I'm trying to create a background with many circles moving around and it really pushes the browser a bit too hard.
Is there any way I can do this without being too resource-intensive?
Here's the current code I have:
$( document ).ready(function() {
// Create all our glorious bubbles
for (var i = 1; i <= 150; i++) {
$('#bubbles').append('<span class="bubble' + i + '"></span>');
// Get random number
function getRandomInt (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
// Function to move bubbles randomly
function moveRandom(obj) {
var positionTop = getRandomInt(-350,1000);
var positionLeft = getRandomInt(-700,1600);
var positionTopNew = positionTop + getRandomInt(-50,50);
var positionLeftNew = positionLeft + getRandomInt(-50,50);
var size = getRandomInt(30,60);
function animation() {
top: positionTop + 'px',
left: positionLeft + 'px',
width: size,
height: size
}, 6000
top: positionTopNew + 'px',
left: positionLeftNew + 'px'
}, 6000, function() {
// Activate bubble movement
$('#bubbles span').each(function() {
Or is it just too many elements animated that it will always be a resource hog?
Pretty neat! You may want to use the HTML 5 canvas element to do this. It will utilize the GPU and doesn't require 3rd party js libraries.
There are 2 things that come to mind.
You could look up how to use the <canvas> tag with really cool examples at Createjs.com
you could gopro and learn webgl and three.js which uses the gpu for cool fast 3d effects!
Okay, I've seen a few things that sort of * answer my question, but none of them quite do what I want to do / I'd like to understand how to do this myself from start to finish as a learning exercise. I'm a novice at all this, so bear with me!
What I'm Trying to Do:
I have a black page and I'd like 20-30 small, white div boxes to fadeIn at random positions on the page (like stars is sort of the vibe I'm going for).
Ideally, they wouldn't overlap and they would be randomly sized between 5px and 10px, but I recognize that this might be getting a little too complicated.
Here's what I have so far
I've been working off this jsfiddle and well as this one. This is what I've come up with (that doesn't work, they all fade in equally spaced in a line and don't stay confined from to the site)
Here's my jsfiddle, code below
function randomPosition() {
var h = $(window).height()-10;
var w = $(window).width()-10;
var newHeight = Math.floor(Math.random() * h);
var newWidth = Math.floor(Math.random() * w);
return [newHeight, newWidth];
$(document).ready(function() {
var newPosition = randomPosition();
$('.star').css( {
}).each(function(index) { $(this).delay(1500*index).fadeIn('slow');
body {
background-color: black;
.star {
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
background-color: white;
display: none;
HTML (is there a way to do this with just a for loop or something similar?)
<div class="star"> </div>
<div class="star"> </div>
<div class="star"> </div>
<div class="star"></div>
The sizing and positioning isn't too hard. The thing is to do it all in the each loop - currently you get 1 position and use it for everything. Also you will want to make them position:absolute so they don't go off the page.
I've updated your fiddle to set the random position and a size between 5 and 10px:
The overlapping is a bit harder. You need to keep track of the sizes and positions you have generated and in the same .each function compare the current generated size+position to the previous ones to check for overlapping.
function randomPosition() {
var h = $(window).height()-10;
var w = $(window).width()-10;
var newHeight = Math.floor(Math.random() * h);
var newWidth = Math.floor(Math.random() * w);
return [newHeight, newWidth];
function randomSize() {
return Math.round(Math.random() * 5) + 5;
$(document).ready(function() {
// stores generated star positions
var stars = [];
$('.star').each(function(index) {
var newPosition, newSize;
// check for overlap
var isOverlap = true;
newPosition = randomPosition();
newSize = randomSize();
// check previous stars to see if an edge of this one overlaps
isOverlap = $.grep(stars, function(s) {
return (
(newPosition[1] >= s.x1 && newPosition[1] <= s.x2)
|| (newPosition[1]+newSize >= s.x1 && newPosition[1]+newSize <= s.x2)
&& (
(newPosition[0] >= s.y1 && newPosition[0] <= s.y2)
|| (newPosition[0]+newSize >= s.y1 && newPosition[0]+newSize <= s.y2)
}).length > 0;
// store to check later stars against it
x1: newPosition[1],
x2: newPosition[1] + newSize,
y1: newPosition[0],
y2: newPosition[0] + newSize,
size: newSize});
'width':newSize + 'px',
'height':newSize + 'px'
Here is my approach to your exercise ... the overlapping position would require a little bit more effort ... I'll leave you that to sort for yourself (may require restructuring the code I'm handing here)
jsFiddle Demo
function starDust(wdt, hgt, tSt, tAp){
var timer = tAp * 1000;
var defInt = tSt,
starInt = setInterval(function(){
var posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * wdt) + 1),
posY = Math.floor((Math.random() * hgt) + 1),
size = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
$('body').append('<div class="star"></div>');
var totalStars = $('.star').length;
if(totalStars == defInt){
}, timer);
// Function arguments: starDust(max X position in px, max Y position in px, total number of stars, time in seconds between stars show);
position: absolute;
Is there a technique to resize an image over a given time interval?
What I want to do is have an image and when the mouse rolls overs it, it should resize the image making it larger. All I can find are simple rollover scripts that instantly resize the image. I want to do it over a period of about a second.
And as a must it cannot lag and destroy the visual experience. I am looking for an approach in javascript, jQuery, or HTML5 if it's possible; other suggestions appreciated but no flash.
It's very easy with CSS3 Transitions:
width: 200px;
transition-duration: 1s;
-webkit-transition-duration: 1s;
width: 300px;
Demo: jsfiddle.net/yyDd4
You can do it in jQuery in this way.
var factor = 2;
$('#foo').mouseover(function() {
top: '-=' + $(this).height() / factor,
left: '-=' + $(this).width() / factor,
width: $(this).width() * factor
and the other techniques are here.
You can do this in plain javascript, though animation is always surprisingly complicated, especially if you want the image to shrink back after the mouse moves off it. Making an object to store the state is possibly the best solution and is also quite adaptable (other images, other types of animation).
new GrowingImage('myImage', 2, 1000);
function GrowingImage(id, factor, duration) {
var el = document.getElementById(id),
originalWidth = el.offsetWidth,
originalHeight = el.offsetHeight,
stage = 0,
frameRate = 17,
maxStage = duration / frameRate;
el.onmouseover = function () {
el.onmouseout = function () {
function animate(direction) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
stage += direction;
if (stage <= 0) {
stage = 0;
} else if (stage >= maxStage) {
stage = maxStage;
var scale = 1 + (factor - 1) * stage / maxStage;
el.style.width = originalWidth * scale + 'px';
el.style.height = originalHeight * scale + 'px';
}, frameRate);
If exact timing is important to you, you may need to adjust this so that it keeps track of the amount of time that the current animation has been running.
I used this jquery to move a div by every click.
left: '+=50px'
I'd like to avoid jquery whenever it is possible to get deeper into pure JS.
Is there anyway to achieve the same effect without using jquery?
I know that this will be more complex, but just trying to learn.
you can use the same technique in javascript:
// get the object refrence
var hero_obj = document.getElementById('hero');
// attach the onclick event
hero_obj.onclick = function(){
this.style.left = ( parseInt(this.style.left, 10) + 50 ) + 'px'
However, the effect won't be as smooth as jquery
I've stumbled upon this gem on vanilla-js.com a few weeks ago:
var s = document.getElementById('thing').style;
s.opacity = 1;
I really like the simplicity and the size of the code. Elegant and efficient!
I've created a function that affects the left property of an element of your choice based on the code above:
/* element: DOM element such as document.getElementById('hero')
distance: distance in pixels to move to the left such as 50 or 100 */
function moveBy(element, distance){
var target = isNaN(parseInt(s.left)) ? distance : parseInt(s.left) + distance;
s.left = isNaN(parseInt(s.left)) ? '1px' : (parseInt(s.left) + 1).toString() + 'px';
if(parseInt(s.left) <= distance) setTimeout(arguments.callee, 40);
You can play around and see what fits to your liking in terms of speed and smoothness. Try it here on a jsfiddle.
/* So you go: */
moveBy(document.getElementById('hero'), 50);
/* Or you can bind it to an event */
document.getElementById('hero').addEventListener('click', function(event){
moveBy(this, 50);
What a solution like this would need if you're willing to make it better is to replace the left property by translate. As Paul Irish states on his blog, translate provides way better performance than moving elements around with TRBL (top-left-bottom-right). Some sort of easing functions could be added as well to smooth things out.
Here's a code with animation. This snippet is only for modern browsers, but it is easy to modify to work with older browsers (IEs) too. (Actually only attachment of the event needs to be fixed.)
window.onload = function () {
var timer, k, intervals, kX, kY,
counter = 0,
hero = document.getElementById('hero'),
posX = hero.offsetLeft,
posY = hero.offsetTop,
anim = function (elem, params) {
posX += kX;
posY += kY;
elem.style.left = posX + 'px';
elem.style.top = posY + 'px';
if (counter > intervals) {
counter = 0;
} else {
move = function (elem, params) {
if (timer) {
counter = 0;
k = Math.atan2(params.left, params.top);
kX = Math.sin(k);
kY = Math.cos(k);
intervals = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(params.left, 2) + Math.pow(params.top, 2)));
timer = setInterval(function () {
anim(elem, params);
}, params.speed);
document.getElementById('hero').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
move(e.currentTarget, {left: 50, top: 0, speed: 0});
}, false);
As you can see, with this code you can also move elements vertical and adjust speed. To switch direction, just add - to corresponding property. The code is using pixels only as units, but that's easy to modify if needed.
It's also easy to convert this functional code to an object. Also jQuery-like duration can be added by passing property params.duration instead of params.speed and doing some advanced calculations with that and kX, kY.
Working demo at jsFiddle
I needed to create an animation solution with easing a while back without using a framework.
The tricky part for me was coping with interrupting/restarting animations part way through when they are tied to user interactions. I found that you can run into trouble pretty quickly if your animations double-fire.
Here is on github: https://github.com/robCrawford/js-anim
There are a few supporting functions but here's the main animation:
function animate(el, prop, to, pxPerSecond, easing, callback){
* Animate style property
* i.e. animate(div1, "width", 1100, 1000, "out", function(){console.log('div1 anim end')});
* #param el DOM element
* #param prop Property to animate
* #param to Destination property value
* #param pxPerSecond Speed of animation in pixels per second
* #param easing (optional) Easing type: "in" or "out"
* #param callback (optional) Function to call when animation is complete
var frameDur = 10,
initPropVal = parseInt(getCurrCss(el, prop)),
distance = Math.abs(to-initPropVal),
easeVal = (easing==="in")?1.5:(easing==="out")?0.5:1, // >1 ease-in, <1 ease-out
elAnimData = getData(el, 'animData');
//Quit if already at 'to' val (still fire callback)
//Init animData for el if first anim
elAnimData = {};
setData(el, {'animData':elAnimData});
//Get data for prop being animated or create entry
var animDataOb = elAnimData[prop];
if(!animDataOb)animDataOb = elAnimData[prop] = {};
//Don't re-initialise an existing animation i.e. same prop/to
if(animDataOb.to === to)return;
animDataOb.to = to; //Store 'to' val
//Clear any exisiting interval
animDataOb.intId = null;
//Create new anim
animDataOb.intId = (function(animDataOb){
var totalSteps = Math.round((distance/pxPerSecond)/(frameDur*.001)),
thisStep = 0;
return setInterval(function(){
var newVal = easeInOut(initPropVal, to, totalSteps, thisStep++, easeVal);
if(!isNaN(newVal))el.style[prop] = newVal + "px"; //Allow 0
if(thisStep > totalSteps)endAnim(animDataOb, callback);
}, frameDur);
function endAnim(animDataOb, callback){
//End anim
animDataOb.intId = animDataOb.to = null;
I am creating a new "whack-a-mole" style game where the children have to hit the correct numbers in accordance to the question.
I have the numbers animating from a set top position to another with a random width so that they look like they are floating up like bubbles.
The only problem I am having with it is that sometimes the numbers glitch and the width on them changes suddenly making it appear to jump from one side of the container to the other.
The only explanation I can think of is the width must be resetting somewhere which I have tried to look for.
Either I am blind or it is something else, can someone help me to find the source of the problem.
Here is the code that maps the numbers...
function randomFromTo(from, to) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);
function scramble() {
var children = $('#container').children();
var randomId = randomFromTo(1, children.length);
moveRandom("char" + randomId);
function moveRandom(id) {
var cPos = $('#container').offset();
var cHeight = $('#container').height();
var cWidth = $('#container').width();
var bWidth = $('#' + id).width();
var bHeight = $('#' + id).css(
'top', '400px'
' top': '-100px'
}, 10000).fadeOut(1000);
maxWidth = cPos.left + cWidth - bWidth;
minWidth = cPos.left;
newWidth = randomFromTo(minWidth, maxWidth);
$('#' + id).css({
left: newWidth
}).fadeIn(1000, function () {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#' + id).fadeOut(1000);
}, 1000);
Here is also a working fiddle so you can see the issue I am talking about: http://jsfiddle.net/pUwKb/26/
The problem is that you are re-entering your moveRandom function for an ID that is already animated. The new width calculation causes the piece to seem to jump when it is reassigned during the already animated movement. One way to fix this is to reject new piece movements for pieces you are already animating. I modified your jsFiddle and fixed it with this code:
// Keep track of the pieces actually moving
var currentMoving = [];
function moveRandom(id) {
// If this one's already animating, skip it
if ($.inArray(id, currentMoving) !== -1) {
// Mark this one as animating
var cPos = $('#container').offset();
var cHeight = $('#container').height();
var cWidth = $('#container').width();
var bWidth = $('#' + id).width();
var bHeight = $('#' + id).css('top', '400px').fadeIn(1000).animate({
'top': '-100px'
}, 10000).fadeOut(1000);
maxWidth = cPos.left + cWidth - bWidth;
minWidth = cPos.left;
newWidth = randomFromTo(minWidth, maxWidth);
$('#' + id).css({
left: newWidth
}).fadeIn(1000, function () {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#' + id).fadeOut(1000);
// Mark this as no longer animating
var ix = $.inArray(id, currentMoving);
if (ix !== -1) {
currentMoving.splice(ix, 1);
}, 1000);
Forked jsFiddle here.
Edit: The OP wanted to show more divs at once without speeding the animation up. To do this I added 20 more character divs (each a duplicate of the first 10 numbers), fixed the guarding code a bit, altered the CSS to specify the image of the character by class, and then put a limit of 20 animations at a given time. I also put a loop around the rejection of an already animated piece, to pick another. I made some other minor improvements. Updated JSFiddle here.
I have a picture of an Air balloon. I need it to fly around my page randomly (it is kind of small). I need it only to fly in the top half of my page. I found the following code:
top: "-=30px",
}, duration );
But I'm not sure how I could loop it and have it go both on the x axis and the y axis. Thanks if you can! I do have jQuery enabled :)
How about something like this.... LIVE FIDDLE
<img src="http://www.birdsnways.com/imgs/blbd48rt.gif" id="picture" />
function doNextPoint(){
var maxX = $(window).width() - $('#picture').width();
var newX = rand(0, maxX);
var maxY = ($(window).height()/2) - $('#picture').height();
var newY = rand(0, maxY);
var speed = rand (1000, 3000);
'top': newY + 'px',
'left': newX + 'px'
}, speed, function(){
function rand (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
#friends { position: absolute; }
<img src="http://jsfiddle.net/img/logo.png"
function moveit() {
var newTop = Math.floor(Math.random()*350);
var newLeft = Math.floor(Math.random()*1024);
var newDuration = Math.floor(Math.random()*5000);
top: newTop,
left: newLeft,
}, newDuration, function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
Live demo:
More updated Live Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/9cN4C/
(old demo is obsolete and has a broken link, however the code is still correct so it is left for reference, not for demonstration)
You can stick that code into a named function, and then add that function as the callback parameter for the animation, so it will call itself again after it finishes.
var flying;
flying = function() {
top: "-=30px", // you'll need to change this
As is, it will just keep flying upward because the animation is always set to go up by 30 px. You'll have to change the flying function to randomize the motions a bit. For more realism, save the previous movement, and just change it by a little (small acceleration) so it doesn't have very jerky motions.
To loop it: use SetTimeout: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/window.setTimeout
For the x-axis, use the CSS property left: (top: will get you y-axis)