is html code{/html}{css}here is css code{/css}';
var preg = code.replace(/\{.*?\}(.*?)\{\/.*?\}/g, function (match,group) {
return "";

You can do that as follows:
The first captured group $1 is what you want. It will contain here is html code and here is css code


Identifying if code between code tags is JavaScript or HTML

I am trying to match block of code to check if is html or javascript code, i tried doing this but am having problem while when have this html element "<div></div>" or php <? echo '';> inside javascript code it will match it as html element.
Please can someone help me with best way to archive this?
function AssignLang(theLanguage){
var regex = /(<([^>]+)>|<([^>]+)>)/ig;
//var regex = "<(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^'\">])*>";
var lang = 'markup';
var lang = 'javascript';
return lang;
$('pre code').each(function () {
var the = $(this).html();
/*I tried here to match from 0 to 50 but is not going to help because if the javascript tag begin with <script> still show as html
var theLanguage = the.replace(/\s/g, '').substring(0,50);
var theLanguage = the.replace(/\s/g, '');
var langType = AssignLang(theLanguage);
$(this).addClass("fullcoded language-"+langType);
Here am matching code inside pre and code element
function check() {
var delvar = "<? $_POST["del"]; ?>";
var answer = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the article?")
if (answer) {
window.location = "adm-site.php?del=" + delvar + "&delete=true";
<select name="del">
<option value="none" SELECTED></option>all articles echo'ed here by php
Here is a link to
This is the regex I'm using /\w+\s\w+\(\)/i
\w+ matches 1 or more a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _
\s matches 1 space
\( and \) matches ()
Basically I'm searching for a pattern consisting of function functionName() in the code between code tags. If a match is found then it's JavasScript code or else it's HTML code.
This is how you can implement the JavaScript:
var regex = /\w+\s\w+\(\)/i;
$('pre code').each(function () {
var v = $(this).html();
alert(v+'-'+'THIS IS HTML CODE')
Check it here on jsfiddle. It's working.

How to strip specific tag into div in Javascript?

I have this html code
<div class="myDiv">
My link
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<script>//This is a script</script>
And I this javascript:
function() {
var strToStrip = $('.myDiv').html();
if ( this.tagName != 'A' ) {
// Strip tag element if tagName is not 'A'
// and replace < or > with < or >
strToStrip.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)(?!(a))/ig, "");
How can I strip all tags, except from the a element?
I only need the link and strip tags if it is not a link tag.
I can't find what wrong with this code and what regex can I use to do this.
Any help please?
Try this regex example:
var strToStrip = $('.myDiv').html();
var temp = strToStrip.replace(/<[^a\/][a-z]*>/g, "<");
var result = temp.replace(/<\/[^a][a-z]*>/g, ">");
My goal of this question is to figure out how twitter do his hashtag or usergroup by using # or #. Go here to see the final result
you can use replace method of string using regular expr
var html = $("#main").html();
var result = html.replace(/[\<\>\/]/g,'');
the example shown here

How to extract all hyperlink titles from big html string using javascript?

I got an HTML string as :var code; I want to extract all hyper link title values in this big string and place them in textarea. I tried the following but it never works. could any one tell me what i am doing wrong?
sample hyperlinks to look for(i want to extract mango,cherry,...) :
my code string has blocks of data like below:
<div class="details">
<div class="title">
<span class="type">3</span>
full code:
$.getJSON('', function(data){
var siteContents = data.contents;
//writes to textarea
document.myform.outputtext.value = siteContents ;
var start = siteContents.indexOf('<ul class="list">');
var end = siteContents.indexOf('<ul class="pag">', start);
var code = siteContents.substring(start, end);
document.myform2.outputtext2.value = code ;
var pattern = /<a href="([^"]+?)">([^<]+?)<\/a>/gi;
code = code.match(pattern);
for (i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
document.write($2<br />'));
It looks like you're trying to parse HTML with regex. This post has some more info on that topic.
Since this question is tagged as jQuery, you could try something like the following...
Make a jQuery object out of the returned HTML:
$markup = $(data.contents);
Find the anchors:
$anchors = $markup.find('a');
Get the text (or whatever attribute you want from it):
arrText = [];
$anchors.each(function() {
Put result into textarea:
To achive this jquery is the simplest solution, you can try below code
var copiedTitle = $(this).html();
var previous = $('#test').html();
var newText = previous +"\n"+ copiedTitle;
JS Fiddle

Escape characters in String in a HTML page?

I have a string in the below non-escaped format in a HTML page:
<a href="http://somesite/product?page=blahk&id=EA393216&tabs=7,0&selections=quarter:Q2+2013^&wicket:pageMapName=wicket-2\">SomeThing</a>
What I need is to use jQuery/JavaScript to replace that string with just the link "SomeThing".
I have looked at some examples in StackOverflow, but they don't seem to work. I'm just getting started with jQuery and JavaScript, so would appreciate any help here.
Any ideas?
Try html() and text() in jquery to decode:
var str = '<a href="http://somesite/product?page=blahk&id=EA393216&tabs=7,0&selections=quarter:Q2+2013^&wicket:pageMapName=wicket-2\">SomeThing</a>';
var decoded = $('<div />').html(str).text();
See Fiddle demo
var str = '<a href="http://somesite/product?page=blahk&id=EA393216&tabs=7,0&selections=quarter:Q2+2013^&wicket:pageMapName=wicket-2\">SomeThing</a>';
var helper = document.createElement('p');
// evaluate as HTML once, text now "<a href..."
helper.innerHtml = str;
// evaluate as HTML again, helper now has child element a
helper.innerHtml = helper.innerText;
// get text content only ("SomeThing")
Here is a possible starting point.
Hope this gets you started!
function parseString(){
var str = '<a href="http://somesite/product?page=blahk&id=EA393216&tabs=7,0&selections=quarter:Q2+2013^&wicket:pageMapName=wicket-2\">SomeThing</a>';
var begin = str.indexOf('\">',0)+2; //--determine where the opening anchor tag ends
var end = str.indexOf('</a>',0); //--determine where the closing anchor tag begins
var parsedString = str.substring(begin,end); //--grab whats in between;
/*//--or all inline
var parsedString = str.substring(str.indexOf('\">',0)+2,str.indexOf('</a>',0));

Replacing tab characters in JavaScript

Please consider the following HTML <pre> element:
This is some
example code which
contains tabs
I would like to replace all of the tab characters with four non-breaking space characters in HTML (i.e. ). I have tested the above pre element with JavaScript for the presence of tab characters as follows:
$('pre').ready(function() {
But it is always returned false. Can anyone tell me the correct process by which to replace tab spaces from the source code to HTML NBSPs? The tabs have been added by Komodo Edit, and are visible when viewing the source.
You can do it like this:
$('pre').html(function() {
return this.innerHTML.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
That will loop through all pre elements on the page and call the function for each of them. jQuery's html function uses the return value of the function we give to replace the content of each element. We're using String#replace to replace all (note the g flag on the regexp) tab characters in the HTML string with four non-breaking spaces.
Live example
It removes line breaks, extra spaces and line breaks:
function removeNewlines(str) {
//remove line breaks from str
str = str.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
str = str.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
str = str.toString().trim().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g,"");
function removeNewlines(str) {
//remove line breaks from str
str = str.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
str = str.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
str = str.toString().trim().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g,"");
$('#acceptString').click(function() {
var str = prompt('enter string','');
<script src=""></script>
<input type='button' value='Enter String' id='acceptString' />
Try this:
var tab = RegExp("\\t", "g");
document.getElementById("text").value =
document.getElementById("text").value.replace(tab,' ');
