dgrid add new row on button click - javascript

I am trying to make an editable grid. I would like to provide users to be able to like more rows if needed. I tried going to their documentation yet it wasn't obvious.
Also, what does grid.newRow() do?

If you're trying to add a new row, you can always just add a new entry to the underlying grid store first.
Say you have a grid (named "grid" of users), you can have your button do this:
var button = new Button({
label: "Add User",
onClick: function() {
var user = {id: 1, name: "test"};
Also I don't believe the regular grids have a newRow option, only the onDemandGrid or onDemandList has a newRow option. But the above code should work for what you asked for.


How to add dynamic row ( with dropdown in column ) when we have an edit option already implemented in kendo grid

I have a kendo grid which contains dropdown as few column values. I could edit the particular grid it is giving the proper dropdown values but when I try to add a new row dynamically to the grid it shows error .
Live example link
What I am looking for is when i click on the add new item button in the grid it should add a new row with the given dropdown values.
I have tried to add toolbar: ["create"] for creating new toolbar
Inside data bound event I have tried to capture the button click and tried to add a new row but nothing is working
dataBound: function (e) {
$('.k-grid-add').bind("click", function () {
dataSource.add({ brandId: 0, name: "" });
var data = dataSource.data();
Can someone help me to resolve this issue?
Sometimes you need to add data. in the templates in order to access a desired data property. Change your templates to:
template: "#= brandName(data.brandId) #"
template: "#= modelName(data.modelId) #"

How to get rowIndex in extjs widget column

I need a button in a widget column to know its rowIndex in an ExtJS 6 panel.grid, so that on button click it can use that functionality. I know I can pull that information from the renderer function, but that seems to execute before the button has been created. Any ideas on how I can get the index?
Use indexOf on the gridview. You need to pass it the node as argument, which is the HTML element representing the row. In Ext JS 6, grid rows are HTML tables, so the button's row element can be found from the button element b as b.el.up('table'). The gridview can also be found as b.up('gridview'). So you get:
var rowIndex = b.up('gridview').indexOf(b.el.up('table'));
See in action: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/snq
Building on Drake's answer, I'm using the event.record property instead. Unfortunately, it looks like you have to make the click event have a slight buffer, so it gets the proper record added to it. This works, but I'm not entirely sure if it's a proper way. Example:
width: 150,
xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
widget: {
text: 'Button',
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Get row index',
listeners: {
buffer: 1,
click: function(button, event, eOpts) {
var record = event.record;
alert(store.find('postid', record.get('postid'), 0, false, true, true))
Use the onWidgetAttach
A function that will be called when a widget is attached to a record. This may be useful for doing any post-processing.
The function has both widget and record parameter.
You can do widget.record = record, and then the button will have the record member which you can access in the click listener

How to rebind a Kendo ListView after changing template

I'm attempting to rebind the listview data after changing the template, based on a DropDownList value. I've included a JSFiddle for reference. When I rebind currently the values in the template are undefined.
JSFiddle link
I was thinking the best way to handle it would be in the 'select' or 'change' function:
var cboDetailsCategory = $("#detail").kendoDropDownList({
data: [
select: function (e) {
var template = $("#" + e.item.text()).html();
console.log("template", template);
change: function (e) {
please refer to the JSFiddle link and this graphic as a visual
Here is a lengthier workflow:
User completes a name search and clicks a search button.
Name results are populated in a listview, rendered individually as button controls using a template.
User then clicks one of the name results (shown as the button text).
A dropdownlist of categories ('All' <--default , 'Location', 'Customer'...) gives the user the ability to target what subject of data they want to see. 'All' is the default, showing all details about the selected name.
So by default the 'All' template is populated.
If user wants to see the 'Location' details (template) they select it from the dropdownlist.
The template shows but the values are all blank. The only way to populate it is to click the name (button) again.
I want to remove the need for having to re-click the button (name) to populate the template ('Location', etc...).
I have put together a JSFiddle showing the structure. Though due to the data being private and served over secure network I cannot access it.
Refer to JSFiddle:
I believe the issue is that the onclick event grabs the data-uid and passes it to the initial default template (named 'All' but it's not included in code as it's lengthy). When the user changes the dropdownlist (cboDetailsCategory) and selects a new template I lose the data.
Thanks for your help. I'm really stuck on this and it's a current show stopper.
There isn't an officially supported way to change templates, without destroying the listview and rebuilding it. However, if you don't mind poking into into some private api stuff (be warned I can't guarantee that kendo won't break it without telling you) you can do this
var listview = $("#MyListview").getKendoListView();
listview.options.template = templateString;
listview.template = kendo.template(listview.options.template);
//you can change the listview.altTemplate the same way
listview.refresh(); //redraws the elements
if you want to protect against unknown API changes you can do this, which has A LOT more overhead, but no risk of uninformed change (untested!)
var listview = $("#MyListview").getKendoListView(),
options = listview.options;
options.dataSource = listview.dataSource;
Here's the solution, thanks for everyone's help!
JSFiddle Link
The issue was where I was setting the bind:
$("#list").on("click", ".k-button", function (e) {
var uid = $(e.target).data("uid");
var item = dataSource.getByUid(uid);
var details = dropdown.value();
var template = $("#" + details).html();
kendo.bind($("#details"), item);
currentData = item;

Dojo: for each row in a grid, have a button that when clicked shows more information from the data store

This is proving to be surprisingly difficult.
Suppose I have a grid that displays the name and size of files.
Information is loaded from a JSON file into an instance of dojo/store/Memory and then key attributes presented in the grid. How would I include a button on each row of the grid, that when clicked, displays more attributes about the file? These attributes are stored in the dojo/store/memory.
Right now I have a row like this in the grid:
{name:"More", field:"id", formatter: buttonFormatter, datatype:"string", noresize: true, width: "120px"}
And I attempted to pass the ID to a button using the formatter:
var buttonFormatter = function(inValue){
var newButton = new Button({
label: "Details",
onClick: function(inValue){
alert("More information about " + inValue + " goes here");
return newButton;
This doesn't work however.
The difficulties, as far as I can tell, are:
1) Associating each specific button with a specific file from the store
2) Giving the onClick javascript access to data from the store
Thanks for your help!
You can use dojo-data-type-event attach point to do the operation. The corresponding method in the grid widget instance will show your more attributes in different style like tooltip,append,dialog and etc as you need
Not sure if this might helps you, but have a look at it.
In this example there's an onclick-Event on a button to zoom to the clicked row.

YUI Datatable Drag and Drop together with Cell Editor

I have a problem with YUI (2) Datatable and Drag and Drop combo. I have a table of items, one of them is item description which I made editable (and saveable) with YUI's TextboxCellEditor. I also made the rows draggable (so I can drop them to another container).
But I'm stuck with two items:
- I can only get DnD by clicking on the second column (the first one does not work)
- I can only get it to work on the second attempt since initialization.
Here is a snipet from my JS (simplified):
nameFormatter = function (elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var link = '/share/page/site/' + Alfresco.constants.SITE + '/document-details?nodeRef=' + oRecord.getData('nodeRef');
elCell.innerHTML = '<span>' + oData + '</span>';
descFormatter = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
elCell.innerHTML = '<pre class="desc">' + oData + '</pre>';
columnDefs = [
{key: "name", label: "Name", sortable: true, formatter: nameFormatter, resizable: true}
, {key: "description", label: "Description", sortable: true, formatter: descFormatter, editor: new YAHOO.widget.TextboxCellEditor(), resizable: true}
this.mediaTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(this.id + "-media-table", columnDefs, this.dataSource, {
MSG_EMPTY: "No files"
// now we want to make cells editable (description)
var highlightEditableCell = function(oArgs) {
var elCell = oArgs.target;
if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(elCell, "yui-dt-editable")) {
this.mediaTable.subscribe("cellMouseoverEvent", highlightEditableCell);
this.mediaTable.subscribe("cellMouseoutEvent", this.mediaTable.onEventUnhighlightCell);
this.mediaTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", this.mediaTable.onEventShowCellEditor);
this.mediaTable.subscribe("editorSaveEvent", this.saveDesc);
this.mediaTable.subscribe('cellMousedownEvent', this.onRowSelect);
The saveDesc function is simple Ajax call to save that items' description.
Here is the onRowSelect function:
onRowSelect = function(ev) {
console.log(" == method onRowSelect");
var tar = Event.getTarget(ev)
, dd
dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(this.getTrEl(tar));
dd.on('dragDropEvent', function(e) {
YAHOO.Bubbling.fire('myCustomEvent', { target: e.info, src: tar});
If I just click on desc, I get the text editor, if I click on name, I get the link open.
Like I said, when I mouseDown on the second column (description), in first attempt I get nothing. Then I click and hold the second time, and this time it works (I get a DDProxy and I can Drag and drop it to the target, everything works there).
And the other issue is that when I click and hold on the name column, I don't get the DDProxy (I get my onRowSelect event and the correct row).
What am I doing wrong here?
UPDATE: Resolved the first issue by using Satyams answer - removing the formatter for my cell with link.
The second issue (only on the second click) was resolved because I added the missing dd.handleMouseDown(ev.event) in my onRowSelect function.
Dav Glass, who wrote DD, has this example in his page: http://new.davglass.com/files/yui/datatable4/ I used it in my example: http://www.satyam.com.ar/yui/2.6.0/invoice.html and it works just fine, though it is somewhat more involved than you have there. I'm sorry I cannot help you more precisely with your issue, D&D is not my string point but I hope the examples might help.
One reason for your problem might be that link in the cell. This is not a good idea, whether you have DD or not. In general, the recommended way to deal with this is to listen to the cellClickEvent and if the column of the cell that got clicked is the one that 'navigates', you build the URL based on the information in the record clicked and then navigate or do whatever you want with it. This allows the DataTable to render much faster, as it needs no formatter and, in the odd event that someone does click the cell, then and only then you bother to make the calculations. The size and number of DOM elements on the page also goes down.
Likewise, with the other cell with the pre-formatted tag, you can easily avoid it. The cells in each column in a DataTable gets a CSS class name made from the "yui-dt-col-" prefix and the 'key' value of the column (for example: yui-dt-col-description). Thus, you can simply add a style declaration for that CSS class name and spare yourself the formatter. Likewise, for highlighting the editable cells, how about defining some style for the .yui-dt-editable:hover selector? I've never done it myself but I imagine it should work.
