Trouble with nested nodes with using Firebase + AngularJS for a chat app - javascript

I am trying to create a small chat app to help me learn AngularFire (Firebase + AngularJS). The only functionality i am trying to get is the ability to create chat rooms and then the ability to chat in each room. By the way, i'm doing this in Rails if it matters (my user login and everything is handled through Rails).
So far i have this as my sample code, this is what the view looks like:
<div ng-controller="RoomsCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="rm in rooms">
<li class="message phm pvm pull-left" ng-repeat="msg in messages">
<span class="message-author">{{msg.from}}</span>
<span class="message-body">{{msg.body}}</span>
<span class="message-timestamp">{{msg.timestamp | date:'MMM d, yyyy h:mm a'}}</span>
<span class="hidden"><%= current_user.full_name %></span>
<textarea ng-model="msgBody" ng-keydown="addMessage($event)" placeholder="What's on your mind..."></textarea>
<input type="text" ng-model="roomName" ng-keydown="addRoom($event)" placeholder="Enter a room name..."><
Here is my AngularFire script:
var app = angular.module("ChatApp", ["firebase"]);
function RoomsCtrl($scope, $firebase) {
var organizationId;
if (gon) {
organizationId = gon.organization_id;
var orgRef = new Firebase(""+organizationId);
$scope.rooms = $firebase(orgRef);
$scope.addRoom = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
$scope.rooms.$add({name: $scope.roomName, timestamp: new Date().getTime()})
$scope.roomName = "";
$scope.messages = $firebase(orgRef);
$scope.addMessage = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
$scope.messages.$add({name: $scope.msgName, body: $scope.msgBody, timestamp: new Date().getTime()})
$scope.msgBody = "";
Each user belongs_to and Organization as you can see by the gon part that is just getting the id of the organization that the current_user belongs to. The code i have for the addRoom does actually create a room under the organization. The Forge data looks like this:
<my forge id>
name: "Test Room"
timestamp: 1394500795299
name: "Another Room"
timestamp: 1394508307247
I am also seeing the data being reflected on the site as well. When i create a new room, the room displays on the site. My problem (i think) lies only with the messages. I have been researching for hours with little to no success on a the subject of nested references. I kind of understand it but i haven't been able to figure out how i can create a room (dynamically through the site) and then have access to create messages under that room's node in Firebase.
My view code above shows you how i was thinking it would display on the page. My question is, how do i tie the two together through Firebase / AngularFire? Thanks in advance for any help! And let me know if you have any questions that might shed more light on anything.
I sent this question to Firebase support through their website and received a response helping me with almost all of it. I sent a follow up email to get clarification on a section i'm not understanding in their response and waiting to here back. Their advice was to replace:
var orgRef = new Firebase(""+organizationId);
var orgRef = new Firebase("").child(organizationId);
That would create a new Firebase reference for a child of an existing location. Then they said to use this for my $scope.messages definition:
$scope.messages = $firebase(orgRef.child(roomID).child("messages"));
This would assume that in /1/room/ there is a child named “messages” which holds your messages.
The part i am having trouble with is the .child(roomID) in the messages definition because it is telling me it is undefined (which it is). What should that be defined as...i'm assuming it should be the ID of the newly created room?

I finally got the answer to my question from posting on the Firebase + AngularJS google group. I was missing a couple things. Here is my final code:
var app = angular.module("ChatApp", ["firebase"]);
function RoomsCtrl($scope, $firebase) {
var organizationId;
if (gon) {
organizationId = gon.organization_id;
var orgRef = new Firebase("https://<my forge id>").child(organizationId);
$scope.rooms = $firebase(orgRef.child('rooms'));
$scope.addRoom = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
$scope.rooms.$add({name: $scope.roomName, timestamp: new Date().getTime()}).then(function(ref){
var roomId =;
$scope.messages = $firebase(orgRef.child('rooms').child(roomId).child("messages"));
$scope.roomName = "";
$scope.addMessage = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
$scope.messages.$add({name: $scope.msgName, body: $scope.msgBody, timestamp: new Date().getTime()})
$scope.msgBody = "";
The main parts that i was missing was the .then() callback and i wasn't setting up the definition to $scope.messages correctly where it would be referencing the parent room. These lines are the major part of the fix:
$scope.rooms.$add({name: $scope.roomName, timestamp: new Date().getTime()}).then(function(ref){
var roomId =;
$scope.messages = $firebase(orgRef.child('rooms').child(roomId).child("messages"));
Hope this helps anyone else with a similar problem.


How to send email on Adobe Air + backbone.js application

I have developed a web application using Adobe Air and Backbone.js. I'm using jade template to create a contact form. The jade code of the form look like below:
input(type="hidden" name="type_contact" value="")
- inco = { fkey:"contact_description" }
include field_textarea_val
- inco = { fkey:"contact_email" }
include field_text_val
- inco = { fkey:"contact_phone" }
include field_text_val
a#sendBtn.btn.btn-warning( imsg="send", href="#rwSendContact" )
When user click send button, all content from input fields will send to the controller. Please look at the controller code as below:
var ContactRouter =
"rwSendContact": "sendcontact"
sendcontact: function(){
var values = getFieldValuesInContact();
var service_id = 'myservice';
var template_id = 'welcome';
var template_params = {
name: 'John',
reply_email: '',
message: 'This is awesome!'
var contact = new ContactRouter();
From the line emailjs.send(service_id,template_id,template_params);, I want a library that can help me to send email. Can you guys give me a suggestion for what library can I use to archive this?

Binding data into localStorage with ngStorage - what's wrong here?

I started this journey trying to get some settings to persist with localStorage, has some problems and posted about it here (without a solution): Why won't this data bind? An odd case in Angularjs
I've abandoned that method as I learnt about ngStorage. In theory ngStorage lets you 2-way bind into and out of Angular models. It's a great, great theory.
I'm having problems with it though. It half works.
The ideas is this:
Test for permission selection (true or false).
If no selection (first time use) pop-up a choice.
Store the choice.
On restart use the stored choice to set the permission true or false.
Allow user to change the permission from within the app.
It works up to number 4.
Testing shows that although on first use I can set $ to true or false subsequent changes are not being stored and retrieved from local storage.
Here is the code:
permissionCallback = function(permission){
console.log("analytics allowed");
navigator.notification.alert('You can turn analytics off in the Data Tracking section at any time.', null, 'Analytics On', 'OK');
console.log("analytics denied");
navigator.notification.alert('You can turn analytics on in the Data Tracking section at any time.',null , 'Analytics Off', 'OK');
if(typeof $scope.$ === 'undefined'){
navigator.notification.confirm('This app would like your permission to collect data on how you use the app. No personal or user identifiable data will be collected.', permissionCallback, 'Attention', ['Allow','Deny']);
console.log('start analytics are', $scope.$;
if(typeof analytics !== 'undefined'){
console.log("analytics functioning");
$scope.trackClick = function(category, action){
analytics.trackEvent(category, action);
console.log('Tracking category: ' + category + ', Section: ' + action + '.');
$scope.counter = 0;
$scope.change = function(){
console.log('analytics are ' + $scope.$;
And here is the html.
<li class="item item-toggle">
<i class="icon ion-cloud"></i> Data Tracking is {{$}} {{counter}}
<label class="toggle toggle-balanced">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="$" ng-change="change()">
<div class="track">
<div class="handle"></div>
It's either a fault with my logic or, and I think this more likely, a misunderstanding about the scope of the data.
The odd thing is the console log in the change() function (which is purely for tracking these things) is always correct. So using $ in the html is the correct way to do it (using $ causes all sorts of errors) and it is indeed binding from the html into $
So why isn't it saving it to local storage when using the toggle?
I ran into a similar problem with ng-storage. When the page was loaded/reloaded anything bound to a value in $sessionStorage was updated correctly. However any changes to $sessionStorage afterwards were not reflected in my view. What I ended up doing was creating a service for storing changes and using $sessionStorage as a temporary data store.
app.controller('TestController', funciton($scope, $sessionStorage, Service) {
// if we have session data set our service
if($ { = $;
} else {
$ = {};
// now bind scope to service =;
// on update we set both Service and $sessionStorage
// will be automatically updated
scope.update = function(val) { = val;
$ = val;
app.service('TestService', function() {
var service = {
data: {
value: 'Hello World'
return service;
<div ng-controller="TestController">{{data.value}}</div>
<button ng-click-"update('Hello Universe')">Update</button>
This is a very rudimentary example of how my solution works but hopefully it gets anyone else stuck in the same situation on the right track.

Rendering collection data in a template using a reactive join with Meteor JS

I would like to output data from two collections using a reactive join into my template, then pair the users, post and comments through a common id.
So far, I can see with Mongo commands that the JSON data exist, but my template doesn't render any data. What am I doing wrong?
FYI, the meteorpad doesn't compile but the github repo will.
Meteor Pad Example:
There's so much wrong that it's hard to know where to start.
1) When you're loading the initial post and user data you're inserting the whole returned array as one element rather than inserting each element individually into your posts collection.
2) You're creating a publish subscription with the name "postsSet", but you're trying to subscribe to it with a different name.
3) You're not calling publishComposite correctly at all. You should be publishing the user required for each post as part of the children array.
4) The template needs updating based on the above
5) The username needs to be supplied via a helper.
6) You should really map the "id" attributes to Mongo's "_id" instead.
Here's come code which works. Note that you'll need to call meteor reset everytime you restart, otherwise you'll get duplicate id errors since you currently reimport the data every time.
Posts = new Mongo.Collection("Posts");
var groundPosts = new Ground.Collection(Posts);
Users = new Mongo.Collection("Users");
var groundUsers = new Ground.Collection(Users);
if (Meteor.isClient) {
console.log('POSTS DATA = ' + Posts.find().fetch());
console.log('USERS DATA = ' + Users.find().fetch());{
"submit .ontra": function (event) {
// This function is called when the new task form is submitted
var text =;
content: text,
date: new Date() // current time
// Clear Form = "";
// Prevent default form submit
return false
posts: function() {
return Posts.find();
username: function() {
return Users.findOne({_id: this.userId}).username;
'fetchJSONData': function() {
var postsResponse ="GET","");
var usersResponse ="GET","");
var postsData = JSON.parse(postsResponse.content);
var usersData = JSON.parse(usersResponse.content);
postsData.forEach(function (post) { = new Date();
post._id = String(
post.userId = String(post.userId)
usersData.forEach(function (user) { = new Date() // current time
user._id = String(
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publishComposite('postsSet', {
find: function () {
return Posts.find({});
children: [
find: function (post) {
console.log("%j", post.userId);
console.log("%j", Users.findOne({ _id: post.userId }));
return Users.find({ _id: post.userId });
//console.log('POSTS DATA = %j', Posts.find().fetch());
//console.log('USERS DATA = %j', Users.find().fetch());
<div class='container'>
<form class='ontra'>
<input type='text' name='text' placeholder="Type to add new post">
{{#each posts}}
{{> post}}
<template name='post'>
<span class="text">{{content}}</span>
<span class="text">{{username}}</span>
Your code doesn't run on meteorpad because the fetchJSONData method is executed on the server before it is defined in the common.js file. You should probably be calling the method after an event triggered on the client, or not use a method at all and simply fetch your JSON data on Meteor.startup.
Regarding the reactive join, it seems you want to do something very similar to Example 1 of the documentation:

Having issues tying together basic javascript chat page

I have the skeleton of a chat page but am having issues tying it all together. What I'm trying to do is have messages sent to the server whenever the user clicks send, and also, for the messages shown to update every 3 seconds. Any insights, tips, or general comments would be much appreciated.
Issues right now:
When I fetch, I append the <ul class="messages"></ul> but don't want to reappend messages I've already fetched.
Make sure my chatSend is working correctly but if I run chatSend, then chatFetch, I don't retrieve the message I sent.
var input1 = document.getElementById('input1'), sendbutton = document.getElementById('sendbutton');
function IsEmpty(){
if (input1.value){
} else {
sendbutton.setAttribute('disabled', '');
input1.onkeyup = IsEmpty;
function chatFetch(){
url: "",
dataType: "json",
method: "GET",
success: function(data){
for(var key in data) {
for(var i in data[key]){
function chatSend(){
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: JSON.stringify({text: $('input1.draft').val()}),
This seems like a pretty good project for Knockout.js, especially if you want to make sure you're not re-appending messages you've already sent. Since the library was meant in no small part for that sort of thing, I think it would make sense to leverage it to its full potential. So let's say that your API already takes care of limiting how many messages have come back, searching for the right messages, etc., and focus strictly on the UI. We can start with our Javascript view model of a chat message...
function IM(msg) {
var self = this;
self.username = ko.observable();
self.message = ko.observable();
self.timestamp = ko.observable();
This is taking a few liberties and assuming that you get back an IM object which has the name of the user sending the message, and the content, as well as a timestamp for the message. Probably not too far fetched to hope you have access to these data elements, right? Moving on to the large view model encapsulating your IMs...
function vm() {
var self = this;
self.messages = ko.observableArray([]);
self.message = ko.observable(new IM());
self.setup = function () {
self.message().username([user current username] || '');
self.chatFetch = function () {
$.getJSON("", function(results){
for(var key in data) {
// parse your incoming data to get whatever elements you
// can matching the IM view model here then assign it as
// per these examples as closely as possible
var im = new IM();
im.username(data[key][i].username || '');
im.message(data[key][i].message || '');
im.timestamp(data[key][i].message || '');
// the ([JSON data] || '') defaults the property to an
// empty strings so it fails gracefully when no data is
// available to assign to it
All right, so we have out Javascript models which will update the screen via bindings (more on that in a bit) and we're getting and populating data. But how do we update and send IMs? Well, remember that self.message object? We get to use it now.
function vm() {
// ... our setup and initial get code
self.chatSend = function () {
var data = {
'user': self.message().username(),
'text': self.message().message(),
'time': new Date()
$.post("", data, function(result) {
// do whatever you want with the results, if anything
// now we update our current messages and load new ones
All right, so how do we keep track of all of this? Through the magic of bindings. Well, it's not magic, it's pretty intense Javascript inside Knockout.js that listens for changes and the updates the elements accordingly, but you don't have to worry about that. You can just worry about your HTML which should look like this...
<div id="chat">
<ul data-bind="foreach: messages">
<span data-bind="text: username"></span> :
<span data-bind="text: message"></span> [
<span data-bind="text: timestamp"></span> ]
<div id="chatInput">
<input data-bind="value: message" type="text" placeholder="message..." />
<button data-bind="click: $root.chatSend()">Send</button>
Now for the final step to populate your bindings and keep them updated, is to call your view model and its methods...
$(document).ready(function () {
var imVM = new vm();
// perform your initial search and setup
// apply the bindings and hook it all together
ko.applyBindings(imVM.messages, $('#chat')[0]);
ko.applyBindings(imVM.message, $('#chatInput')[0]);
// and now update the form every three seconds
setInterval(function() { imVM.chatFetch(); }, 3000);
So this should give you a pretty decent start on a chat system in an HTML page. I'll leave the validation, styling, and prettifying as an exercise to the programmer...

Creating multiple related objects from execute jscript list button

I'm trying to create multiple records of an object called Guarantor__c, a child of Opportunity and Contact, on button click. All of the Guarantor records should relate to the Opportunity on the page where the button is. The records are all of the Contacts of the Opportunity's Account with the Guarantor record type. The SOQL below is pretty straightforward. This runs without an error, but doesn't enter any records. Any ideas?
var url = parent.location.href;
var updateRecords = [];
var principalContacts = sforce.connection.query("Select Id From Contact where AccountId ='{!Account.Id}' and RecordTypeId ='012A0000000nr4BIAQ'");
var principalContactsArray = principalContacts.getArray("records");
if (principalContactsArray.length < 1){
alert("There are no guarantors for this opportunity. Go back to the Account and enter the guarantors.")
for (eachPrincipalContact in principalContactsArray){
var newGuarantor = new sforce.SObject("Guarantor__c");
newGuarantor.COntact__ = eachPrincipalContact;
newGuarantor.Opportunity__c ="{!Opportunity.Id}";
should be placed outside of the for loop. like
for (eachPrincipalContact in principalContactsArray){
var newGuarantor = new sforce.SObject("Guarantor__c");
newGuarantor.COntact__ = eachPrincipalContact;
newGuarantor.Opportunity__c ="{!Opportunity.Id}";
