where do I enter my node commands and why? - javascript

Node n00b here. I just installed node on my windows desktop and I'm wondering where I should enter my node commands and why... I have three options (see below). Oh, and if one of these (i.e. node.exe) is not intended for entering node commands, what is it for?
I have looked at the nodejs.org docs and I don't see a clear overview/explanation of what each of these are for and why it's recommended to use one over the other.
Thanks for any insight.
1) Windows Command Line:
2) Node.js command prompt:
3) Node exe

#1 This is simply window's cmd, you can type node --help there to get a general overview of what you can do with node
#2 Also cmd but with some extra configuration, when you view the properties you'll see it's; C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files\nodejs\nodevars.bat" Which basically means it runs cmd with a .bat script, that sets some environment variables, changes the title and prints some welcome message.
#3 This is NodeJS' REPL which evaluates JavaScript within NodeJS' context. ( This is the same as running node from cmd )

Usually you don't enter your code directly, but put it in a file instead. Create this file with the name hello.js:
console.log("Hello World!");
Switch to the directory of your file:
cd C:\Users\yourname\yourdirectory
Then run it with the node command:
node hello.js
And you should get the following output:
Hello World!


VS Code Terminal not running

when I go for console.log("hello world") my vs code terminal is not working unless I switch to java script debug terminal?
any one who know the solution please help
Try this ===>
1 Type node in terminal
2 console.log("Hello World")
Its pretty simple, just 2 clicks away
=> 1. Click on File
=> 2. Click on Auto Save
Option 1: Make sure that you installed Node.js After that, you need to type in Terminal window: node [whateverYourFilenameIs], click entre. //you type the word node, followed by your filename without the square brackets.
Option 2: Make sure you installed Node.js and install the VSCode extension Code Runner, restart VSCode, click on ctrl+Alt+N to run your file in terminal.
It is simple
write some code example: console.log("javascript");
ctrl +s
on terminal node and your js file name ...click enter ....and there will be no error

Using Node.js on my fish / cygwin shell

I am following a course and on the learning process so apologies if any of this is simple!
I have installed the fish shell on cygwin through the cygwin installer as an option. I also have node (and npm) installed.
However, when typing 'node' in the shell, it just hangs and does not show the next line to use node instead?
Any help to get this working would be really appreciated!
Please see the image of my terminal response here
node run by itself drops you into an interpreter.
Does ctrl c print this message?
(To exit, press ^C again or type .exit)
What if you do this:
node -e 'console.log("foo")'
I get:
node -e 'console.log("foo")'
What about if you just start typing
[press enter]
type in:
[press enter]

How can I use ffplay from Electron.js app?

I've installed ffplay in my working folder (in bin subfolder) using ffbinaries (ffbinaries downloader). My current platform is linux-64.
I've use:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
player = spawn('./bin/ffplay', ['http://path_to_video_file']);
but got an error in terminal stderr:
./bin/ffplay: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL2-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory child process exited with code : 127
How can I get access from my javascript code to this binary for playing videos or how can I get ready-to-use binary which is a built-in for my Electron app?
...Or how can I get all of ffplay possibilities for playing videos inside Electron app?
Thanks in advance!
The error you get means that ffplay cannot find libSDL.
First, make sure the library is installed by opening a terminal window and typing:
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
If it wasn't installed, try to run your program again after it was installed.
If you still have the problem, type the following in your terminal window:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"
Try again to run your program. If the problem is now solved, edit the file etc/environment and add the setting there to make it permanent:
sudo nano /etc/environment
Add this LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" at the end, exit and save.
Hope it helps.

node js returning Syntax error: Unexpected identifier

I downloaded and installed node.js on Windows and I'm following a simple tutorial from nodebeginner.org.
I've created a file called HelloWorld.js which contains just:
console.log("Hello World");
When I type node HelloWorld.js in the node.js console I get:
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
I checked my classpath variable and it has the C:\Program Files\nodejs\ on it.
HelloWorld.js is still open in Notepad++ for editing.
What am I doing wrong?
I think you are already in the the console.
Just follow the steps to fix the error:
1) Try doing CTRL + C couple of times. See if you exit the console
2) Then do node HelloWorld.js
I think you will get your output
When in your node console already, you can simply do require("./HelloWorld.js") to get the output. (Given that you are in the directory that contains this file)
When I type node HelloWorld.js in the node.js console I get
You should type JavaScript into the Node.js console.
node is a program name. HelloWorld.js is a command line argument. They are not JavaScript.
You should type those into your shell (e.g. Windows Powershell or bash).
I had the same issue when following an online course, my mistake was that i did not safe the file i was following as .js in the name when saving.
Therefore my Hello.js did not open because it was only Hello
If people are facing below-mentioned error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier at the time of running, console.log("Hello World"); code with command, node HelloWorld.js, in VS code editor
Problem :
node HelloWorld.js ^^^^^ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Solution :
(1) Just install Babel JavaScript extension in VS code editor
(2) After Babel JavaScript extension is installed, save your Program and then run your program with the command, node HelloWorld.js
Definitely will get the expected result.
I'm on linux and I'd the same issue
what I was writing in terminal is :
node file.js
all what I had to do is to write node file.js from the start without writing node first .
Although the question is old, I just solved it. So for anyone who still likes an answer: Apparently Node.Js installs two different consoles or executables. There is "Node.js" and there is "Node.js command prompt". Use the latter and it will work
To clarify, I used another tutorial in Dutch. Use the Javascript code in there and then in your web browser type http://localhost:3000. There you will see the Hello World output.
A little late but I figured this out as I'm learning it as well. You are not in the correct Node.js command window:
You are probably trying to run Node.js, ie. the one with the red arrow. This gives you the "Unexpected identifier" error. You want the Node.js command prompt, or the one shown with a green arrow.
On windows hit CTRL + D to exit REPL and then run HelloWorld.js again

Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy and node.js upstart script

I am trying to write an upstart script for my ubuntu machine, which is version 8.04 "Hardy". I have followed the instructions on this site: upstart for node.js but it seems like these instructions are for a current version of ubuntu.
I noticed that the /etc/init directory does not exist on my machine, first I tried putting the script in the /etc/init.d directory and then I created the /etc/init dir and placed it there.
I will post my upstart script below (which is basically the same as from the website above with some path changes), but when I run start jobname, I just get an error "start: Unknown job: jobname". So then I changed the script around to a slimmed down version, posted below, and still I get the same result.
For now, I am using the 'nohup' command to run my node server but I would like a more permanent solution.
Please, any help?
description "node.js chat server"
author "iandev ith3"
# used to be: start on startup
# until we found some mounts weren't ready yet while booting:
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown
# Automatically Respawn:
respawn limit 99 5
# Not sure why $HOME is needed, but we found that it is:
export HOME="/root"
exec /root/local/node/bin/node /home/ian/chat.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script
post-start script
# optionally put a script here that will notifiy you node has (re)started
# /root/bin/hoptoad.sh "node.js has started!"
end script
description "node.js chat server"
author "iandev ith3"
exec /root/local/node/bin/node /home/ian/chat.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script
Just use Forever. https://github.com/indexzero/forever
From looking at the website you provided I'd say that the /etc/init was just a typo and it should be /etc/init.d/. Some things you may want to check:
executable flag on your scripts. With most versions of Ubuntu executable files show up green when running 'ls' from the command line. If you want to check if your file is executable run 'ls -l /etc/init.d/YOUR_SCRIPT' from the command line. You will see something like this:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1342 2010-09-16 10:13 YOUR_SCRIPT
The x's mean that it is executable.
To set the executable flag if it is not set, run chmod u+x YOUR_SCRIPT
I'm pretty sure for older versions of ubuntu you need to have the script in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d or /etc/rc3.d. What linux does is run through rc0.d to rc5.d and execute every script in there. From what it looks like, ubuntu is moving away from this to something simpler so if you have rc directories you may need to edit your script a little.
Anyway I think i'm getting a little over complicated here. Check your executable flag and if you have rc directories and we'll move on from there.
May not be the best thing to start a process with sudo, but here's what I have setup on my local pc:
description "node.js server"
author "alessio"
start on startup
stop on shutdown
export HOME="/ubuntu"
exec sudo -u ubuntu /usr/bin/node /home/ubuntu/www/test.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/node.log
end script
Hope this helps.
