get coordinates of a rectangle - javascript

I want to add 4 text boxes which will give me the coordinates of a rectangle and if I manually edit the coordinates it should change /alter the rectangle as well.
Please tell me how to proceed with this solution.
In my example if you click ROI it will draw a rectangle I want the upper and lower X and Y coordinates of the same.
the working fiddle is
// references to canvas and context
var oImageBuffer = document.createElement('img');
var oCanvas = document.getElementById("SetupImageCanvas");
var o2DContext = oCanvas.getContext("2d");
// set default context states
o2DContext.lineWidth = 1;
o2DContext.translate(0.50, 0.50); // anti-aliasing trick for sharper lines
// vars to save user drawings
var layers = [];
var currentColor = "black";
// vars for dragging
var bDragging = false;
var startX, startY;
// vars for user-selected status
var $roiCheckbox = document.getElementById("btnROI");
var $layersCheckbox = document.getElementById("btnLAYER");
var $patches = document.getElementById('txtPatchCount');
var $mouse = document.getElementById("MouseCoords");
var roiIsChecked = false;
var layersIsChecked = false;
var patchCount = 0;
// listen for mouse events
oCanvas.addEventListener('mousedown', MouseDownEvent, false);
oCanvas.addEventListener('mouseup', MouseUpEvent, false);
oCanvas.addEventListener('mousemove', MouseMoveEvent, false);
oCanvas.addEventListener('mouseout', MouseOutEvent, false);
$("#txtPatchCount").keyup(function () {
// clear the canvas
o2DContext.clearRect(0, 0, oCanvas.width, oCanvas.height);
// redraw all previously saved line-pairs and roi
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var layer = layers[i];
if (layer.patchCount > 0) {
layer.patchCount = patchCount;
// mouse event handlers
function MouseDownEvent(e) {
startX = e.clientX - this.offsetLeft;
startY = e.clientY - this.offsetTop;
currentColor = randomColor();
bDragging = true;
function MouseUpEvent(e) {
if (!bDragging) {
bDragging = false;
mouseX = e.clientX - this.offsetLeft;
mouseY = e.clientY - this.offsetTop;
x1: startX,
y1: startY,
x2: mouseX,
y2: mouseY,
color: currentColor,
drawLayer: layersIsChecked,
patchCount: patchCount,
function MouseOutEvent(e) {
function MouseMoveEvent(e) {
if (!bDragging) {
var mouseX = e.clientX - this.offsetLeft;
var mouseY = e.clientY - this.offsetTop;
// clear the canvas
o2DContext.clearRect(0, 0, oCanvas.width, oCanvas.height);
// redraw all previously saved line-pairs and roi
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
// create a temporary layer+roi object
var tempLayer = {
x1: startX,
y1: startY,
x2: mouseX,
y2: mouseY,
color: currentColor,
drawLayer: layersIsChecked,
patchCount: patchCount,
// draw the temporary layer+roi object
// Display the current mouse coordinates.
$mouse.innerHTML = "(" + mouseX + "," + mouseY + ")" + patchCount;
function draw(layer) {
if (layer.drawLayer) {
// set context state
o2DContext.lineWidth = 0.50;
o2DContext.strokeStyle = layer.color;
// draw parallel lines
if (layer.patchCount > 0) {
// set context state
o2DContext.lineWidth = 1.5;
o2DContext.strokeStyle = '#0F0';
// draw regions
o2DContext.strokeRect(layer.x1, layer.y1, (layer.x2 - layer.x1), (layer.y2 - layer.y1));
var w = layer.x2 - layer.x1;
for (var i = 1; i < layer.patchCount; i++) {
var x = layer.x1 + i * w / layer.patchCount;
o2DContext.moveTo(x, layer.y1);
o2DContext.lineTo(x, layer.y2);
function getStatus() {
roiIsChecked = $roiCheckbox.checked;
layersIsChecked = $layersCheckbox.checked;
patchCount = $patches.value;
if (!roiIsChecked || !patchCount) {
patchCount = 0;
function randomColor() {
return ('#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16));
function hline(y) {
o2DContext.moveTo(0, y);
o2DContext.lineTo(oCanvas.width, y);

document.getElementById("MouseCoords").innerHTML = "(" + x + "," + y + "); "
+"("+ oPixel.x + "," + oPixel.y + "); "
+"("+ oCanvasRect.left + "," + + ")";

Ok, I went back to the drawing board and came up with this FIDDLE.
It provides the dimensions of the div and its location from the top and left of the container.
You can calculate the exact coordinates from those numbers.
var divwidth = $('.coord').width();
var divheight = $('.coord').height();
var pos = $('.coord').offset();
$('#divdimensions').html(divwidth + ',' + divheight);
$('#divposition').html( pos.left + ',' + );


How to calculate the position of a click on a draggable canvas element?

I need help with a pretty difficult problem. I am currently making a game with React and Redux. In this game I use a canvas to create a map data from my redux store. Currently the map is just a matrix of black and white squares. Let's say that I wanted to change the color of a square when you click on it, but also maintain the ability to drag the element. The problem is that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the mouse is clicking given that the element can be dragged anywhere on the page. As far as I can tell, none of the mouseclick event object properties seem to be able to tell me. I thought offsetX and offsetY would tell me, but they don't seem to stay the same when the canvas object moves for some reason.
I am using React and Redux for this project, and the CanvasMap element is wrapped in a Draggable from this library:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import './CanvasMap.css'
class CanvasMap extends React.Component{
componentDidMount() {
const map = //Data representing the map
const canvas = this.refs.canvas
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
//Building the map on the canvas
for(let i = 0; i < map.length; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++){
const x=i*100
const y=j*100
const isBlackSquare= map[i][j] === 'black' ? true : false
if(isBlackSquare) context.fillRect(x, y, 100, 100)
else context.strokeRect(x, y, 100, 100)
function handleClick(e){
//None of the event properties seem to stay the same when the canvas is moved
canvas.addEventListener('click', handleClick)
return (
<div className='Map'>
<canvas ref='canvas' width={8000} height={8000} />
function mapStateToProps(state){
return {
map: []
const connectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(CanvasMap)
export { connectedComponent as CanvasMap }
In most cases when you click on an HTML element you can use the rectangleBounding Box and get coordinators from that like
domRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
in a canvas click position it is a little more difficult
Here is a script I did a while ago to draw while dragging the mouse the on the canvas .Maybe you can apply this method
* { margin:0; padding:0; } /* to remove the top and left whitespace */
html, body { width:100%; height:100%; } /* just to be sure these are full screen*/
canvas { display:block; } /* To remove the scrollbars */
<canvas id="canvas" ></canvas>
(function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var elemLeft = canvas.offsetLeft;
var elemTop = canvas.offsetTop;
var BB=canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var offsetX=BB.left;
// resize the canvas to fill browser window dynamically
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
function resizeCanvas() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
* Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they will be reset when
* you resize the browser window and the canvas goes will be cleared.
function drawStuff() {
// do your drawing stuff here
var img = new Image();
img.src = 'images/3PkBe.gif';
img.onload = function()
//var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
// create pattern
var ptrn = ctx.createPattern(img, 'repeat'); // Create a pattern with this image, and set it to "repeat".
ctx.fillStyle = ptrn;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // context.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
ctx.strokeStyle = "lightgray";
//var canvasOffset = canvas.offset();
//var offsetX = canvasOffset.left;
//var offsetY =;
var mouseIsDown = false;
var lastX = 0;
var lastY = 0;
var elements = [];
makeShip( 30 , 30,120, 120, '#119' , "romea");
makeShip( 30, 160,120, 120, '#393', "fomar");
makeShip( 30, 290,120, 120, '#955', "ojab");
makeShip( 30, 420,120, 120, '#6ff', "eliot");
// Add event listener for `click` events.
canvas.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var x = event.pageX - elemLeft,
y = event.pageY - elemTop;, y);
elements.forEach(function(element) {
if (y > element.y && y < element.y + element.height && x > element.x && x < element.x + element.width) {
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
var x = event.pageX - elemLeft,
y = event.pageY - elemTop;, y);
elements.forEach(function(element) {
if (y > element.y && y < element.y + element.height && x > element.x && x < element.x + element.width) {;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
var x = event.pageX - elemLeft,
y = event.pageY - elemTop;, y);
elements.forEach(function(element) {
if (y > element.y && y < element.y + element.height && x > element.x && x < element.x + element.width) {;
}, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) {
var x = event.pageX - elemLeft,
y = event.pageY - elemTop;
//, y);
elements.forEach(function(element) {
//if (y > element.y && y < element.y + element.height && x > element.x && x < element.x + element.width) { + "mouse up evenr=========");
}, false);
function makeShip(x, y, width, height, colour,ShipName) {
var ship = {
name: ShipName,
colour: colour,
width: width,
height: height,
x: x,
y: y
return (ship);
function drawShip(ship) {
//ctx.fillStyle = ship.colour;
//ctx.fillRect(ship.x, ship.y, ship.width, ship.height);
//ctx.fillRect(element.x, element.y, element.width, element.height);
function drawAllShips() {
// ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var ship = elements[i]
ctx.fillStyle = ship.colour;
ctx.fillRect(ship.x , ship.y, ship.width, ship.height);
// ctx.fillStyle = ship.fill;
// ctx.fill();
// ctx.stroke();
// Add element.
//colour: '#05EFFF',
//width: 150,
//height: 100,
//x: 20,
//y: 15
// Render elements.
// elements.forEach(function(element) {
// ctx.fillStyle = element.colour;
// ctx.fillRect(element.x, element.y, element.width, element.height);
// });
function handleMouseDown(e) {
mouseX = e.x ;
mouseY = e.y ;
//mouseX = parseInt(e.x - offsetX);
//mouseY = parseInt(e.y - offsetY);
console.log("===========Problem "+mouseX);
// mousedown stuff here
lastX = mouseX;
lastY = mouseY;
mouseIsDown = true;
//alert("mouse Handle");
function handleMouseUp(e) {
//mouseX = parseInt(e.clientX - offsetX);
//mouseY = parseInt(e.clientY - offsetY);
ctx.onmousemove = null;
// mouseup stuff here
mouseIsDown = false;
function handleMouseMove(e,x,y) {
if (mouseIsDown) {
//console.log(' no fuck');
mouseX = e.x ;
mouseY = e.y ;
console.log("is truing to drag");
// mousemove stuff here
//for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
//if (ctx.isPointInPath(mouseX, mouseY)) {
//console.log('============== no fuck');
var ship =e;// elements[i];
ship.x = x-15;//(mouseX - lastX);
ship.y = y-20;//(mouseY -lastY);
// ship.right = ship.x + ship.width;
// ship.bottom = ship.y + ship.height;
lastX = mouseX;
lastY = mouseY;
<!-- ctx.mousedown(function (e) { -->
<!-- handleMouseDown(e); -->
<!-- }); -->
<!-- ctx.mousemove(function (e) { -->
<!-- handleMouseMove(e); -->
<!-- }); -->
<!-- ctx.mouseup(function (e) { -->
<!-- handleMouseUp(e); -->
<!-- }); -->
I got lost in the slew of data around elements and click events, I was trying to figure out the right combination of pageX, clientX, offsetLeft, screenX, etc. However, the final solution is incredibly simple once you know exactly what to do. Here it is:
function handleClick(e){
const rect =
const x = e.pageX - rect.left
const y = e.pageY -
This should get you the exact x and y coordinate of your mouse in relation to the element, no matter where you drag and reposition the element.

detecting a click inside a hexagon drawn using canvas?

I'm working on a certain layout where I need to draw a hexagon which needs to be clickable. I'm using the Path2D construct and isPointInPath function. I'm constructing an animation where a number of hexagons is created and then each moved to a certain position. After the movement is done, I am attaching onclick event handlers to certain hexagons. However there is weird behaviour.
Some initialized variables
const COLOR_DARK = "#73b6c6";
const COLOR_LIGHT = "#c3dadd";
const COLOR_PRIMARY = "#39a4c9";
const TYPE_PRIMARY = 'primary';
let hexagons = [];
Below is the function which draws the hexagons.
function drawHex(ctx, x, y, hexProps, stroke, color) {
let myPath = new Path2D();
myPath.moveTo(x + hexProps.width*0.5, y);
myPath.lineTo(x, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facShort);
myPath.lineTo(x, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facLong);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width*0.5, y + hexProps.height);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facLong);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facShort);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width*0.5, y);
if (stroke){
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
return myPath;
This function populates the hexagon array
function populateLeftHex(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, hexProps) {
const startX = canvasWidth / 2;
const startY = canvasHeight / 2;
const baseLeft = canvasWidth * 0.05;
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
let hexNumber = (i % 4 == 0)? 2: 1;
for(let j = 0; j < hexNumber; j++){
startX: startX,
startY: startY,
endX: baseLeft + (2 * j) + ((i % 2 == 0)? (hexProps.width * j) : (hexProps.width/2)),
endY: ((i + 1) * hexProps.height) - ((i) * hexProps.height * hexProps.facShort) + (i* 2),
stroke: true,
color: ( i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 == 0)? COLOR_DARK : COLOR_LIGHT,
And here is where Im calling the isPointInPath function.
window.onload = function (){
const c = document.getElementById('canvas');
const canvasWidth = c.width = window.innerWidth,
canvasHeight = c.height = window.innerHeight,
ctx = c.getContext('2d');
window.requestAnimFrame = (function (callback) {
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
let hexProps = {
width: canvasWidth * 0.075,
get height () {
return this.width/Math.sqrt(3) + (1.5)*(this.width/Math.sqrt(2)/2);
} ,
facShort: 0.225,
get facLong () {
return 1 - this.facShort;
populateLeftHex(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, hexProps);
let pct = 0;
const fps = 200;
function animate () {
setTimeout(function () {
// increment pct towards 100%
pct += .03;
// if we're not done, request another animation frame
if (pct < 1.00) {
} else { //if pct is no longer less than 1.00, then the movement animation is over.
hexagons.forEach(function (hex) {
if(hex.type === TYPE_PRIMARY) {;
c.onclick = function(e) {
let x = e.clientX - c.offsetLeft,
y = e.clientY - c.offsetTop;, (e.clientX - c.offsetLeft), (e.clientY - c.offsetTop) ));
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// draw all hexagons
for ( let i = 0; i < hexagons.length; i++) {
// get reference to next shape
let hex = hexagons[i];
// note: dx/dy are fixed values
// they could be put in the shape object for efficiency
let dx = hex.endX - hex.startX;
let dy = hex.endY - hex.startY;
let nextX = hex.startX + dx * pct;
let nextY = hex.startY + dy * pct;
hex = hexagons[i];
ctx.fillStyle = hex.color;
hex.path = drawHex(ctx, nextX, nextY, hexProps, hex.stroke, hex.color);
}, 1000 / fps);
Can you help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I misunderstood how Path2D works? Thanks in advance.
Had to do a bit of work to build a test page as your example is incomplete, but this is working for me - though my hexagon is concave...
var myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = myCanvas.getContext("2d");
var hexProps = {width:100, height:100, facShort:-2, facLong:10};
var hexagons = [];
function drawHex(ctx, x, y, hexProps, stroke, color) {
let myPath = new Path2D();
myPath.moveTo(x + hexProps.width*0.5, y);
myPath.lineTo(x, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facShort);
myPath.lineTo(x, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facLong);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width*0.5, y + hexProps.height);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facLong);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width, y + hexProps.height*hexProps.facShort);
myPath.lineTo(x + hexProps.width*0.5, y);
if (stroke){
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
return myPath;
hexagons.push({type:0, path:drawHex(ctx,100,100,hexProps,false,"#0f0")});
hexagons.forEach(function (hex) {
if(hex.type === 0) {;
myCanvas.onclick = function(e) {
let x = e.clientX - myCanvas.offsetLeft,
y = e.clientY - myCanvas.offsetTop;,y);, (e.clientX -
myCanvas.offsetLeft), (e.clientY - myCanvas.offsetTop) ));
<canvas width=500 height=500 id=myCanvas style='border:1px solid red'></canvas>
Test clicks give true and false where expected:
test.htm:48 165 168
test.htm:49 true
test.htm:48 151 336
test.htm:49 false
test.htm:48 124 314
test.htm:49 true
test.htm:48 87 311
test.htm:49 false

Use Canvas as pad for multiple range inputs

I'm trying to build an html canvas pad that will allow a user to drag and drop a dot on the pad, which will then return two values (one for Y axis, and one for Y axis), which I can use to trigger effects using the web audio API.
I've already sorted out the web Audio API portion of the problem.
The User:
Clicks and drags the dot to anywhere on the X/Y grid
On Drop we will have an X & Y value (perhaps in hidden range inputs), that trigger eventListeners.
The X value eventListener affects the wet/dry of the delay effect
The Y value eventListener affects the delay_time of the delay effect
so far I've been able to create and render the canvas and circle, and add event listeners on the svg element and the window. With the idea being that I can detect when an event occurs inside the canvas and when that click event leaves the canvas.
// Draw SVG pad
function drawDelayPad() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('delayPad');
if (canvas.getContext) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var rectangle = new Path2D();
rectangle.rect(1, 1, 200, 200);
var circle = new Path2D();
circle.moveTo(150, 150);
circle.arc(100, 35, 10, 0 , 2 * Math.PI);
// Listener on canvas
var canvas = document.getElementById('delayPad');
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(){
console.log("click inside our canvas")
// Listener on document to check if we're outside the canvas
window.addEventListener("mouseup", function(){
console.log("outside our canvas")
So I think what I need to determine now is that when a click event does occur inside of the canvas, how far it is from the cirle, and if it does fall within the bounds of the circle, I should redraw it as long as the mousedown event is active.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've found a nice little solution that kind of confirms my suspicions surrounding a hit counter! All credit really goes to rectangleWorld since I was for the most part just able to modify the example they had available.
Here's a codepen
// Draw SVG pad
function canvasApp(canvasID) {
var theCanvas = document.getElementById(canvasID);
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");
var numShapes;
var shapes;
var dragIndex;
var dragging;
var mouseX;
var mouseY;
var dragHoldX;
var dragHoldY;
function init() {
numShapes = 1;
shapes = [];
theCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDownListener, false);
function makeShapes() {
var i;
var tempX;
var tempY;
var tempRad;
var tempR;
var tempG;
var tempB;
var tempColor;
var tempShape;
for (i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) {
// My canvas element is 240x240
tempRad = 10;
tempX = 0 + tempRad;
tempY = 240 - tempRad;
tempR = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
tempG = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
tempB = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
tempColor = "rgb(" + tempR + "," + tempG + "," + tempB + ")";
tempShape = {
x: tempX,
y: tempY,
rad: tempRad,
color: tempColor
function mouseDownListener(evt) {
var i;
//We are going to pay attention to the layering order of the objects so that if a mouse down occurs over more than object,
//only the topmost one will be dragged.
var highestIndex = -1;
//getting mouse position correctly, being mindful of resizing that may have occured in the browser:
var bRect = theCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
mouseX = (evt.clientX - bRect.left) * (theCanvas.width / bRect.width);
mouseY = (evt.clientY - * (theCanvas.height / bRect.height);
//find which shape was clicked
for (i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) {
if (hitTest(shapes[i], mouseX, mouseY)) {
dragging = true;
if (i > highestIndex) {
//We will pay attention to the point on the object where the mouse is "holding" the object:
dragHoldX = mouseX - shapes[i].x;
dragHoldY = mouseY - shapes[i].y;
highestIndex = i;
dragIndex = i;
if (dragging) {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveListener, false);
theCanvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", mouseDownListener, false);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpListener, false);
//code below prevents the mouse down from having an effect on the main browser window:
if (evt.preventDefault) {
} //standard
else if (evt.returnValue) {
evt.returnValue = false;
} //older IE
return false;
function mouseUpListener(evt) {
theCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDownListener, false);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseUpListener, false);
if (dragging) {
dragging = false;
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveListener, false);
function mouseMoveListener(evt) {
var posX;
var posY;
var shapeRad = shapes[dragIndex].rad;
var minX = shapeRad;
var maxX = theCanvas.width - shapeRad;
var minY = shapeRad;
var maxY = theCanvas.height - shapeRad;
//getting mouse position correctly
var bRect = theCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
mouseX = (evt.clientX - bRect.left) * (theCanvas.width / bRect.width);
mouseY = (evt.clientY - * (theCanvas.height / bRect.height);
// Divide by width of canvas and multiply to get percentage out of 100
var DelayTime = ((mouseX / 240) * 100);
// Invert returned value to get percentage out of 100
var DelayFeedback = (100 - (mouseY / 240) * 100);
// Set delay time as a portion of 2seconds
delayEffect.delayTime.value = DelayTime / 100 * 2.0;
// set delay feedback gain as value of random number
delayFeedback.gain.value = (DelayFeedback / 100 * 1.0);
//clamp x and y positions to prevent object from dragging outside of canvas
posX = mouseX - dragHoldX;
posX = (posX < minX) ? minX : ((posX > maxX) ? maxX : posX);
posY = mouseY - dragHoldY;
posY = (posY < minY) ? minY : ((posY > maxY) ? maxY : posY);
shapes[dragIndex].x = posX;
shapes[dragIndex].y = posY;
function hitTest(shape, mx, my) {
var dx;
var dy;
dx = mx - shape.x;
dy = my - shape.y;
//a "hit" will be registered if the distance away from the center is less than the radius of the circular object
return (dx * dx + dy * dy < shape.rad * shape.rad);
function drawShapes() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) {
context.fillStyle = shapes[i].color;
context.arc(shapes[i].x, shapes[i].y, shapes[i].rad, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
function drawScreen() {
context.fillStyle = "#000000";
context.fillRect(0, 0, theCanvas.width, theCanvas.height);
window.addEventListener("load", windowLoadHandler, false);
function windowLoadHandler() {
There are still a few shortcomings, for instance the mouseMoveListener, although constricting the movement of the circle, will continue to increase your x & y values. Meaning you'll either have to use your existing listeners to check when the drag event has exited the circle, or much more simply, you could set an upper limit to your X and Y values.
You'll have to create an object which will store your x and y values.
In below example I called it pad.
This object will serve both your canvas visualization, and your audio processing.
These are both outputs (respectively visual and audio), while the input will be user gesture (e.g mousemove).
The inputs update the pad object, while outputs read it.
[Note]: This example will only work in newest Chrome and Firefox since it uses MediaElement.captureStream() which is not yet widely implemented.
const viz_out = canvas.getContext('2d');
let aud_out, mainVolume;
// our pad object holding the coordinates
const pad = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
down: false,
rad: 10
let canvRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
function mousemove(event) {
if (!aud_out || !pad.down) {
pad.x = event.clientX - canvRect.left;
pad.y = canvRect.height - (event.clientY -; // inverts y axis
// all actions are splitted
viz_out.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 300) // invert y axis on the canvas too
// simply draws a circle where at our pad's coords
function updateViz() {
viz_out.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
viz_out.arc(pad.x, pad.y, pad.rad, 0, Math.PI * 2);
// You'll do it as you wish, here it just modifies a biquadFilter
function updateAud() {
const default_freq = 350;
const max_freq = 6000;
const y_ratio = pad.y / 300;
aud_out.frequency.value = (default_freq + (max_freq * y_ratio)) - default_freq;
aud_out.Q.value = (pad.x / 300) * 10;
mainVolume.value = 1 + ((pad.y + pad.x) / 75);
function updateLog() {
log.textContent = `x:${~~pad.x} y:${~~pad.y}`;
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => pad.down = true);
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => pad.down = false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove);
btn.onclick = e => {
btn.textContent = 'stop';
btn.onclick = e => {
mainVolume.value = 0;
window.onscroll = window.onresize = e => canvRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
function startLoadingAudio() {
const audio = new Audio();
audio.loop = true;
audio.muted = true;
audio.onloadedmetadata = e => {;
const stream = audio.captureStream ? audio.captureStream() : audio.mozCaptureStream();
// FF will "taint" the stream, even if the media is served with correct CORS...
fetch("").then(resp => resp.blob()).then(b => audio.src = URL.createObjectURL(b));
function initAudioProcessor(stream) {
var a_ctx = new AudioContext();
var gainNode = a_ctx.createGain();
var biquadFilter = a_ctx.createBiquadFilter();
var source = a_ctx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
aud_out = biquadFilter;
mainVolume = gainNode.gain;
biquadFilter.type = "bandpass";
canvas {
border: 1px solid;
<button id="btn">
<pre id="log"></pre>
<canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>

Canvas javascript event based on a object

I need to do an action onclick of a particular (point) or a rectangle in a canvas.
var canvas = $('#myCanvas').get(0);
if (!canvas.getContext) { return; }
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
I need to connect two points with a line and another two points with a curve using javascript .How can i do this?
You need to maintain the regions yourselves. There are no objects on a canvas, only pixels and the browser does not know anything about it.
Demo here
You can do something like this (simplified):
// define the regions - common for draw/redraw and check
var rect1 = [150,140,8,8];
var rect2 = [200,120,8,8];
var rect3 = [200,160,8,8];
var regions = [rect1, rect2, rect3];
Now on your init you can use the same array to render all the rectangles:
var canvas = $('#myCanvas').get(0);
if (!canvas.getContext) { return; }
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//use the array also to render the boxes
for (var i = 0, r; r = regions[i]; i++) {
On the click event you check the array to see if the mouse coordinate (corrected for canvas) is inside any of the rectangles:
$('#myCanvas').on('click', function(e){
var pos = getMousePos(this, e);
// check if we got a hit
for (var i = 0, r; r = regions[i]; i++) {
if (pos.x >= r[0] && pos.x <= (r[0] + r[2]) &&
pos.y >= r[1] && pos.y <= (r[1] + r[3])) {
alert('Region ' + i + ' was hit');
//get mouse position relative to canvas
function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
y: evt.clientY -
Also remember to redraw the canvas if the window is re-sized or for other reason clears the canvas (browser dialogs etc.).
To connect the boxes you need to store the first hit position and when you get a second hit draw a line between them.
Demo with lines here
Add to the global vars and also make canvas and context available from global (see fiddle for related modifications in onready):
var x1 = -1, y1;
var canvas = myCanvas;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
And in the click event:
$('#myCanvas').on('click', function(e){
var pos = getMousePos(this, e);
for (var i = 0, r; r = regions[i]; i++) {
if (pos.x >= r[0] && pos.x <= (r[0] + r[2]) &&
pos.y >= r[1] && pos.y <= (r[1] + r[3])) {
//first hit? then store the coords
if (x1 === -1) {
x1 = pos.x;
y1 = pos.y;
} else {
//draw line from first point to this
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);
x1 = -1; //reset (or keep if you want continuous lines).

Angle of rotation of a needle following the cursor

Hello I am trying to write a simple program for fun.. But I am not able to get the angle of rotation and convert it into the number where the needle lands after it follows the crusor.I am letting the needle follow inside the dial. I am including my javascript code. Can anybody help me please?
function alienEye(x, y, size, append, img, theNum) {
var self = this;
var i = 0;
var myintID;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.size = size;
//Create the Eye Dom Node using canvas.
this.create = function create(x, y, size, append) {
//Create dom node
var eye = document.createElement('canvas');
eye.width = size;
eye.height = size; = 'relative'; = y + 'px'; = x + 'px';
//Get canvas
canvas = eye.getContext("2d")
radius = size / 2;
//draw eye
//canvas.arc(radius, radius, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
//canvas.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
//draw pupil
//canvas.arc(radius, radius/2, radius/4, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
//canvas.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
//var img = new Image();
canvas.drawImage(img, - 20, - 20, 100, 100);
img.onload = function () {
canvas.drawImage(img, - 20, - 20, 100, 100);
img.src = 'Stuff/needle.png';
return eye;
//Rotate the Dom node to a given angle.
this.rotate = function (x) { = "rotate(" + x + "deg)"; = "rotate(" + x + "deg)"; = "rotate(" + x + "deg)"; = "rotate(" + x + "deg)"; = "rotate(" + x + "deg)";
this.letsBegin = function () {
//Update every 100 miliseconds
myintID = setInterval(function () {
angleFromEye = Math.atan2((cursorLocation.y - self.my_y), cursorLocation.x - self.my_x) * (180 / Math.PI) + 90;
//Refresh own position every 25th time (in case screen is resized)
if (i > 25) {
i = 0;
}, 20);
this.letsEnd = function () {
this.locateSelf = function () {
this.my_x = this.node.offsetLeft + (this.size / 2);
this.my_y = this.node.offsetTop + (this.size / 2);
//If it has offsetParent, add em up to get the objects full position.
if (this.node.offsetParent) {
temp = this.node;
while (temp = temp.offsetParent) {
this.my_x += temp.offsetLeft;
this.my_y += temp.offsetTop;
//Call the node create function when the AlienEye Object is created.
this.node = this.create(x, y, size, append);
//Now the node has been added to the page, lets figure out exact where
//it is relative to the documents top.
//Get the basic position
var cursorLocation = new function () {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
//This function is called onmousemove to update the stored position
this.update = function (e) {
var w = window,
b = document.body;
this.x = e.clientX + (w.scrollX || b.scrollLeft || b.parentNode.scrollLeft || 0);
this.y = e.clientY + (w.scrollY || b.scrollTop || b.parentNode.scrollTop || 0);
//Hook onmousemove up to the above update function.
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
If that's all your code, all you need to do is call the functions.
I managed to get it running by adding this to the bottom of the script (the body element was given an ID of "body"):
var img = new Image();
img.src = "Stuff/needle.png";
var eye = new alienEye(40, 40, 50, "body", img, 20);
Here's how I got the angle based off two points in my GameAPI. It's a bit verbose... the main angle code is at the bottom:
getAngle : function(point1X, point1Y, point2X, point2Y, hyp) {
//This function uses the arcsine to calculate the angle between
//the points, but only if necessary.
//This function includes some shortcuts for common angles.
if(point1Y == point2Y) {
if(point1X < point2X) return 0;
else return 180;
if(point1X == point2X) {
if(point1Y < point2Y) return 90;
else return 270;
var xDist = point1X - point2X;
var yDist = point1Y - point2Y;
if(xDist == yDist) {
if(point1X < point2X) return 45;
else return 225;
if(-xDist == yDist) {
if(point1X < point2X) return 315;
else return 135;
hyp = Math.sqrt( xDist*xDist + yDist*yDist );
var D_TO_R = this.D_TO_R;
if(point1X<point2X) {
//console.log(Math.round(-Math.asin((point1Y-point2Y)/hyp) * D_TO_R));
return Game.Util.fixDirection(-Math.asin((point1Y-point2Y)/hyp) * this.D_TO_R);
} else {
//console.log(Math.round(Math.asin((point1Y-point2Y)/hyp) * D_TO_R + 180));
return Game.Util.fixDirection(Math.asin((point1Y-point2Y)/hyp) * this.D_TO_R+180);
(The D_TO_R is the constant 180/PI for radian/angle conversion. The Game.Util.fixDirection ensures that the angle is between 0 and 360 The hyp argument is an optional argument for if the hypothenuse of the right triangle is already known, as to save CPU cycles)
