Script to draw simple SVG-path slows down the entire PC - javascript

I've got a svg-based loading animation for a web project, which draws a 360°-arc on hover. This takes about .8s to finish. After that a container slides in, see my fiddle:
function drawCircle(arc) {
var i = 0;
var circle = document.getElementById(arc);
var angle = 0;
var radius = 75;
window.timer = window.setInterval(
function () {
angle -= 5;
angle %= 360;
var radians = (angle / 180) * Math.PI;
var x = 200 + Math.cos(radians) * radius;
var y = 200 + Math.sin(radians) * radius;
var e = circle.getAttribute("d");
if (i === 0) {
var d = e + " M " + x + " " + y;
} else {
var d = e + " L " + x + " " + y;
circle.setAttribute("d", d);
}, 10);
function removeCircle() {
// var circle = document.getElementById(arc);
// = "none";
The function is called inside of the svg-tag in the HTML-markup:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" style="width:400px; height:400px;" onmouseover="drawCircle('arc2'); removeCircle();">
<path d="M200,200 " id="arc2" fill="none" stroke="rgba(255,255,255,0.3)" stroke-width="5"></path>
This works as intended, but occupies an entire 3 GHz-core on both of my two testing machines. I am currently learning JS, so I can only guess what causes the performance lack.
I also want the svg to disappear after completing the animation or the mouse leaving the container, so if anyone got a tip on that, that'd be great.
For any fellow googlers, see here for the solution. Feel free to use the snippet aswell.

The problem is that you never clear your timeouts. This will cause your timer to keep running, and every time you move your mouse above the svg element, it will keep creating new timers. That means that if you move your mouse a bit too long, it'll keep adding more and more to the path tag, and it will create a lot of lag.
To fix this, simply add a clearInterval for your global timer variable:
You'll also want to make sure this only runs when you initially move your mouse on top of the svg, not every time you move within it, by changing the event handler to mouseenter, not mousemove. And finally, you would need to clear the path's d attribute, otherwise the circle won't ever be removed.
The function would have the following: (
clearInterval(window.timer||0); //clear the previous timer, or "timer 0" (nonexistent) when it's not defined yet
circle.setAttribute("d", "M200,200 "); //reset d attribute to default
window.timer = window.setInterval(//interval

Also, building a whole path each time is not a very efficient way to do it.
A better way would be to use the dasharray trick for animating drawing of a path. What you do is slowly increase the first number in stroke-dasharray until it is equal to the length of the path. In this case, that's the circumference of the circle.
stroke-dasharray="0 1000"
stroke-dasharray="5 1000"
stroke-dasharray="10 1000"
Here's a fiddle showing this trick applied to your case.


How to get Consistent Stroke Widths Regardless of Location?

The essence of the problem is that when I move an SVG element around, the widths of the lines varies.
I'm working in a browser environment and I want crisp lines (no anti-aliasing), so shape-rendering is set to crispEdges. For example, you might have
"d M 0 0 L 10 0 L 10 10 L 0 10 z"
to define a square, with style set to
'fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 1px; shape-rendering: crispEdges'
Then use translate() to drag it around with the mouse. It works, but as the square moves, the thickness of the lines jumps around by a pixel, and I want the thickness to remain constant.
I think I know why it's happening, but I can't find any way to prevent it. It happens (I think) due to the way the coordinates relative to the viewBox are mapped to coordinates relative to the physical monitor's pixels. When a one pixel wide (in SVG terms) line is mapped to the monitor, it may or may not straddle several pixels, so it may end up a (screen) pixel thicker or thinner.
I've tried messing with the ratio of the viewBox size to the size of the drawing area, rounding the translation amount to be a whole number or to take the form integer + 0.50, but no solution like this seems likely to work because it comes down to the level of zoom in the browser. vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke doesn't fix it either.
Is there a way to tell SVG to treat all paths as 1d geometric shapes, and to use a particular pen for all of them? Put another way, I want the pen used to draw everything to "scale with the zoom", rather than having the lines scale after they've been drawn.
Please, vanilla JS only.
You can test what I mean by running the code below. Click on the square and drag it around (no touch devices). Note that at some levels of browser zoom, it may behave nicely and not do what I've described.
There's something odd going on. The svg element (the square) starts out looking uniform, with all edges of the same width. It only moves in response to a mousemove, and that event (presumably) happens when the mouse moves by a whole (never fractional) screen pixel. Therefore, one would expect the square to move by a whole screen pixel and remain aligned to the screen pixels if it started off that way.
Follow-up...The problem is not with the screen CTM. I tested that the inverse really is an inverse; that is, CTM x CTM^{-1} is the identity for every value I tried. And the values that matrixTransform(getScreenCTM().inverse()) provides are linear in the inputs (or as linear as floating-point numbers allow).
<svg xmlns="" id="svgtest"
style = "border: 1px solid; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; shape-rendering: crispEdges;"
width = "400" height = "400" viewBox = "0 0 100 100" >
var theSquare = {
x : 10,
y : 10
var initialSquare = {
x : 10,
y : 10
var SideLength = 10;
var initialX = 0;
var initialY = 0;
var draggingSquare = 0;
function pointInRect(p, r) {
return p.x > r.xLeft && p.x < r.xRight && p.y > r.yTop && p.y < r.yBottom;
function mouseToLocal(theEvent) {
var screenPt = svgArea.createSVGPoint();
screenPt.x = theEvent.clientX;
screenPt.y = theEvent.clientY;
var svgPt = screenPt.matrixTransform(svgArea.getScreenCTM().inverse());
return {
x : svgPt.x,
y : svgPt.y
function doMouseDown(event) {
var localCoord = mouseToLocal(event);
initialX = localCoord.x;
initialY = localCoord.y;
var pt = {x: initialX, y: initialY};
var rect = {xLeft: theSquare.x, xRight: theSquare.x + SideLength,
yTop: theSquare.y, yBottom: theSquare.y + SideLength};
if (pointInRect(pt,rect))
draggingSquare = 1;
initialSquare.x = theSquare.x;
initialSquare.y = theSquare.y;
draggingSquare = 0;
function doMouseUp(event) {
draggingSquare = 0;
function doMouseMove(event) {
if (draggingSquare == 0)
var localCoord = mouseToLocal(event);
zeroTranslate.setTranslate(initialSquare.x + localCoord.x - initialX,
+initialSquare.y + localCoord.y - initialY);
theSquare.x = initialSquare.x + localCoord.x - initialX;
theSquare.y = initialSquare.y + localCoord.y - initialY;
var svgArea = document.getElementById('svgtest');
var theSVGSquare = document.createElementNS("", 'path' );
theSVGSquare.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M 0 0" +
" L " + SideLength + " 0" +
" L " + SideLength + " " + SideLength +
" L 0 " +SideLength +
" z");
theSVGSquare.setAttributeNS(null, 'style', 'fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 0.5px; shape-rendering: crispEdges' );
var tforms = theSVGSquare.transform;
var zeroTranslate = svgArea.createSVGTransform();
I'm posting this "answer" as a way to officially close the question, and to thank Robert Longson for his attention.
In short, what I want to do can't be done in a browser, which is surprising since all I want to do is draw a line. Using the HTML canvas tag produces something blurry due to anti-aliasing, and SVG produces jittery lines. It comes down to the fact that the browser doesn't provide the information needed to work at a device-pixel level of accuracy.
I posted a discussion of this problem, with examples, on my personal website:
Canvas drawing is blurry and SVG is jittery

Simple canvas animation: 50x50 image moving across

I've done this sort of programming before but It was a long while back, and despite trying for a while now, I am unable to get this working. I've tried loads of other similar codes that I've found on the internet but they don't work exactly the way I want it to! I basically want a 155x55 canvas, with a 50x50 image moving across it, simple! Despite how simple it sounds... I'm struggling... I've tried adapting my previous code but that was for bouncing balls and it was a long time ago. I'll appreciate any help. Thanks!
var myCanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = myCanvas.getContext("2d");
var speed = 1;
a = new Image();
a.src = "";
function frameRate(fps) {
timer = window.setInterval( updateCanvas, 1000/fps );
function updateCanvas() {
ctx.fillRect(0,0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height);
function draw() {
/* Add code here to randomly add or subtract small values
* from x and y, and then draw a circle centered on (x,y).
var x = 0 + speed;
var y = 20;
if (x > 150) {
x == 1;
/* Begin animation */
Fiddle Link:
The problem you have is that your variable x and y are always reset to 0 and 20. Your speed is 1 so your x is always 1.
Since you never update the x position and always reset it to 0. What you could do is to increase the variable speed by 1 at the end of the frame.
speed += 1
At first, you'll have:
x = 0 + 1
x = 0 + 2
... and so on.
Then you'll have to check for speed being above 150 and reset speed to 1.
Then I suggest renaming speed by posX which is more accurate. Also, instead of using setInterval you should be using requestAnimationFrame(). And instead of incrementing the posX by 1, you should be incrementing the posX by speed * elapsedTime to get a fluent move and stable speed move which doesn't depend on the framerate.
In the end, you'd have this:
posX += speed * elapsedTime
var x = posX

jQuery Circles animation on circle path

I'm trying to make big circle and move divs along the circle's circumference.
Each div must change the content inside the big circle.
The number of div(s) must be dependent on how many are fetched from database (from table category).
I tried to do this and modified the code by putting .eq() but the problem with .eq is that next circle will appear after that circle, all put in the same place. I want them all to appear at the same time like this without repeating functions
Updated your fiddle:
var t = -1.6;
var t2 = -1.6;
var x = 0;
var t = [-1.6, -1.6, -1.6], // starting angle in radians for each circle
delta = [0.05, 0.03, 0.02], // change in radians for each circle
// e.g the first moves fastest, the last
// slowest. if this gets too big, the
// movement won't look circular, since the
// animation is really a bunch of straight lines
finish = [1.4, 1.0, 0.6]; // the stopping point in radians for each
// circle. if the circle size changes, this
// may need to change
function moveit(i) {
t[i] += delta[i]; // move the angle forward by delta
var r = 300; // radius (the .inner div is 600 x 600)
var xcenter = -30; // center X position: this reproduces the .inner horizontal
// center but from the body element
var ycenter = 420; // center Y position: same here but vertical
// Basic trig, these use sin/cos to find the vert and horiz offset for a given
// angle from the center (t[i]) and a given radius (r)
var newLeft = Math.floor(xcenter + (r * Math.cos(t[i])));
var newTop = Math.floor(ycenter + (r * Math.sin(t[i])));
// Now animate to the new top and left, over 1ms, and when complete call
// the move function again if t[i] hasn't reached the finish.
top: newTop,
left: newLeft,
},1, function() {
if (t[i] < finish[i]) moveit(i);
// You can slow down the animation by increasing the 1, but that will eventually
// make it choppy. This plays opposite the delta.
// Start the ball rolling
$("document").ready(function(e) {
This was a quick change to reduce the code to one function that used arrays (t, delta, finish) to keep track of the three circles. It could be improved to accept arbitrary circles, of any size, at any starting / ending angle.
Also, this kind of animation is much easier with CSS. It is simple to specify and has much better performance.

Move canvas object on touchmove in Javascript

I’m fairly new to web development and I’ve only ever used jQuery to write my scripts. Today however, I’d like to improve my skills and build a little game that could be used on a smartphone as a web app in vanilla JS.
The game’s pretty straightforward:
You hold your phone in portrait mode and control a character that stays at the bottom of the screen and has to dodge objects that are falling on him. The character can only move left or right and thus always stays on the same x-axis. In order to control him, your finger has to stay on the screen. Once you take it off, you lose. Also, the move isn’t triggered by tapping the screen, but by moving your finger left or right.
For now, I’ve only been experimenting to get the hang of touchevents and was able to make the character move when swiping:
e.preventDefault(); //disable scroll
var board = document.getElementById(‘board);
var character = document.getElementById(‘character’);
if (e.targetTouches.length === 1) {
var touch = e.targetTouches[0];
board.classList.add(‘moving’); = touch.pageX + 'px';
}, false);
(The ‘moving’ class is used to move the background-position of the board and animate the character’s sprite in plain CSS.)
Separately, I made a little script that puts objects with random classes in a container with a set interval. These objects are then animated in css and fall from the top to the bottom of the screen.
Now, here comes the tricky part: the collision detection.
As I said, I’m new to development and vanilla JS, so I searched a bit to figure out how to detect when two objects collide, and it seems that most tutorials do this using canvases. The thing is, I’ve never used them and they scare me quite a bit. What’s more, I think it would render what I’ve done so far useless.
I’m okay with trying the canvas way, but before I do, I’d like to know if there’s any other way to detect if two moving objects collide?
Also, if there turns out to be no real way to do this without canvas, I plan on using this tutorial to learn how to build the app. However, this game wasn’t built for touchscreen devices, and the spaceship’s position changes on certain keystrokes (left & right) :
function update() {
if (keydown.left) {
player.x -= 5;
if (keydown.right) {
player.x += 5;
player.x = player.x.clamp(0, CANVAS_WIDTH - player.width);
My question is: how should I do to update the position using touchmove instead of keystrokes?
Thank you all in advance.
1) the idea : 'if you stop touching, you loose', is just a bad idea, drop it.
2) most convenient way to control is to handle any touch event (touch start/move/end/cancel), and to have the character align on the x coordinate of this event.
3) the intersection test is just a basic boundig box intersection check.
I made a very basic demo here, that uses touch, but also mouse to ease testing :,output
a lot of optimisations are possible here, but you will see that touches adjust the ship's position, and that collisions are detected, so it will hopefully lead you to your own solution
Edit : i added default to 0 for left, top, in case they were not set.
boilerplate code :
var collisionDisplay = document.getElementById('collisionDisplay');
// hero ship
var ship = document.getElementById('ship');
ship.onload = launchWhenReady ;
// bad ship
var shipBad = document.getElementById('shipBad');
shipBad.onload = launchWhenReady ;
// image loader
imagesCount = 2 ;
function launchWhenReady() {
imagesCount --;
if (imagesCount) return;
setInterval(animate, 20);
var shipBadY = 0;
touch events :
// listen any touch event
document.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchEvent, true);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchEvent, true);
document.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchEvent, true);
document.addEventListener('touchcancel', handleTouchEvent, true);
// will adjust ship's x to latest touch
function handleTouchEvent(e) {
if (e.touches.length === 0 ) return;
var touch = e.touches[0]; = (touch.pageX - ship.width / 2) + 'px';
animation :
// animation loop
function animate()  {
// move ship
shipBadY += 1; = Math.ceil(shipBadY) + 'px';
// test collision
var isColliding = testCollide(shipBad); = isColliding ? 'block' : 'none';
collision :
// collision test when the enemy and the ship are images
function testCollide(enemi) {
var shipPosX = parseInt( || 0 ;
var shipPosY = parseInt( || 0 ;
var shipWidth = ship.width ;
var shipHeight = ship.height;
var badX = parseInt( || 0 ;
var badY = parseInt( || 0 ;
var badWidth = enemi.width;
var badHeight = enemi.height;
return bBoxIntersect(shipPosX, shipPosY, shipWidth, shipHeight,
badX, badY, badWidth, badHeight);
EDIT : in case you're not using images :
// collision test when the enemy and the ship are ** NOT ** images
function testCollide(o) {
var characterPosX = parseInt(;
var characterPosY = parseInt(;
var characterWidth = parseInt(;
var characterHeight = parseInt(;
var obstacleX = parseInt( || 0 ;
var obstacleY = parseInt( || 0 ;
var obstacleWidth = parseInt(;
var obstacleHeight = parseInt(;
return boundingBoxIntersect(characterPosX, characterPosY, characterWidth, characterHeight, obstacleX, obstacleY, obstacleWidth, obstacleHeight);
function bBoxIntersect(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) {
return !(x1 + w1 < x2 || x1 > x2 + w2 || y1 + h1 < y2 || y1 > y2 + w2);
mouse events :
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Handle mouse event for easy testing on Browser
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseEvent);
function handleMouseEvent(e) { = (e.pageX - ship.width / 2) + 'px';

Can you use new Date().getMilliseconds() (or a different alternative) as a timer (like setTimeout or setInterval), and if so, how?

I have two setTimeout functions: one makes a div pop up randomly on the y axis, and one moves it vertically. These to need to be perfectly in sync, and setTimeout just doesn't cut it: the div has to reset its x position as soon as its y position becomes greater than the window height, before resetting to 0 to start anew. Something like that. I'm thinking of somehow integrating getMilliseconds, but any alternative will do.
Here's the current Javascript:
var width = window.outerWidth;
var height = window.outerHeight;
var h2 = height * 5;
function LR() {
setTimeout(function() {
var left = [];
var one = 1;
do {
while (one <= width);
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * left.length);
document.getElementById("test").style.left = random + "px";
}, h2);
function TB() {
setTimeout(function() {
var one = document.getElementById("test").offsetTop;
document.getElementById("test") = one + "px";
if (one == height) {
one == 0;
document.getElementById("test") = 0;
}, 2);
If you'd like to look at my full code, and/or preview, I've set up a JSFiddle: Thanks in advance.
Yes, for animations you always should check the current time - setTimeout/.Interval are absolutely unreliable and tend to drift.
To do that, just use and make your animation a mathematical function to get the position from time (easiest: linear movement).
As #JanDvorak already pointed out in the comments, you should consider performing all movements from the same timer. This will make the animation smoother as you don't change the DOM / styling too often - each frame is usually rendered only once. Also, this will ensure synchronity.
