How to apply readonly to group of textboxes in javascript - javascript

I want to make readonly to these textboxes in javascript. Readonly property apply to several textboxes by single javascript. how to make this.
<div class="box-body" id="readonly_owner">
<label for="owner_deviceid">Owner Device Id</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control readonly_owner" id="owner_deviceid">
<label for="owner_name">Owner Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control readonly_owner" id="owner_name">
I have using javascript like this or there is an option for apply this property to class. Iam using getElementsByClassName() but it doesn't work
document.getElementById('readonly_owner').readOnly ="readonly";
How to apply readonly property to group of textboxes and also remove readonly property

With jQuery, you can do this in a single line:
$('.readonly_owner').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
Or without jQuery:
var items = document.getElementsByClassName('readonly_owner');
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
items[i].readOnly = true;


Get elements by Name with html array

I'm adding new inputs dynamically. And I would also like to read values dynamically from them. My championName variable doesn't work in JS.
<form name="second_form" id="second_form" action="#" method="POST" style="margin: 0;" >
<div id="p_scents">
<label for="p_scnts">
<input type="text" id="p_scnt" size="20" list="champions" name="champion[]" value="" placeholder="Enter Champion's name">
<datalist id="champions"></datalist>
Add General Change<a></a>
Add Spell<a></a>
<br/><input type="submit" value="submit">
function val(doublechamp) {
var championsWithExtraSpells = ["Aatrox", "Elise", "Fizz", "Heimerdinger", "Jayce", "Lee Sin", "Nidalee", "Rek'Sai","Twisted Fate"];
var champion = this["champion[]"];
var championName = document.getElementsByName("Champion[]").value;
if($.inArray(championName, championsWithExtraSpells)==-1){
var existsInArray = false;}
var existsInArray = true;}
d = document.getElementById("change[]").value;
var spellname = document.getElementById("ttt");
spellname.value=champions[""+championName+""][change(d, existsInArray)];
Collection returned by getElementsByName() in the line, so just replace it.
JS :
Replace :
var championName = document.getElementsByName("Champion[]").value;
By :
for(var i=0;i<document.getElementsByName("champion[]").length;i++)
var championName = document.getElementsByName("champion[]")[0].value;
Now you can get all the inputs values.
There are couple of changes you need to make:
- You're not invoking the function anywhere in the code you're showing
you'll need to add an onChange clause to the input or an onsubmit to the form to check the values..
the name of an element can't contain [] - so you should remove those from the name;
<input type="text" id="p_scnt" size="20" list="champions" name="champion" value="" placeholder="Enter Champion's name">
getElementsByName returns nodelist, not a single node (even if there's only one match). If you make the following changes you'll get farther:
And in the script change these two lines:
var championName = document.getElementsByName("champion");
if($.inArray(championName[0].value, championsWithExtraSpells)==-1){

How to perform validation in multiple groups of inputs according to condition

I am creating a set of textboxes dynamically while pressing (+) button, by cloning the following HTML template:
<div id= "other_leaders" class="controls form-input">
<input type="text" name="other_leader_fname[]" class="input_bottom other_leader_fname" id="other_leader_fname" placeholder="First Name" value="'.$val[0].'" />
<input type="text" name="other_leader_lname[]" class="input_bottom other_leader_lname" id="other_leader_lname" placeholder="Last Name" value="'.$val[1].'" />
<input type="text" name="other_leader_email[]" class="other_leader_email" id="other_leader_email" placeholder="Email Address" value="'.$val[2].'" />
<input type="text" name="other_leader_org[]" class="other_leader_org" id="other_leader_org" placeholder="Organisation/College" value="'.$val[3].'" />
<span class="remove btn"><i class="icon-minus"></i></span>
I am able to do single textbox validation by following code:
if($(this).val()=="" || !RegExpression.test($(this).val()))
fnameflag = 0;
Now my question is how to do empty validation for all four textboxes, if any one textbox field is filled by the user in that particular textbox group.
for example: if i enter values in the <div> with id other_leader_fname, then it should perform empty validation for other three textboxes of this particular group.
how can i do it?
Try this , You can apply your validation rules to all the text box in the div by using following code:
$("#other_leaders :input[type='text']").each(function(){
if($(this).val()=="" || !RegExpression.test($(this).val()))
fnameflag = 0;
As you have just one element so there is no need to have a loop over it:
var $othLeader = $("input[name*='other_leader_fname']");
if($othLeader.val()=="" || !RegExpression.test($othLeader.val())){
fnameflag = 0;
And if you have form then you can validate this in your form's submit function.
You can iterate over the .controls using the each() and check for filled inputs in each group using filter for performing the validation as follows:
var $inputs = $(this).find('input');
var filled = $inputs.filter(function(){
return this.value != "";
if($(this).val()=="" || !RegExpression.test($(this).val()))
fnameflag = 0;
side note: since the above is a template for dynamically generated content, You should remove the id and use class instead since id should be unique in a document.

Same id with diffent classname in html and javascript

I have a situation where
<label id="studentName" class="firstClass> </label>
<label id="studentName" class="secondClass> </label>
<label id="registerNumber" class="firstClass> </label>
<label id="registerNumber" class="secondClass> </label>
Now, I have to identify each tag uniquely and replace the innerHTML with some value, using class and id.
How Can I achieve this from javascript/ios side ?
You want to switch the Id and classes around. You CANT have 2 of the same ID's But you can have multible Classes with the same name.
<label id="firststudentName" class="studentName> </label>
<label id="secondstudentName" class="studentName> </label>
<label id="firstregisterNumber" class="registerNumber> </label>
<label id="secondregisterNumber" class="registerNumber> </label>
You can use
elements = document.getElementsByClassName(names);
and loop on the results, there is also hasClass function.
But normally an ID should be unique.
try this with jquery:
function checkUnique(className){
var count = 0;
var ids = '';
$('.' + className).each(function(i){
if(ids.indexOf($(this).attr('id')) != -1){
$(this).attr('id',$(this).attr('id') + i);
ids += $(this).attr('id');
This is invalid HTML, see here:
If you're iterating through e.g. a number of students, make sure to use the cycle for the id so you have

select particular input field name of particular form

i have some html code like this
<form name="first"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
<form name="second"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
i want to select "secondText" of form "second" using jquery or javascript and i want to change value of it using jquery.
Using jQuery:
var element = $("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Using vanilla JS:
var element = document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Changing the value: element.val(value) or element.value = value, depending of what you are using.
To the point with pure JS:
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]')
This selector will return the input named "particular-input" inside form named "particular-form" if exists, otherwise returns null.
The selector filter "form[name=particular-form]" will look for all forms with name equals "particular-form":
<form name="particular-form">
The selector filter "input[name=particular-input]" will look for all input elements with name equals "particular-input":
<input name="particular-input">
Combining both filters with a white space, I mean:
"form[name=particular-name] input[name=particular-input]"
We are asking for querySelector(): Hey, find all inputs with name equals "particular-input" nested in all forms with name equals "particular-form".
<form name="particular-form">
<input name="generic-input">
<input name="particular-input">
<form name="another-form">
<input name="particular-input">
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]').style.background = "#f00"
This code will change the background color only of the second input, no matter the third input have same name. It is because we are selecting only inputs named "particular-input" nested in form named "particular form"
I hope it's more clear now.
By the way, unfortunately I didn't found good/simple documentation about querySelector filters, if you know any reference, please post here.
// Define the target element
elem = jQuery( 'form[name="second"] input[name="secondText"]' );
// Set the new value
elem.val( 'test' );
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("ENTER-YOUR-VALUE");
You can do it like this:
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("yourNewValue");
Native Javascript
Old browsers:
var myInput = [];
myInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < myInput.length; i++) {
if (myInput[i] === "second" &&
myInput[i].name === "secondText") {
myInput[i].value = "yourNewValue";
New browsers:
document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").value = "yourNewValue";
You can try this line too:
$('input[name="elements[174ec04d-a9e1-406a-8b17-36fadf79afdf][0][value]"').mask("999.999.999-99",{placeholder:" "});
Add button in both forms. On Button click find nearest form using closest() function of jquery. then using find()(jquery function) get all input values. closest() goes in upward direction in dom tree for search and find() goes in downward direction in dom tree for search. Read here
Another way is to use sibling() (jquery function). On button click get sibling input field values.

Select all textboxes in a document using Javascript?

I would like to select all the contents of the text-boxes when a user clicks on it. But, since my document contains almost 5 text-boxes, instead of giving each text-box an ID selector or onfocus attribute, I would like to select all the text-boxes.
For example: var x = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
The above code selects all the paragraphs in a document. So, I need a similar code for all textboxes. I have tried replacing input and input[type=text] Nothing worked.
Try this out:-
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
var y = [];
var cnt2 = 0;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < x.length; cnt++) {
if (x[cnt].type == "text") y.push(x[cnt]);
alert("Total number of text inputs: " + y.length);
<input type="text" id="input1" value="input1"></input>
<input type="text" id="input2" value="input2"></input>
<input type="text" id="input3" value="input3"></input>
<input type="text" id="input4" value="input4"></input>
<input type="text" id="input5" value="input5"></input>
So, array y will hold all inputs with type as text.
Use jQuery: $('input[type=text]') That will do the trick.
