Dynamically arrange words into array based on task number - javascript

I'm making a language learning RPG. A task will be for a user to select words from a word bank that get placed into a text box. Once they submit the words, I want to parse the string to check the word order to make sure they have constructed the sentence in a grammatical way.
Originally, I was going to hardcode each sentence per task. But I would prefer to have a database full of single words... and based on the current task, the task would dictate how the words should be loaded into the array to be compared against the user's input.
For example:
Task 1: User needs to type in "Ni Hao Wo Shi." The task # will do something like wordOrder.push("Ni", "Hao", "Wo", "Shi") from the word bank (which is an object words that stores all words in an object).
Task 2: User types in "Wo Shi Dan." Again, the task # this time will tell it to clear the array, and load it as wordOrder.push("Wo", "Shi", "Dan")...
But I also don't want to have a bunch of if else blocks that hardcode which words to push into the array, because then I might as well hardcode the sentences. I would rather they dynamically be pulled from the words object and put in order like
Task 1: wordOrder(0, 2, 1, 3)
Task 2: wordOrder(1, 2, 3)
var words = {
"task1" :
'Ni' : 'you',
'Wo' : 'I',
'Hao' : 'good',
'Shi' : 'am'
"task2" :
'Xie Xie' : 'Thanks',
'Bu' : 'No',
'Ke Qi' : 'Manners'
/*Check player sentence input to see if grammar is correct*/
function submitMe() {
var input = document.getElementById('textBox').value;
//if quest = 1, the words in the word bank should be checked in the order specified by quest
//compare input against word order of that quest
if ($.trim(input) == getWordOrder(currentTask)) {
alert("You are correct");
else {
alert("Please try again");
<input type="text" id="textBox" value="" />
<button onclick="submitMe()" id="testButton" >Submit Response </button>
Eventually these words will be loaded into a database. I'm just testing a concept now. Any guidance on this would be helpful.

Here are my changes / updates that hopefully helped:
html: added this div for the word bank below the submit button
<div id="words"></div>
var currentTask = 1,
numberOfTasks = 0;
// assuming "Ni", "Hao", "Wo", "Shi" is the correct phrasing for task 1:
var words = {
"task1" :
'Ni' : 'you',
'Hao' : 'good',
'Wo' : 'I',
'Shi' : 'am'
"task2" :
'Xie Xie' : 'Thanks',
'Bu' : 'No',
'Ke Qi' : 'Manners'
// get number of tasks in words object
for (var key in words) {
/*Check player sentence input to see if grammar is correct*/
submitMe = function() {
var input = document.getElementById('textBox').value;
var correctOrder = getWordOrder().join(' ').toLowerCase();
if ($.trim(input.toLowerCase()) == correctOrder) {
alert("You are correct");
$('#textBox').val(''); // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7174265/reset-textbox-value-in-javascript
else {
alert("Please try again");
loadNextLevel = function() {
if (currentTask <= numberOfTasks) {
var taskNum = "task" + currentTask,
wordList = [];
for (var word in words[taskNum]) {
var temp = {};
temp[word] = words[taskNum][word];
wordList = shuffle(wordList);
for (var i = 0; i < wordList.length; i++) {
for (var w in wordList[i]) {
$('#words').append("<div class='word' onclick='addText(this)'>"+w+" : "+wordList[i][w]+"</div>");
} else {
alert('you win! a.k.a. there are no more tasks to complete');
addText = function(me) {
var chineseWord = $.trim(me.innerHTML.split(':')[0]);
var textElement = document.getElementById('textBox');
if (textElement.value.length > 0) {
textElement.value += " ";
textElement.value += chineseWord;
getWordOrder = function() {
var taskNum = "task" + currentTask,
order = [];
for (var word in words[taskNum]) {
return order;
shuffle = function(o){ //v1.0
for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x);
return o;
css I added to make the word bank look better:
.word {
border-style: solid;
margin: 5px;
padding: 2px;
.word:active {
background-color: green;
All put together here! Let me know whatcha think!


Javascript - a problem with a two-step text input word conversion

Here I am making a word conversion tool which changes a certain word X into Y, or X to Y to Z by using javascript.
Progress: HERE
Here is the entire javascript:
var conversion = {
var conversion2 = {
var maxLength = Object.keys(conversion)
.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b)
function convert (text) {
var converted = "";
var cur = 0;
while (cur < text.length) {
var testedPhoneme;
var symbol = undefined;
for (var length = maxLength; length > 0; length --) {
testedPhoneme = text.substr(cur, length);
if (conversion[testedPhoneme]) {
symbol = conversion[testedPhoneme];
break; // stop the loop
if (symbol) {
converted += symbol;
cur += testedPhoneme.length;
else {
converted += text[cur]
return converted
var maxLength2 = Object.keys(conversion2)
.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b)
function convert2 (text) {
var converted2 = "";
var cur2 = 0;
while (cur2 < text.length) {
var testedPhoneme2;
var symbol2 = undefined;
for (var length = maxLength2; length > 0; length --) {
testedPhoneme2 = text.substr(cur2, length);
if (conversion2[testedPhoneme2]) {
symbol2 = conversion2[testedPhoneme2];
break; // stop the loop
if (symbol2) {
converted2 += symbol2;
cur2 += testedPhoneme2.length;
else {
converted2 += text[cur2]
return converted2
function onInputTextChange(txt) {
var outputTextareaElem = document.getElementById("output_textarea");
var div = document.createElement("div");
var outputHtmlEntities = convert(txt);
div.innerHTML = outputHtmlEntities;
outputTextareaElem.value = div.innerText;
function onOutputTextChange(txt) {
var outputTextareaElem2 = document.getElementById("output_textarea2");
var div = document.createElement("div");
var outputHtmlEntities2 = convert2(txt);
div.innerHTML = outputHtmlEntities2;
outputTextareaElem2.value = div.innerText;
In the page that I made so far, there are three <textarea>s; Input, Output and Output2.
Currently, thanks to this piece of code;
var conversion = {
var conversion2 = {
If one is typed into Input, Output renders two. If two is manually typed into Output, three gets rendered in Output2.
Here is the problem, I want to render three in Output2 only through typing one into Input, but a direct two-step conversion seems unavailable yet. In other words, Input > Output (one > two) and Output > Output2 (two > three) conversion is available, but Input > Output > Output2 (one > two > three) is unavailable.
What needs to be done to solve this? Any help would be appreciated.
Ok, not exactly what you asked, but I could do something that works
Here is the example : https://jsfiddle.net/alias_gui3/8knw57u0/94/
how to use it :
to add new characters OR new languages/scripts
just complete the dictionnary :
var dictionnary = [
latin: "u",
japanese: "う",
emoji: "👋"
// add any script for every characters
latin: "ku",
japanese: "く",
emoji: "👀"
latin: "tsu",
japanese: "つ",
emoji: "🤖"
// add any character with the same format
to add new textareas :
give your textarea a recognizable id (eg. id="cyrillic")
then connect your textarea with this method:
// connect your textareas below !!
// add new textarea with a new language here
then all the connections are done, you can edit all your textareas, if they recognise a character they will translate it in all the other textareas
full code
var dictionnary = [
latin: "u",
japanese: "う",
emoji: "👋"
// add any script for every characters
latin: "ku",
japanese: "く",
emoji: "👀"
latin: "tsu",
japanese: "つ",
emoji: "🤖"
// add any character with the same format
// calculate the max length for each language :
var max = {}
char => {
Object.keys(char).forEach(script => {
max[script] = max[script]
? char[script].length > max[script]
? char[script].length
: max[script]
: char[script].length
)// now max contains the maximum length of sequence
// for each language
function findSymbol (
) {
for (var i = 0; i < dictionnary.length; i++) {
var char = dictionnary[i];
if (char[originScript] === originSymbol) {
return char[destinationScript]
return false // if not found
function translate (
) {
var cur = 0;
var translated = "";
var maxLength = max[originScript]
while (cur < text.length) {
var testedPhoneme;
var symbol = false;
for (var length=maxLength; length > 0; length--) {
testedPhoneme = text.substr(cur, length);
symbol = findSymbol(
if (symbol) {
break; // stop the loop
if (symbol) {
translated += symbol;
cur += testedPhoneme.length;
else {
translated += text[cur];
return translated
var textareas = []; // the list of your textareas
function addTextArea(element, originScript) {
element: element,
script: originScript
element.addEventListener("input", function (e) {
signalTextChanged(element, originScript)
function signalTextChanged (
) {
var originText = originElement.value;
textareas.forEach(function (textarea) {
if (textarea.element !== originElement) {
var translated = translate(
textarea.element.value = translated;
// connect your textareas below !!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
<h1>Latin to foreign script converter 3</h1>
<p>type in u, ku, tsu in the FIRST panel</p>
placeholder="type text in latin ! (u ku or tsu)"
placeholder="type text in japanese !"
placeholder="type text in emojis !!"
I'm not sure if I fully understand what you're trying to achieve here
There are some duplications in your code, what if you'll have 10 fields for output, will you create a special function for each of them?
Try to simplify things.
One way would be to loop through all of your lists as follows:
Put all your conversation in a list
var lists = [conversion, conversion2];
Add isInNextList function to check if your text is a key in the next list
function isInNextList(index, key) {
if (lists.length < index) {
return false;
return Object.keys(lists[index]).includes(key);
change your onInputTextChange function as follow:
function onInputTextChange(txt) {
var index = 0;
var text = txt;
while (isInNextList(index, text)) {
var outputTextareaElem = document.getElementById(
'output_textarea_' + index
var div = document.createElement('div');
text = lists[index][text]; //next key
div.innerHTML = text;
outputTextareaElem.value = div.innerText;
change your output textarea's ids to contain the index
There are other improvements that can be made like:
Creating the output fields dynamically,
Clear output fields etc.

Can't Get Variable to Add Properly

I have a variable++; in an if/else statement (it being in the else part). It's supposed to add 1 to a score of how many wrong guesses one has.
For some reason it never adds just one, it will also add numbers ranging from 3 to 7 whenever I submit a 'guess'. Can you guys tell me if I'm looping wrong or something? Please try to explain in detail.
EDIT: I realized part of the problem. The tries++; is actually looping once for each letter [var]choice didn't match or equal. For instance if I enter "a" for "apple" tries++; will loop four times because of the four other characters. So how do I get it to only loop only once instead of adding one for each missed character?
This is my code.
// JavaScript Document
var words = new Array("apple","orange","banana","lime","mango","lemon","avacado","pineapple","kiwi","plum","watermelon","peach");
var randomNum;
var word;
var tries = 0;
$('#guess').prop('disabled', true);
$('#guess').prop('disabled', false);
word = "";
randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)
for (var i =0; i < words[randomNum].length; i++) {
word += "*";
$('#guess').click(function guess(){
var choice = $('#letter').val().toLowerCase();
for (var i =0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (words[randomNum].charAt(i) == choice) {
word = word.substr(0, i) + choice + word.substr(i + 1);
if (words[randomNum].charAt(i) !== choice) {
if (tries < 7) {
} else if (tries >= 7)
$('#tries').html("YOU LOSE");
$('#' + choice).css("background-color", "red");
Got it working!
The issue is related to the tries variable, inside the for loop (per letter). In order to see the odd behavior add a console.log(tries); in your code, inside the loop and you will see. At first time it will increase in 1 then the value will change completely (I will suggest some debugging here to understand what's going on with more accuracy since I did this real quick). The solution is increasing the variable out of the for loop context to make it work (I did this in the provided example from the bottom).
By the way, it seems that you are trying to implement a "Hangman" game and to be honest, when implementing those things you need to be really organized.
I fixed your issue, improved the code a lot and also considered other possible game scenarios like:
Play Again
Game Over
Go Back
Please take a look. Just to know, HTML and CSS are just improvisations made for this example, some improvements are needed so just take them as a reference.
Update: What you had put in the EDIT part from your post is correct.
You can run this script at the bottom.
// Game variables
var GAME_WORDS = [ // List of words available when playing
GAME_MASKED_WORD = '', // Stores the masked word to be discovered
GAME_SELECTED_WORD = '', // Stores the readable word
GAME_PLAYER_ATTEMPTS = 0, // Stores player attempts when failing
GAME_RANDOM_NUMBER = 0, // Random number to pick a word
GAME_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 7, // Max. player attempts before a game over
GAME_UI_COMPONENTS = { // UI components declaration
start: $('#start'),
reset: $('#reset'),
back: $('#back'),
guess: $('#guess'),
msg: $('#msg'),
word: $('#word'),
letter: $('#letter')
GAME_UI_SECTIONS = { // UI sections declaration
menu: $('#menu'),
game: $('#game')
$(function() {;
// Initialize game
// Start button handler
ui.start.on('click', function(e) {
// Guess button handler
ui.guess.on('click', function(e) {
// Play Again button handler
ui.reset.on('click', function(e) {
// Go Back button handler
ui.back.on('click', function(e) {
* Used to initialize the game for first time
function init() {
var sections = GAME_UI_SECTIONS;
* Used to start the game
function start() {
sections = GAME_UI_SECTIONS,
words = GAME_WORDS;
GAME_RANDOM_NUMBER = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length);
for (var i = 0; i < words[GAME_RANDOM_NUMBER].length; ++i) {
* Guess button handler
function guess() {
words = GAME_WORDS,
matches = false,
// Clean messages each time player do a guess
if (ui.letter && ui.letter.val()) {
choice = $.trim(ui.letter.val().toLowerCase());
if (choice) {
for (var i = 0; i < GAME_MASKED_WORD.length; ++i) {
if (words[GAME_RANDOM_NUMBER].charAt(i) === choice) {
GAME_MASKED_WORD = GAME_MASKED_WORD.substr(0, i) + choice +
GAME_MASKED_WORD.substr(i + 1);
matches = true;
if (!matches) {
} else {
showMsg('Please type a letter.');
// Show attempts left if more than zero
showMsg('You have ' +
' attempt(s) left.');
// Check game status each time doing a guess
if (isGameOver()) {
} else if (isGameWin()) {
} else {
* Used to set all game variables from the scratch
function reset() {
* Handler when player lose the game
function lose() {
showMsg('You Lose!');
* Handler when player win the game
function win() {
showMsg('You Win!');
* Use to print UI messages for the player
function showMsg(msg) {
* Check game status, if player is going to lose the game
* #returns Boolean
function isGameOver() {
* Check game status, if player is going to win the game
* #returns Boolean
function isGameWin() {
.btn {
cursor: pointer;
span#msg {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
.text {
font-size: 3em;
input#letter {
width: 30px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="menu">
<span class="text">Hangman!</span>
<img src="http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130207191137/scribblenauts/images/0/01/Hangman.png" height="200" width="120"/>
<input type="button" class="btn" id="start" value="Start Game"/>
<div id="game">
<span id="msg"></span>
Letter: <input type="text" id="letter" value="" maxlength="1"/>
<input type="button" class="btn" id="guess" value="Guess"/>
<input type="button" class="btn" id="reset" value="Play Again"/>
<input type="button" class="btn" id="back" value="Go Back"/>
Word: <div id="word" class="text"></div>
Hope this helps.
try this one:
Modify guess click handler like this:
$('#guess').click(function guess(){
var choice = $('#letter').val().toLowerCase(),
found = false;
for (var i =0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (words[randomNum].charAt(i) == choice) {
word = word.substr(0, i) + choice + word.substr(i + 1);
found = true
if (tries < 7) {
} else if (tries >= 7){
$('#tries').html("YOU LOSE");
$('#' + choice).css("background-color", "red");
Also on start reset the tries:
$('#guess').prop('disabled', false);
word = ""; tries = 0;

unexpected output value from procedural code

I have this piece of javascript that won't work. It is supposed to take the user input and store it into the player input variable. Then, it splits the string that is returned and splits it into an array which is then converted into an object by the function oc(). Finally, the function analyzeUserInput finds keywords in the input object and places text into the paragraph element called text accordingly. In this example if the user types in slash, poke, slice, hack, etc and the word "sword" the paragraph element is supposed to say "you did 4 damage!" but it doesn't. here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>"oh no theres a monster whatchya gonna do?"</p>
<input id="plyrInput" type="text" />
<button onclick="analyzeUserInput()">Try it</button>
<p id="text"></p>
var plyrInput;
var plyrInputArray;
var plyrInputAnalysis;
function oc() {
plyrInputArray = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrInputArray.length; ++i) {
plyrInputObj[plyrInputArray[i]] = ' ';
return plyrInputObj;
function analyzeUserInput() {
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").text;
if (plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['use', 'slash', 'hack', 'wield', 'slice', 'sever', 'dismember', 'poke', 'cripple', 'maim', 'mutilate', 'chop', 'rend']) && plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['sword'])) {
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did 4 damage with your sword!";
var plyrInput;
var plyrInputArray;
var plyrInputAnalysis;
function oc() {
plyrInputArray = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrInputArray.length; ++i) {
//storing these values in an object being blank is not really needed at all!
//plyrInputObj[plyrInputArray[i]] = ' ';
plyrInputObj[i] = plyrInputArray[i]; //acceptable or use the array itself!
return plyrInputObj;
function analyzeUserInput() {
//plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").text;//no such property as text
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").value;
//you ran this function without storing it so we can't use it
var plyrAction = oc();
//you call an undefined variable `plyrInputAnalysis`. So what are we going to do with it?
if (plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['use', 'slash', 'hack', 'wield', 'slice', 'sever', 'dismember', 'poke', 'cripple', 'maim', 'mutilate', 'chop', 'rend']) && plyrInputAnalysis in oc(['sword'])) {
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did 4 damage with your sword!";
Now for the fix:
var plyrInput;
var plyrInputArray;
var plyrInputAnalysis;
//added an acitonList for later usage for yourself
var actionList = {
function oc() {
plyrInputArray = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrInputArray.length; ++i) {
plyrInputObj[i] = plyrInputArray[i];
return plyrInputObj;
function analyzeUserInput() {
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").value;
var plyrAction = oc(); //cached the returned value from oc
for(var item in plyrAction){ //looping through the plyrActions object
if(actionList[plyrAction[item]]){ //if there is a plyrAction that matches the actionsList we'll continue.
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did "+actionList[plyrAction[item]]+" damage with your sword!";
Though this could seems more complicated than it needs to be I went off your original methodology, you could create a better instance of this code for an RPG game, though it would be good to look into an IIFE to wrap this in and minimize a lot of the code instead of multiple functions.
For instance
function analyzeUserInput() {
plyrInput = document.getElementById("plyrInput").value;
var plyrAction = plyrInput.split(' ');
var plyrInputObj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < plyrAction.length; ++i) {
plyrInputObj[i] = plyrAction[i];
for(var item in plyrInputObj ){
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "You did "+actionList[plyrInputObj[item]]+" damage with your sword!";

jQuery "keyup" crashing page when checking 'Word Count'

I have a word counter running on a DIV and after typing in a few words, the page crashes. The browser continues to work (par scrolling) and no errors are showing in Chrome's console. Not sure where I'm going wrong...
It all started when I passed "wordCount(q);" in "keyup". I only passed it there as it would split-out "NaN" instead of a number to countdown from.
var spliced = 200;
}) ;
var spliced = 600;
}) ;
function wordCount(q) {
var content_text = $('.message1').text(),
char_count = content_text.length;
if (char_count != 0)
var word_count = q - content_text.replace(/[^\w ]/g, "").split(/\s+/).length;
$('.word_count').html(word_count + " words remaining...");
$('.message1').keyup(function() {
if (new Number( word_count ) < 0) {
else {
} catch (error)
<input type="checkbox" name="entry.3.group" value="1/6" class="size1" id="group_3_1">
<input type="checkbox" name="entry.3.group" value="1/4" class="size1" id="group_3_2">
<div id="entry.8.single" class="message1" style="height: 400px; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden;" contenteditable="true"> </div>
<span class="word_count" id="good"></span>
Thanks in advanced!
This is causing an infinite loop if (new Number(word_count) < 0) {.
Your code is a mess altogether. Just study and start with more basic concepts and start over. If you want to describe your project to me in a comment, I would be glad to show you a good, clean, readable approach.
Part of having a good architecture in your code is to keep different parts of your logic separate. No part of your code should know about or use anything that isn't directly relevant to it. Notice in my word counter that anything it does it immediately relevant to its word-counter-ness. Does a word counter care about what happens with the count? Nope. It just counts and sends the result away (wherever you tell it to, via the callback function). This isn't the only approach, but I just wanted to give you an idea of how to approach things more sensefully.
Live demo here (click).
/* what am I creating? A word counter.
* How do I want to use it?
* -Call a function, passing in an element and a callback function
* -Bind the word counter to that element
* -When the word count changes, pass the new count to the callback function
window.onload = function() {
var countDiv = document.getElementById('count');
wordCounter.bind(countDiv, displayCount);
//you can pass in whatever function you want. I made one called displayCount, for example
var wordCounter = {
current : 0,
bind : function(elem, callback) {
this.handleIfChanged(elem, callback);
var that = this;
elem.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
that.handleIfChanged(elem, callback);
handleIfChanged : function(elem, callback) {
var count = this.countWords(elem);
if (count !== this.current) {
this.current = count;
countWords : function(elem) {
var text = elem.textContent;
var words = text.match(/(\w+\b)/g);
return (words) ? words.length : 0;
ensureEditable : function(elem) {
if (
elem.getAttribute('contenteditable') !== 'true' &&
elem.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA' &&
elem.nodeName !== 'INPUT'
) {
elem.setAttribute('contenteditable', true);
var display = document.getElementById('display');
function displayCount(count) {
//this function is called every time the word count changes
//do whatever you want...the word counter doesn't care.
display.textContent = 'Word count is: '+count;
I would do probably something like this
var wordsLimit = 50;
$('#group_3_1').click(function () {
wordsLimit = 200;
$('#group_3_2').click(function () {
wordsLimit = 600;
$('.message1').keydown(function () {
function wordCount() {
var text = $('.message1').text(),
textLength = text.length,
wordsCount = 0,
wordsRemaining = wordsLimit;
if(textLength > 0) {
wordsCount = text.replace(/[^\w ]/g, '').split(/\s+/).length;
wordsRemaining = wordsRemaining - wordsCount;
.html(wordsRemaining + " words remaining...")
.attr('id', (parseInt(wordsRemaining) < 0 ? 'bad' : 'good'));
It's not perfect and complete but it may show you direction how to do this. You should use change event on checkboxes to change wordsLimit if checked/unchecked. For styling valid/invalid words remaining message use classes rather than ids.
I think you should use radio in place of checkboxes because you can limit 200 or 600 only at a time.
Try this like,
$('input[name="entry.3.group"]').click(function () {
$('.word_count').html($(this).data('val') + " words remaining...");
$('.message1').keyup(function () {
function wordCount() {
var q = $('input[name="entry.3.group"]:checked').data('val');
var content_text = $('.message1').text(),
char_count = content_text.length;
if (char_count != 0) var word_count = q - content_text.replace(/[^\w ]/g, "").split(/\s+/).length;
$('.word_count').html(word_count + " words remaining...");
try {
if (Number(word_count) < 0) {
$(".word_count").attr("id", "bad");
} else {
$(".word_count").attr("id", "good");
} catch (error) {
Also you can add if your span has bad id then key up should return false;
See Demo

Implementing a javascript function to search in a div, getting textrange for the search

How do I get the textrange to do a search for a div (or a form)? Are there scripts already available, or jquery functions that search the text of a div?
I append a form to a div with this code:
$('#'+card_id).append('<form id="frm_search" name="frm_search" class="editableToolbar frm_search_links"> <input type="text" placeholder="Type a string..." name="linkcard_search_string" class="txt_form"> </form>');
I'd like to have a search function that will only look for a string in that div. I specify the text range like this.
txt = window.document.body.getelementbyid(card_id).createTextRange();
The search function is one that I found on the net and that I am trying to update to search the div instead of the entire page. There will be several divs on the page and I want the search to be specific to each. I call that function from search_links(card_id);.
function search_links (card_id, form) {
var search_str = document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value;
/* alert('search_links '+search_str); */
return search_linkcard(search_str, card_id);
var IE4 = (document.all);
var n = 0;
function search_linkcard(str, card_id) {
alert (card_id + ' ' + str);
var txt, i, found;
if (str == "")
return false;
// Find next occurance of the given string on the page, wrap around to the
// start of the page if necessary.
if (IE4) {
txt = window.document.body.getelementbyid(card_id).createTextRange();
// Find the nth match from the top of the page.
for (i = 0; i <= n && (found = txt.findText(str)) != false; i++) {
txt.moveStart("character", 1);
// If found, mark it and scroll it into view.
if (found) {
txt.moveStart("character", -1);
// Otherwise, start over at the top of the page and find first match.
else {
if (n > 0) {
n = 0;
search_linkcard(str, card_id);
// Not found anywhere, give message.
alert("Not found.");
return false;
My specific questions are those at the beginning of the question: How do I specify a text range for the div? Is the syntax I have right? Are there scripts that already do what I want, i.e. search the contents of a specific div?
Did the search with :contains. Did not do one match at a time. Highlighted all matches.
// Open search
function open_search(card_id) {
$('#'+card_id).append('<form id="frm_search" name="frm_search" class="editableToolbar frm_search_links"> <input type="text" placeholder="Type a string..." name="linkcard_search_string" class="txt_form" onclick="clear_search(\''+card_id+'\', this.form);"> </form>');
var frm_elements = frm_search_link.elements;
for(i=0; i<frm_elements.length; i++) {
field_type = frm_elements[i].type.toLowerCase();
switch (field_type)
case "text":
frm_elements[i].value = "";
// Close search
function close_search(card_id, form) {
$('form.frm_search_links', $('#'+card_id)).remove();
var card_select = '#'+card_id;
// Search links
function search_links (card_id, form) {
var search_str = document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value;
var search_select = '.link:contains('+search_str+')';
var card_select = '#'+card_id;
var result = $(search_select,$(card_select)).addClass('search_results');
if (result.length == 0 || result.length == null) document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value = 'Not found.';
// Clear search
function clear_search (card_id, form) {
document.frm_search.linkcard_search_string.value = '';
var card_select = '#'+card_id;
