I have the following problem:
Breeze fetches metadata (23.4KB)
Breeze fetches lookups (4.5MB)
Right after lookups are downloaded, the browser will become unresponsive for about 30 seconds.
After this, everything works like a charm.
Why does breeze not use timeouts to inform the UI?
Firefox complains about long script operation, unresponsive, etc. The task manager (shows Firefox/Chrome/etc) as unresponsive.
Am I doing something wrong, or this is by design?
If this is by design, can i use a 'Web Worker' to do all the heavy operations and then return the whole model or something?
I tried something like this:
var test = function (name) {
return Q.fcall(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
toastr.success(name); // Notify me
return EntityQuery.from(name)
}, 1000) // This should be zero
var primeData = function (name) {
return test('Languages')
However the notifications seem to be poping up all at the same time, indicating that
return EntityQuery.from(name)
does not return when entity constuction finishes but when the JSON data for this entity arrived.
Answer with webWorker provided here : BreezeJs with dedicated web worker
I think I see your point. Breeze hogs the UI thread while processing those thousands of arriving entities. If Breeze could somehow realize how much work it was doing, and would be doing, it could throw a timeout in there to give the UI a chance to breathe.
I'm not sure how safe that would be as Breeze would have to pick a moment that didn't leave the cache in an unstable state from someone's perspective.
I believe you can make this easier on yourself by breaking the one giant Lookups call into several smaller ones. You could still async await completion of all the smaller lookup promises if that is critical to your app. The fact that they are independent promise callbacks should give you the relief you seek.
Please try that and let us know how it works for you.
P.S.: You also have a cool opportunity here to optionally cache these lookups in local storage (indexdb) so you don't have to download them everytime. You'd need a versioning scheme of course and some plumbing so this lies in your future once things are looking good.
At the risk of getting roasted for not posting code, what is the best way for getting around the 6 concurrent call limitation for ajax requests?
So currently I'm working with an application that can have up to 40 or so ajax requests on page load. For background, most of these requests are for various graphs, hidden behind tabs. There are some requests that can be triggered by the user (such as updating the name of an entity without refreshing the page). This means that with the limitation on concurrent requests the user won't be able to change anything until there's only 5 other requests running, and that's an unacceptable user experience.
This may mean that the app is structured badly, but most of the things loading are not required right away.
Anyway, I've looked a bit into fetch() and webworkers but can't find any information on whether these would help get around the limitation.
One solution would be to put resources on different subdomains, but this makes the backend API unnecessarily complicated (and it's a browser issue, not a server issue).
I've considered these approaches:
delay requests until the user actively needs them (IMO this is a bad user experience because they will have to wait a little bit a lot, which is annoying)
create a queuing system that leaves open one spot for user initiated requests (I'm not sure how to implement this, but it should be doable)
restructure the API so that more data is returned per request (this again is mainly a backend solution that feels a little dirty and unRESTful. Also it won't necessarily improve the load time)
chaining calls such as with Multiple Async AJAX Calls Best Practice (however given there are an unpredictable number of calls on unrelated endpoints so I don't think this is all that practical here)
webworkers? (again, not sure if this could help, since this is used to multithread js)
fetch()? (I can't find info on whether this is subject to the same limitation)
This is very much opinion based.
40 requests is not unreasonable but depending on your server and site setup it can take quite a while.
With that many calls I would bundle some of them together in a initializePage=X call. This does involve some serverside work.
Delay requests is not necessarily bad, depending on your estimated time to deliver. If possible you could present some kind of animation or "expected result" until the response ticks in, to keep the user entertained. The same applies to Queing your requests.
Restructuring your code to return everything in a bundle could also greatly speed up your site if you run a lot of initialization on your server (like security checks).
If performance is still a concern you can look into connections that provide faster results such as EventSource or WebSocket. Such a faster connection also allows for a more flexible approach to chaining. EventSource, for instance, supports events, so you could set several events on a single, bundled request and fire them as the server returns data.
Webworkers is not the answer, as the problem here is connection speed and concurrent connection limits.
I don't think we can answer this question directly. Several of the solutions you have mentioned are viable but vary by level of effort. If you are willing to adjust architecture you can consider a GraphQL approach which can wrap the bundling for you. I would also say that you can maintain REST but have a special proxy service that bundles data for you. I'd also say, don't let RESTfullness dictate or force how you develop.
Also, delaying requests until the user needs them seems like the appropriate choice to me. It's the basis for why we have "above the fold" CSS styling and infinite scrolling. Load what is needed right now first and defer the stuff that might not actually matter when it needs to be.
Concurrency of AJAX calls would come into picture if these requests are called from one thread. If WebWorker is used with AJAX then no issues at all, reason being each instance of webworker will be isolated, in a thread that is not in the main thread.
I would call that as JaxWeb and I will be pushing a git repo in coming week where you may find pure JS code that takes care of it. This is being tested right now, but yeah it does solve the problem.
Add below code in JaxWeb.js
onmessage = function (e) {
var JaxWeb = function (e) {
return {
requestChannel: {},
get_csrf_token: function () {
return this._csrf_token;
set_csrf_token: function (_csrf_token = null) {
this._csrf_token = _csrf_token;
prepare: (function ( e ) {
this.requestChannel = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.requestChannel.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
this.requestChannel.open(e.data.method, e.data.callname, true);
this.requestChannel.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", e.data.token);
var postData = '';
if (e.data.data)
postData = JSON.stringify(e.data.data);
return JaxWeb(e);
jaxWebGetServerResponse = function () {
var wk2 = new Worker('path_to_jaxweb_js/JaxWeb.js');
"callname": '<url end point>',
"method": '<your http method>',
"data": ''
wk2.onmessage = function (serverResponse) {
//process results
//with data that is received from server
//Invoke the function
I am using jimp (https://www.npmjs.com/package/jimp) in meteor JS to generate an image server side. In other words I am 'calculating' the pixels of the image using a recursive algorithm. The algorithm takes quite some time to complete.
The issue I am having is that this seems to completely block the meteor server. Users trying to visit the webpage while an image is being generated are forced to wait. The website is therefore not rendered at all.
Is there any (meteor) way to run the heavy recursive algorithm in a thread or something so that it does not block the entire website?
Node (and consequently meteor) runs in a single process which blocks on CPU activity. In short, node works really well when you are IO-bound, but as soon as you do anything that's compute-bound you need another approach.
As was suggested in the comments above, you'll need to offload this CPU-intensive activity to another process which could live on the same server (if you have multiple cores) or a different server.
We have a similar problem at Edthena were we need to transcode a subset of our video files. For now I decided to use a meteor-based solution, because it was easy to set up. Here's what we did:
When new transcode jobs need to happen, we insert a "video job" document in to the database.
On a separate server (we max out the full CPU when transcoding), we have an app which calls observe like this:
Meteor.startup(function () {
// Listen for non-failed transcode jobs in creation order. Use a limit of 1 to
// prevent multiple jobs of this type from running concurrently.
var selector = {
type: 'transcode',
state: { $ne: 'failed' },
var options = {
sort: { createdAt: 1 }, limit: 1,
VideoJobs.find(selector, options).observe({
added: function (videoJob) {
}, });
As the comments indicate this allows only one job to be called at a time, which may or may not be what you want. This has the further limitation that you can only run it on one app instance (multiple instances calling observe would simultaneously complete the job). So it's a pretty simplistic job queue, but it may work for your purposes for a while.
As you scale, you could use a more robust mechanism for dequeuing and processing the tasks like Amazon's sqs service. You can also explore other meteor-based solutions like job-collection.
I believe you're looking for Meteor.defer(yourFunction).
Relevant Kadira article: https://kadira.io/academy/meteor-performance-101/content/make-your-app-faster
Thanks for the comments and answers! It seems to be working now. What I did is what David suggested. I am running a meteor app on the same server. This app deals with the generating of the images. However, this resulted in the app still eating away all the processing power.
As a result of this I set a slightly lower priority on the generating algorithm with the renice command on the PID. (https://www.nixtutor.com/linux/changing-priority-on-linux-processes/) This works! Any time a user logs into the website the other (client) meteor application gains priority over the generating algorithm. Absolutely no delay at all anymore now.
The only issue I am having now is that whenever the server restarts I somehow have to rerun or run the (re)nice command.
Since I am using meteor up for deployment both apps run the same user and the same 'command': node main.js. I am currently trying to figure out how to run the nice command within the startup script of meteor up. (located at /etc/init/.conf)
So I have this single page application that does a lot of computation every time the user does an action like click a button. As javascript is a not threaded, the lengthy calc blocks the UI updates and creates a bad user experience:
$('update-btn').click() {
After reading perhaps one too many articles on how to handle this, I find that wrapping some of the function calls with window.setTimeout does help. So armed with this knowledge I have started wrapping them up and it seems to bring some responsiveness back to the browser.
However my question is, are there any adverse side effects of having too many timeout statements even if the delay is only 0 or 1? From a business logic perspective I am making sure only independent standalone functions are wrapped in setTimeout. I wanted to check from a technical viewpoint. Can any JS gurus share some insight?
P.S: I had taken a look at Web Workers, but my code is built using Jquery and depends heavily on DOM states etc so implementing web workers atm would not be possible which is why I am using timeouts
Much appreciated!
While technically it's ok to have several timeouts running it's generally advisable to not have too many.
One thing we did was to have a single timeout/setInterval each that when fired runs a set of functions that can be added or removed at anytime.
var runnableFunctions = []
var runningIntervalID = window.setInterval(function() {
runnableFunctions.forEach(function(func) {
if(typeof func === 'function') {
}, 1);
/// Elsewhere
$(domElem).on(event, function() {
runnableFucntions.push(function() {
//Do something on interval
// slice out this function if it only needs to run once.
This is just a dirty example but you get the idea where you can shove functions into an array and have them run in a single timeout/interval vs setting up many timeouts/intervals and then remembering to stop them later.
I'm dealing with a promblem for a couple of days, and I'm really hoping, you could help me.
It's a node.js based API using sequelize for MySQL.
On certain API calls the code starts SQL transactions which lock certain tables, and if I send multiple requests to the API simultaneously, I got LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT errors.
var SQLProcess = function () {
var self = this;
var _arguments = arguments;
return sequelize.transaction(function (transaction) {
return doSomething({transaction: transactioin});
.catch(function (error) {
if (error && error.original && error.original.code === 'ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT') {
return Promise.delay(Math.random() * 1000)
.then(function () {
return SQLProcess.apply(self, _arguments);
} else {
throw error;
My problem is, the simultaneously running requests lock each other for a long time, and my request returns after a long-long time (~60 seconds).
I hope I could explain it clear and understandable, and you could offer me some solution.
This may not be a direct answer to your question, but maybe by looking at why you had this problem would also help.
1) What does that doSomething() do? Anyway we can do some improvements there?
First, a transaction that take 60 sec is suspicious.. If you lock a table for that long, chances are the design should be revisited. Given a typical db operation runs 10 - 100 ms.
Ideally, all the data preparation should be done outside of the transaction, including data read from database. And the transaction should be really for only transactional operations.
2) Is it possible to use mysql stored procedure?
True, the stored procedure for mysql is not compiled, as PL/SQL for Oracle. But it is still running on the database server. If your application is really complicated and contain a lot of back and force network traffic between database and your node application in that transaction, and considering there are so many layer of javascript calls, it could really slowing things down. If 1) doesn't save you a lot of time, consider using mysql stored procedure.
The drawback of this approach, obviously, is that it is harder to maintain the codes in both nodejs and mysql.
If 1) and 2) are definitely not possible, you may consider some kind of flow control or queuing tool. Either your app make sure the 2nd request doesn't go until the first one finishes, or your have some 3rd party queuing tools to handle that. Seems you don't need any parallelism in running those requests anyway.
The main reason for deadlocks is poor database design. Without further information about your database design and which exact queries might or might not lock each other it is impossible to give you a specific solution for your problem.
However I can give you a general advice/approach to solve this issue:
I would make sure that your database is normalized at least into Third Normal Form or, if that still isnt enough even further. There might be tools to automate this process for you.
Aside from reducing the likelihood of deadlocks this also helps keeping your data consistent, which is always a good thing.
Keep your transactions as slim as possible. If you are inserting new rows into your tables and update other tables accordingly you might want to use a Trigger rather than another SQL statement to do so. The same applies to reading rows and values. Such things can be done before or after your transaction.
Choose the correct Isolation Level. Possible isolation levels are:
Sequelize's official documentation describes how you can set the isolation level and lock/unlock transactions by yourself.
As I said, without further insight about your database and query design thats all I can do for you right now.
Hope this helps.
I'm wondering if there's a way to cause JavaScript to wait for some variable-length code execution to finish before continuing using events and loops. Before answering with using timeouts, callbacks or referencing this as a duplicate, hear me out.
I want to expose a large API to a web worker. I want this API to feel 'native' in the sense that you can access each member using a getter which gets the information from the other thread. My initial idea was to compile the API and rebuild the entire object on the worker. While this works (and was a really fun project), it's slow at startup and cannot show changes made to the API without it being sent to the worker again after modification. Observers would solve part of this, and web workers transferrable objects would solve all, but they aren't adopted widely yet.
Since worker round-trip calls happen in a matter of milliseconds, I think stalling the thread for a few milliseconds may be an alright solution. Of course I would think about terminating in cases where calls take too long, but I'm trying to create a proof of concept first.
Let's say I want to expose the api object to the worker. I would define a getter for self.api which would fetch the first layer of properties. Each property would then be another getter and the process would continue until the final object is found.
self.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
self.dataRecieved = true;
self.data = event.data; // would actually build new getters here
Object.defineProperty(self, 'api', {
get: function() {
self.dataRecieved = false;
self.postMessage('request api first-layer properties');
return self.data; // whatever properties were received from host
For experimentation, we'll do a simple round-trip with no data processing:
index.html (only JS part)
var worker = new Worker("worker.js");
worker.onmessage = function() {
If onmessage would interrupt the loop, the script should theoretically work. Then the worker could access objects like window.document.body.style on the fly.
My question really boils down to: is there a way to guarantee that an event will interrupt an executing code block?
From my understanding of events in JavaScript, I thought they did interrupt the current thread. Does it not because it's executing a blank statement over and over? What if I generated code to be executed and kept doing that until the data returned?
is there a way to guarantee that an event will interrupt an executing code block
As #slebetman suggests in comments, no, not in Javascript running in a browser's web-worker (with one possible exception that I can think of, see suggestion 3. below).
My suggestions, in decreasing order of preference:
Give up the desire to feel "native" (or maybe "local" might be a better term). Something like the infinite while loop that you suggest also seems to be very much fighting agains the cooperative multitasking environment offered by Javascript, including when thinking about a single web worker.
Communication between workers in Javascript is asynchronous. Perhaps it can fail, take longer than just a few milliseconds. I'm not sure what your use case is, but my feeling is that when the project grows, you might want to use those milliseconds for something else.
You could change your defined property to return a promise, and then the caller would do a .then on the response to retrieve the value, just like any other asynchronous API.
Angular Protractor/Webdriver has an API that uses a control flow to simulate a synchronous environment using promises, by always passing promises about. Taking the code from https://stackoverflow.com/a/22697369/1319998
var title = browser.getTitle();
expect(title).toEqual('My Title');
By my understanding, each line above adds a promise to the control flow to execute asynchronously. title isn't actually the title, but a promise that resolves to the title for example. While it looks like synchronous code, the getting and testing all happens asynchronously later.
You could implement something similar in the web worker. However, I do wonder whether it will be worth the effort. There would be a lot of code to do this, and I can't help feeling that the main consequence would be that it would end up harder to write code using this, and not easier, as there would be a lot of hidden behaviour.
The only thing that I know of that can be made synchronous in Javascript, is XMLHttpRequest when setting the async parameter to false https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest#Parameters. I wonder if you could come up with some sort of way to request to the server that maintains a connection with the main thread and pass data along that way. I have to say, my instinct is that this is quite an awful idea, and would be much slower than just requesting data from the main thread.
For what I know, there is not something native in JS to do this but it is relatively easy to do something similar. I made one some time ago for myself: https://github.com/xpy/whener/blob/master/whener.js .
You use it like when( condition, callback ) where condition is a function that should return true when your condition is met, and callback is the function that you want to execute at that time.