PhantomJS setting cookies as Read and Write - javascript

I am trying to login to a website with phantomJS by session AUTH cookie, I finished the code for it and everything is working perfect, the problem is the website have like another login system inside with the same cookie, once accessed the other page cookie will update the security auth token, so when I add the First cookie to phantom I see that it is set to read Only because i cant access what is inside the second login system as Website is trying to update the Cookie that I manually added but unfortunately it fails because the cookie is Set to read Only.
code I am using :
'name': 'some name here', /* required property */
'value': 'some hash here',
'domain': 'ea.some domain', /* required property */
'path': '/',
'httponly': false,
'secure': false,
'expires': (new Date()).getTime() + (10000 * 60 * 60) /* <-- expires in 10 hour */
I tried to delete the session cookie before my script auto access the page that needs second Auth but it just log me out because i need to have my old Session auth so it can be updated with the new session authhash.
any ideas how to make manually added cookies to be updated once requested from server side ?

I found the solution,
It appears that server actually created a new cookie with the same name and new value. not by replacing it with the new value. I searched the web for any help regarding this matter but I failed, I fixed this problem by taking the value of the new cookie and saving it to a variable, then executing phantom.clearcookies() to remove all the cookie and adding the new cookie again with the new value that I stores, It was not clean but it did the trick.


React application forces user to log in every time after closing browser (react-oidc-context)

Was wondering if someone have an example that shows how to set up so that the application automatically lets user in if the user has logged in earlier and have a valid token with react-oidc-context.
react-oidc-context uses session storage by default to store the token, and the session storage got cleared when you close the tab/browser.
To fix it you need to use the local storage instead by adding this to the settings:
const oidcConfig = {
userStore: new WebStorageStateStore({
store: localStorage

Rails 6 with js-cookie library: cookie is set but not persistent

I've been trying to set up a very simple cookie just to see if the user has clicked the cookie consent banner. I'm trying to set the cookie with an expiration date in the future so the user doesn't get this message every visit. It works to set the cookie, but it only sets it for the current session. In IE11, it doesn't work at all.
My JavaScript for this is:
in custom.js:
import Cookies from 'js.cookie';
// Hide cookie disclaimer on agreement
$('.cookies-disclaimer button').on('click', function() {
Cookies.set('cookies_consent', true, { expires: 365, sameSite: 'strict' });
// Check if the cookie disclaimer has already been accepted
function hideAlreadyAcceptedCookieDisclaimer() {
var consent = Cookies.get('cookies_consent');
if (!consent) {
in my application.js I require the js file from node_modules:
The problem seemed to be in the way I imported the file:
I removed import Cookies from 'js.cookie'; from custom.js
In my application.js I added the library with window.Cookies = require('js-cookie/src/js.cookie')
All credits to this post for helping me out: and his original blogpost:

Cookie not being deleted after session closed

I'm using cookies that should be deleted after user closes the page, but they're not. This is how I set cookies with JS
I can see the cookie in console and after I close browser and open it again and go to my webpage there's still cookie status=false any idea why?
I solved it with this "trick", I don't know why I can't get cookies to work
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
document.cookie = ... sets individual cookie values, it does not set "the entire cookie" to the string you passed, so setting "status=false" simply binds or updates the "status" value, irrespective of whatever else is in the cookie:
document.cookie = "cow=bell";
document.cookie = "cat=lol";
// cookie is now "cow=bell&cat=lol", not just "cat=lol"
If you want to delete the entire cookie, set its expiration time to "in the past" and the browser will do the cleanup for you.
(As pointed out in a comment, if you never set an expiration timestamp for your cookie, it'l expire when the page session ends, e.g. you close the tab/browser)
I was actually doing this today. A great reference is the Mozilla cookie documents if you create a js with their var docCookies code then using the functions provided like docCookies.setItem() docCookies.setItem() docCookies.getItem() or docCookies.removeItem() work incredible well.

Does PhantomJS support cookies?

Does PhantomJS support cookies? If yes, where can I find the API details?
I am not able to figure it out after searching for a while now.
Yes, as of 1.7 Phantom has complete cookie handling, enabled by default. Cookies are retained for the duration of the process's life.
If you'd like to retain cookies across runs of Phantom, there's a command-line option cookies-file where you can specify where to store persistent cookies.
--cookies-file=/path/to/cookies.txt specifies the file name to store the persistent cookies.
In page script, you can use the regular document.cookie property. Like in browsers, this property returns a string similar to that which would be sent in the Cookie: HTTP header.
In Phantom script, you can access cookies for a page (subject to the usual origin restrictions) via page.cookies, which returns objects.
You can also access all cookies (from all domains) using phantom.cookies.
var page = require('webpage').create();'', function (status) {
page.evaluate(function() {
document.cookie; // => "test=test-value;"
page.cookies; // => [{
// domain: "",
// expires: "Wed, 08 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT"
// httponly: false,
// name: "test",
// path: "/",
// secure: false,
// value: "test-value"
// }]
phantom.cookies; // contains ALL cookies in Phantom's jar
To add/edit/delete cookies, use the addCookie, deleteCookie, and clearCookies methods of either a WebPage object or the phantom object.
When you use the methods of a WebPage object, you only modify the cookies that are visible to the page. Access to other domains is blocked.
However, using phantom's cookie methods allow access to all cookies. phantom.addCookie requires a domain (WebPage.addCookie assumes the current domain if you don't specify one), and phantom.deleteCookie deletes any cookie matching the specified name.
It does, through WebPage.addCookie() - which incidentally doesn't work neither for me nor someone else.
You can use this instead:
'name': 'mycookie',
'value': 'something really important',
'domain': ''
})'', function() {
The work around I had to do was to execute javascript directly. I am using Geb and did the following:
When selenium fails I always fall back to javascript for functionality.
I haven't tried it yet, but doesn't --cookies-file=/path/to/cookies.txt work?
It's the first item in API reference...
I had graded information within session recently. You should set cookie in page object, like below (coffeescript):
'name' : "JSESSIONID"
'value' : "0000rN3YAlVAU0xdHkKc6BEzWj9:-1"
'domain' : ''
'path' : '/'

Not able to access cookie in javascript at path /

I am using jQuery to access/set the cookies. I have planted a cookie named CookieNo1 at path /.
I planted this using the url localhost:8080/audi.
The cookie value is stored, which I checked manually on the firefox cookies. Now when I try to access the same cookie, using the url localhost:8080/audi/products using $.cookie('CookieNo1');
This doesn't seem to retrieve the value of the cookie. It returns a null value. However when I try to write the cookie using the same localhost:8080/audi/products url, it overwrites the previous cookie value. Please help me with this issue.
All I need is $.cookie('CookieNo1') to return the previous cookie value instead of null.
Thanks in advance
You have to set the expiry date. Otherwise, the cookie is removed at the end of the session. In JQuery: $("CookieNo1", "value", {expires: 7}) (this cookie stays for 7 days).
In JavaScript:
document.cookie = "CookieNo1=value; max-age=604800";
max-age sets the maximum lifetime of a cookie, in seconds.
Quote from comments:
#RobW I added the cookie using jquery on the page
http://localhost:8080/audi with the code $.cookie("asdftraffic",
valueToSet, { expires: 30, path: '/', secure: true }); I try to
retrieve the cookie from the url http://localhost:8080/audi/products
using '$.cookie('asdftraffic');' which returns null.
Your issue is caused by secure: true. This attribute requires the cookie to be transmitted over a secure connection (https). Remove the secure: true flag if you're not using an encrypted connection.
First you set the cookie:
var myvalue = 100, 2000, 300;
$.cookie("mycookie", myvalue);
Then you get the cookie:
var getmycookie = $.cookie("mycookie");
var myvalues = getmycookie.split(",");
var firstval = myvalues[0];
var secondval = myvalues[1];
var thirdval = myvalues[2];
Should'nt be much harder.
When not specifying an expiration, the cookie is deleted on session end i.e. when the browser is closed.
EDIT: You can also specify the path:
$.cookie("mycookie", myvalue, {
expires : 10, //expires in 10 days
path : '/products', //The value of the path attribute of the cookie
//(default: path of page that created the cookie).
domain : 'http://localhost:8080', //The value of the domain attribute of the cookie
//(default: domain of page that created the cookie).
secure : true //If set to true the secure attribute of the cookie
//will be set and the cookie transmission will
//require a secure protocol (defaults to false).
I would think something like this would do:
var myvalue = 100, 2000, 300;
$.cookie("mycookie", myvalue, {path : '/audi/products'});
Oh, and a session ends when the browser is closed, not when the page is unloaded, so a session cookie will do.
