Illegal token in meteor/node module => cookies - javascript

I was attempting to follow along with g00glen00b's meteor/twitter walkthrough ( when i got this persistent error. any help or hints would be much obliged.
things i tried
uninstall/reinstall npm
uninstall/reinstall twitter package
uninstall/reinstall cookies
searching for hidden characters
my deployed app
meteor error
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building the application:
node_modules/twitter/node_modules/cookies/test/express.js:1:15: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
node_modules/twitter/node_modules/cookies/test/http.js:1:15: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
#!/usr/bin/env node
var assert = require("assert"),
express = require("express"),
#!/usr/bin/env node
var assert = require("assert"),
http = require("http"),

meteor includes npm, and its perfectly acceptable to run 'mrt add npm' however npm should not be used to install its packages (e.g. npm install twitter) into a meteor project. you can require them via a packages.json file.
in order to avoid the illegal token error and get the server up running, i deleted the primary node_module dir in my project folder.
check the meteor google group for advice!


Netlify throwing error when import/export modules, why?

I have an API key hidden in a file, I'm not using dotenv to do this, and I'm importing them into my javascript file via ES6 modules. Netlify allows build commands to build this when the app is deployed.
cd scripts && echo -e "const API_KEY = 'blahblahblah'; const HASH_KEY = 'blahblahblah'; const TIME_STAMP = 'ts=1'; const URL_ENDPOINT='blahblahblah';\n\nexport API_KEY, HASH_KEY, TIME_STAMP, URL_ENDPOINT;" > apikey.js
That is what I put into Netlify's deploy settings.
When I go to the deployed site, I get "Uncaught syntax error: unexpected token export".
The file is made correctly in the sources tab of the console. I'm at a loss for what I've done incorrectly, or what Netlify isn't interpreting correctly.
I found the solution:
I was missing brackets in the build command, and after that I had to update some links from HTTP: to HTTPS:.
Thanks for trying to help out.

Cant resolve fs, net, tls after mysql installation

I have react-boilerplate application. I want to start using database so I installed:
npm install mysql
npm install mysqljs/mysql
As shown in mysql webpage:
Now I get errors when I go to localhost in a browser:
Can't resolve 'fs' in '....node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences'
Can't resolve 'net' in '....node_modules\mysql\lib'
Can't resolve 'tls' in '....node_modules\mysql\lib'
I am using redux-saga combination.
I figured out that I get the error when I write:
const mysql = require('mysql');
in saga.js file
How can I fix these errors?
You can't use a MySQL client library within a browser app.
The errors you're seeing is the client library attempting to require() Node.js standard libraries for file system, network and encryption (TLS) access, which don't exist in the browser.

deploying js with python and spacy lib

I have never setup things this way, I got it running locally but have no clue how I should have do it when I deploy it into an ec2 server
I have a node app running already in ec2 server but recently I have added spaCy into one of my api.
The basic logic is calling the api which runs node and part of the js script uses spawn to process the file and do some calculation with outputs.
I have tried the following below to setup on my server but of course it failed when calling the api
my original node app is in /var/www/myApp
I used sudo apt install virtualenv then inside my /var/www/myApp I ran the command virtualenv venv which creates the virtual environment...
I did a source venv/bin/activate to get into the virtual environment
Then I started running the commands to install spacy mentioned in the spacy documentation
used this command to install pip install -U spacy and python -m spacy download en
Then I ran python -m spacy validate to see if spacy is installed which I got
Installed models (spaCy v2.0.11)
package en-core-web-sm en_core_web_sm 2.0.0 ✔
link en en_core_web_sm 2.0.0 ✔
which I believe this means the installation is a success.
But after this, I am not sure what I should do to continue.
I tried running my api but getting this as an error message "err": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n"
I would believe the spacy module is not being called that's why I am getting this error but I am not sure what I should do to get this working.
Would really appreciate for any help, thanks in advance for any advices.
my code is below
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import json
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
text = sys.argv[1]
doc = nlp(text)
all_noun_tokens = [ token.lemma_ for token in doc
if (token.pos_ == 'PROPN'
or token.pos_ == 'NOUN'
or token.tag_ == 'NN'
or token.tag_ == 'NNP') ]
P.S. I am wondering if there's any config that I need to do in order for my app to find where the virtuanenv is so it can detect the spacy module?

Meteor and mongodg exit code 1 on debian wheezy

i just finished installing my all-new debian wheezy distribution. I would like to install the meteor framework, so I did:
sudo curl | sh
as recommended by the official meteor website, but during the installation I get this error when I type meteor after creating a new meteor project:
=> Started proxy.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 1. Restarting.
Can't start Mongo server.
MongoDB failed global initialization
Looks like MongoDB doesn't understand your locale settings. See for more details
In fact, once a new project is created and operational after coding, the meteor command run a localhost web server on port 3000 and then we can see the web application.
I don't understand why I get this error. Is it possible that my problems are coming from my debian distribution?
Do: $: LC_ALL=<your language>
where is the system language. Like de_DE.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8
in console:
export PORT=3000
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://
export ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000

How to use sql-injection package in Node.js application?

I want to prevent my app for SQL-Injection attack in Node.js,for that i am using sql-inection package of NPM.
My app.js File
var app = express();
var sqlinjection = require('sql-injection');
With this configuration i am directly sending request to server.
But with each request to the server the api does not send any response and gives no error or Warning.
I am using this Npm package sql injection npm js
Please guide me to how to use sql-injection in node.js and express.js project.
Please include following lines in your app.js file
After requiring the npm package you must use this sql-injection package at the end of all your router.
and it will work fine.
