I'm extending $resource with some methods, which using query, just for example:
var Resource = $resource(url, {}, {
query: {
cache: true
Resource.getByCategory = function (categoryId) {
return Resource.query({ categoryId: categoryId })
Resource.getBySearch = function (text) {
return Resource.query({ search: text })
I want to cache only the data which comes from getByCategory. as you can see, both methods use query, so I cannot define in the query configuration level - as I'm doing now and the data is cached for the both methods.
Any ideas? I thought about somehow using decorator for cached methods, not sure if it is going to help.
I have a problem with angular-ui typeahead component. It does not show values populated by angular resources, however using $http works well. I suppose I missing some trick here with asycn call and correct population of returned values.
Working code
$scope.searchForContact = function(val) {
return $http.get('/api/contacts/search', {
params: {
q: val
return response.data.map(function(item){
return item.name;
Not working code
$scope.searchForContact = function(val) {
return Contact.search({q: val}, function(response){
return response.map(function(item){
return item.name;
'use strict';
app.factory("Contact", function($resource, $http) {
var resource = $resource("/api/contacts/:id", { id: "#_id" },
'create': { method: 'POST' },
'index': { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
'search': { method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: '/api/contacts/search', params: true },
'show': { method: 'GET', isArray: false },
'update': { method: 'PUT' },
'destroy': { method: 'DELETE' }
return resource;
Pug template code
uib-typeahead='contact for contact in searchForContact($viewValue)'
|No Results Found
Angular resources are working fine, including search endpoint - I just output on page result returned by the search endpoint. In both results should be just an array with string values. What am I doing wrong?
The difference between $http.get and your Contact.search is that the first one returns a promise and the latter doesn't. Any $resource method will usually be resolved to the actual response. I'll show that with an example.
Getting data with $http
var httpResult = $http.get('http://some.url/someResource').then(function(response) {
return response.map(function(item) { return item.name });
The httpResult object contains a promise, so we need to use then method to get the actual data. Moreover, the promise will be resolved to the mapped array, which is the expected result.
Getting data with $resource
var someResource = $resource('http://some.url/someResource');
var resourceResult = someResource.query(function(response) {
return response.map(function(item) { return item.name });
The resourceResult isn't a promise here. It's a $resource object which will contain the actual data after the response comes from the server (in short, resourceResult will be the array of contacts - the original, not mapped, even though there is a map function). However, the $resource object contains a $promise property which is a promise similar to one returned by $http.get. It might be useful in this case.
I read in documentation that in order to make uib-typehead work properly, the $scope.searchForContact needs to return a promise. Instead of passing the callback function to search, I would simply chain it with the $promise from $resource object to make it work.
$scope.searchForContact = function(val) {
return Contact.search({q: val}).$promise.then(function(response){
return response.map(function(item){
return item.name;
Let me know if it works for you.
I am using ngResource in combination with ng-repeat and noticed that slow REST calls doesn't update the list properly. It keeps empty.
As far as I understood I need a binding between controller and ng-repeat element.
My resource and controller definition:
(function (configure) {
configure('loggingResource', loggingResource);
function loggingResource($resource, REST_CONFIG) {
return {
Technical: $resource(REST_CONFIG.baseUrl + REST_CONFIG.path + '/', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
(function (configure) {
configure('logController', logController);
function logController(loggingResource) {
var that = this;
loggingResource.Technical.query(function (data) {
that.logs = data;
//that.logs = loggingResource.Technical.query();
ng.repeat usage:
<tr class="table-row" ng-repeat="log in logController.logs">
What I have tried so far:
ng-bind in combination with ng-repeat
$q with deferrer
$promise of ngResource
What did I miss?
My try to get it on plnkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/t1c5Pxi7pzgocDMDNITX
The {{}} provides a default binding between your controller and view and you don't need to add anything explicitly. I have updated your plunkr with some minor changes to injected constants etc. and it is working.
// Code goes here
angular.module("loggingModule", ['ngResource']);
(function(configure) {
configure('loggingResource', loggingResource);
function loggingResource($resource) {
return {
Technical: $resource('https://api.github.com/users/addi90/repos', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true
(function(configure) {
configure('logController', logController);
function logController(loggingResource) {
var that = this;
that.logs = [{
title: 'test2'
loggingResource.Technical.query(function(data) {
that.logs = data;
//that.logs = loggingResource.Technical.query();
Since the api resource was not working, I have used my github repo api link there
The updated working plunkr is available here: https://plnkr.co/edit/cederzcAGCPVzc5xTeac?p=preview
Try to use
so you prevent to reinitialise the logs list. If you override the logs list and the ng-repeat is initialised before the logs list it seems to not be resolved.
Your logs list is set correctly after the rest call?
I am attempting to build a generic filter which needs to be able to handle - based on configuration - parameters. Both a resource instance and a service.
I have the following factory code:
angular.module('sample').factory('Sample', function($resource) {
var methods = {
search: {
method: 'POST',
isArray: true
var Sample = new $resource('/sample', methods);
Sample.prototype.elasticFilter = function (search) {
var query = {
query: {
filtered: {
query: {
wildcard: {
name: '*' + search.toLowerCase() + '*'
return this.$search(query);
return Sample;
Now if I do the following in my directive:
scope.search = function (search) {
Sample.elasticFilter(search).$promise.then(function () {
this results in
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
printing out Sample.elasticFilter(search), the result is directly a Promise.
Modifying the directive to read directily off Sample.elasticFilter(search).then results in:
TypeError: value.push is not a function.
For non-instance-resources (e.g. NOT newed up, rather service directly), .$promise works fine.
Why is this happening? How can I work around it? When does a resource have a $promise, and when does it not?
This appears to be a "feature" https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/11767
The only way to really work around this is to not use isArray on instance level resource methods.
Say I have a collection (of search results, for example) which needs to be populated and a pagination model that needs to take values for current page, total number of pages, etc. In my controller, I make a GET call to an API which returns both search results and pagination information. How, then, can I fetch all this information and parse it into a collection and a separate model? Is this possible?
I am using AirBNB's Rendr, which allows you to use a uniform code base to run Backbone on both the server and the client. Rendr forces me to parse the API response as an array of models, keeping me from being able to access pagination information.
In Rendr, my controller would look like this:
module.exports = {
index: function (params, callback) {
var spec = {
pagination: { model: 'Pagination', params: params },
collection: { collection: 'SearchResults', params: params }
this.app.fetch(spec, function (err, result) {
callback(err, result);
I apologize if this is not clear enough. Feel free to ask for more information!
This is super old so you've probably figured it out by now (or abandoned it). This is as much a backbone question as a Rendr one since the API response is non-standard.
Backbone suggests that if you have a non-standard API response then you need to override the parse method for your exact data format.
If you really want to break it up, the way you may want to code it is:
a Pagination Model
a Search Results Collection
a Search Result Model
and most importantly a Search Model with a custom parse function
index: function (params, callback) {
var spec = {
model: { model: 'Search', params: params }
this.app.fetch(spec, function (err, result) {
callback(err, result);
Search Model
var Base = require('./base'),
_ = require('underscore');
module.exports = Base.extend({
url: '/api/search',
parse: function(data) {
if (_.isObject(data.paginationInfo)) {
data.paginationInfo = this.app.modelUtils.getModel('PaginationInfo', data.paginationInfo, {
app: this.app
if (_.isArray(data.results)) {
data.results = this.app.modelUtils.getCollection('SearchResults', data.results, {
app: this.app,
params: {
searchQuery: data.searchQuery // replace with real parameters for client-side caching.
return data;
module.exports.id = 'Search';
Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way, i'm not sure, but I have 2 services, one is a user service which gets a bunch of details about the user from the server, the other being one that relies on some user details from the user service and then makes some more calls to the server to get other information.
Anyway, because of the async stuff that goes on when the 2nd service makes the calls the information required from the user server has not yet been populated.
I know Angular services can depend on one another, but not in this context it would appear?
factory('User', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource(usersUrl, {}, {
//The data model is loaded via a GET request to the app
query: {method: 'GET', params: {}, isArray: false},
putupdate: {method: 'PUT', params:{}}
.factory('UserData', function() {
var data = {}
data.userinfo = {};
if(data = {}){
return {
updateinfo: function(newdata) {
data.userinfo = newdata;
// alert(data.userinfo.user)
userinfo: data
.factory('PlansData', ['UserData', 'User', '$rootScope', function(userData, user, $rootScope) {
var data = {}
data.plansinfo = {};
if(data = {}){
return {
updateinfo: function(newdata) {
data.plansinfo = newdata;
plansinfo: data
So I have a user service and a caching userdata service, but if I ever try and call anything from UserData in the PlansData service I get undefined.
How do I get plansData to wait for UserData to have some data?
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but this line of code:
if(data = {}){
In both your services is wiping out your data object. You're setting the whole data object to be {}