How do I use #DbLookup results to populate a Readers field in xpages? - javascript

db = new Array("myserver", "myfolder\\mydb.nsf")
dir = getComponent("Dir").value;
div = getComponent("Div").value;
lu = #DbLookup(db, "ManagerAccess", dir + "PP" + div, "DTManagers");
var a = [];
var item:NotesItem = docBackEnd.replaceItemValue('FormReaders', #Unique(a));
That code is on the querySaveDocument ssjs. The result I get from the #DbLookup (when I put in a computed field) look like this:
Pedro Martinez,Manny Ramirez,David Ortiz,Terry Francona
I tried doing an #Explode(#Implode) thing on it, but it doesn't seem to work.
The error I get in the browser just tells me that the replaceItemValue line is broken.
To test it, I pushed several strings one at a time, and it worked correctly populating my FormReaders field with the multiple entries.
What am I doing wrong?

I see several problems here:
A. In cases as described by you #Dblookup in fact would return an array. If you push an array into a plain computedField control it will exactly look as that you wrote:
value1, value2, ..., valueN
A computedField doesn't know anything about multiple values etc, it just can display strings, or data that can be converted to strings.
If you want to test the return value you could try to return something like lu[0]; you then should receive the array's 1st element, or a runtime error, if lu is NOT an array. Or you could ask for the array's size using lu.length. That returns the number of array elements, or the number of characters if it's just a plain string.
B. your code contains these two lines:
var a = [];
By that you create an empty array, then push lu[] to the first element of a[]. The result is something like this:
a[0] = [value1, value2, ..., valueN],
i.e. a is an array where the first element contains another array. Since you don't want that, just use #Unique(lu) in your replaceItemValue-method.
C. I don't see why replaceItemValue would throw an error here, apart from what I wrote in topic B. Give it a try by writing lu directly to the item (first without #Unique). That should work.
D. for completeness: in the first line you used "new Array". A much better way to define your db parameters is
var db = ["myserver", "myfolder/mydb.nsf"];
(see Tim Tripcony's comment in your recent question, or see his blog entry at


Use multiple key-value filters on an object of objects?

Bit of a lengthy one so those of you who like a challenge (or I'm simply not knowledgeable enough - hopefully it's an easy solution!) read on!
(skip to the actual question part to skip the explanation and what I've tried)
I have a site that has a dataset that contains an object with multiple objects inside. Each of those objects contains an array, and within that array there are multiple objects. (yes this is painful but its from an API and I need to use this dataset without changing or modifying it.) I am trying to filter the dataset based of the key-value pairs in the final object. However, I have multiple filters being executed at once.
Example of Path before looping which retrieves the key-value pair needed for one hall.
["Hamilton Hall"]["Hire Options"][2].Commercial
After Looping Path of required key-value pair for all halls, not just one (the hall identifier is stored):
[0]["Hire Options"][2].Commercial
Looping allows me to check each hall for a specific key-value pair (kind of like map or forEach, but for an object).
After getting that out of the way back to the question.
How would I go about filtering which of the looped objects are displayed?
What I have Tried
(userInput is defined elsewhere - this happens on a btn click btw)
let results = Object.keys(halls);
for (key of results) {
let weekend = [halls[ `${key}` ][ 'Hire Options' ][4][ 'Weekend function' ]];
if(userInput == weekend) {
outputAll([halls[ `${key}` ]]);
That filters it fine. However, I run into an issue here. I want to filter by multiple queries, and naturally adding an AND into the if statement doesn't work. I also dont want to have 10 if statements (I have 10+ filters of various data types I need to sort by).
I have recently heard of ternary operators, but do not know enough about them to know if that is the correct thing to do? If so, how? Also had a brief loook at switches, but doesnt seem to look like what I want (correct me if I am wrong.)
Actual Question minus the babble/explanation
Is there a way for me to dynamically modify an if statements conditions? Such as adding or removing conditions of an if statement? Such as if the filter for 'a' is set to off, remove the AND condition for 'a' in the if statement? This would mean that the results would only filter with the active filters.
Any help, comments or 'why haven't you tried this' remark are greatly appreciated!
Just for extra reference, here is the code for retrieving each of the objects from the first object as it loops through them:
(Looping Code)
halls = data[ 'Halls' ];
let results = Object.keys(halls);
for (key of results) {
let arr = [halls[ `${key}` ]];
You can use Array.filter on the keys array - you can structure the logic for a match how you like - just make it return true if a match is found and the element needs to be displayed.
let results = Object.keys(halls);
results.filter(key => {
if (userInput == halls[key]['Hire Options'][4]['Weekend function']) {
return true;
if (some other condition you want to match) {
return true;
return false;
}).forEach(key => outputAll([halls[key]]));

Counting a particular word in a string using Zapier code

I use Zapier to automate many of our business functions, which is great, but I got stuck trying to count the number of arrays or, if you like, a particular word pattern that comes from a string. I can tidy up the string with Zapier formatter, but cannot figure out how to carry out a count.
Here is an example of a tidied string where " have been removed:
In this instance I would want the count on say "Name" to return 4.
I have looked at different code examples for counting words but cannot execute them correctly in the code action of Zapier. This is probably really straight forward but I do not come from a coding background so a simple Java (or Python) script to drop into the Zapier code action or some pointers on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
What are you really trying to achieve by trying to count the word?
Do you just want to know the number of objects the array contains? If that is the case something like this would work. Assuming that the array is in your inputData for the code step.
var data = JSON.stringify([{'Name':'Jon', 'Surname':'Smith'},{'Name':'David','Surname':'Michael'},{'Name':'Sam','Surname':'Fields'},{'Name':'Katy','Surname':'Milnes'}]);
var inputData = {objArr: data};
// Do not insert the above lines in your code step.
// Set the objArr to your array in the inputData step.
var parsedObjArr = JSON.parse(inputData.objArr);
// Skip the above step if the array is not in the inputData object.
var arrLen = parsedObjArr.length
console.log('Array Length: ', arrLen);
// The line below outputs data from the code step.
output = {arrLen}
Also note, you do not need to remove the quotes from the JSON string.
If the array is not in the inputData of the code step, you can just directly use the length method on the array.
Well in Python you can convert the json string into dictionary with key as the name. Length of dictionary is what you are looking for. Here is the example:
import json
from collections import defaultdict
x=json.dumps([{'Name':'Jon', 'Surname':'Smith'},{'Name':'David','Surname':'Michael'},{'Name':'Sam','Surname':'Fields'},{'Name':'Katy','Surname':'Milnes'}])
for obj in json_string:
if(obj['Name'] in d):
d[obj['Name']].append([obj['Name']+' '+obj['Surname']])
d[obj['Name']]=[obj['Name']+' '+obj['Surname']]

How can I treat an imported value like an array?

I'm trying to generate a google form that has a few hundred options in a drop down.
I have all the name values in a single cell formatted as follows:
It is set as in the code as follows:
var studentNames = SpreadsheetApp.openById('REDACTED').getSheetByName('Student List').getRange(3,3).getValues();
When I use this variable as shown below it treats it all as a singe value instead of an array.
Any help in where to go from here?
is it a string of words with single quotes and a comma to separate them? if so, you can just do a split on the comma
var s = data
var arr = s.split(",");
and now you will have an array of strings. not sure if this answers your question.
Thanks everyone for getting me pointed in the right direction.
Turns out split was just part of the answer, I had to turn it into a string first.
getValues() returns an object, so you need to interact with it to get the string of values for your array.
Given you are selecting just one cell and so don't need to iterate through the object, try something like this:
var studentNamesObj = SpreadsheetApp.openById('REDACTED').getSheetByName('Student List').getRange(3,3).getValues();
var studentNames = studentNamesObj[0][0].split(",");

Checking for equivelance

OK, I'm missing something here and I just can't seem to find it because the logic seems correct to me, but I'm certain I'm not seeing the error.
var VisibleMarkers = function() {
var filtered = _.reject(, function(marker) {
return marker.grade != $('.mapDataGrade').val() && !_.contains(marker.subjects,$('.mapDataSubjects').val())
return filtered
I'm using underscore.js and jQuery to simplify my javascript work.
So right now, I'm checking by means of selects which data gets to be rejected and then I display the filtered markers on the (google) map (if it helps at all, this is using gmaps4rails which is working perfectly fine, its this bit of javascript that's making me lose the last of the hairs on my head).
Currently, the code functions 100% correctly for the ".mapDataGrade" select, but the ".mapDataSubjects" isn't. Now the markers object has a json array of the subjects (this is for students) and each item in the array has its ID. Its this ID that I am supposed to be checking.
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong?
If there's more info that needs to be included, please let me know.
This is on plain javascript on a RoR application using gmaps4rails
Now the markers object has a json array of the subjects (this is for students) and each item in the array has its ID. Its this ID that I am supposed to be checking.
_.contains compares a values, but it sounds like you want your iterator to compare a value to an object's "id" property. For that, _.some would work; it's like contains, except that, instead of comparing values, you can write the comparison as a function:
Returns true if any of the values in the list pass the iterator truth test.
Here's how you'd use it:
!_.some(marker.subjects, function(subject) {
return == $('.mapDataSubjects').val();
If I'm right, the whole line should be like this:
return marker.grade != $('.mapDataGrade').val() &&
// check that none of the subjects is a match
!_.some(marker.subjects, function(subject) {
// the current subject is a match if its ID matches the selected value
return == $('.mapDataSubjects').val();

JavaScript - Get all but last item in array

This is my code:
function insert(){
var loc_array = document.location.href.split('/');
var linkElement = document.getElementById("waBackButton");
var linkElementLink = document.getElementById("waBackButtonlnk");
linkElementLink.href = loc_array[loc_array.length];
I want linkElementLink.href to grab everything but the last item in the array. Right now it is broken, and the item before it gets the second-to-last item.
I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to do. But you can use slice to slice the array:
loc_array = loc_array.slice(0, -1);
Use pathname in preference to href to retrieve only the path part of the link. Otherwise you'll get unexpected results if there is a ?query or #fragment suffix, or the path is / (no parent).
linkElementLink.href= location.pathname.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
(But then, surely you could just say:)
linkElementLink.href= '.';
Don't do this:
Setting HTML from an arbitrary string is dangerous. If the URL you took this text from contains characters that are special in HTML, like < and &, users could inject markup. If you could get <script> in the URL (which you shouldn't be able to as it's invalid, but some browser might let you anyway) you'd have cross-site-scripting security holes.
To set the text of an element, instead of HTML, either use document.createTextNode('string') and append it to the element, or branch code to use innerText (IE) or textContent (other modern browsers).
If using lodash one could employ _.initial(array):
_.initial(array): Gets all but the last element of array.
_.initial([1, 2, 3]);
// → [1, 2]
Depending on whether or not you are ever going to reuse the array you could simply use the pop() method one time to remove the last element.
linkElementLink.href = loc_array[loc_array.length]; adds a new empty slot in the array because arrays run from 0 to array.length-1; So you returning an empty slot.
linkElement.innerHTML=loc_array[loc_array.length-2]; if you use the brackets you are only getting the contents of one index. I'm not sure if that is what you want? The next section tells how to get more than one index.
To get what you want you need for the .href you need to slice the array.
linkElementLink.href = loc_array.slice(0,loc_array.length-1);
or using a negative to count from the end
linkElementLink.href = loc_array.slice(0,-1);
and this is the faster way.
Also note that when getting to stuff straight from the array you will get the same as the .toString() method, which is item1, item2, item3. If you don't want the commas you need to use .join(). Like array.join('-') would return item1-item2-item3. Here is a list of all the array methods It is a good resource for doing this.
.slice(number you want)
if you just want the first 4 elements in an array its array.slice(3)
doing a negative number starts from the end of the array
