Javascript run faster if console opened - javascript

i'm developing a phonegap app using a lot of javascript. Now i'm debugging it using Safari Developer Tool, in particular i'm focused on some button that on the device seems to be a bit luggy.
So I've added some console.timeEnd() to better understand where the code slow down, but the "problem" is that when i open the console the code start running faster without lag, if i close it again, the lag is back.
Maybe my question is silly but i can't figure it out
EDIT: Added the code
function scriviNumeroTastiera(tasto){
console.time('Funzione ScriviNumeroTastiera');
contenutoInput = document.getElementById('artInserito').value;
if ($('#cursoreImg').css('display') == 'none'){
else if (tasto == 'cancella'){
if (contenutoInput.length == 0) {
else {
indicePerTaglioStringa = (contenutoInput.length)-1;
contenutoInput = contenutoInput.substr(0, indicePerTaglioStringa);
margineAttualeImg = $('#cursoreImg').css('margin-left');
indicePerTaglioStringa = margineAttualeImg.indexOf('p');
margineAttualeImg = margineAttualeImg.substr(0, indicePerTaglioStringa);
margineAggiornato = parseInt(margineAttualeImg)-20;
$('#cursoreImg').css('margin-left', margineAggiornato+'px');
else {
//contenutoInput = document.getElementById('artInserito').value;
contenutoAggiornato = contenutoInput+tasto;
margineAttualeImg = $('#cursoreImg').css('margin-left');
indicePerTaglioStringa = margineAttualeImg.indexOf('p');
margineAttualeImg = margineAttualeImg.substr(0, indicePerTaglioStringa);
margineAggiornato = parseInt(margineAttualeImg)+20;
$('#cursoreImg').css('margin-left', margineAggiornato+'px');
console.timeEnd('Funzione ScriviNumeroTastiera');
The code is a bit crappy, but it's just a beginning ;)

This could happen because PhoneGap/Cordova creates its own console object (in cordova.js), and it gets overwritten when you open the Safari console (safari's might be faster than phonegap's, that could be why you notice it faster).
So, one way to measure the time properly, without opening the console, would be to go to the good old alert, so you'd first add this code anywhere in your app:
var TIMER = {
start: function(name, reset){
if(!name) { return; }
var time = new Date().getTime();
if(!TIMER.stimeCounters) { TIMER.stimeCounters = {} };
var key = "KEY" + name.toString();
if(!reset && TIMER.stimeCounters[key]) { return; }
TIMER.stimeCounters[key] = time;
end: function(name){
var time = new Date().getTime();
if(!TIMER.stimeCounters) { return; }
var key = "KEY" + name.toString();
var timeCounter = TIMER.stimeCounters[key];
if(timeCounter) {
var diff = time - timeCounter;
var label = name + ": " + diff + "ms";;
delete TIMER.stimeCounters[key];
return diff;
(This just mimics the console.time and console.timeEnd methods, but it returns the value so we can alert it).
Then, instead of calling:
console.time('Funzione ScriviNumeroTastiera');
you'd call:
TIMER.start('Funzione ScriviNumeroTastiera');
and instead of calling:
console.timeEnd('Funzione ScriviNumeroTastiera');
you'd call:
var timeScriviNumeroTastiera = TIMER.end('Funzione ScriviNumeroTastiera');
alert('Ellapsed time: ' + timeScriviNumeroTastiera);
This would give you the proper ellapsed time without opening the console, so it computes the real time in the phonegap app.
Hope this helps.

This really isn't something you would normally expect - opening the console should not speed up anything. If anything, it will make things slower because of additional debugging hooks and status display. However, I've had a case like that myself. The reason turned out to be very simple: opening the console makes the displayed portion of the website smaller and the code efficiency was largely dependent on the viewport size. So if I am right, making the browser window smaller should have the same effect as opening the console.


writing a test "cookie clicker" game

In school we use this coding website called It's pretty handy and seems to be able to do anything that normal coding software can, just a bit more digestible for beginners such as myself. I'm asking a question that I'm not sure is even possible to answer. In the game I'm trying to figure out how to add cps (cookies per second) to the counter. My issue is that this could be done in a loop, but other things need to happen outside of the loop. So I'm not sure how to add them, but still be able to run other bits of code without it getting stuck in a loop. The code will be posted at the bottom. This project is just for fun and I do not intend to pass this work off as my own. Thanks for the help!
(please note that this IS the entirety of the code i have so far...)
var cookies = 0;
var incriment = 1;
var cps = 0;
var autoClickers = 0;
var autoClickerCost = 1;
var autoClickerAdd = 0.50;
var upgradeClickCost = 100;
setText("upgradeClickCostText","cost: "+ upgradeClickCost);
setText("autoClickerCostText", "cost: " + autoClickerCost);
onEvent("image1", "click", function() {
cookies = cookies + incriment;
console.log("you have: "+cookies+" cookies");
setText("cookieNumber", "Cookies: " + cookies);
onEvent("upgradeClick", "click", function() {
if(cookies >= upgradeClickCost){
cookies = cookies - upgradeClickCost;
console.log("you have: "+cookies+" cookies");
setText("cookieNumber", "Cookies: " + cookies);
incriment = incriment * 2;
upgradeClickCost = upgradeClickCost * 2;
setText("upgradeClickCostText", "cost: "+ upgradeClickCost);
onEvent("shopScrnBtn", "click", function() {
console.log("went to shop!");
onEvent("gameScrnBtn", "click", function() {
console.log("went to cookie!");
function addCookies(){
cookies = cookies + cps;
onEvent("buyAutoClicker", "click", function() {
if(cookies >= autoClickerCost){
cookies = cookies - autoClickerCost;
console.log("you have: "+cookies+" cookies");
setText("cookieNumber", "Cookies: " + cookies);
autoClickerAdd = autoClickerAdd * autoClickers;
cps = cps + autoClickerAdd;
console.log("auto clicker purchased");
(also note that this code snippet does not work properly as you won't be on or have the proper buttons to handle the events.)
The feature you are looking for is probably setInterval which runs a function every n milliseconds.
function runAutoClicker() {
cookies = cookies + cps;
// Run auto-clicker every second (every 1000 milliseconds)
setInterval(runAutoClicker, 1000);
I'm not seeing any loops here, just click events. Am I missing something? If there was a loop, we could see what's inside vs. what's out. Typically you handle variables changes (and not changing them) within loops with conditional if statements.

FileSaver.js Chrome Issue, Multiple documents

I'm using Chrome v67 and FileSaver.js.
This code works in FF & Edge but not in Chrome.
var ajaxSettings = {
url: "my/api/method",
data: JSON.stringify(myItems),
success: function (data) {
if (data) {
var dateToAppend = moment().format("YYYYMMDD-HHmmss");
createPdf("pdfDoc_" + dateToAppend + ".pdf", data[0]);
saveFile("txtDoc_" + dateToAppend + ".txt", data[1]);
//sleep(2000).then(() => {
// saveFile("txtDoc_" + dateToAppend + ".txt", data[1]);
//function sleep(time) {
//return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
function createPdf(filename, pdfBytes) {
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 9") > -1) {"data:application/pdf;base64," + encodeURIComponent(pdfBytes));
else {
saveFile(fileName, data);
function saveFile(fileName, data) {
var decodedByte64 = atob(data);
var byteVals = new Array(decodedByte64.length);
for (var i = 0; i < decodedByte64.length; i++) {
byteVals[i] = decodedByte64.charCodeAt(i);
var byte8bitArray = new Uint8Array(byteVals);
var blob = new Blob([byte8bitArray]);
saveAs(blob, fileName); //FileSaver.js
The result of calling the API is an array with 2 byte arrays in it.
The byte arrays are the documents.
If I run this code, as a user would, then what happens is that the first document gets "downloaded" but the second does not. Attempting to do this a second time without refreshing the page results in no documents being "downloaded". The "download" word is in quotes because it already has been downloaded, what I'm really trying to do is generate the documents from the byte arrays.
This is the strange bit ... if I open the console and place a breakpoint on the "saveFile" call and immediately hit continue when the debugger lands on the breakpoint then all is well with the world and the 2 documents get downloaded.
I initially thought it was a timing issue so I put a 2 second delay on this to see if that was it but it wasn't. The only thing I've managed to get working is the breakpoint which I'm obviously not going to be able to convince the users to start doing no matter how much I want them to.
Any help or pointers are much appreciated
You probably faced a message at the top left corner of your browser stating wants to
Download multiple files
[Block] [Allow]
If you don't have it anymore, it's probably because you clicked on "Block".
You can manage this restriction in chrome://settings/content/automaticDownloads.

.gBrowser is undefined

I'm writing a restartless Firefoxextension where I have to enumerate all open tabs and work with them.
Here's the code-part that throws the error:
getInfoString : function ()
infos = "";
HELPER.alerting("url", "URL-Function");
var winMediator = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
HELPER.alerting("url", "Mediator initialized");
var mrw = winMediator.getEnumerator(null);
var win = mrw.getNext();
var t = win.gBrowser.browsers.length;
HELPER.alerting("url", "browsers: " + t);
for (var i = 0; i < t; i++)
var b = win.gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(i);
if(b.currentURI.spec.substr(0,3) != "http")
var doc = b.contentDocument;
var src = doc.documentElement.innerHTML;
infos = infos + src
HELPER.alerting("doc", src);
return infos;
I have a JavascriptDebugger-Addon running while testing this and Firefox executes everything fine to the line
HELPER.alerting("url", "browsers: " + t);
But AFTER this line, the debugger-addons throws an error, saying that:
win.gBrowser is undefined
... pointing to the line:
var t = win.gBrowser.browsers.length;
But before it throws the error I get my alertmessage which gives me the correct number of tabs. So the error is thrown after the line was executed and not directly WHEN it was executed.
Does anyone has an idea how to fix this, because the extension stops working after the error has been thrown.
P.S.: If someone has a better headline for this, feel free to edit it.
Using winMediator.getEnumerator(null) would give you all types of window, that may or may not be browser windows. You should try changing the following line
var mrw = winMediator.getEnumerator(null);
var mrw = winMediator.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
I finally figured out that this behavior can happen sometimes.
I just rearranged the code a bit, removing some alerts inside the for-loop and it works just fine again.
So if someone has this error too, just rearrange your code and it should work like a charm again.

I want to click a button and execute just one line of code at a time from an already made program.. (javascript)

yeah, so can i do that?
i have a program already written that has two functions.. and one is recursive..
so i want to know how can i execute just one line of code at a time by pressing a button..
i hope it's possible
and also i'm doing this in a web page
this is my script.. it has no importance but just for you to make an idea..
READ THIS... i don't want to debug it with firebug or whatever... i want to make this myself inside my program... i want to make the code execute 1 line at a time when i press a basically im building my own debugger.. the graphical part is already done.. i only need to know how to do this..
function nod(){
var info;
var st;
var dr;
function help(){
var rad;
var h = new help();
h.rad = new nod();
h.rad = null;
function create(h,x)
h.rad = new nod(); = x ; = h.rad.dr = null;
if(x <{
var h1;
h1 = new help();
h1.rad =;
create(h1,x); = h1.rad;
var h2;
h2 = new help();
h2.rad = h.rad.dr;
h.rad.dr = h2.rad;
function read(h)
var input = [0,10,2,1,8,9,4,5,3,6,20,11,30,21,31,22,23,
var i;
Open your site in Chrome and use the integrated script debugger to execute the script step by step after a breakpoint you set.
But have at least a quick look at the whole box of tools I linked too to ensure you know what you can expect and use the best tool for your need.

Appending to External Browser Window

I have a Windows app that contains a browser control that loads pages from my website. However, due to the Windows app, I cannot debug Javascript in the usual ways (Firebug, console, alerts, etc).
I was hoping to write a jQuery plug-in to log to an external browser window such that I can simply do something like:
So far, with the following, I am able to create the window and display the templateContent, but cannot write messages to it:
var consoleWindow;
function getConsoleWindow() {
if (typeof (consoleWindow) === 'undefined') {
consoleWindow = createConsoleWindow();
return consoleWindow;
function createConsoleWindow() {
var newConsoleWindow ='consoleLog', '', 'status,height=200,width=300');
var templateContent = '<html><head><title>Console</title></head>' +
'<body><h1>Console</h1><div id="console">' +
'<span id="consoleText"></span></div></body></html>';
return newConsoleWindow;
function writeToConsole(message) {
var console = getConsoleWindow();
var consoleDoc =;
var consoleMessage = document.createElement('span');
consoleMessage.innerHTML = message;
jQuery.log = function (message) {
if (window.console) {
} else {
Currently, getElementById('consoleText') is failing. Is what I'm after possible, and if so, what am I missing?
Try adding
right before
If the line you added is the one that fails, then that means consoleDoc is not right, if the next line is the only one that fails then ..ById('consoleText') is not matching up
If I don't close() the document, it appears to work as I hoped.
