I'm using a large array of objects built around a center point in a scene, and need to manipulate them all around their local axis. They are all facing the origin using a blank object and lookAt(), then I used this method to align the other axes correctly. Getting the initial rotation this way worked great, unfortunately when I try to rotate these objects on the fly with object.rotation.x = <amount>, it does not respect the local axis of the object.
The confusing part is, it's not even using the global axis, the axis it's using almost seems entirely arbitrary. I set up a JSFiddle to demonstrate this here. As you can see on line 129, looker.rotation.z works correctly, it rotates along the Z axis properly, but if it's changed to X or Y, it doesn't rotate along local or global axes. If anyone could demystify what is happening to cause this, that would be great.
What is happening is that you want to add some rotation to the current orientation, and setting the variable looker.rotation.z means other thing.
At the end, to calculate the rotation matrix of the looker, there will be something like (pseudocode: the functions are not these, but you get the idea):
this.matrix.multiply( makeXRotationMatrix(this.rotation.x) )
this.matrix.multiply( makeYRotationMatrix(this.rotation.y) )
this.matrix.multiply( makeZRotationMatrix(this.rotation.z) )
DrawGeometry(this.geom, this.matrix)
and composition of rotations are not intuitive. This is why it doesn't seem to follow any axis system.
If you want to apply a rotation in some axis to the existing matrix, it can be made with the functions rotateX (angle), rotateY (angle), rotateZ (angle), and rotateOnAxis (axis, angle). axis can be a THREE.Vector3.
Changing directly looker.rotation.z works because it is the nearest rotation to the geometry, and it will not be affected by the other rotations (remember that transformation matrices apply in inverse order, e.g. T*R*G is Rotating the Geometry, and then, Translating it).
In this case I suggest not to use the line:
looker.rotation.z += 0.05;
looker.rotateZ (0.05);
looker.rotateX (0.05);
instead. Hope this helps :)
I'm trying to convert Go Pro gyro data to Three.js coordinates so that I can project the footage onto the inside of a sphere, rotate the sphere and have 3D stabilisation.
The camera is orientated as such, and the order of the coordinates is Z,X,Y
I'm attempting to apply this vector to rotate the sphere, something like this
But I can't get the rotation to match the rotation of the camera, and I assume it's something to do with the left/right hand configuration?
Can anyone help?
First of all, make sure you specify the correct rotation.order attribute. Since you said it's ZXY, then it should be a simple
this.el.object3D.rotation.order = "ZXY";
Secondly, check out the Three.js axes, taken from the editor:
As you can see, the WebGL axes are different than the GoPro. I think you'll have to flip the X-axis, and swap the Z and Y. So maybe something like:
let xRot = this._next[0];
let yRot = this._next[1];
let zRot = this._next[2];
this.el.object3D.rotation.set(-xRot, zRot, yRot);
i'm using Three.js (without shaders, only with existing objects methods) in order to realize animations, but my question is very simple : i'm sure it's possible, but can you tell me (or help me) how should i combine several animations on a shape ? For example, rotating and translating a sphere.
When i'm doing :
three.sphere.rotation.y += 0.1;
three.sphere.translateZ += 1;
the sphere rotates but the translation vector is also rotating, so the translation has no effect.
I know a bit openGL and i already have used glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix functions, so do them exist in this framework ?
Each three.js object3D has a position, rotation and scale; the rotation (always relative to its origin or "center") defines its own local axis coordinates (say, what the object sees as its own "front,up, right" directions) and when you call translateZ, the object is moved according to those local directions (not along the world -or parent- Z axis). If you want the later, do three.sphere.position.z += 1 instead.
The order of transformation is important. You get a different result if you translate first and then rotate than if you rotate first and then translate. Of course with a sphere it will be hard to see the rotation.
I'm new to three.js and 3d programming in general, so this may seem like a very simple question. Ideally, I hope the answer can help me understand the underlying principles.
I have an object that needs to "point" at another point (the origin, in this case, for simplicity), which can be done easily with the Object3D.lookAt(point) function. This points the Z axis of the object at the point nicely.
I also want to rotate my object, called looker, around its Z axis such that its X axis points generally towards another object, refObj. I know that the X axis can't point directly at the refObj unless that object happens form a right angle with the origin. I want the X axis of looker to lie on the plane created by origin, refObj and looker, as diagramed below:
The simplest way of doing the rotation would seem to be to modify looker.rotation.z, but I don't know how to calculate what the value should be.
In general, I would like an extended version of the lookAt function which takes a second coordinate to which the X axis would be oriented. Something like this:
function lookAtAndOrient(objectToAdjust, pointToLookAt, pointToOrientXTowards)
// First we look at the pointToLookAt
// Then we rotate the object
objectToAdjust.rotation.z = ??;
I have created a jsFiddle with the example diagramed above
What you are really saying is you want the y-axis of the object (the object's up-vector) to be orthogonal to the plane.
All you have to do is set the object's up-vector before you call lookAt( origin ).
You compute the desired up vector by taking a cross-product of two vectors you know lie in the plane.
three.js r.143
I have a demo of what I mean here: Test Site or (Backup)
For some reason, even though the mouse vector is correct my object is rotated by 90 degrees always in favor of the positive Y axis. The only call that this could be going wrong, as far as I can tell, in is the call: ship.mesh.lookAt(mouse);, I call this every time the screen is animated.
Can anyone tell me what to do to fix this and why it is doing it?
object.lookAt( position ) orients the object so that the object's local positive z-axis points toward the desired position.
Your "ship's" front points in the direction of the local positive y-axis.
To re-orient your geometry, apply a matrix right after the geometry is created, like so:
geometry.applyMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationX( Math.PI / 2 ) );
Basically, I'm trying to do 3D projection on a 2D canvas with simulation of depth. As a general rule, bodies that are further away are "shaded" more and smaller than bodies that are closer to the viewer. The only thing missing is having bodies that are further away always drawn behind bodies that are closer.
Sometimes, bodies that are further away are drawn behind closer bodies, but there are always small bodies that get drawn in front of larger ones, meaning that the ones that are further away sometimes appear in front of bodies that are supposed to be closer.
I try to solve it by sorting the bodies by the z-position. The bodies array is an array of objects with 0 containing an array of the body's position, 0 being x, 1 being y, 2 being z. I first have the position of the bodies updated according to rotations in the x, y, and z axes, stored into the np value of the body object, then do the sorting, and draw the bodies. I've tried changing how the array is sorted, changing the order of the loop, but still no cigar.
Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to get this 3D "engine" behaving correctly. Any help is appreciated. Some quick notes: Rotations along the three axes are accomplished using the Q/A, W/S, and E/D keys, zooming in and out of the z-axis is accomplished using the R/F keys, and the default rotation about the z-axis can be accomplished using the P key. What I'm trying to do is located here:
You're sorting on the original xyz values instead of the transformed np values. I got it to look right by switching...
bodies.sort(function(a,b) {return a[0][2]-b[0][2]});
bodies.sort(function(a,b) {return a.np[1]-b.np[1]});
with change see http://home.comcast.net/~trochoid/mod5.html
I don't follow all of your code so this may not be a total solution. Specifically, I thought it'd be sorted on np[2] for the transformed z value, but np[1] gives correct looking results. I guess maybe you switch these coords. Also, it looks like you're transforming and projecting the z value and the code fix above sorts on this projected z value. It seems to work out ok but I've never projected the z value itself, just use the transformed z to project xy. Anyways, Looks good!
Trochoid. I had to access from a different computer and still haven't registered, so I have to add this as an answer instead of a comment.
If you notice, the axis of rotation for x and y are rotated when you rotate any other axis (eg. if you press W to rotate, then rotate a different axis, then press W again, you will notice that the helix in your code rotates the same way). T
his is not so with the z axis. No matter how you rotate the x and y axes, the z axis will always rotate "right-to-left" (eg. in default configuration, helix is spiraling along z-axis, or axis rotated using the E/D keys, but if you rotate the helix along any other axis, rotating using the E/D keys no longer spirals the helix).
I don't know why the behavior would be different in that axis, so I would like your assistance to get that rotation working properly. Thank you.
I am aware that this is not answering the original question, but depending on what you are trying to acchieve in general be aware that there is also 'parallax scrolling' (example) (esp. in CSS3 (example).