Save div = contenteditable to MySQL using PHP and JS [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any possibility to save a DIV, that has contenteditable="true", to a MySQL Table? I need to use PHP for this (and JS as a "helper").
I though of doing something like this:
Putting a button on the site that copies the content of the contentEditableDIV to a formDIV (a DIV that is in a form with method="POST" action="send_to_mysql.php").
The button is supposed to auto-trigger the submit button/function at the same time.
But is there any other, more convenient way? I am quite a beginner in MySQL, so I couln't think of any other way yet.
I appreciate any kind of help or response.
With best regards,

//contenteditable element
//read element with JS
//URIencode to PHP via JS/AJAX
//Send to database with PHP/PDO
You're in for a real can of worms if you want this to work well. Especially if you want this to work well AND be able to accept pasted content from MS Word.


How to let users upload or change the uploaded images in one page, and display it in another page? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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How to let user upload image in one page, and then display it in another page? User can change the image and it'll be changed also in the other page. Also, I'm talking about using php / js / jquery / mysqli anything that's most efficient. (I'm just a beginner in this field so it'll be appreciated if you use some simple language :))
Edit: Yes I said that I'm a beginner, but that doesn't mean I don't know a thing about coding. Also, I saw a few solutions from youtube & other stackoverflows questions, but all of them is about either uploading and displaying in the same page or not being able to change the image.
Format the image into Base64 string
store it in local-storage
In another page get it from local-storage and assign to the id or class.
Suggesting the link that already have answered for
How to save an image to localStorage and display it on the next page?

Real time website information/content updating [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Since a year and a half I am trying to figure out how some websites update their content in real time without AJAX method.
Please see this example website:
That website is changing many texts within content in different timing.
It means that when the server is updated with new values in the database then the website is listening to database changes and then reflecting/delivering inside content without ajax calls.
Can someone give an example how to achieve such functionality possibly using Javascript or PHP normal hand-code appreciated?
Thank you
You can see the process here:
More information here: Websockets

How to make next page link when document size reaches to specific length? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have built an Admin section where i can see all the contents from database in a table. everything is fine but if the database table has thousands of rows I have to scroll down very deep. is there any way I can make links like `1,2,3.Next the way google search results do? or is there any even better way?
Isn't is going to be something like:
//what should i do?
Looks like you are using jquery. If you are going to implement everything on your own it may be time consuming - although it would be fun!
To save some time, there are quite a few plugins available to achieve this. Refer:
Since you may have huge data you should be using server side pagination instead of client side. Here is another SO link which explains the difference between them : Pagination: Server Side or Client Side?

Browsing a database as the user is typing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is probably a simple question, but I'm struggling with this.
Basically, how to browse in a database, as the user is typing something?
For example, in a website such as, how do they do it to show all the movies beggining with the string of characters you're typing, as you're typing it?
I guess javascript is involved?
It's called autocomplete
Please do some googling next time yourself.
You can use jQuery autocomplete or Bootstrap typeahead to achieve this.
Hope this helps
My personal preference on how to make these kind of systems is fairly awkward, yet it seems to work just fine for me without requiring too much client-side scripting.I use ASP.NET's Page_Load event to save all content in a SQL database into an XML file. Then, when the user enters some text into the field, I make a hidden div class underneath it unhidden to display filtered results from the XML document. This way, you can update the SQL database at any time fairly simply to add new records which should be listed on the website.This is server-side scripting, which I prefer to client-side because the user can disable features and mess around with it to view your code which is something I personally hate.I hope this helps you somewhat.

Styling individual lines in textarea [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm making a php mysqli forum, and i would like users to be able to style their posts so it doesn't look so dull.
I want some basic buttons, like [Header1,Header,Header3,Normal,] and also [italic,bold,underlined]
I now have two questions,
How do I make the buttons and style the textarea?
How do i get styled text into a mysql db?
Thanks in advance.
Daniel Holst
Use things like TinyMCE, it as all the things you need and manymore. It will make you textarea a full richtext editor.
You can't do it as is without any javascript.
You can use another editor.
To get styled texte from you database, you need to save the text with the formatting before restoring it.
