I want to achieve 'Panning' in svg while 'dragging' an element in particular direction.
Let say i select an element and start 'dragging' it upward untill it reached top of screen, now my svg should pan upwards automatically, without causing any problem with dragging. how i can achieve this.?
i have made a small mockup of this, where user can select and drag elements. it also contain two button, which cause svg to pan upward and downward. I am achiveing 'Panning' by changing 'ViewBox' of svg. ( i have to use this logic, i cannot use any other solution);
here is the fiddle link : http://jsfiddle.net/9J25r/
Complete Code:-
addEventListener('mousedown', mousedown, false);
var mx, my;
var dx, dy;
var mainsvg = document.getElementById('svg');
var selectedElement;
var eleTx, eleTy;
function getSvgCordinates(event) {
var m = mainsvg.getScreenCTM();
var p = mainsvg.createSVGPoint();
var x, y;
x = event.pageX;
y = event.pageY;
p.x = x;
p.y = y;
p = p.matrixTransform(m.inverse());
x = p.x;
y = p.y;
x = parseFloat(x.toFixed(3));
y = parseFloat(y.toFixed(3));
return {x: x, y: y};
function mousedown(event) {
if (event.target.id === 'arrow_t') {
else if (event.target.id === 'arrow_b') {
else if (event.target.id.split('_')[0] === 'rect') {
selectedElement = event.target;
var translatexy = selectedElement.getAttribute('transform');
translatexy = translatexy.split('(');
translatexy = translatexy[1].split(',');
eleTx = translatexy[0];
translatexy = translatexy[1].split(')');
eleTy = translatexy[0];
eleTx = parseFloat(eleTx);
eleTy = parseFloat(eleTy);
var xy = getSvgCordinates(event);
mx = xy.x;
my = xy.y;
mx = parseFloat(mx);
my = parseFloat(my);
addEventListener('mousemove', drag, false);
addEventListener('mouseup', mouseup, false);
function drag(event) {
var xy = getSvgCordinates(event);
dx = xy.x - mx;
dy = xy.y - my;
selectedElement.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + (eleTx + dx) + ',' + (eleTy + dy) + ')');
function mouseup(event) {
removeEventListener('mousemove', drag, false);
removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseup, false);
function panning(direction) {
var viewBox = svg.getAttribute('viewBox');
viewBox = viewBox.split(' ');
var y = parseFloat(viewBox[1]);
if (direction === 'up')
else if (direction === 'down')
viewBox=viewBox[0]+' '+y+' '+viewBox[2]+' '+viewBox[3];
here is the fiddle link : http://jsfiddle.net/9J25r/
I use the solution of Ian , it works well on the sample, but when i applied it to my original application, it did not work. check the below gif. You can see the 'gap' between mouse pointer and element. how i can remove that? .
This is one way, I've just done it with the Y/vertical for the moment...
You may want to adjust it, so that if the cursor is off the screen it adjusts the viewBox automatically as well, depends how you want it to drag (otherwise you will need to keep wiggling it to kick the drag func in).
var viewBox = svg.getAttribute('viewBox');
viewBoxSplit = viewBox.split(' ');
if( ely < viewBoxSplit[1] ) {
} else if( ely + +event.target.getAttribute('height')> +viewBoxSplit[1] + 300 ) {
jsfiddle here
I have made a fiddle here and I am using Chrome.
I want to drag the red dashed/dotted line on the left to the right. A new flex column is added on mouseup OR when you exceed a part of the container, depending on the number of columns already added. For now I just try to add max 5 columns.
The first "drag" works as expected
mouse down
while holding mousedown drag to right
column is added on mouseup or when exceeding some width
Now I want to repeat these steps and add another one. But now the behaviour is different:
mouse down
drag it to the right but it gets stuck
I have to release the mouse button and move to the right and get out of the function
Here is some code, I've tried some stuff with bubble true or false on the eventlisteners but no luck. Should I use other events?
var container = document.querySelector('.js-flex-container'),
containerRow = container.querySelector('.js-flex-row'),
oldX = 0,
oldY = 0,
rect = container.getBoundingClientRect(),
mouseupEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseup'),
captureMouseMove = function captureMouseMove(event){
var directionX = 0,
directionY = 0;
if ((event.clientX - rect.left) > oldX) {
// "right"
newDiv.style.width = oldX + 'px';
if (oldX >= Math.round(rect.right / colCount)) {
oldX = (event.clientX - rect.left);
container.querySelector('.js-flex-column').addEventListener('mousedown', function(event){
var colWidth = event.clientX - rect.left,
columns = container.querySelectorAll('.col');
colCount = columns.length + 1;
newDiv = document.createElement('div');
newDiv.className = 'col-x';
columns[0].parentNode.insertBefore(newDiv, columns[0]);
container.addEventListener('mousemove', captureMouseMove);
container.addEventListener('mouseup', function(){
if (typeof newDiv !== 'undefined') {
newDiv.style.width = '';
newDiv.className = 'col col-' + colCount;
container.removeEventListener('mousemove', captureMouseMove);
Chrome is doing something (funky) with the event after move.
Adding event.preventDefault() should do the trick
captureMouseMove = function captureMouseMove(event){
var directionX = 0,
directionY = 0;
if ((event.clientX - rect.left) > oldX) {
// "right"
newDiv.style.width = oldX + 'px';
if (oldX >= Math.round(rect.right / colCount)) {
oldX = (event.clientX - rect.left);
event.preventDefault(); // <---
I would also recommend that you don't use container for mouseup events. Instead use window so releasing outside of the container doesn't cause issues. You could do the same for mousemove.
i'm trying to make dot that follows mouse cursor. It was all working, but when i rotated it a bit it all messed up, because bounding box has changed.
I was using this:
(That's why i initially negated y, and than negated new value again)
I will need to read how far that dot is from center and it's angle (but related to the initial "0" rotation state)
I have to add something to rPX based on angle, but i don't know how to calculate it. Can anyone relate?
Inner div is only for creating center of coordinate system.
var currentMousePosition = {
var angle = Math.PI/6
currentMousePosition.x = event.clientX;
currentMousePosition.y = event.clientY;
function applyMovement(event){
var rPX = event.clientX - getElementOffSetFromParentLeft(document.getElementById("light").parentNode) - 5;
var rPY = -(event.clientY - getElementOffSetFromParentTop(document.getElementById("light").parentNode) - 5);
var XinCircle = rPX*Math.cos(angle)-rPY*Math.sin(angle)
var YinCircle = rPX*Math.sin(angle)+rPY*Math.cos(angle)
if(XinCircle > -70 && XinCircle < 70)
document.getElementById("light").style.left = XinCircle + "px";
if(rPY > -70 && rPY < 70)
document.getElementById("light").style.top = -YinCircle + "px";
//console.log(rPX + " X " + XinCircle )
//console.log(rPY + " Y " + YinCircle )
var getElementOffSetFromParentLeft = function (htmlElement) {
var parentRect = htmlElement.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
//I need to add something here, it's 75 for 30, i have no idea how i have calculated it
return parentRect.left - bodyRect.left + 75;
var getElementOffSetFromParentTop = function (htmlElement) {
var parentRect = htmlElement.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
return parentRect.top - bodyRect.top;
For the mouse movement, it's a very simplified code using jQuery:
$('.wrapper, .outer').mousemove(function(e){
$('#light').css('left', e.pageX);
$('#light').css('top', e.pageY);
Tell me if this was what you wanted.
Edit: Also you need to move the light div outside of the wrapper class because it is affected by your CSS
With your new comment, this is my answer:
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="outer">
<div class="inner">
<div class="dot" id="light"></div>
var timeout;
var down = false;
var inside = 0; //Not a boolean because .outer can trigger false when .wrapper is true
$(document).mousedown(function() {
down = true;
}).mouseup(function() {
down = false;
}).mouseleave(function() {
down = false;
$('.wrapper, .outer').mouseenter(function(){
}).mouseleave(function() {
$('#light').mousedown(function () {
var x, y;
timeout = setInterval(function () {
$(document).mousemove(function(event) {
x = event.pageX;
y = event.pageY;
if (inside > 0){
$('#light').css('left', x - 5);
$('#light').css('top', y - 5);
}, 20);
I'm attempting to make it, so that when the mouse is within the boundaries set by var play, it changes image. I used the same method I've used for changing images on click, but mouseover and mouseout don't want to work here.
var play = {
x: 650,
y: 360,
width: 200,
height: 100
var playUpButton = new Image();
playUpButton.src = "images/PlayUp.png";
var playDownButton = new Image();
playDownButton.src = "images/PlayDown.png";
var playHovering = false;
thisCanvas.addEventListener('click', checkPlay);
thisCanvas.addEventListener('mouseover', hoverPlay, false);
thisCanvas.addEventListener('mouseout', hoverPlay, false);
function seen_move(e)
var bounding_box = thisCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
mouseX = ((e.clientX-bounding_box.left) *(thisCanvas.width/bounding_box.width));
mouseY = ((e.clientY-bounding_box.top) * (thisCanvas.height/bounding_box.height));
function draw_start()
context.drawImage(menubg, menubg.x, menubg.y, menubg.width, menubg.height);
context.drawImage(playDownButton, play.x, play.y, play.width, play.height);
function mouseInArea(top, right, bottom, left)
if(mouseX >= left && mouseX < right && mouseY >= top && mouseY < bottom)
return true;
return false;
function hoverPlay()
if(mouseInArea(play.y, play.x + play.width, play.y + play.height, play.x))
playHovering = false;
playHovering = true;
It looks like the following is missing from your code.
var thisCanvas = document.getElementById("thisCanvas");
The function checkPlay also seems to be missing.
Take a look at these articles:
You must call function seen_move(e) to get the mouse position.
BTW, I'm confused about what the extra code in seen_move is. I'm guessing you're making the mouse position relative to the bounding box. I just mention it in case that's also a problem:
// this usually get the mouse position
var bounding_box = thisCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
mouseX = e.clientX-bounding_box.left;
mouseY = e.clientY-bounding_box.top;
// and you have this extra bit:
// *(thisCanvas.width/bounding_box.width)); and
// * (thisCanvas.height/bounding_box.height));
mouseX = ((e.clientX-bounding_box.left) *(thisCanvas.width/bounding_box.width));
mouseY = ((e.clientY-bounding_box.top) * (thisCanvas.height/bounding_box.height));
I see other similar questions asked, but the answers don't actually solve the problem.
I have this event listener:
function bigButton(x, y, strTxt, doFunction)
var getID = document.getElementById("canvas_1");
if (getID.getContext)
var ctx = getID.getContext("2d");
var btnW = 150;
var btnH = 50;
var cx = x - btnW/2;
var cy = y - btnH/2;
var left = cx;
var right = cx + btnW;
var top = cy;
var bottom = cy + btnH;
bbWhite(cx, cy, btnW, btnH, strTxt);
getID.addEventListener("mousemove", function bbAnim(event)
var mousePos = getMousePos(getID, event);
var rect = getID.getBoundingClientRect();
var mouseX = mousePos.x;
var mouseY = mousePos.y;
if (mouseX >= left
&& mouseX <= right
&& mouseY >= top
&& mouseY <= bottom)
bbBlack(cx, cy, btnW, btnH, strTxt);
bbWhite(cx, cy, btnW, btnH, strTxt);
}, false);
getID.addEventListener("click", function bbClick(event)
var mousePos = getMousePos(getID, event);
var rect = getID.getBoundingClientRect();
var clickX = mousePos.x;
var clickY = mousePos.y;
if (clickX >= left
&& clickX <= right
&& clickY >= top
&& clickY <= bottom)
}, false);
I want to remove it, because once I click it, I want to clear the canvas and do other things. Yet I have to have a named function to remove it. As far as I know I can't have a named listener without losing all the variables used in the anonymous function. How do I have a named listener in this situation? This is one of the very first issues with events that I have come across with learning JavaScript for the canvas. I'm surprised this isn't one of the first things you find in any tutorial.
I have made it into a named function, but I still have no way to remove it (and the mousemove event) after the button is clicked.
Removing it is pretty much the same as adding it
getID.addEventListener("click", handler, false);
function handler(event) {
this.removeEventListener('click', handler, false);
var mousePos = getMousePos(getID, event);
var rect = getID.getBoundingClientRect();
var clickX = mousePos.x;
var clickY = mousePos.y;
if (clickX >= left
&& clickX <= right
&& clickY >= top
&& clickY <= bottom)
and the event and value of this stays the same wether or not you reference it by name or not.
How to make a element draggable without using jQuery UI?
I have this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_coords(event)
var x=event.clientX;
var y=event.clientY;
var drag=document.getElementById('drag');
<body style="height:100%;width:100%" onmousemove="show_coords(event)">
<p id="drag" style="position:absolute">drag me</p>
The problem is that I want to drag while the user the pressing the mouse button. I tried onmousedown but results were negative.
It will be quite easy as you get the concept.
function enableDragging(ele) {
var dragging = dragging || false, //Setup a bunch of variables
x, y, Ox, Oy,
enableDragging.z = enableDragging.z || 1,
ele.onmousedown = function(ev) { //When mouse is down
current = ev.target;
dragging = true; //It is dragging time
x = ev.clientX; //Get mouse X and Y and store it
y = ev.clientY; // for later use.
Ox = current.offsetLeft; //Get element's position
Oy = current.offsetTop;
current.style.zIndex = ++enableDragging.z; //z-index thing
window.onmousemove = function(ev) {
if (dragging == true) { //when it is dragging
var Sx = ev.clientX - x + Ox, //Add the difference between
Sy = ev.clientY - y + Oy; // 2 mouse position to the
current.style.top = Sy + "px"; // element.
current.style.left = Sx + "px";
return false; //Don't care about this.
window.onmouseup = function(ev) {
dragging && (dragging = false); //Mouse up, dragging done!
enableDragging(document.getElementById("drag")); //draggable now!
var ele = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for(var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++){ //Every div's is draggable
enableDragging(ele[i]); // (only when its "position"
} // is set to "absolute" or
// "relative")
The reason why your code is not working is because the <div> will always follow where your cursor goes, and you are not actually dragging it. The top left corner will always follow your cursor, and this is not we wanted.
Now if you only want a grabber or something similar, just change this part of the script:
ele.onmousedown = function(ev) {
current = ev.target;
var grabber = document.createElement("div");
grabber.setAttribute("class", "grabber");
grabber.onmousedown = function(ev) {
current = ev.target.parentNode;
Now you can only click on the grabber to start the dragging process.