Hitbox Overlay IIFE Code
//CSS Hitbox Solution 08-26-2015
//StackOverflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32233084/show-an-element-without-hitbox-does-not-take-mouse-touch-input
//Detect MouseOver https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1273566/how-do-i-check-if-the-mouse-is-over-an-element-in-jquery
//Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3942776/using-jquery-to-find-an-element-at-a-particular-position
(function($) {
$.mlp = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}; // Mouse Last Position
function documentHandler() {
var $current = this === document ? $(this) : $(this).contents();
$current.mousemove(function(e) {
jQuery.mlp = {
x: e.pageX,
y: e.pageY
$.fn.ismouseover = function(overThis) {
var result = false;
this.eq(0).each(function() {
var $current = $(this).is("iframe") ? $(this).contents().find("body") : $(this);
var offset = $current.offset();
result = offset.left <= $.mlp.x && offset.left + $current.outerWidth() > $.mlp.x && offset.top <= $.mlp.y && offset.top + $current.outerHeight() > $.mlp.y;
return result;
$('.notification-box').on("click", function() {
$("button").each(function(i) {
var iteratedButton = $('button:eq(' + i + ')');
var buttonID = iteratedButton.attr("id");
if (iteratedButton.ismouseover()) {
Example 01: Overlay Example for context
Example 02: Concept for auto generating content - Derived from this stackoverflow question.
There is a way by which one can have multiple objects underneath an overlay that masks them. Then, there is a way to have the pointer interact with the elements underneath said overlay if the user clicks at the predetermined point. My question is, may someone please write the code that would, marry the concept of the <map> tag with the IIFE that detects if the point of reference the user clicked is that image and then, act as though it was clicked.
If that did not make sense, simply, I am looking for a process that deviates away from manually setting up coordinates for <area> or having to use tool (which are profound) such as http://www.image-maps.com/. Rather, we would let the pointer do all the work.
We have the following high utility + highly compatible methods: .offset(), .position(), elementFromPoint() and the ability to put elements behind a mask utilizing basic CSS.
So we could combine the IIFE Overlay hitbox method above + ???? = Profit (good bye mapping coordinates via <map>).
I just do not know what the ???? is. I do know that whatever the solution is, I would prefer that it works in all browsers (including IE 5).
Lastly, the process should be fairly automatic in design, setup and implementation.
Whoever creates it, please dub it autoMapperJs (as it would not be limited to images).
A core feature component of the ???? has been realized as noted by #Alex in the comments. CreateJs notices when the pointer is hovered over a non-transparent area of a image. That is powerful and should be standard in the tool created. It also seems to utilize .mousemove() and z-index. Please keep commenting, as collectively, I feel a solution can be found.
Here's a start. Put images into an array of layers and placements on canvas then run through them on mouse over for hit. Also put over images in layers array to draw that image when hit.
var can = document.getElementById('image-map');
var W = can.width;
var H = can.height;
var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
var layers = [];
var mouse = {x:0,y:0};
can.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) {
mouse = getMousePos(can, evt);
}, false);
function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
y: evt.clientY - rect.top
function main() {
function drawCanvas() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, W, H);
var hit = -1;
for (var i =layers.length; i--;) {
var c = layers[i];
if(maskHit(c.img, c.x, c.y)) {
hit = i;
for (var i =0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var c = layers[i];
var img = hit === i ? c.hov : c.img;
ctx.drawImage(img, c.x, c.y);
ctx.drawImage(circ(10,"rgba(255,200,0,.75)"), mouse.x-10/2,mouse.y-10/2);
function circ(size, color) {
var can = document.createElement('canvas');
can.width = can.height = size;
var to_rad = Math.PI / 180;
var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
ctx.moveTo(size, size / 2);
ctx.arc(size / 2, size / 2, size / 2, 0, 360 * to_rad);
ctx.fillStyle = color;
return can;
function initLayers() {
var s = 75; // size
layers = [{
img: circ(s, "#090"),
hov: circ(s, "#C0C"),
x: 123,
y: 12
}, {
img: circ(s, "#F00"),
hov: circ(s, "#C0C"),
x: 63,
y: 12
}, {
img: circ(s, "#00F"),
hov: circ(s, "#C0C"),
x: 3,
y: 12
var maskCan = document.createElement("canvas");
var maskCtx = maskCan.getContext('2d');
function maskHit(img, x, y) {
// get relative coords to image upper left corner
x = mouse.x - x;
y = mouse.y - y;
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > img.width || y > img.height) return false;
//return 1; // square hit, no alpha check
// ALPHA CHECK - draw one pixel, get and check alpha.
// sx sy sw sh dx dy dw dh
maskCtx.drawImage(img, x, y, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
var imageData = maskCtx.getImageData(0,0,1,1);
return imageData.data[3] === 255;
#image-map {
border: 1px solid #ACE;
<canvas id="image-map" width="200" height="100"></canvas>
This question already has answers here:
Real mouse position in canvas
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
What's the simplest way to add a click event handler to a canvas element that will return the x and y coordinates of the click (relative to the canvas element)?
No legacy browser compatibility required, Safari, Opera and Firefox will do.
If you like simplicity but still want cross-browser functionality I found this solution worked best for me. This is a simplification of #AldekeinĀ“s solution but without jQuery.
function getCursorPosition(canvas, event) {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = event.clientX - rect.left
const y = event.clientY - rect.top
console.log("x: " + x + " y: " + y)
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas')
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
getCursorPosition(canvas, e)
Update (5/5/16): patriques' answer should be used instead, as it's both simpler and more reliable.
Since the canvas isn't always styled relative to the entire page, the canvas.offsetLeft/Top doesn't always return what you need. It will return the number of pixels it is offset relative to its offsetParent element, which can be something like a div element containing the canvas with a position: relative style applied. To account for this you need to loop through the chain of offsetParents, beginning with the canvas element itself. This code works perfectly for me, tested in Firefox and Safari but should work for all.
function relMouseCoords(event){
var totalOffsetX = 0;
var totalOffsetY = 0;
var canvasX = 0;
var canvasY = 0;
var currentElement = this;
totalOffsetX += currentElement.offsetLeft - currentElement.scrollLeft;
totalOffsetY += currentElement.offsetTop - currentElement.scrollTop;
while(currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent)
canvasX = event.pageX - totalOffsetX;
canvasY = event.pageY - totalOffsetY;
return {x:canvasX, y:canvasY}
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relMouseCoords = relMouseCoords;
The last line makes things convenient for getting the mouse coordinates relative to a canvas element. All that's needed to get the useful coordinates is
coords = canvas.relMouseCoords(event);
canvasX = coords.x;
canvasY = coords.y;
Edit 2018: This answer is pretty old and it uses checks for old browsers that are not necessary anymore, as the clientX and clientY properties work in all current browsers. You might want to check out Patriques Answer for a simpler, more recent solution.
Original Answer:
As described in an article i found back then but exists no longer:
var x;
var y;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;
else {
x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
x -= gCanvasElement.offsetLeft;
y -= gCanvasElement.offsetTop;
Worked perfectly fine for me.
Modern browser's now handle this for you. Chrome, IE9, and Firefox support the offsetX/Y like this, passing in the event from the click handler.
function getRelativeCoords(event) {
return { x: event.offsetX, y: event.offsetY };
Most modern browsers also support layerX/Y, however Chrome and IE use layerX/Y for the absolute offset of the click on the page including margin, padding, etc. In Firefox, layerX/Y and offsetX/Y are equivalent, but offset didn't previously exist. So, for compatibility with slightly older browsers, you can use:
function getRelativeCoords(event) {
return { x: event.offsetX || event.layerX, y: event.offsetY || event.layerY };
According to fresh Quirksmode the clientX and clientY methods are supported in all major browsers.
So, here it goes - the good, working code that works in a scrolling div on a page with scrollbars:
function getCursorPosition(canvas, event) {
var x, y;
canoffset = $(canvas).offset();
x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - Math.floor(canoffset.left);
y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop - Math.floor(canoffset.top) + 1;
return [x,y];
This also requires jQuery for $(canvas).offset().
So this is both simple but a slightly more complicated topic than it seems.
First off there are usually to conflated questions here
How to get element relative mouse coordinates
How to get canvas pixel mouse coordinates for the 2D Canvas API or WebGL
so, answers
How to get element relative mouse coordinates
Whether or not the element is a canvas getting element relative mouse coordinates is the same for all elements.
There are 2 simple answers to the question "How to get canvas relative mouse coordinates"
Simple answer #1 use offsetX and offsetY
canvas.addEventListner('mousemove', (e) => {
const x = e.offsetX;
const y = e.offsetY;
This answer works in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Unlike all the other event values offsetX and offsetY take CSS transforms into account.
The biggest problem with offsetX and offsetY is as of 2019/05 they don't exist on touch events and so can't be used with iOS Safari. They do exist on Pointer Events which exist in Chrome and Firefox but not Safari although apparently Safari is working on it.
Another issue is the events must be on the canvas itself. If you put them on some other element or the window you can not later choose the canvas to be your point of reference.
Simple answer #2 use clientX, clientY and canvas.getBoundingClientRect
If you don't care about CSS transforms the next simplest answer is to call canvas. getBoundingClientRect() and subtract the left from clientX and top from clientY as in
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = e.clientX - rect.left;
const y = e.clientY - rect.top;
This will work as long as there are no CSS transforms. It also works with touch events and so will work with Safari iOS
canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
const rect = canvas. getBoundingClientRect();
const x = e.touches[0].clientX - rect.left;
const y = e.touches[0].clientY - rect.top;
How to get canvas pixel mouse coordinates for the 2D Canvas API
For this we need to take the values we got above and convert from the size the canvas is displayed to the number of pixels in the canvas itself
with canvas.getBoundingClientRect and clientX and clientY
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const elementRelativeX = e.clientX - rect.left;
const elementRelativeY = e.clientY - rect.top;
const canvasRelativeX = elementRelativeX * canvas.width / rect.width;
const canvasRelativeY = elementRelativeY * canvas.height / rect.height;
or with offsetX and offsetY
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
const elementRelativeX = e.offsetX;
const elementRelativeY = e.offsetY;
const canvasRelativeX = elementRelativeX * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth;
const canvasRelativeY = elementRelativeY * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight;
Note: In all cases do not add padding or borders to the canvas. Doing so will massively complicate the code. Instead of you want a border or padding surround the canvas in some other element and add the padding and or border to the outer element.
Working example using event.offsetX, event.offsetY
[...document.querySelectorAll('canvas')].forEach((canvas) => {
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.canvas.width = ctx.canvas.clientWidth;
ctx.canvas.height = ctx.canvas.clientHeight;
let count = 0;
function draw(e, radius = 1) {
const pos = {
x: e.offsetX * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth,
y: e.offsetY * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight,
document.querySelector('#debug').textContent = count;
ctx.arc(pos.x, pos.y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = hsl((count++ % 100) / 100, 1, 0.5);
function preventDefault(e) {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => {
draw(e, Math.max(Math.max(e.width, e.height) / 2, 1));
canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', preventDefault, {passive: false});
canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, {passive: false});
} else {
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', draw);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', preventDefault);
function hsl(h, s, l) {
return `hsl(${h * 360 | 0},${s * 100 | 0}%,${l * 100 | 0}%)`;
.scene {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
perspective: 600px;
.cube {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
animation-duration: 16s;
animation-name: rotate;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-timing-function: linear;
#keyframes rotate {
from { transform: translateZ(-100px) rotateX( 0deg) rotateY( 0deg); }
to { transform: translateZ(-100px) rotateX(360deg) rotateY(720deg); }
.cube__face {
position: absolute;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
display: block;
.cube__face--front { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2); transform: rotateY( 0deg) translateZ(100px); }
.cube__face--right { background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2); transform: rotateY( 90deg) translateZ(100px); }
.cube__face--back { background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2); transform: rotateY(180deg) translateZ(100px); }
.cube__face--left { background: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.2); transform: rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(100px); }
.cube__face--top { background: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.2); transform: rotateX( 90deg) translateZ(100px); }
.cube__face--bottom { background: rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.2); transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(100px); }
<div class="scene">
<div class="cube">
<canvas class="cube__face cube__face--front"></canvas>
<canvas class="cube__face cube__face--back"></canvas>
<canvas class="cube__face cube__face--right"></canvas>
<canvas class="cube__face cube__face--left"></canvas>
<canvas class="cube__face cube__face--top"></canvas>
<canvas class="cube__face cube__face--bottom"></canvas>
<pre id="debug"></pre>
Working example using canvas.getBoundingClientRect and event.clientX and event.clientY
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.canvas.width = ctx.canvas.clientWidth;
ctx.canvas.height = ctx.canvas.clientHeight;
let count = 0;
function draw(e, radius = 1) {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const pos = {
x: (e.clientX - rect.left) * canvas.width / canvas.clientWidth,
y: (e.clientY - rect.top) * canvas.height / canvas.clientHeight,
ctx.arc(pos.x, pos.y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = hsl((count++ % 100) / 100, 1, 0.5);
function preventDefault(e) {
if (window.PointerEvent) {
canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => {
draw(e, Math.max(Math.max(e.width, e.height) / 2, 1));
canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', preventDefault, {passive: false});
canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, {passive: false});
} else {
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', draw);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', preventDefault);
function hsl(h, s, l) {
return `hsl(${h * 360 | 0},${s * 100 | 0}%,${l * 100 | 0}%)`;
canvas { background: #FED; }
<canvas width="400" height="100" style="width: 300px; height: 200px"></canvas>
<div>canvas deliberately has differnt CSS size vs drawingbuffer size</div>
I made a full demostration that works in every browser with the full source code of the solution of this problem: Coordinates of a mouse click on Canvas in Javascript. To try the demo, copy the code and paste it into a text editor. Then save it as example.html and, finally, open the file with a browser.
Here is a small modification to Ryan Artecona's answer for canvases with a variable (%) width:
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relMouseCoords = function (event) {
var totalOffsetX = 0;
var totalOffsetY = 0;
var canvasX = 0;
var canvasY = 0;
var currentElement = this;
do {
totalOffsetX += currentElement.offsetLeft;
totalOffsetY += currentElement.offsetTop;
while (currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent)
canvasX = event.pageX - totalOffsetX;
canvasY = event.pageY - totalOffsetY;
// Fix for variable canvas width
canvasX = Math.round( canvasX * (this.width / this.offsetWidth) );
canvasY = Math.round( canvasY * (this.height / this.offsetHeight) );
return {x:canvasX, y:canvasY}
Be wary while doing the coordinate conversion; there are multiple non-cross-browser values returned in a click event. Using clientX and clientY alone are not sufficient if the browser window is scrolled (verified in Firefox 3.5 and Chrome 3.0).
This quirks mode article provides a more correct function that can use either pageX or pageY or a combination of clientX with document.body.scrollLeft and clientY with document.body.scrollTop to calculate the click coordinate relative to the document origin.
UPDATE: Additionally, offsetLeft and offsetTop are relative to the padded size of the element, not the interior size. A canvas with the padding: style applied will not report the top-left of its content region as offsetLeft. There are various solutions to this problem; the simplest one may be to clear all border, padding, etc. styles on the canvas itself and instead apply them to a box containing the canvas.
I'm not sure what's the point of all these answers that loop through parent elements and do all kinds of weird stuff.
The HTMLElement.getBoundingClientRect method is designed to to handle actual screen position of any element. This includes scrolling, so stuff like scrollTop is not needed:
(from MDN) The amount of scrolling that has been done of the viewport area (or
any other scrollable element) is taken into account when computing the
bounding rectangle
Normal image
The very simplest approach was already posted here. This is correct as long as no wild CSS rules are involved.
Handling stretched canvas/image
When image pixel width isn't matched by it's CSS width, you'll need to apply some ratio on pixel values:
/* Returns pixel coordinates according to the pixel that's under the mouse cursor**/
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relativeCoords = function(event) {
var x,y;
//This is the current screen rectangle of canvas
var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = rect.top;
var bottom = rect.bottom;
var left = rect.left;
var right = rect.right;
//Recalculate mouse offsets to relative offsets
x = event.clientX - left;
y = event.clientY - top;
//Also recalculate offsets of canvas is stretched
var width = right - left;
//I use this to reduce number of calculations for images that have normal size
if(this.width!=width) {
var height = bottom - top;
//changes coordinates by ratio
x = x*(this.width/width);
y = y*(this.height/height);
//Return as an array
return [x,y];
As long as the canvas has no border, it works for stretched images (jsFiddle).
Handling CSS borders
If the canvas has thick border, the things get little complicated. You'll literally need to subtract the border from the bounding rectangle. This can be done using .getComputedStyle. This answer describes the process.
The function then grows up a little:
/* Returns pixel coordinates according to the pixel that's under the mouse cursor**/
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relativeCoords = function(event) {
var x,y;
//This is the current screen rectangle of canvas
var rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = rect.top;
var bottom = rect.bottom;
var left = rect.left;
var right = rect.right;
//Subtract border size
// Get computed style
var styling=getComputedStyle(this,null);
// Turn the border widths in integers
var topBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-top-width'),10);
var rightBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-right-width'),10);
var bottomBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-bottom-width'),10);
var leftBorder=parseInt(styling.getPropertyValue('border-left-width'),10);
//Subtract border from rectangle
//Proceed as usual
I can't think of anything that would confuse this final function. See yourself at JsFiddle.
If you don't like modifying the native prototypes, just change the function and call it with (canvas, event) (and replace any this with canvas).
Here is a very nice tutorial-
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="200"></canvas>
function writeMessage(canvas, message) {
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.font = '18pt Calibri';
context.fillStyle = 'black';
context.fillText(message, 10, 25);
function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
y: evt.clientY - rect.top
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) {
var mousePos = getMousePos(canvas, evt);
var message = 'Mouse position: ' + mousePos.x + ',' + mousePos.y;
writeMessage(canvas, message);
}, false);
hope this helps!
Using jQuery in 2016, to get click coordinates relative to the canvas, I do:
$(canvas).click(function(jqEvent) {
var coords = {
x: jqEvent.pageX - $(canvas).offset().left,
y: jqEvent.pageY - $(canvas).offset().top
This works since both canvas offset() and jqEvent.pageX/Y are relative to the document regardless of scroll position.
Note that if your canvas is scaled then these coordinates are not the same as canvas logical coordinates. To get those, you would also do:
var logicalCoords = {
x: coords.x * (canvas.width / $(canvas).width()),
y: coords.y * (canvas.height / $(canvas).height())
I recommend this link-
<style type="text/css">
#canvas{background-color: #000;}
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);
function init()
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", getPosition, false);
function getPosition(event)
var x = new Number();
var y = new Number();
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
if (event.x != undefined && event.y != undefined)
x = event.x;
y = event.y;
else // Firefox method to get the position
x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft +
y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop +
x -= canvas.offsetLeft;
y -= canvas.offsetTop;
alert("x: " + x + " y: " + y);
In Prototype, use cumulativeOffset() to do the recursive summation as mentioned by Ryan Artecona above.
You could just do:
var canvas = yourCanvasElement;
var mouseX = (event.clientX - (canvas.offsetLeft - canvas.scrollLeft)) - 2;
var mouseY = (event.clientY - (canvas.offsetTop - canvas.scrollTop)) - 2;
This will give you the exact position of the mouse pointer.
See demo at http://jsbin.com/ApuJOSA/1/edit?html,output .
function mousePositionOnCanvas(e) {
var el=e.target, c=el;
var scaleX = c.width/c.offsetWidth || 1;
var scaleY = c.height/c.offsetHeight || 1;
if (!isNaN(e.offsetX))
return { x:e.offsetX*scaleX, y:e.offsetY*scaleY };
var x=e.pageX, y=e.pageY;
do {
x -= el.offsetLeft;
y -= el.offsetTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
} while (el);
return { x: x*scaleX, y: y*scaleY };
I was creating an application having a canvas over a pdf, that involved a lot of resizes of canvas like Zooming the pdf-in and out, and in turn on every zoom-in/out of PDF I had to resize the canvas to adapt the size of the pdf, I went through lot of answers in stackOverflow, and didn't found a perfect solution that will eventually solve the problem.
I was using rxjs and angular 6, and didn't found any answer specific to the newest version.
Here is the entire code snippet that would be helpful, to anyone leveraging rxjs to draw on top of canvas.
private captureEvents(canvasEl: HTMLCanvasElement) {
this.drawingSubscription = fromEvent(canvasEl, 'mousedown')
switchMap((e: any) => {
return fromEvent(canvasEl, 'mousemove')
takeUntil(fromEvent(canvasEl, 'mouseup').do((event: WheelEvent) => {
const prevPos = {
x: null,
y: null
takeUntil(fromEvent(canvasEl, 'mouseleave')),
.subscribe((res: [MouseEvent, MouseEvent]) => {
const rect = this.cx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const prevPos = {
x: Math.floor( ( res[0].clientX - rect.left ) / ( rect.right - rect.left ) * this.cx.canvas.width ),
y: Math.floor( ( res[0].clientY - rect.top ) / ( rect.bottom - rect.top ) * this.cx.canvas.height )
const currentPos = {
x: Math.floor( ( res[1].clientX - rect.left ) / ( rect.right - rect.left ) * this.cx.canvas.width ),
y: Math.floor( ( res[1].clientY - rect.top ) / ( rect.bottom - rect.top ) * this.cx.canvas.height )
this.coordinatesArray[this.file.current_slide - 1].push(prevPos);
this.drawOnCanvas(prevPos, currentPos);
And here is the snippet that fixes, mouse coordinates relative to size of the canvas, irrespective of how you zoom-in/out the canvas.
const prevPos = {
x: Math.floor( ( res[0].clientX - rect.left ) / ( rect.right - rect.left ) * this.cx.canvas.width ),
y: Math.floor( ( res[0].clientY - rect.top ) / ( rect.bottom - rect.top ) * this.cx.canvas.height )
const currentPos = {
x: Math.floor( ( res[1].clientX - rect.left ) / ( rect.right - rect.left ) * this.cx.canvas.width ),
y: Math.floor( ( res[1].clientY - rect.top ) / ( rect.bottom - rect.top ) * this.cx.canvas.height )
Here is some modifications of the above Ryan Artecona's solution.
function myGetPxStyle(e,p)
var r=window.getComputedStyle?window.getComputedStyle(e,null)[p]:"";
return parseFloat(r);
function myGetClick=function(ev)
// {x:ev.layerX,y:ev.layerY} doesn't work when zooming with mac chrome 27
// {x:ev.clientX,y:ev.clientY} not supported by mac firefox 21
// document.body.scrollLeft and document.body.scrollTop seem required when scrolling on iPad
// html is not an offsetParent of body but can have non null offsetX or offsetY (case of wordpress 3.5.1 admin pages for instance)
// html.offsetX and html.offsetY don't work with mac firefox 21
var offsetX=0,offsetY=0,e=this,x,y;
var htmls=document.getElementsByTagName("html"),html=(htmls?htmls[0]:0);
} while (e=e.offsetParent);
if (html)
return {x:x,y:y};
First, as others have said, you need a function to get the position of the canvas element. Here's a method that's a little more elegant than some of the others on this page (IMHO). You can pass it any element and get its position in the document:
function findPos(obj) {
var curleft = 0, curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return { x: curleft, y: curtop };
return undefined;
Now calculate the current position of the cursor relative to that:
$('#canvas').mousemove(function(e) {
var pos = findPos(this);
var x = e.pageX - pos.x;
var y = e.pageY - pos.y;
var coordinateDisplay = "x=" + x + ", y=" + y;
Notice that I've separated the generic findPos function from the event handling code. (As it should be. We should try to keep our functions to one task each.)
The values of offsetLeft and offsetTop are relative to offsetParent, which could be some wrapper div node (or anything else, for that matter). When there is no element wrapping the canvas they're relative to the body, so there is no offset to subtract. This is why we need to determine the position of the canvas before we can do anything else.
Similary, e.pageX and e.pageY give the position of the cursor relative to the document. That's why we subtract the canvas's offset from those values to arrive at the true position.
An alternative for positioned elements is to directly use the values of e.layerX and e.layerY. This is less reliable than the method above for two reasons:
These values are also relative to the entire document when the event does not take place inside a positioned element
They are not part of any standard
ThreeJS r77
var x = event.offsetX == undefined ? event.layerX : event.offsetX;
var y = event.offsetY == undefined ? event.layerY : event.offsetY;
mouse2D.x = ( x / renderer.domElement.width ) * 2 - 1;
mouse2D.y = - ( y / renderer.domElement.height ) * 2 + 1;
After trying many solutions. This worked for me. Might help someone else hence posting. Got it from here
Here is a simplified solution (this doesn't work with borders/scrolling):
function click(event) {
const bound = event.target.getBoundingClientRect();
const xMult = bound.width / can.width;
const yMult = bound.height / can.height;
return {
x: Math.floor(event.offsetX / xMult),
y: Math.floor(event.offsetY / yMult),
Hey, this is in dojo, just cause it's what I had the code in already for a project.
It should be fairly Obvious how to convert it back to non dojo vanilla JavaScript.
function onMouseClick(e) {
var x = e.clientX;
var y = e.clientY;
var canvas = dojo.byId(canvasId);
Hope that helps.
I am drawing a canvas that needs to be on full available screen (100% width and height). I set the width and height of canvas using javascript like this
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
After setting the canvas, I need to draw some text in it which needs to get the maximum available font size. Please help me finding the way how can I display text with maximum font size. The text may contain a single character (both upper and small case) or a string and can also contain numbers. I need to do it with javascript not jquery.
Thank you for your help.
As canvas' measureText doesn't currently support measuring height (ascent + descent) we need to do a little DOM trick to get the line-height.
As the actual height of a font - or typeface - does not necessarily (rarely) correspond with the font-size, we need a more accurate way of measuring it.
Fiddle demo
The result will be a vertical aligned text which always fit the canvas in width.
This solution will automatically get the optimal size for the font.
The first function is to wrap the measureText to support height. If the new implementation of the text metrics isn't available then use DOM:
function textMetrics(ctx, txt) {
var tm = ctx.measureText(txt),
w = tm.width,
h, el; // height, div element
if (typeof tm.fontBoundingBoxAscent === "undefined") {
// create a div element and get height from that
el = document.createElement('div');
el.style.cssText = "position:fixed;font:" + ctx.font +
el.innerHTML = txt;
h = parseInt(getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('height'), 10);
else {
// in the future ...
h = tm.fontBoundingBoxAscent + tm.fontBoundingBoxDescent;
return [w, h];
Now we can loop to find the optimal size (here not very optimized, but works for the purpose - and I wrote this just now so there might be bugs in there, one being if text is just a single char that doesn't exceed width before height).
This function takes minimum two arguments, context and the text, the others are optional such as font name (name only), tolerance [0.0, 1.0] (default 0.02 or 2%) and style (ie. bold, italic etc.):
function getOptimalSize(ctx, txt, fontName, tolerance, tolerance, style) {
tolerance = (tolerance === undefined) ? 0.02 : tolerance;
fontName = (fontName === undefined) ? 'sans-serif' : fontName;
style = (style === undefined) ? '' : style + ' ';
var w = ctx.canvas.width,
h = ctx.canvas.height,
current = h,
i = 0,
max = 100,
wl = w - w * tolerance * 0.5,
wu = w + w * tolerance * 0.5,
hl = h - h * tolerance * 0.5,
hu = h + h * tolerance * 0.5;
for(; i < max; i++) {
ctx.font = style + current + 'px ' + fontName;
tm = textMetrics(ctx, txt);
if ((tm[0] >= wl && tm[0] <= wu)) {
return tm;
if (tm[1] > current) {
current *= (1 - tolerance);
} else {
current *= (1 + tolerance);
return [-1, -1];
Try this.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var x = canvas.width / 2;
var y = canvas.height / 2 - 10;
var text = 'I M # CENTER!';
context.font = '10pt Calibri'; //try changing values 10,15,20
context.textAlign = 'center';
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.fillText(text, x, y);
You can provide your conditions depending on the window size.Create a simple function like following:
function Manipulate_FONT(window.widht, window.height) {
if (window.widht == something && window.height == something) {
font_size = xyz //put this in ---> context.font = '10pt Calibri'
I'm trying to drag an image around on my canvas but in doing so I have an issue where once the image is in negative coordinates I get a condition where its
mouseX - negativeImageCoords // 200 - minus 210 = 410
making my image jump around like a popcorn kitten on the canvas, not the desired effect.
Here is my code and I'm hoping it's something stupid and I can put this down to being tired..
function (e) {
// The mouse x and y positions
mx = e.offsetX,
my = e.offsetY,
// The last known position
lx = cache.lx, // These are from a JSON object
ly = cache.ly;
// The temporary image
var img = $('#loadedImage');
// Get the image context
var canvas_context = this.mask();
cache.lx = (mx - lx);
cache.ly = (my - ly);
console.log(mx, lx);
console.log(my, ly);
// Redraw
canvas_context.drawImage(img.get(0), cache.lx, cache.ly, img.width(), img.height());
here is the mask function (included in case it is the perpetrator..
function () {
var mask_name = 'circle';
var context = ctx.context();
var mask;
var isSameMask = false;
var composition = 'lighter';
// Add a check to see if it's the same mask
if (cache.mask && cache.mask.src) {
if (cache.mask.src !== 'images/masks/' + mask_name + '.png') {
isSameMask = false;
// If we don't have a cached mask, load it and cache it
if (!cache.mask && !isSameMask) {
// Create a new mask
mask = new Image;
// Draw when its loaded
mask.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
context.globalCompositeOperation = composition;
mask.src = 'images/masks/' + mask_name + '.png';
// Set the cache as this new mask
cache.mask = mask;
} else {
// It's cached, so just redraw it
context.drawImage(cache.mask, 0, 0);
context.globalCompositeOperation = composition;
return context;
Why is the image jumping around?
It has to be noted that I have thrown this together for an appjs project, any help/advice from you all is greatly appreciated.
Right, managed to get this working. The fix was updating the cached image positions on mousedown and just adding the cached positions to the mouse positions. Here is the code:
function drag (e) { // :void
// The mouse x and y positions
mx = e.offsetX,
my = e.offsetY,
// The last known position
lx = mx+cache.lx,
ly = my+cache.ly;
// The temporary image
var img = $('#loadedImage');
// Get the image context
var canvas_context = this.mask();
cache.ix = lx;
cache.iy = ly;
// Redraw
canvas_context.drawImage(img.get(0), lx, ly, img.width(), img.height());
And my down events
cache.ix = 0;
cache.iy = 0;
// Listen for a mousedown or touchstart event
canvas.on('mousedown touchstart', function (e) {
cache.lx = cache.ix - e.offsetX;
cache.ly = cache.iy - e.offsetY;
// Add a move listener
canvas.on('mousemove touchmove', function (e) {
that.drag.call(that, e);
It's hard to provide an answer without seeing the code in action but could it be those conditions you specify, e.g.:
if (lx < 0) {
cache.lx = (mx + lx);
} else {
cache.lx = (mx - lx);
Surely you don't want to change the sums if lx is less or more than 0. Just let the maths do its job. Mathematically:
mx + -1 is the same as mx - 1
mx + +1 is the same as mx + 1
mx - -1 is the same as mx + 1 [double negative]
That would be why '200 - minus 210 = 410'; that's actually correct.
The variable lx is the cached (therefore old) position; mx is the new position.
Therefore lx - mx will return the difference between the cached and the new position, which I think (if I understand you correctly) is what you want to move your image by a certain amount. Same for ly - my.
When it comes to caching the new mouse positions, surely you just want to cache the current ones, e.g.
cache.lx = mx; // current position cached for future reference
Caching the difference or a summation will just add to the confusion (again, if I've understood what you're trying to do).