Titanium picker scrolling lags for the first time - javascript

I am a newbie to Titanium. I am creating a picker in Titanium which loads a set of records from my local sqlite database.
Whenever I scroll the picker, for the first time there seems to be a small lag in scrolling. That is, when user scrolls the picker, there is a lag for few seconds and then users are allowed to scroll records continuously. This lags happens only for the first time.
Can anyone please guide me how to fix this scroll lag.
My code is as follows:
function CREATEPICKER(rows, x, y, width, sel, initialValue) {
var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({left: x, height: Ti.App.pickerHeight, top: y, plat: '', width : width});
var data =[];
var v, selectedrow;
data[0]=Ti.UI.createPickerRow({title: initialValue, font:{fontSize: 48} });
var j = 1;
while (rows.isValidRow())
v = rows.fieldByName('id');
if((v != null) && (v != '') && (v != 'NULL')) {
if(v == sel) selectedrow = j;
data[j]=Ti.UI.createPickerRow({title: v, fontSize: 48 });
if(selectedrow > 0) picker.setSelectedRow(0,selectedrow);
picker.selectionIndicator = true;
Can someone please guide me.
Thank You.

Try doing this, when adding items to your data array:
data[j] = Ti.UI.createPickerRow( {
title : j++,
font : {
fontSize : 48
} );


Advanced carousel is invisible and the dropdown button is gone

WP/Plug-in/Theme updates broke our site's "select a campus" button. It is a button that drops down a previously hidden carousel of campus images that scroll horizontally.
Clicking one redirects you. It is in the custom js of the theme, so that it is a sitewide header. The carousel is called "Advanced Carousel" built through the "Ultimate Addons for WPBakery"
I'm sorry, I have next to no web experience, and I was handed this website after someone else broke it. I am trying my best to learn as much as possible. Everything else now works but this part.
This is for a newly updated WP site, which hadn't been updated in years. When WP itself was updated, it broke all the sites and that's as far as the previous people got. I updated the plug-ins and themes and that fixed most the issues other than this carousel.
Here is the custom JS that is a part of the theme (should apply to every site's header I beleive).
$('.select-campus a').on('click', function(e) {
(function (n) { n.fn.sticky = function (t) { var i = n.extend({}, {
topSpacing: 0, bottomSpacing: 0, debug: !1 }, t), r = function (t, r, u) { var o = u.offset(), e = n(window).scrollTop(), f = n(document).outerHeight() - i.bottomSpacing - i.topSpacing - t.outerHeight(); f <= 0 || t.height() <= 0 || (e > o.top - i.topSpacing && e < f ? (t.css("position") != "fixed" && (t.trigger("sticky-start"), t.css({ position: "fixed", top: i.topSpacing })), t.trigger("sticky-bottom-unreached")) : e > o.top - i.topSpacing && e >= f ? t.css("position") == "fixed" ? (t.trigger("sticky-bottom-reached"), t.css({ position: "absolute", top: f - r.offset().top + i.topSpacing + "px" })) : t.css("position") == "absolute" ? t.css({ top: f - r.offset().top + i.topSpacing + "px" }) : f > o.top && t.css({ position: "absolute", top: f - r.offset().top + i.topSpacing + "px" }) : ((t.css("position") == "fixed" || t.css("position") == "absolute") && t.trigger("sticky-end"), t.css({ position: "", top: "" }))) }; return this.each(function () { var t = n(this), u = t.offsetParent(), i; t.width(t.width()); i = n("<div class='sticky-holder' style='visibility: hidden;height:0;display:block'><\/div>").insertBefore(t); r(t, u, i); n(window).scroll(function () { r(t, u, i) }) }) } })(jQuery);
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('.vc_custom_1489943500023, .vc_custom_1489936456809').sticky( {topSpacing: 20,bottomSpacing:$("#page-section-40").outerHeight(true)} );
function myFunction() {
// Close the dropdown menu if the user clicks outside of it
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (!event.target.matches('.dropbtn')) {
var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
var openDropdown = dropdowns[i];
if (openDropdown.classList.contains('show')) {
Please tell me if I can do anything else to help understanding. Sorry I don't know more. Any help is appreciated.
No error messages, however if you hover the mouse within a handful of pixels below the header, you are able to click some of the hidden campuses.
EDIT 1: here is the link to the html https://github.com/dtnieboer/sh-html/releases/tag/1.0
EDIT 2: Hey guys! An update- yes this job would be way too hard with my skill level. Going to get rid of the old code and rebuild a more simple button for now. Thanks for the help!

Casino Roulette Game not working

supposed to click on the spin button and it should start the wheel spinning as well as changed the text on the screen in my displayArea, though when i click spin nothing happens,
getting undefined type error on the following code and not sure as to why
angle: 0,
animateTo: 2520,
duration: 4000
it says it isn't a function... :S
if(currentGame.place == 0 && cellText == 0)
currentGame.setBet(betAmount * 40);
function rouletteGame(num, even, col)
this.place = num;
this.isEven = even;
this.colour = col;
this.win = 0;
this.hasBet = false;
this.setBet = function(bet)
this.win += bet;
this.hasBet = true;
says currentGame.place is undefined
but im initializing it in a for loop and its calling my above function...
for (var i = 1; i < rouletteWheel.length; ++i)
place = i;
if(i % 2 == 1)
isEven = false;
isEven = true;
if( i = red[count])
colour = "red";
colour = "black";
rouletteWheel[i] = new rouletteGame(place, isEven, colour);
}// for ()
.rotate() is not a built-in JQuery plugin. You will need to download or link the plugin in order for it to work. Add the following in your element of the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryrotate.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jQueryRotate.js"></script>
and see if that helps. with the first part of your problem.
As for the second part, I'm not sure if Javascript works this way too (I think it does), but you should create the new roulette game outside of the loop, and only change the values inside. Otherwise you are only creating a new roulette game for use within the scope of the for loop, not outside.
May want to check the documentation for this, as I'm not 100% positive about it. I just know it's how most other languages work.

javascript not working when page is loaded qtip2

I wrote a nice heatmap in javascript, and that worked pretty nice so far. The heatmap is basically a table with a coloring variation, based on the threshold of the value displayed in the table. I used JavaScript to create the table, and to set up the colors. However, I wanted to show a nice pop up window, so when the user hover over the table's cell, some additional information is displayed. I found this library qTip2
$('#mytable td').qtip({
overwrite : false, // make sure it can't be overwritten
content : {
text : function(api){
return "Time spent: " + $(this).html();
position : {
my : 'top left',
target : 'mouse',
viewport : $(window), //keep it on-screen at all time if possible
adjust : {
x : 10, y : 10
hide : {
fixed : true // Helps to prevent the tooltip from hiding occassionaly when tracking!
style : 'ui-tooltip-tipsy ui-tooltip-shadow'
This function creates the heatmap:
function makeTable(data)
var row = new Array();
var cell = new Array();
var row_num = 26;
var cell_num = 44;
var tab = document.createElement('table');
tab.setAttribute('id', 'mytable');
tab.border = '1px';
var tbo = document.createElement('tbody');
for(var i = 0; i < row_num; i++){
row[i] = document.createElement('tr');
var upper = (i+1)*44;
var lower = i*44;
for(var j = lower; j < upper; j++){
cell[j] = document.createElement('td');
//cell[j].setAttribute('class', 'selector');
if(data[j] != undefined){
var count = document.createTextNode(data[j].diff);
var index = parseInt(data[j].diff);
/* specify which color better suits the heatmap */
if(index >= 0 && index <= 100){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = '#00BFFF';
else if(index > 100 && index <= 1000){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#6495ED";
else if(index > 1000 && index <= 4000){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#4682B4";
else if(index > 4000 && index <= 6000){
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#0000FF";
cell[j].style.backgroundColor = "#00008B";
Inside of my <body> tag I have:
<div id="body">
<div id="mytable"></div>
However, when I load the page, I expect to see the pop up box when I hover the mouse over the table's cell, however something happens. Also, when I execute that $(document).ready part from firebug's terminal, then the program starts to execute as suppose to. I also made sure the library is being loaded into my page before I used it. I also don't see any errors in the firebug's terminal.
<script src="http://localhost/heatmap/javascript/jquery.qtip.js">
Could someone please give me a clue why is this happening?
The main function of my javascript is
function OnLoad() {
var data = eval('(' + answer + ')');
var list = [];
whis is called on load: google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad);
You need to create the qtip after you have loaded the table like this:
function OnLoad() {
var data = eval('(' + answer + ')');
var list = [];
$('#mytable td').qtip({
overwrite : false, // make sure it can't be overwritten
content : {
text : function(api){
return "Time spent: " + $(this).html();
position : {
my : 'top left',
target : 'mouse',
viewport : $(window), // keep it on-screen at all time if possible
adjust : {
x : 10, y : 10
hide : {
fixed : true // Helps to prevent the tooltip from hiding occassionaly when tracking!
style : 'ui-tooltip-tipsy ui-tooltip-shadow'

Pause javascript raphael animation

I had created an animation with raphael script.
The animation works fine, but I want to have a function that pause it and start it in the same place that it's pause
I found this script on raphaels homepage, but dont really know how to implement it.
elproto.stop = function (anim) {
for (var i = 0; i < animationElements.length; i++) if (animationElements[i].el.id == this.id && (!anim || animationElements[i].anim == anim)) {
if (eve("anim.stop." + this.id, this, animationElements[i].anim) !== false) {
animationElements.splice(i--, 1);
return this;
I know ofcourse that i should modify the string, but since In a beginner I get stuck already on
elproto.stop ..
This is my function that starts my animation
function moveRect1()
if( xEnd == 150 )
xEnd = 50;
xEnd = 150;
rect1.animate( {x: xEnd},
function (){ moveRect1(); }

Trouble with onclick attribute for img when used in combination with setInterval

I am trying to make images that move around the screen that do something when they are clicked. I am using setInterval to call a function to move the images. Each image has the onclick attribute set. The problem is that the clicks are not registering.
If I take out the setInterval and just keep the images still, then the clicks do register.
My code is here (html, css, JavaScript): https://jsfiddle.net/contini/nLc404x7/4/
The JavaScript is copied here:
var smiley_screen_params = {
smiley_size : 100, // needs to agree with width/height from css file
num_smilies: 20
var smiley = {
top_position : 0,
left_position : 0,
jump_speed : 2,
h_direction : 1,
v_direction : 1,
intvl_speed : 10, // advance smiley every x milliseconds
id : "smiley"
function randomise_direction(s) {
var hd = parseInt(Math.random()*2);
var vd = parseInt(Math.random()*2);
if (hd === 0)
s.h_direction = -1;
if (vd === 0)
s.v_direction = -1;
function plotSmiley(sp /* sp = smiley params */) {
var existing_smiley = document.getElementById(sp.id);
if (existing_smiley !== null)
// delete existing smiley so we can move it
var smiley_to_plot = document.createElement('img');
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('src', "http://i.imgur.com/C0BiXJx.png");
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('id', sp.id);
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('onclick', "my_click_count()");
smiley_to_plot.style.position = 'absolute';
smiley_to_plot.style.top = sp.top_position + "px";
smiley_to_plot.style.left = sp.left_position + "px";
function random_direction_change() {
var r = parseInt(Math.random()*200);
if (r===0)
return true;
return false;
function moveFace(sp_array /* sp_array = smiley params array */) {
var i;
var sp;
for (i=0; i < sp_array.length; ++i) {
// move ith element
sp = sp_array[i];
if (
(sp.h_direction > 0 && sp.left_position >= smiley_screen_params.width - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size) ||
(sp.h_direction < 0 && sp.left_position <= 0) ||
) {
sp.h_direction = -sp.h_direction; // hit left/right, bounce off (or random direction change)
if (
(sp.v_direction > 0 && sp.top_position >= smiley_screen_params.height - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size) ||
(sp.v_direction < 0 && sp.top_position <= 0) ||
) {
sp.v_direction = -sp.v_direction; // hit top/bottom, bounce off (or random direction change)
sp.top_position += sp.v_direction * sp.jump_speed;
sp.left_position += sp.h_direction * sp.jump_speed;
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function(o) {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
function generateFaces() {
var smilies = new Array();
var s;
var i;
var css_smileybox=document.getElementById("smileybox");
var sb_style = getComputedStyle(css_smileybox, null);
// add info to the screen params
smiley_screen_params.width = parseInt(sb_style.width);
smiley_screen_params.height = parseInt(sb_style.height);
// create the smileys
for (i=0; i < smiley_screen_params.num_smilies; ++i) {
s = Object.create(smiley);
s.id = "smiley" + i;
s.top_position = parseInt(Math.random() * (smiley_screen_params.height - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size)),
s.left_position = parseInt(Math.random() * (smiley_screen_params.width - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size)),
setInterval( function(){ moveFace(smilies) }, smiley.intvl_speed );
var click_count=0;
function my_click_count() {
document.getElementById("mg").innerHTML = "Number of clicks: " + click_count;
The generateFaces() will generate parameters (for example, coordinates of where they are placed) for a bunch of smiley face images. The setInterval is within this function, and calls the moveFace function to make the smiley faces move at a fixed interval of time. moveFace computes the new coordinates of each smiley face image and then calls plotSmiley to plot each one on the screen in its new location (removing it from the old location). The plotSmiley sets the onclick attribute of each image to call a dummy function just to see if the clicks are registering.
Thanks in advance.
This is not a complete answer but it could give you some perspective to improve your code.
First of all, your idea of deleting the existing img so wrong. If it does exist, all you need is to just change its position so instead of this
if (existing_smiley !== null)
// delete existing smiley so we can move it
you should do something like this:
if (existing_smiley !== null)
var smiley_to_plot = existing_smiley;
else {
var smiley_to_plot = document.createElement('img');
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('src', "http://i.imgur.com/C0BiXJx.png");
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('id', sp.id);
smiley_to_plot.style.position = 'absolute';
smiley_to_plot.addEventListener('click', my_click_count);
smiley_to_plot.style.top = sp.top_position + "px";
smiley_to_plot.style.left = sp.left_position + "px";
As you can see new image is only being added if it's not already there. Also notice that adding events by using .setAttribute('onclick', "my_click_count()"); is not a good way to do. You should use .addEventListener('click', my_click_count); like I did.
Like I said this is not a complete answer but at least this way they response to the click events now.
Good luck!
