Jquery flippy plugin multi content - javascript

<div class ="cards">
<span id="cardtitle">
<span id="cardinfo">
function build() {
var content1 = "Coolio";
var content2 = "Coolio";
color_target: "#F8F8F8",
duration: "500",
verso: $("#cardtitle").text(content1)
// another instance of verso here to add content2
I am using this jquery plugin for flip effect. My question is how do I achieve multiple contents. At the moment the plug only accepts 1 content.

Well, it seems like the Developer has made it so you've got to recreate the instance of the flip each time you'd like to apply new content, so you've got to make that a little more generic within a .click() handler.
Dependant on the Button or Navigation you've clicked on, ask it to load the appropriate content that it's tagged too, example:
<div id="content-one" style="display: none;">
Some first Example text
<div id="content-two" style="display: none;">
Second Example Text
<input type="button"
value="Display Content One"
data-contenttext="content-one" />
<input type="button"
value="Display Content Two"
data-contenttext="content-two" />
$(document).on('click', '.updateflip', function( event ) {
color_target: "#F8F8F8",
duration: "500",
verso: $('#'+ $(this).data('contenttext') +'').text()
//E.g. $('#content-one').text(); shows "Some first Example text"
Demo Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8TQFb/
Upon clicking a class of .updateflip it will look at it's data-contenttext attribute, which in turns points to an hidden <div /> within the page, thus brings up the hidden text. You could apply this further with having different colours too within the data-* attribute:
<input type="button"
value="Display Content Two"
data-contenttext="content-two" />
And thus, pass these button specific related attributes into the .updateflip handler as well to create something like in the demo below:
Demo Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Hx5uQ/

Sorry guys, i got it to work. The plugin does take multiple elements. It was a misunderstanding on my part.
var content1 = "Coolio";
var content2 = "Coolio";
color_target: "#F8F8F8",
duration: "500",
verso: '<span id="cardtitle">' + content1
+ ' </span><span id="cardinfo"> ' + content2 + '</span>'
I changed:
verso: $("#cardtitle").text(content1)
to: verso: '<span id="cardtitle">' + content1 + ' </span><span id="cardinfo"> ' + content2 + '</span>'


Unable to find the specific items value jQuery

I am facing an easy problem but unable to find a solution the problem is
i am creating a dynamic div with some elements also with some data
<div class="statistic d-flex align-items-center bg-white has-shadow">
<div class="icon bg-red">
<i class="fa fa-tasks"></i>
<div class="text">
***//want to get this below id value//**
Mobile Code :
<small id="mbCode">
${ data[0].MobileCode }
***/want to find/**
Failed From:
${ data[0].FailedStation }
Issues :
${ data[0].Issues }
<div class="text"><strong> </strong></div>
<div class="text">
<button type="button" id="btn" class="btn btn-warning pull-right">Start</button>
<div class="text"><br></div>
Here I have a button .On this button click i want to fetch the value of
small text which id is #mbCode as mentioned above inside the code
I am trying this by using the following button click code
$(document).on('click', '#btn', function () {
var data = $(this).closest('small').find('#mbCode').val();
but its not working.I mean I cant fetch the value of #mbCode on this button click .So help needed
Thanks for helping
Based on .closest()
Description: For each element in the set, get the first element that
matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up
through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
As <small> is not an ancestors to button in hierarchy(while traversing-up),
So You need to first go the parent of <small> through .closest() and then try to find <small> html using .find() and .html()
$(document).on('click', '#btn', function () {
var data = $(this).closest('.statistic').find('small').html();
Working snippet:-
data = [{'MobileCode':20,'FailedStation':'WATERLOO','Issues':'broken'}];
$("#divSearchedIssue").append('<div class="statistic d-flex align-items- center bg-white has-shadow"><div class="icon bg-red"><i class="fa fa-tasks"></i></div><div class="text">Mobile Code :<small id="mbCode">' + data[0].MobileCode + '</small><br>Failed From: <small> ' + data[0].FailedStation + '</small><br>Issues :<small> '+ data[0].Issues + '</small></div><div class="text"><strong> </strong></div><div class="text"><button type="button" id="btn" class="btn btn-warning pull-right">Start</button></div><div class="text"><br></div></div>');
$(document).on('click', '#btn', function () {
var data = $(this).closest('.statistic').find('small').each(function(){
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="divSearchedIssue"></div>
Note:- .text() will work too
As identifiers must be unique, Directly use ID Selector with .text()/.html() method
var data = $('#mbCode').text()
However if you are appending multiple elements I would recommend an alternative to persist Mobile code arbitrary data using custom data-* attribute along with <button> which can be fetched using .data(key) and attach event handler using Class Selector
$("#divSearchedIssue").append('<button type="button" id="btn" class="btn btn-warning pull-right" data-mobilecode="' + data[0].MobileCode + '" >Start</button>');
var counter = 0;
function append() {
$("#divSearchedIssue").append('<button type="button" id="btn" class="btn btn-warning pull-right" data-mobilecode="' + ++counter + '" >Start</button>');
$(document).on('click', '.btn', function() {
var data = $(this).data('mobilecode');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="divSearchedIssue"></div>
Try the following code snippet
var value = $('#mbCode').val();
Make sure the id is unique
Ids shouldn't be duplicate in an web-page.
Also, small is not one of the parent nodes of btns, and use html instead of val.
You need to go two-level higher to statistic Make it
$(document).on('click', '.text #btn', function () {
var data = $(this).closest('.statistic').find('#mbCode');
var counter = 0;
function append() {
`<div class="statistic d-flex align-items-
center bg-white has-shadow">
<div class="icon bg-red"><i class="fa fa-tasks">
<div class="text">
Mobile Code :<small id="mbCode">` +
(counter++) +
`</small><br>Failed From: <small> ' +
data[0].FailedStation + '</small><br>Issues :<small> ' + data[0].Issues +
<div class="text"><strong> </strong>
<div class="text"><button type="button" id="btn" class="btn btn-
warning pull-right">Start</button></div>
<div class="text"><br></div>
$(document).on('click', '.text #btn', function () {
var data = $(this).closest('.statistic').find('#mbCode');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="divSearchedIssue"></div>
If your element already has an ID attribute you should be able to find the element by the ID. $("#mbCode")
Your js code
$(this).closest('small').find('#mbCode').val(); // "$(this)", in your code, represents the "button" that was clicked.
is looking for "small" tag inside "button" element, but it's not there. It would work if your button was like
<button type="button" id="btn" class="btn btn-warning pull-right"><small id="mbCode"></small></button>
This should work:
$(document).on('click', '#btn', function () {
var $mbCode = $('#mbCode');

referencing jQuery created element, to register a click (with fiddle)

I'm working on a project which would require the user to be able to add, and edit tags.
On the page, is: a div container, containing the tags, a textbox (newTag) and a button (add tag) that will add a tag to the container. Another textbox (editTag) and a button (update tag) that will update the tag information typed in by the user. There is also a select list that will, in realtime - keep track of all the changes made.
Wen a user clicks on a tag that was already rendered, to edit it - all works well. The tag name goes into the edit textbox, and the tag is selected in the list.
The problem arises when a user created tag gets clicked... nothing happens. I have a feeling it has to do with the fact the object is in the DOM, but isn't rendered HTML. But I have no clue as to how to resolve this issue - how to reference a click of a dom object.
Here's my code:
<!-- tags container -->
<div class="container_12">
<div class="grid_2"><img src="images/spacer.png" /></div>
<div id="content" class="grid_8">
<button name="PHP" class="tag-button">PHP</button>
<button name="CSS" class="tag-button">CSS</button>
<div class="grid_2"><img src="images/spacer.png" /></div>
<!-- tags container end -->
<!-- action buttons container -->
<div class="container_12 action-bar">
<div class="grid_4"><img src="images/spacer.png" /></div>
<div id="action-add">
<input type="text" name="newTag" id="newTag" />
<input type="button" id="add" value="Add tag" />
<div class="grid_4"><img src="images/spacer.png" /></div>
<div id="action-edit">
<input type="text" name="editTag" id="editTag" />
<input type="button" id="update" value="Update tag" />
<!-- action buttons container end -->
<!-- Real Time list container -->
<div class="container_12">
<div class="grid_4"><img src="images/spacer.png" /></div>
<select id="insertString">
<option value="0">PHP</option>
<option value="1">CSS</option>
<!-- real time list container end -->
//button add click
$('#add').click(function() {
//creating a new tag for the tag bar
var tag = $('#newTag').val();
var tagHTML=$('<button name= "' + tag + '" class="tag-button">'+ tag + '</button>');
var qString = "";
// adding the tag to the bar
//get last value in the list
var lastValue = $('#insertString option:last-child').val();
if (! lastValue) {lastValue = 0;}
else {lastValue = ++ lastValue; }
//add new option for the new tag
$('<option value="' + lastValue + '">' + tag + '</option>').appendTo("#insertString")
//tag button click
var name = $(this).attr('name');
//add the tag name to the editTag textbox
$('#insertString option:contains("'+ name + '")').attr('selected', true);
Also, here's my fiddle:
Help would be appreciate, and thank you for your time.
You need to use Event Delegation. You have to use .on() using delegated-events approach.
$("#content").on("click", ".tag-button", function() {
just add another click, thus
$("#content").on("click", ".tag-button", function(){});
Event delegation, since these tags weren't on the page at the time of the click events being binded, they have no listeners. Bind the click event to the container and target the elements:
$("#content").on("click", ".tag-button", function() {

Show certain DIVs with onclick

In a Blog you can determine a tag for each post e.g. Video, Photo, Quote etc... If I created a div class for each tag e.g.
<div class="Video"></div>
<div class="Photo"></div>
<div class="Quote"></div>
How can I create a onclick link so when I click it only shows div's called Video and hides all other div's?
Using Jquery....
var filter = $(this).html();
Then in your HTML
<a class="filter">Video</a>
<a class="filter">Photo</a>
And your divs....
<div class="boxes Video">Blahblah</div>
<div class="boxes Photo">Blahblah</div>
Or you can do it using data attributes, to keep your HTML more readable...but this works too
I'd recommend using jQuery for this. And it would be much better if you give all your "tag" divs a class like, for example, tag and separated with a space it's specific type.
For example class="tag audio". But this should work for now:
$('div').click(function () {
var tags = ['Video', 'Photo', 'Quote'], tag = $(this).attr('class');
if ($.inArray(tag, tags)) {
$('.' + tag).show();
$('div').not('.' + tag).hide();

Want to make inactive hyperlink

I have problem in hide and show the div element.
In this scenario when user click on the year the respect content is shown.
Problem I want to inactive hyperlinking on respective year when it is opened.
The script and html is below;
for this I have tried .preventDefault(). but not got any success:
<script type="text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function() {
$("div.new:gt(0)").hide();// to hide all div except for the first one
// $("div.nhide:gt(0)").hide();
// $("a[name=new]").hide();
$('#content a').click(function(selected) {
var getID = $(this).attr("id");
var value= $(this).html();
if( value == '<< Hide')
// $("#" + getID + "arrow").hide();
$("#" + getID + "_info" ).slideUp('slow');
// var getOldId=getID;
// $("#" + getID ).html('<< Hide').hide();
// $("div.new:eq(0)").slideUp()
$("#news" + getID + "arrow").hide();
$("#news" + getID + "_info" ).slideDown();
$("#news" + getID ).html('<< Hide').slideDown();
The html code is below:
<div id="content">
<div class="news_year">
<a href="#" name="show" id="2012">
<div style="float:left;" name="year" id="news2012year">**2012** </div>
<div style="float:left;" name="arrow" id="news2012arrow">>></div>
<div class="new" id="news2012_info">
<div class="news">
<div class="news_left">News for 2012</div>
<div class="nhide" ><< Hide </div>
<div id="content">
<div class="news_year">
<a href="#" name="show" id="2011">
<div style="float:left;" name="year" id="news2012year">2012 </div>
<div style="float:left;" name="arrow" id="news2012arrow">>></div>
<div class="new" id="news2011_info">
<div class="news">
<div class="news_left">News for 2011</div>
<div class="nhide" ><< Hide </div>
if i am understanding your problem,
event.preventDefault(); not works with all browser so if you are using other browser like IE
then use event.returnValue = false; instead of that.so you can detect your browser using javascript as
var appname = window.navigator.appName;
This is what I'm currently using in my projects to "disable" an anchor tag
Disabling the anchor:
Remove href attribute
Change the opacity for added effect
$("a").click(function () {
$(this).fadeTo("fast", .5).removeAttr("href");
Enabling the anchor:
$("a").click(function () {
$(this).fadeIn("fast").attr("href", "http://whatever.com/wherever.html");
Original code can be found here
Add a class called 'shown' to your wrapper element when expanding your element and remove it when hiding it. Use .hasClass('shown') to ensure the inappropriate conditional is never executed.
Surround the code inside of the click function with an if statement checking to see if a variable is true or false. If it is false, it won't run the code, meaning the link is effectively inactive. Try this..
var isActive = true;
if (isActive) {
// Your code here
// The place where you want to de-activate the link
isActive = false;
You could also consider changing the link colour to a grey to signify that it is inactive.
Just realised that you want to have multiple links being disabled.. the code above will disable all of them. Try the code below (put the if around the code in the click function)
if(!$(this).hasClass("disabled")) {
// Your code here
// The place where you want to de-activate the link
// To re-enable a link
// You can even toggle the link from disabled and non-disabled!
Then in your CSS you could have a declaration like this:
.disabled:link {

Toggling the background image of div on click using Javascript

Hi there I am trying to use Javascript to toggle the background image of a div when clicked
This is what I have done to try and achieve this:
My code is as follows
<div id="AccordionContainer" class="AccordionContainer">
<div onclick="runAccordion(1);">
<div class="AccordionTitle" id="Accordion1Title" onselectstart="return false;" onclick="changeArrow(1);" >
<div id="Accordion1Content" class="AccordionContent">
<p>Enter in your search parameters by clicking on the title of... </p>
<div onclick="runAccordion(2);">
<div class="AccordionTitle" id="Accordion2Title" onselectstart="return false;" onclick="changeArrow(2);" >
<div id="Accordion2Content" class="AccordionContent">
[wpv-control field="cultivar-category" type="checkboxes" values="Dark Red" url_param="cultivar-category"]
function changeArrow(index)
var arrowID = "Accordian" + index + "Title";
document.getElementById(arrowID).style.background="url(./img/accordian-title-up.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent";
However nothing happens when I click on a div that contains onclick="runAccordion(index);"
What am I missing here?
runAccordion is maybe overriding or blocking changeArrow, depending on the structure of your HTML. Try combining them in the same onclick listener (runAccordion(1);changeArrow(1);) and see what happens there.
Also, if you've fixed this, check your image path.
You have a typo:
var arrowID = "Accordian" + index + "Title";
should be:
var arrowID = "Accordion" + index + "Title";
