How to read a part of a line with DOM? - javascript

I'm familiar with PHP's DOM and know how to read special tags of an HTML page.
But now, I want to read a part of a line in a JS File, And I don't know how to do it.
my java script's text is here:
var gblock = '';
var gblocktitle;
if(gblocktitle == undefined)
gblocktitle = 'title';
gblock += '<div class="g-block">';
gblock += '<div class="g-block-title">';
gblock += gblocktitle;
gblock += '</div>';
gblock += '<div class="g-poem-block">';
gblock += '<div class="g-m1">part1</div>';
gblock += '<div class="g-m2">part2</div>';
gblock += '<br style="clear:both;" />';
gblock += '</div>';
gblock += '<div class="gfooter">';
gblock += '<div class="gpoet">AAAAAAAA</div>';
gblock += '<br style="clear:both;" />';
gblock += '</div>';
grblock += '</div>';
And I want to read part1 and part2
please help me.

var gblock = '';
var gblocktitle;
if(gblocktitle == undefined)
gblocktitle = 'title';
gblock += '<div class="g-block">';
gblock += '<div class="g-block-title">';
gblock += gblocktitle;
gblock += '</div>';
gblock += '<div class="g-poem-block">';
gblock += '<div class="g-m1">part1</div>';
gblock += '<div class="g-m2">part2</div>';
gblock += '<br style="clear:both;" />';
gblock += '</div>';
gblock += '<div class="gfooter">';
gblock += '<div class="gpoet">AAAAAAAA</div>';
gblock += '<br style="clear:both;" />';
gblock += '</div>';
try this
U have to use JQuery library..


I am struggling with two issues. I'm trying to add an #id to an html bootstrap card array via javascript

I'm attempting to build an array of bootstrap cards with json data fields populated inside of the cards. A few of the nested json fields aren't rendering (object Object error). This is the url for the json file which i've stored locally ( Additionally I'm attempting to add a unique #id to the card div so that I can manipulate it further (button actions).
What am I doing wrong?
Please be kind as I'm not great with jquery/javascript. This is my first attempt at an HTML array. thanks in advance all.
$(document).ready(function () {
userhtml = '<div class="container">';
userhtml += '<h1>Users</h1>';
$.each(valData, function (index, v) {
if (index % 3 === 0) {
userhtml += '<div class="row d-flex justify-content-left py-2">';
userhtml += '<div class="col-md-4">';
userhtml += '<div class="card m-3" id="">';
userhtml += '<h2 class="card-header bg-secondary bg-gradient">' + v["name"] + '</h2>';
userhtml += '<div class="card-body">';
userhtml += '<h3 class="card-title">' + v["username"] + '</h3>';
userhtml += '<p class="card-text">' + v["address"] + '</p>';
userhtml += '<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-remove">Delete</button>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</div>';
if (index % 3 === 2 || index == (valData.length - 1)) {
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '<footer class="footer mt-auto py-3 bg-primary">';
userhtml += '<div class="container">';
userhtml += '<h2 class="text-light">© 2022 Dan Stump</h2>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</footer>';
var i = 1;
$("#user").appendTo(function () {
$("<div.card />", { "class": "card", id: "user" + i })
.append($("<div />", { type: "text", id: "user" + i }))
.append($("<div />", { type: "text", id: "property" + i }))
Ok, so the object Object bit is because you're trying to append v["address"] to the output html, but address in the data is an object. For the sake of clarity I just added the street below, but you could concatenate together whatever properties of address you want. As an aside, you're using square bracket notation like v["address"]["street"] where this is easier to write using dot syntax which would be v.address.street.
The problem of adding id's, well Im not quite sure what you were doing there but its easy enough to add the unique id from the source data as a property on the div - again demonstrated below (although you'll have to inspect the HTML to see it).
const valData = [{"id":1,"name":"Leanne Graham","username":"Bret","email":"","address":{"street":"Kulas Light","suite":"Apt. 556","city":"Gwenborough","zipcode":"92998-3874","geo":{"lat":"-37.3159","lng":"81.1496"}},"phone":"1-770-736-8031 x56442","website":"","company":{"name":"Romaguera-Crona","catchPhrase":"Multi-layered client-server neural-net","bs":"harness real-time e-markets"}},{"id":2,"name":"Ervin Howell","username":"Antonette","email":"","address":{"street":"Victor Plains","suite":"Suite 879","city":"Wisokyburgh","zipcode":"90566-7771","geo":{"lat":"-43.9509","lng":"-34.4618"}},"phone":"010-692-6593 x09125","website":"","company":{"name":"Deckow-Crist","catchPhrase":"Proactive didactic contingency","bs":"synergize scalable supply-chains"}},{"id":3,"name":"Clementine Bauch","username":"Samantha","email":"","address":{"street":"Douglas Extension","suite":"Suite 847","city":"McKenziehaven","zipcode":"59590-4157","geo":{"lat":"-68.6102","lng":"-47.0653"}},"phone":"1-463-123-4447","website":"","company":{"name":"Romaguera-Jacobson","catchPhrase":"Face to face bifurcated interface","bs":"e-enable strategic applications"}},{"id":4,"name":"Patricia Lebsack","username":"Karianne","email":"","address":{"street":"Hoeger Mall","suite":"Apt. 692","city":"South Elvis","zipcode":"53919-4257","geo":{"lat":"29.4572","lng":"-164.2990"}},"phone":"493-170-9623 x156","website":"","company":{"name":"Robel-Corkery","catchPhrase":"Multi-tiered zero tolerance productivity","bs":"transition cutting-edge web services"}},{"id":5,"name":"Chelsey Dietrich","username":"Kamren","email":"","address":{"street":"Skiles Walks","suite":"Suite 351","city":"Roscoeview","zipcode":"33263","geo":{"lat":"-31.8129","lng":"62.5342"}},"phone":"(254)954-1289","website":"","company":{"name":"Keebler LLC","catchPhrase":"User-centric fault-tolerant solution","bs":"revolutionize end-to-end systems"}},{"id":6,"name":"Mrs. Dennis Schulist","username":"Leopoldo_Corkery","email":"","address":{"street":"Norberto Crossing","suite":"Apt. 950","city":"South Christy","zipcode":"23505-1337","geo":{"lat":"-71.4197","lng":"71.7478"}},"phone":"1-477-935-8478 x6430","website":"","company":{"name":"Considine-Lockman","catchPhrase":"Synchronised bottom-line interface","bs":"e-enable innovative applications"}},{"id":7,"name":"Kurtis Weissnat","username":"Elwyn.Skiles","email":"","address":{"street":"Rex Trail","suite":"Suite 280","city":"Howemouth","zipcode":"58804-1099","geo":{"lat":"24.8918","lng":"21.8984"}},"phone":"210.067.6132","website":"","company":{"name":"Johns Group","catchPhrase":"Configurable multimedia task-force","bs":"generate enterprise e-tailers"}},{"id":8,"name":"Nicholas Runolfsdottir V","username":"Maxime_Nienow","email":"","address":{"street":"Ellsworth Summit","suite":"Suite 729","city":"Aliyaview","zipcode":"45169","geo":{"lat":"-14.3990","lng":"-120.7677"}},"phone":"586.493.6943 x140","website":"","company":{"name":"Abernathy Group","catchPhrase":"Implemented secondary concept","bs":"e-enable extensible e-tailers"}},{"id":9,"name":"Glenna Reichert","username":"Delphine","email":"","address":{"street":"Dayna Park","suite":"Suite 449","city":"Bartholomebury","zipcode":"76495-3109","geo":{"lat":"24.6463","lng":"-168.8889"}},"phone":"(775)976-6794 x41206","website":"","company":{"name":"Yost and Sons","catchPhrase":"Switchable contextually-based project","bs":"aggregate real-time technologies"}},{"id":10,"name":"Clementina DuBuque","username":"Moriah.Stanton","email":"","address":{"street":"Kattie Turnpike","suite":"Suite 198","city":"Lebsackbury","zipcode":"31428-2261","geo":{"lat":"-38.2386","lng":"57.2232"}},"phone":"024-648-3804","website":"","company":{"name":"Hoeger LLC","catchPhrase":"Centralized empowering task-force","bs":"target end-to-end models"}}]
$(document).ready(function() {
userhtml = '<div class="container">';
userhtml += '<h1>Users</h1>';
$.each(valData, function(index, v) {
if (index % 3 === 0) {
userhtml += '<div class="row d-flex justify-content-left py-2">';
userhtml += '<div class="col-md-4">';
userhtml += '<div class="card m-3" id="' + v["id"] + '">';
userhtml += '<h2 class="card-header bg-secondary bg-gradient">' + v["name"] + '</h2>';
userhtml += '<div class="card-body">';
userhtml += '<h3 class="card-title">' + v["username"] + '</h3>';
userhtml += '<p class="card-text">' + v["address"]["street"] + '</p>';
userhtml += '<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-remove">Delete</button>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</div>';
if (index % 3 === 2 || index == (valData.length - 1)) {
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {}
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '<footer class="footer mt-auto py-3 bg-primary">';
userhtml += '<div class="container">';
userhtml += '<h2 class="text-light">© 2022 Dan Stump</h2>';
userhtml += '</div>';
userhtml += '</footer>';
<script src=""></script>
<div id="output"></div>

My JSON data is loading in twice using AJAX, it is only supposed to load once on click

I am using AJAX and Jquery to load a json object into my web page. It works great however 50-70% of the time it loads in the json data to my page twice, it appends the second set of data to my page, is there a good way to ensure that my data only loads once?
my initial thought was to make the json call synchronous instead of asynchronous but that doesn't sound right, is there a better way of doing it?
$('#myResource').click(function() {
$.getJSON("data/preachers.json", function(result) {
$.each(result, function(i, field) {
$("#preachers").append( function() {
var preacher = '<div class="box box1">';
preacher += '<div class="image">';
preacher += '<a href=' + '"' + ( + '"' + ' target="_blank">';
preacher += '<img src= "img/resources/' + (field.image) + '" alt="' + ( + '" class="resource_image">';
preacher += '</a>';
preacher += '</div>'; //class = image
preacher += '<div class="text">';
preacher += '<p><h2>' + ( + '</h2>';
preacher += (field.details) + '</p>';
preacher += '</div>'; //class=text
preacher += '</div>'; //class=box
return preacher;
try to disable a button after click
$('#myResource').click(function() {
$('#myResource').prop('disabled' , true); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< here
$.getJSON("data/preachers.json", function(result) {
$.each(result, function(i, field) {
$("#preachers").append( function() {
var preacher = '<div class="box box1">';
preacher += '<div class="image">';
preacher += '<a href=' + '"' + ( + '"' + ' target="_blank">';
preacher += '<img src= "img/resources/' + (field.image) + '" alt="' + ( + '" class="resource_image">';
preacher += '</a>';
preacher += '</div>'; //class = image
preacher += '<div class="text">';
preacher += '<p><h2>' + ( + '</h2>';
preacher += (field.details) + '</p>';
preacher += '</div>'; //class=text
preacher += '</div>'; //class=box
return preacher;
$('#myResource').prop('disabled' , false); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< here
with the help of some of the comments, the answer ended up being that i needed to unbind click at the beginning of the function, and leaving it unbound:
$('#myResource').click(function() {
$( "#myResource").unbind( "click" );
$.getJSON("data/preachers.json", function(result) {
$.each(result, function(i, field) {
console.log('load everything');
$("#preachers").append( function() {
var preacher = '<div class="box box1">';
preacher += '<div class="image">';
preacher += '<a href=' + '"' + ( + '"' + ' target="_blank">';
preacher += '<img src= "img/resources/' + (field.image) + '" alt="' + ( + '" class="resource_image">';
preacher += '</a>';
preacher += '</div>'; //class = image
preacher += '<div class="text">';
preacher += '<p><h2>' + ( + '</h2>';
preacher += (field.details) + '</p>';
preacher += '</div>'; //class=text
preacher += '</div>'; //class=box
return preacher;

Merge rows from $.each response

I am using the following code to present products that comes from an ajax response. My issue is that the table has many products with the same image. So I would like to find all the products with the same rec.Photo . Then I will present on one row the image and say that “we have variant of similar products click on the photo to see more… “
My issue is :
a)how I can find all the products with the same photo
b)how can I present on one row “see more similar products…” without destroy the loop
$.each(response, function (i, rec) {
if (i > 0) {
strproductlist += '<div class="gridItem listView">';
strproductlist += ' <div class="gridItemContent">';
strproductlist += '<div class="productPhoto">';
strproductlist += '<a title="' + rec.ProductName + '" href="ProductDetails.aspx?productid=' +
rec.ProductID + '">';
strproductlist += '<img alt="' + rec.ProductName + '" src="' + rec.Photo + '">';
strproductlist += '</a>';
strproductlist += '</div>';
strproductlist += '<div class="listViewProductDet">';
strproductlist += '<h2>';
strproductlist += '<a title="" href="ProductDetails.aspx?productid=' + rec.ProductID + '">' +
rec.ProductName + '</a>';
strproductlist += '</h2>';
strproductlist += '<p class="productCode">' + rec.ProductCode + '</p>';
strproductlist += '<ul class="fieldlist">';
strproductlist += '</div>';
strproductlist += '</div>';
strproductlist += '</div>';
I am writing four sample records that presents 3 records with the same image
-------- ProductID=1 ProductName=product1 Photo=~/products/product1.jpg ProductCode=001
-------- ProductID=2 ProductName=product2 Photo=~/products/product1.jpg ProductCode=002
-------- ProductID=3 ProductName=product3 Photo=~/products/product1.jpg ProductCode=003
-------- ProductID=4 ProductName=product4 Photo=~/products/product2.jpg ProductCode=004
I hope below is what you are looking for. What I am doing is I am appending elements to body on each step so that I can identify whether the particular image with same url is present in body and if yes then don't render it and render what you need to like view more similar products. For time being I have just displayed an alert saying Image is present. You can write logic of displaying view similar products in that part!!
var data=[
{"ProductID":"1","ProductName":"product1", "Photo":"","ProductCode":"001"},
{"ProductID":"2","ProductName":"product2", "Photo":"","ProductCode":"002"},
{"ProductID":"3","ProductName":"product3", "Photo":"","ProductCode":"003"},
{"ProductID":"4","ProductName":"product4", "Photo":"","ProductCode":"004"}
$.each(data, function (i, rec) {
var strproductlist="";
var imgname=rec.Photo;
if($('.gridItem img[src="'+imgname+'"]').length)
alert('image present');
strproductlist += '<div class="gridItem listView">';
strproductlist += '<div class="gridItemContent">';
strproductlist += '<div class="productPhoto">';
strproductlist += '<a title="' + rec.ProductName + '" href="ProductDetails.aspx?productid=' +
rec.ProductID + '">';
strproductlist += '<img alt="' + rec.ProductName + '" src="' + rec.Photo + '">';
strproductlist += '</a>';
strproductlist += '</div>';
strproductlist += '<div class="listViewProductDet">';
strproductlist += '<h2>';
strproductlist += '<a title="" href="ProductDetails.aspx?productid=' + rec.ProductID + '">' +
rec.ProductName + '</a>';
strproductlist += '</h2>';
strproductlist += '<p class="productCode">' + rec.ProductCode + '</p>';
strproductlist += '<ul class="fieldlist">';
strproductlist += '</div>';
strproductlist += '</div>';
strproductlist += '</div>';
<script src=""></script>
Inside your if instead of alert I've written console.log which shows the parent that contains that image
if($('.gridItem img[src="'+imgname+'"]').length)
console.log($('.gridItem img[src="'+imgname+'"]').closest('.gridItem'));

Variables in string Jquery structure

I'm receiving the error
missing ; before statement
This is in reference to
var westvars += ''+ (i+1) +'. '+
Any idea what may be going wrong. I've tried removing the line/reconstructing the line ect. I just can't seem to figure out what part of the string is using an incorrect syntax.
var westvars = '<div class="clear">';
westvars += '<div class="col-xs-2 teamname"><span>'+ (i+1) +'. '+ +' '+ +'</span>';
westvars += '</div>';
westvars += '<div class="col-xs-2 winsloss"><span>'+ el.wins +'-' +el.losses +'</span>';
westvars += '</div>';
westvars += '<div class="col-xs-2 gamesback">' + el.gback +';
westvars += '</div>';
westvars += '</div>';
Should be changed this way:
var westvars = '<div class="clear">';
westvars += '<div class="col-xs-2 teamname"><span>'+(i+1)+'. '+ +' '+ +'</span>';
westvars += '</div>';
westvars += '<div class="col-xs-2 winsloss"><span>'+ el.wins +'-' +el.losses +'</span>';
westvars += '</div>';
westvars += '<div class="col-xs-2 gamesback">' + el.gback + ' ';
westvars += '</div>';
westvars += '</div>';

ReferenceError: display is not defined

I got this 'ReferenceError: display is not defined' where my script link are as below.
<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js"></script>
I replace them with latest version 1.11.1 and tried with
<script src="//"></script>
But still there is Reference Error. What should i change my display function(Script):
function display(view) {
if (view == 'list') {
$('.product-grid').attr('class', 'product-list');
$('.product-list > div').each(function(index, element) {
html = '<div class="left">';
var image = $(element).find('.image').html();
if (image != null) {
html += '<div class="image">' + image + '</div>';
html += '<div class="mask hide-phone">';
html += ' <div class="wishlist">' + $(element).find('.wishlist').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="compare">' + $(element).find('.compare').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += ' <div class="name">' + $(element).find('.name').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="description">' + $(element).find('.description').html() + '</div>';
var rating = $(element).find('.rating').html();
if (rating != null) {
html += '<div class="rating">' + rating + '</div>';
var price = $(element).find('.price').html();
if (price != null) {
html += '<div class="price">' + price + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
$('.display').html(' <div id="list_b"></div> <a id="grid_a" title="<?php echo $text_grid; ?>" onclick="display(\'grid\');"></a>');
$.totalStorage('display', 'list');
} else {
$('.product-list').attr('class', 'product-grid');
$('.product-grid > div').each(function(index, element) {
html = '';
var image = $(element).find('.image').html();
if (image != null) {
html += '<div class="image">' + image + '</div>';
html += '<div class="mask hide-phone">';
html += ' <div class="wishlist">' + $(element).find('.wishlist').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="compare">' + $(element).find('.compare').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="name">' + $(element).find('.name').html() + '</div>';
html += '<div class="description">' + $(element).find('.description').html() + '</div>';
var rating = $(element).find('.rating').html();
if (rating != null) {
html += '<div class="rating">' + rating + '</div>';
var price = $(element).find('.price').html();
if (price != null) {
html += '<div class="price">' + price + '</div>';
html += '<div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
$('.display').html(' <a id="list_a" title="<?php echo $text_list; ?>" onclick="display(\'list\');"><?php echo $text_list; ?></a> <div id="grid_b"></div>');
$.totalStorage('display', 'grid');
view = $.totalStorage('display');
if (view) {
} else {
you can see that your conactenation is creating issues:
copied from the source of your link
html += '
<div class="cart" >
' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
at this line your div is having a newline character. may be this is caused by something else but you can do this:
html += ' <div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
here you can see html+=' <div>' this line is having a space before the div so you can remove it.
html += '<div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += '<div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
