I am using Browserify to compile a large Node.js application into a single file (using options --bare and --ignore-missing [to avoid troubles with lib-cov in Express]). I have some code to dynamically load modules based on what is available in a directory:
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path');
fs.readdirSync(__dirname).forEach(function (file) {
if (file !== 'index.js' && fs.statSync(path.join(__dirname, file)).isFile()) {
module.exports[file.substring(0, file.length-3)] = require(path.join(__dirname, file));
I'm getting strange errors in my application where aribtrary text files are being loaded from the directory my compiled file is loaded in. I think it's because paths are no longer set correctly, and because Browserify won't be able to require() the correct files that are dynamically loaded like this.
Short of making a static index.js file, is there a preferred method of dynamically requiring a directory of modules that is out-of-the-box compatible with Browserify?
This plugin allows to require Glob patterns: require-globify
Then, with a little hack you can add all the files on compilation and not executing them:
// Hack to compile Glob files. Don´t call this function!
function ಠ_ಠ() {
require('views/**/*.js', { glob: true })
And, for example, you could require and execute a specific file when you need it :D
var homePage = require('views/'+currentView)
Browserify does not support dynamic requires - see GH issue 377.
The only method for dynamically requiring a directory I am aware of: a build step to list the directory files and write the "static" index.js file.
There's also the bulkify transform, as documented here:
Basically, you can do this in your app.js or whatever:
var bulk = require('bulk-require');
// Require all of the scripts in the controllers directory
bulk(__dirname, ['controllers/**/*.js']);
And my gulpfile has something like this in it:
gulp.task('js', function () {
return gulp.src('./src/js/init.js')
transform: ['bulkify']
So I'm using Laravel 5.4 and I use webpack to compile multiple .js files in 1 big js file.
const { mix } = require('laravel-mix');
// Compile all CSS file from the theme
], 'public/css/theme.css');
// Compile all JS file from the theme
], 'public/js/theme.js');
This is my webpack.mix.js to do it (same for css). But I want to get something like: resources/assets/theme/js/* to get all files from a folder. So when I make a new js file in the folder that webpack automatically finds it, and compile it when I run the command.
Does someone know how to this?
Thanks for helping.
If anyone wants the code to compile all sass/less/js files in a directory to a different directory with the same filename you can use this:
// webpack.mix.js
let fs = require('fs');
let getFiles = function (dir) {
// get all 'files' in this directory
// filter directories
return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(file => {
return fs.statSync(`${dir}/${file}`).isFile();
getFiles('directory').forEach(function (filepath) {
mix.js('directory/' + filepath, 'js');
Wildcards are actually allowed using the mix.scripts() method, as confirmed by the creator in this issue. So your call should look like this:
I presume it works the same for styles, since they use the same method to combine the files.
Hope this helps you.
i use angular-template-cache.
follow code exist for remove template cache in app module but i need to remove all templateCache with gulp on dev machine.
myApp.run(function($rootScope, $templateCache) {
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
The best way to avoid template caching is revisioning your files.
Since you are using gulp, you can revision your files using gulp-rev or gulp-rev-all.
What is revisioning?
Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css.
i.e., On every builds the filename changes and that way avoiding template caching.
You can revision every file including .html, .css, .js, images, videos etc.
Since gulp-rev-all is the latest and forked from gulp-rev, let's talk about gulp-rev-all only.
Revisioning using gulp-rev-all:
var revAll = require('gulp-rev-all');
if you want to neglect some files from revisioning, you can do that like this.
var rev = new revAll({dontRenameFile: [/^\/favicon.ico$/g, /^\/index.html/g]})
Consider all your files are in the folder dist and save the new revisioned files in the folder www.(You can save them in dist also. Considering www is your build directory.)
return gulp.src('dist/**')
Next, create a manifest file to map your files with the revisioned one. for that use .manifestFile() function. which returns a transform function that will filter out any existing files going through the pipe and will emit a new manifest file. Must be called after .revision().
An asset manifest, mapping the original paths to the revisioned paths, will be written to www/manifest/rev-manifest.json:
"css/unicorn.css": "css/unicorn.098f6bcd.css",
"js/unicorn.js": "js/unicorn.273c2cin.js"
Complete code:
gulp.task('rev', () => {
var revAll = require('gulp-rev-all'),
rev = new revAll({dontRenameFile: [/^\/favicon.ico$/g, /^\/index.html/g]});
return gulp.src('dist/**')
Read more about gulp-rev-all here
I've written a gulp task to rename files so that they can be versioned. The problem is that the filenames of the files that the index.html scripts reference are not changed.
For example, in my index.html:
<script src=pub/main_v1.js"></script>
But if you actually navigate through the build folder to the subdirectory pub, you will find main.js.
Here is the custom gulp task:
const gulpConcat = require('gulp-concat');
const gulpReplace = require('gulp-replace');
const version = require('./package.json').version;
gulp.task('version', function () {
var vsn = '_' + version + '.js';
return gulp.src('./prodBuild/index.html', { base: './prodBuild' })
.pipe(gulpReplace(/* some regex */, /* append vsn */))
What do I need to fix/add so that the original filename changes to match that in the script tag?
Note: According to the gulp-concat docs, I should be able to find the concated files at prodBuild/[vsn], where [vsn] is _v1.js. However, it is no where to be found.
Update: The files rename properly in index.html, but I can't seem to get the renaming of the original files to work. Here's a snapshot of my build directory:
// unimportant stuff
// ...other files and folders...
The issue is that you return only one of the two tasks. The first task is simply ignored by gulp, since it is not returned. A simple solutions: Split it into two tasks, and reference the one from the other, like in this SO answer.
Old Answer
This looks like a perfect case for the gulp-rename. You could simply pipe your scripts through gulp-rename, like this:
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
path.basename += vsn;
path.extname = ".js"
Gulp concat is, AFAIK, made for the concatination of files, not particularly for the renaming of them.
This seems like a very simple question, but spent the last 3 hours researching it, discovering it can be slow on every save on a new file if not using watchify.
This is my directory tree:
<script src="toBundleJsHere/file123.js"></script>
On every creation or save of a file within the folder toBundleTheseJs/ I want this file to be rebundled into toBundleJsHere/
What do I need to include in my package.json file?
And whats the minimum I need to write into my gulp file?
This should be as fast as possible so think I should be using browserify and watchify. I want to understand the minimum steps so using package manager like jspm is overkill a this point.
First you should listen to changes in the desired dir:
watch(['toBundletheseJs/**/*.js'], function () {
Then the bundle-js task should bundle your files. A recommended way is gulp-concat:
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('bundle-js', function() {
return gulp.src('toBundletheseJs/**/*.js')
The right answer is: there is no legit need for concatenating JS files using gulp. Therefore you should never do that.
Instead, look into proper JS bundlers that will properly concatenate your files organizing them according to some established format, like commonsjs, amd, umd, etc.
Here's a list of more appropriate tools:
Note that my answer is around end of 2020, so if you're reading this in a somewhat distant future keep in mind the javascript community travels fast so that new and better tools may be around.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('js', function (done) {
// array of all the js paths you want to bundle.
var scriptSources = ['./node_modules/idb/lib/idb.js', 'js/**/*.js'];
// name of the new file all your js files are to be bundled to.
// the destination where the new bundled file is going to be saved to.
Use this code to bundle several files into one.
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
return gulp.src(['./lib/file3.js', './lib/file1.js', './lib/file2.js']) //files separated by comma
.pipe(concat('script.js')) //resultant file name
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/')); //Destination where file to be exported
I've written a function which I'd like to use as a Grunt task. I can do this by adding this to the Gruntfile:
grunt.registerTask('foo', function () {
// code here
However, it makes more sense to keep the function code in a separate file. I plan to define a bunch of these custom tasks and I don't want to bloat the Gruntfile.
I'm not sure what the preferred way of registering such tasks is. I have found this to work:
grunt.registerTask('foo', function () {
So, I'm having the inline function like in the fist example, but this time, I'm loading an external file and invoking it immediately. In that external file, I of course have to write:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// code here
This works, but it feels hackish. Is there a more proper way of doing this?
Short answer: the alternative to this
grunt.registerTask('foo', function () {
is http://gruntjs.com/api/grunt#grunt.loadtasks
Long answer:
Normally when you have tasks in external files there are served as other nodejs modules. So, if that is something that you will use in several projects you may want to register it in the registry. Later inside your Gruntfile.js you will have:
The grunt's documentation says:
Load tasks from the specified Grunt plugin. This plugin must be installed locally via npm, and must be relative to the Gruntfile
However, if you don't want to upload anything to the registry you should use loadTasks
So, once the task is loaded you may use it in your configuration.
Here is a simple grunt task placed in external file:
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerMultiTask('nameoftask', 'description', function() {
var self = this;
// this.data here contains your configuration
And later in Gruntfile.js
nameoftask: {
task: {
// parameters here
I had a similar problem.
I wanted to modularize my grunt config and custom tasks by functionnalities (big UX/UI blocks) rather than by technical features. AND I wanted to keep the config files next to task files... (better when working on a large legacy codebase with an varied team - 5 persons with varying JS knowledge)
So I externalized my tasks like Krasimir did.
In the gruntfile, I wrote :
//power of globbing for loading tasks
var tasksLocations = ['./grunt-config/default_tasks.js', './grunt-config/**/tasks.js'];
var taskFiles = grunt.file.expand({
filter: "isFile"
}, tasksLocations);
taskFiles.forEach(function(path) {
grunt.log.writeln("=> loading & registering : " + path);
You will find the whole boilerplate gruntfile here (external config and tasks loading) : https://gist.github.com/0gust1/7683132