jQuery parseInt() results in NaN - javascript

Problem Summary
I have been working on adding up various numbers in fields, based on the value of input boxes. I am currently experiencing the issue in which jQuery is concatenating the value arguments as they are strings and I have been unable to successfully convert them to integers.
Further Description
Here is an example of the HTML I am using:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" id="one" value="20.00" />
<input type="text" id="two" value="10.00" />
<a href="#" id="add">
Add up fields
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Here is my jQuery (this behavior described above was to be expected with this script):
var one = $('#one').val(),
two = $('#two').val();
var three = one + two;
This resulted obviously in the output:
So I tried modifying my first variable declarions with parseInt() like so:
var one = parseInt($('#one').val(),10),
two = parseInt($('#two').val(),10);
Nowever that just resulted in:
so I tried first obtaining the values and then converting to integers:
var one = $('#one').val(),
two = $('#two').val(),
i_one = parseInt(one),
i_two = parseInt(two);
But yet agan... NaN was the result of this.
I have also tried the above using parseFloat() which yielded the same unfortunate results.
I also tried (read somewhere on a blog) that adding + in front will force jQuery to treat the variables as integers so I did (see above for where i got one and two):
u_one = +one
u_two = +two
I am starting to think that obtaining values using val() prevents jQuery utilising them as anything other than strings... But I must be wrong.
Can you advise on how I can obtain these values in integer format so that I can have the result:
When the fields are added?
Preferebly whilst keeping the <input /> and not adding another hidden <span /> or something similar containing the number to which then I can run text() on.
Thanks for reading.
It has come to light the problem was not related to jQuery and related to the template I was making use of. Code above works as pointed out in the comments below. I have accepted one as an answer however all jQuery examples posted will work.

try this way
var one = $('#one').val();
var two = $('#two').val();
var three = parseInt(one) + parseInt(two);
refer working demo on jsfiddle :http://jsfiddle.net/adeshpandey/Y3xmW/

Use : var three = parseFloat(one + two);
See Demo

You are completely looking at the wrong problem!
You are extracting the value before the click occurs; the value is empty-string at that point.

the other way
var one = $('#one').val();
var two = $('#two').val();
var three = parseInt(one) + parseInt(two);
$('#three').text("Total: " +three);
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" id="one" value="20.00" />
<input type="text" id="two" value="10.00" />
<a href="#" id="add">
Add up fields
<p id="three"></p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Try changing your input tags to type number:
<input type="number" id="one" value="20.00" />


Cant Get Answer Back In answer Box NAN is being shown

it does not returns prpoer answer it returnes NAN in Answer
<script type="text/javascript">
function pro(n,p)
var number=parseInt(n);
var powe=parseInt(p);
for(var i=1;i<powe;i++)
<form name="F" >
Enter Number <input type="text" name="num" id="num"/>
Enter Power <select name="powe" id="powe">
<option value="2" >square</option>
<option value="3" >cube</option>
Answer<input type="text" name="Answer" id="answer" />
<input type="button" onClick="pro(num,powe)" value="Calculate" />
The issue is this: onClick="pro(num,powe)". Instead of the values for num and powe being gotten from the input elements and passed into the pro function, the actual element references (which are not numbers) are being passed.
To solve this problem, you'll need to get the values of the elements. But, before you just make a quick edit to your code, don't use inline HTML event attributes (onclick) in the first place. Instead, separate your JavaScript from your HTML and set up event handlers using modern standards with .addEventListener() as shown below.
Also (FYI):
Since you aren't actually submitting form data anywhere, you don't
need a <form> element.
It's not necessary to use parseInt with p.value because that
value is coming from your select and you've already set those at
whole numbers.
Don't bother with self-terminating tags (<input />) as you
gain nothing from using them.
If you are expecting only numeric input, it's better to use input
type=number which restricts the user input to numbers. Making this change also saves you from worrying about parseInt on the input number being misinterpreted as other bases than 10.
Since you don't want the user to be able to change the result of the
operation, it's better to display it in a non-editable element, like
a span.
It's a good idea to move your <script> element to just before the
closing body tag because, by the time the parser reaches that
point, all your HTML elements will have been parsed into memory.
Enter Number <input type="number" name="num" id="num">
Enter Power
<select name="powe" id="powe">
<option value="2">square</option>
<option value="3">cube</option>
Answer <span id="answer"></span>
<input type="button" value="Calculate">
// Get references to the inputs, the answer container and the button
let inputNum = document.getElementById("num");
let power = document.getElementById("powe");
let answer = document.getElementById("answer");
let btn = document.querySelector("input[type='button']");
// Set up the click event handler for the button
btn.addEventListener("click", function(){
// Now you need to get the input values and pass them
// to the function that will act with them
pro(inputNum.value, power.value);
function pro(n,p) {
var number = parseInt(n);
for(var i = 1; i < p; i++) {
number *= number;
answer.textContent = number;
document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = number

Copying half the field separated by comma

I have google map giving me coordinate values into one field, but I would need to keep this field and have it somehow coppied to another 2 fields
<input class="coordinates">50.48820,13.64855</input>
<input class="longtitude"></input>
<input class="latitude"></input>
as far as my tries went I made this
var s1=document.getElementById('coordinate');
var s2=document.getElementById('longtitude');
but I didnt come up with any way to implement the separation by comma
<input id="coordinates" value="50.48820,13.64855"></input>
<input id="longtitude"></input>
<input id="latitude"></input>
var s1=document.getElementById('coordinates');
var s2=document.getElementById('longtitude');
var s3=document.getElementById('latitude');
Working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/uzso33av/
Use split function.
var a = $(this).val().split(',');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input class="coordinates" value="50.48820,13.64855" />
<input class="longtitude" />
<input class="latitude" />

select particular input field name of particular form

i have some html code like this
<form name="first"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
<form name="second"><input name="firstText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="secondText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="ThirdText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FourthText" type="text" value="General" />
<input name="FifthText" type="text" value="General" />
i want to select "secondText" of form "second" using jquery or javascript and i want to change value of it using jquery.
Using jQuery:
var element = $("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Using vanilla JS:
var element = document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']");
Changing the value: element.val(value) or element.value = value, depending of what you are using.
To the point with pure JS:
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]')
This selector will return the input named "particular-input" inside form named "particular-form" if exists, otherwise returns null.
The selector filter "form[name=particular-form]" will look for all forms with name equals "particular-form":
<form name="particular-form">
The selector filter "input[name=particular-input]" will look for all input elements with name equals "particular-input":
<input name="particular-input">
Combining both filters with a white space, I mean:
"form[name=particular-name] input[name=particular-input]"
We are asking for querySelector(): Hey, find all inputs with name equals "particular-input" nested in all forms with name equals "particular-form".
<form name="particular-form">
<input name="generic-input">
<input name="particular-input">
<form name="another-form">
<input name="particular-input">
document.querySelector('form[name=particular-form] input[name=particular-input]').style.background = "#f00"
This code will change the background color only of the second input, no matter the third input have same name. It is because we are selecting only inputs named "particular-input" nested in form named "particular form"
I hope it's more clear now.
By the way, unfortunately I didn't found good/simple documentation about querySelector filters, if you know any reference, please post here.
// Define the target element
elem = jQuery( 'form[name="second"] input[name="secondText"]' );
// Set the new value
elem.val( 'test' );
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("ENTER-YOUR-VALUE");
You can do it like this:
$("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").val("yourNewValue");
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/YLgcC/
Native Javascript
Old browsers:
var myInput = [];
myInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < myInput.length; i++) {
if (myInput[i].parentNode.name === "second" &&
myInput[i].name === "secondText") {
myInput[i].value = "yourNewValue";
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/YLgcC/1/
New browsers:
document.querySelector("form[name='second'] input[name='secondText']").value = "yourNewValue";
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/YLgcC/2/
You can try this line too:
$('input[name="elements[174ec04d-a9e1-406a-8b17-36fadf79afdf][0][value]"').mask("999.999.999-99",{placeholder:" "});
Add button in both forms. On Button click find nearest form using closest() function of jquery. then using find()(jquery function) get all input values. closest() goes in upward direction in dom tree for search and find() goes in downward direction in dom tree for search. Read here
Another way is to use sibling() (jquery function). On button click get sibling input field values.

get name of hidden form

What i want to do is get the name of the hidden form which in this case is named:6ca3787zz7n149b2d286qs777dd8357b, the problem is, that form name always changes, the only thing that is the same is its value, which is 1, well 99% of the time, the only thing that is 100% the same that i guess could be somehow used to retrieve the form name is:L2ZvcnVtcy8 which is just above it. I am also attempting to do this via running javascript manually on the browser (chrome), so having that in mind where the javascript code is run through the url bar like this javascript:codegoeshere, how can i get the form name, -->(6ca3787zz7n149b2d286qs777dd8357b)?
<form action="index.php?feature=xxxxxx" method="post" name="login">
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="Logout" />
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="username" />
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="logout" />
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="L2ZvcnVtcy8=" />
<input type="hidden" name="6ca3787zz7n149b2d286qs777dd8357b" value="1" /> </form>
Check all the solutions below in this fiddle.
Some possibilities:
Assuming there is only one element with the name login and that element is the <form>, you can use:
If the return <input> has a fixed name attribute, then this should work (the additional .nextSibling is because there is a text node between them):
If any other of of those <input>s has a fixed name, you can use (in the example I take the <input> with name=task):
If all you really have is that fixed value, you'll have to use a for loop through all the <input>s:
var lastResortName = (function () { for(var i=0, ipts = document.getElementsByTagName('input'), n = ipts.length; i < n; i++) { if (ipts[i].value === "L2ZvcnVtcy8=") return ipts[i+1].name; } })();
Note: If there are duplicated values for the mentioned name attributes, test with the index ([0], [1], [2] and so on) until you find the expected elements.
That's really easy if you use JQuery:
Here your code running:

jQuery autocomplete for innerHTML generated textbox

I realize similar questions have been asked thousands times and yet it doesn't seem to work for me. I have a textbox called "movieTitle", it is generated via Javascript by clicking a button. And I'm calling jQueryUI autocomplete on that textbox just like in the official example http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/#remote.
It works well if I hardcode "movieTitle" in the original page; however it just fails when I create "movieTitle" by changing the innerHTML of the div "formsArea". searchMovies.php is the same with search.php from the example. I had tried many answers from internet and from here. I learned that I would have to use .on() to bind the dynamic element "movieTitle". Still it doesn't seem to work. Even the alert("hahaha") works. Thanks for your time. :) Here's my script:
$(document).on('focus', '#movieTitle', function(){
source: "../searchMovies.php",
minLength: 2
window.onload = main;
function main()
document.getElementById("movieQuery").onclick = function(){showForms(this.value);};
document.getElementById("oscarQuery").onclick = function(){showForms(this.value);};
// displays query forms based on user choice of radio buttons
function showForms(str)
var heredoc = "";
if (str === "movie")
heredoc = '\
<h1>Movie Query</h1>\
<form action="processQuery.php" method="get">\
<div class="ui-widget">\
<label for="movieTitle"><strong>Name: </strong></label>\
<input type="text" id="movieTitle" name="movieTitle" />\
<input type="submit" name="submitMovie" value="Submit" />\
//document.getElementById("formsArea").innerHTML = heredoc;
else if (str === "oscar")
heredoc = '\
<h1>Oscar Query</h1>\
<form action="processQuery.php" method="get">\
<strong>Name: </strong>\
<input type="text" name="oscarTitle" />\
<input type="submit" name="submitOscar" value="Submit"/>\
document.getElementById("formsArea").innerHTML = heredoc;
The HTML is:
<form action=$scriptName method="get">
<label for="movieQuery"><input type="radio" name="query" id="movieQuery" value="movie" />Movie Query</label>
<label for="oscarQuery"><input type="radio" name="query" id="oscarQuery" value="oscar" />Oscar Query</label>
<div id="formsArea">
<b>Please choose a query.</b>
You should check for the URL you're sending an AJAX request to. The paths in script files are relative to the page they're being displayed in. So albeit your script is in /web/scripts/javascripts/js.js, when this file is included in /web/scripts/page.php, the path to /web/scripts/searchMovies.php should be searchMovies.php instead of ../searchMovies.php because your script is being used in /web/scripts/.
Good ways to avoid such confusion is to
a. use absolute URL
b. the URL that're relative to root of your domain (that start with a /),
c. or define your domain's path in a variable, var domain_path = 'http://www.mysite.com/' and use it in your scripts.
I hope it clarifies things :)
Relative Paths in Javascript in an external file
