I have this notification system that works with the following jQuery / javascript and displays a notification when called.
What I am having some trouble doing and what I am trying to do is once a new notification is create to hide and remove / destroy any existing notifications.
I've tried something like this: $('.notification').not(this).hide().remove();, but that didn't work.
Here is the jQuery behind the notifications:
;(function($) {
$.notificationOptions = {
className: '',
click: function() {},
content: '',
duration: 5000,
fadeIn: 400,
fadeOut: 600,
limit: false,
queue: false,
slideUp: 200,
horizontal: 'right',
vertical: 'top',
afterShow: function(){},
afterClose: function(){}
var Notification = function(board, options) {
var that = this;
// build notification template
var htmlElement = $([
'<div class="notification ' + options.className + '" style="display:none">',
'<div class="close"></div>',
// getter for template
this.getHtmlElement = function() {
return htmlElement;
// custom hide
this.hide = function() {
htmlElement.animate({ opacity: .01 }, options.fadeOut, function() {
var queued = queue.shift();
if (queued) {
htmlElement.slideUp(options.slideUp, function() {
// show in board
this.show = function() {
// append to board and show
htmlElement[options.vertical == 'top' ? 'appendTo' : 'prependTo'](board);
htmlElement.fadeIn(options.fadeIn, options.afterShow());
//$('.notification').css('marginLeft', -$('.notification').outerWidth()/2);
$('.notification-board.center').css('marginLeft', -($('.notification-board.center').width()/2));
$(window).on('resize', function(){
$('.notification-board.center').css('marginLeft', -($('.notification-board.center').width()/2));
// set custom click callback
htmlElement.on('click', function() {
// helper classes to avoid hide when hover
htmlElement.on('mouseenter', function() {
if (htmlElement.hasClass('hiding')) {
// recover
// reset slideUp, could not find a better way to achieve this
htmlElement.attr('style', 'opacity: ' + htmlElement.css('opacity'));
htmlElement.animate({ opacity: 1 }, options.fadeIn);
htmlElement.on('mouseleave', function() {
if (htmlElement.hasClass('pending')) {
// hide was pending
// close button bind
htmlElement.children('.close').on('click', function() {
if (options.duration) {
// hide timer
setTimeout(function() {
if (htmlElement.hasClass('hover')) {
// hovering, do not hide now
} else {
}, options.duration);
return this;
var queue = [];
$.createNotification = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, $.notificationOptions, options || {});
// get notification container (aka board)
var board = $('.notification-board.' + options.horizontal + '.' + options.vertical);
if (!board.length) {
board = $('<div class="notification-board ' + options.horizontal + ' ' + options.vertical + '" />');
if (options.limit && board.children('.notification:not(.hiding)').length >= options.limit) {
// limit reached
if (options.queue) {
// create new notification and show
var notification = new Notification(board, options)
return notification;
and here is how the notifications are called / created:
content:'No more cards at this time.',
The code:
will work just fine to remove all .notification DOM elements currently in the DOM except the current one IF this is the current notification DOM element. If that code isn't working, then it's likely because this isn't the desired notification DOM element that you want to keep. If this is an instance of your Notification class, then that's the wrong type of object. For that above code to work, this has to be the notification DOM object.
If you want to just remove all old notification DOM elements BEFORE you insert your new one, then you can just do this before your new one is in the DOM:
That will clear out the old ones before you insert your new one.
Since you don't have this line of code in your currently posted code, I can't tell where you were trying to use it so can't advise further on what might be wrong. Please describe further where in your code you were trying to use this.
I want to use a simple p:idleMonitor for some logic.
But in my case, i don't want to restart the idlemonitors counter for a mousemove (only for click etc.)
Is this possible with javascript or with something else? The idlemonitor does not have any attribute for that configuration.
Add this code to a JS file that loads after PrimeFaces to MonkeyPatch your IdleMonitor to only stop on keydown and click events.
The key is this line events: "keydown click" // define active events
This is based on PrimeFaces 8.
if (PrimeFaces.widget.IdleMonitor) {
PrimeFaces.widget.IdleMonitor.prototype.init = function(cfg) {
PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.prototype.init.call(this, cfg);
var $this = this;
$(document).on("idle.idleTimer" + this.cfg.id, function() {
if ($this.cfg.onidle) {
.on("active.idleTimer" + this.cfg.id, function() {
if ($this.cfg.onactive) {
var opts = {
idle: false, // indicates if the user is idle
timeout: this.cfg.timeout, // the amount of time (ms) before the user is considered idle
events: "keydown click" // define active events
$.idleTimer(opts, document, this.cfg.id);
if (cfg.multiWindowSupport) {
var globalLastActiveKey = $this.cfg.contextPath + '_idleMonitor_lastActive' + this.cfg.id;
// always reset with current time on init
localStorage.setItem(globalLastActiveKey, $(document).data('idleTimerObj' + this.cfg.id).lastActive);
$this.timer = setInterval(function() {
var idleTimerObj = $(document).data('idleTimerObj' + $this.cfg.id);
var globalLastActive = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(globalLastActiveKey));
var localLastActive = idleTimerObj.lastActive;
// reset local state
if (globalLastActive > localLastActive) {
// pause timer
$.idleTimer('pause', document, $this.cfg.id);
// overwrite real state
idleTimerObj.idle = false;
idleTimerObj.olddate = globalLastActive;
idleTimerObj.lastActive = globalLastActive;
idleTimerObj.remaining = $this.cfg.timeout;
// resume timer
$.idleTimer('resume', document, $this.cfg.id);
// update global state
else if (localLastActive > globalLastActive) {
localStorage.setItem(globalLastActiveKey, localLastActive);
}, 2000);
if (!slideOutObserver && doc.querySelector('.slide-out-cms')) {
mutObv.observe(doc.querySelector('.slide-out-cms'), { attributeFilter: ['class'] });
slideOutObserver = true;
The console error is as follows: script5022: SyntxError
Which I click on and it takes me to the above code
Any ideas or workarounds?
Entire script if needed, in this script we are showing the user a cookie consent message, which overlaps some fixed elements on the page. We are doing some other things to reposition and slide things up and down based on what elements are visible:
// On document ready
$(function() {
var cookieAckId = 'cookie-acknowledgment',
pureCloudId = 'chatTrigger',
slideOutClass = 'slide-out-cms.show',
mobileContinue = 'fixed-button-container',
slideOutObserver = false,
consentText = 'This site uses essential cookies to function correctly. For more detailed information, please see our privacy policy. By continuing to use this website you consent to our use of cookies.',
//If the user closes/accepts the acknowledgment
function closeAck() {
// Remove the Acknowledgment from the page and shift floaters back
$('#' + cookieAckId).slideUp().queue(function() {
//Kill Mutation Observer
//Kill the resize listener
$(root).off('resize', repositionFloaters);
//set cookie
var d = new Date;
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 2);
$.cookie('acceptedGdprCookies', 'true', {
path: '/',
domain: '.' + browser.getDomain(),
expires: d,
// floaters are there, let's alter their position!
function repositionFloaters() {
var $cookieAck = $('#' + cookieAckId),
cookieAckHeight = 0,
$pureCloud = $('#' + pureCloudId),
$slideOut = $('.' + slideOutClass),
$mobileContinue = $('.' + mobileContinue);
if (!slideOutObserver && doc.querySelector('.slide-out-cms')) {
mutObv.observe(doc.querySelector('.slide-out-cms'), { attributeFilter: ['class'] });
slideOutObserver = true;
// If cookie Acknowledgment exists, grab it's height
if ($cookieAck.length) {
cookieAckHeight = $cookieAck.outerHeight();
// Shift up Purecloud and Slide Out if they exist
[$pureCloud, $slideOut, $mobileContinue].forEach(function($item) {
if ($item.length) {
$item.css('transform', 'translateY(-' + cookieAckHeight + 'px)');
// If both Slideout and purecloud exist, stop trying to observe for their addition
if ($pureCloud.length && $slideOut.length && cookieAckHeight > 0) {
// Create the Cookie Acknowledgment
var $cookieAck = $('<div id="' + cookieAckId + '"><div class="relative"><div class="ca-text col-xs-12"><span>' + consentText + '</span><div class="ca-accept"></div></div></div>'),
$acceptBtn = $('<button class="ca-accept-btn b">ACCEPT</button>').on('click', closeAck),
$closeBtn = $('<span class="ca-close-btn icon-closepositive"></span>').on('click', closeAck);
// Create Mutation Observer to watch for Purecloud and Slideout being added to the page
mutObv = new MutationObserver(repositionFloaters);
mutObv.observe(doc.body, { childList: true });
// Add Listener if the page is resized
$(root).on('resize', repositionFloaters);
// Upon creating of Cookie Acknowledgment element, try to shift floaters
If anyone is happens to need the answer for this, I finally solved it!
MS Edge does not like the mutation observer without the argument attributes: true.
So the correct code would look like this:
if (!slideOutObserver && doc.querySelector('.slide-out-cms')) {
mutObv.observe(doc.querySelector('.slide-out-cms'), {
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['class']
I'm developing a jQuery plugin to create modal windows, so, now, I want to restore element original state after hide it.
Someone can help me?
---- update ---
I want to store element html in some place when show it, then put the stored data back when hide it.
This is my plugin:
(function ($) { // v2ui_modal
var methods = {
show: function (options) {
var _this = this;
var defaults = {
showOverlay: true,
persistentContent: true
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
if (!_this.attr('id')) {
_this.attr('id', 'v2ui-id_' + Math.random().toString().replace('.', ''));
if (options.showOverlay) {
$('<div />', { // overlay
id: 'v2-ui-plugin-modal-overlay-' + this.attr('id'),
css: {
zIndex: ($.topZIndex() + 1),
display: 'none',
position: 'fixed',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
top: 0,
left: 0
zIndex: ($.topZIndex() + 2),
position: 'fixed'
$('#v2-ui-plugin-modal-overlay-' + _this.attr('id')).fadeIn(function () {
hide: function () {
var _this = this;
$('#v2-ui-plugin-modal-overlay-' + _this.attr('id')).fadeOut(function () {
$('#v2-ui-plugin-modal-overlay-' + _this.attr('id')).remove();
if ((_this.attr('id')).substr(0, 8) == 'v2ui-id_') {
jQuery.fn.v2ui_modal = function (methodOrOptions) {
if (methods[methodOrOptions]) {
methods[methodOrOptions].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || !methodOrOptions) {
methods.show.apply(this, arguments);
You can take a look at jQuery.detach.
The .detach() method is the same as .remove(), except that .detach()
keeps all jQuery data associated with the removed elements. This
method is useful when removed elements are to be reinserted into the
DOM at a later time.
But I am having a hard time understanding your problem fully, so I apologize if my answer does not fit your question.
I wrote a slideshow plugin, but for some reason maybe because I've been working on it all day, I can't figure out exactly how to get it to go back to state one, once it's reached the very last state when it's on auto mode.
I'm thinking it's an architectual issue at this point, because basically I'm attaching the amount to scroll left to (negatively) for each panel (a panel contains 4 images which is what is currently shown to the user). The first tab should get: 0, the second 680, the third, 1360, etc. This is just done by calculating the width of the 4 images plus the padding.
I have it on a setTimeout(function(){}) currently to automatically move it which works pretty well (unless you also click tabs, but that's another issue). I just want to make it so when it's at the last state (numTabs - 1), to animate and move its state back to the first one.
(function($) {
var methods = {
init: function(options) {
var settings = $.extend({
'speed': '1000',
'interval': '1000',
'auto': 'on'
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $wrapper = $(this);
var $sliderContainer = $wrapper.find('.js-slider-container');
var $tabs = $wrapper.find('.js-slider-tabs li a');
var numTabs = $tabs.size();
var innerWidth = $wrapper.find('.js-slider-container').width();
var $elements = $wrapper.find('.js-slider-container a');
var $firstElement = $elements.first();
var containerHeight = $firstElement.height();
// Loop through each list element in `.js-slider-tabs` and add the
// distance to move for each "panel". A panel in this example is 4 images
$tabs.each(function(i) {
// Set amount to scroll for each tab
if (i === 1) {
$(this).attr('data-to-move', innerWidth + 20); // 20 is the padding between elements
} else {
$(this).attr('data-to-move', innerWidth * (i) + (i * 20));
// If they hovered on the panel, add paused to the data attribute
$('.js-slider-container').hover(function() {
$sliderContainer.attr('data-paused', true);
}, function() {
$sliderContainer.attr('data-paused', false);
// Start the auto slide
if (settings.auto === 'on') {
methods.auto($tabs, settings, $sliderContainer);
$tabs.click(function() {
var $tab = $(this);
var $panelNum = $(this).attr('data-slider-panel');
var $amountToMove = $(this).attr('data-to-move');
// Remove the active class of the `li` if it contains it
$tabs.each(function() {
var $tab = $(this);
if ($tab.parent().hasClass('active')) {
// Add active state to current tab
// Animate to panel position
methods.animate($amountToMove, settings);
return false;
auto: function($tabs, settings, $sliderContainer) {
$tabs.each(function(i) {
var $amountToMove = $(this).attr('data-to-move');
setTimeout(function() {
methods.animate($amountToMove, settings, i, $sliderContainer);
}, i * settings.interval);
animate: function($amountToMove, settings, i, $sliderContainer) {
// Animate
$('.js-slider-tabs li').eq(i - 1).removeClass('active');
$('.js-slider-tabs li').eq(i).addClass('active');
'left': -$amountToMove
}, settings.speed, 'linear', function() {});
$.fn.slider = function(method) {
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
return false;
$(window).ready(function() {
'speed': '10000',
'interval': '10000',
'auto': 'on'
The auto and animate methods are where the magic happens. The parameters speed is how fast it's animated and interval is how often, currently set at 10 seconds.
Can anyone help me figure out how to get this to "infinitely loop", if you will?
Here is a JSFiddle
It would probably be better to let go of the .each() and setTimeout() combo and use just setInterval() instead. Using .each() naturally limits your loop to the length of your collection, so it's better to use a looping mechanism that's not, and that you can break at any point you choose.
Besides, you can readily identify the current visible element by just checking for .active, from what I can see.
You'd probably need something like this:
setInterval(function () {
// do this check here.
// it saves you a function call and having to pass in $sliderContainer
if ($sliderContainer.attr('data-paused') === 'true') { return; }
// you really need to just pass in the settings object.
// the current element you can identify (as mentioned),
// and $amountToMove is derivable from that.
}, i * settings.interval);
// ...
// cache your slider tabs outside of the function
// and just form a closure on that to speed up your manips
var slidertabs = $('.js-slider-tabs');
animate : function (settings) {
// identify the current tab
var current = slidertabs.find('li.active'),
// and then do some magic to determine the next element in the loop
next = current.next().length >= 0 ?
current.next() :
// do your stuff
The code is not optimized, but I hope you see where I'm getting at here.
Looking off this example, notice how clicking on the Search button brings up a modal form with a darkened overlay behind it. Now notice how clicking on the Column Chooser button brings up a modal form but no overlay behind it.
My question is: how do I get the dark overlay to appear behind my Column Chooser popup?
There are currently undocumented option of the columnChooser:
$(this).jqGrid('columnChooser', {modal: true});
The demo demonstrate this. One can set default parameters for the columnChooser with respect of $.jgrid.col too:
$.extend(true, $.jgrid.col, {
modal: true
Recently I posted the suggestion to extend a little functionality of the columnChooser, but only a part of the changes are current code of the jqGrid. Nevertheless in the new version will be possible to set much more jQuery UI Dialog options with respect of new dialog_opts option. For example the usage of the following will be possible
$(this).jqGrid('columnChooser', {
dialog_opts: {
modal: true,
minWidth: 470,
show: 'blind',
hide: 'explode'
To use full features which I suggested you can just overwrite the standard implementation of columnChooser. One can do this by including the following code
columnChooser : function(opts) {
var self = this;
if($("#colchooser_"+$.jgrid.jqID(self[0].p.id)).length ) { return; }
var selector = $('<div id="colchooser_'+self[0].p.id+'" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden"><div><select multiple="multiple"></select></div></div>');
var select = $('select', selector);
function insert(perm,i,v) {
var a = perm.slice();
var b = a.splice(i,Math.max(perm.length-i,i));
if(i>perm.length) { i = perm.length; }
a[i] = v;
return a.concat(b);
opts = $.extend({
"width" : 420,
"height" : 240,
"classname" : null,
"done" : function(perm) { if (perm) { self.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true); } },
/* msel is either the name of a ui widget class that
extends a multiselect, or a function that supports
creating a multiselect object (with no argument,
or when passed an object), and destroying it (when
passed the string "destroy"). */
"msel" : "multiselect",
/* "msel_opts" : {}, */
/* dlog is either the name of a ui widget class that
behaves in a dialog-like way, or a function, that
supports creating a dialog (when passed dlog_opts)
or destroying a dialog (when passed the string
"dlog" : "dialog",
/* dlog_opts is either an option object to be passed
to "dlog", or (more likely) a function that creates
the options object.
The default produces a suitable options object for
ui.dialog */
"dlog_opts" : function(opts) {
var buttons = {};
buttons[opts.bSubmit] = function() {
buttons[opts.bCancel] = function() {
return $.extend(true, {
"buttons": buttons,
"close": function() {
"modal" : opts.modal ? opts.modal : false,
"resizable": opts.resizable ? opts.resizable : true,
"width": opts.width+20,
resize: function (e, ui) {
var $container = $(this).find('>div>div.ui-multiselect'),
containerWidth = $container.width(),
containerHeight = $container.height(),
$selectedContainer = $container.find('>div.selected'),
$availableContainer = $container.find('>div.available'),
$selectedActions = $selectedContainer.find('>div.actions'),
$availableActions = $availableContainer.find('>div.actions'),
$selectedList = $selectedContainer.find('>ul.connected-list'),
$availableList = $availableContainer.find('>ul.connected-list'),
dividerLocation = opts.msel_opts.dividerLocation || $.ui.multiselect.defaults.dividerLocation;
$container.width(containerWidth); // to fix width like 398.96px
$selectedContainer.width(containerWidth - $availableContainer.outerWidth() - ($.browser.webkit ? 1: 0));
}, opts.dialog_opts || {});
/* Function to get the permutation array, and pass it to the
"done" function */
"apply_perm" : function() {
$('option',select).each(function(i) {
if (this.selected) {
self.jqGrid("showCol", colModel[this.value].name);
} else {
self.jqGrid("hideCol", colModel[this.value].name);
var perm = [];
$('option:selected',select).each(function() { perm.push(parseInt(this.value,10)); });
$.each(perm, function() { delete colMap[colModel[parseInt(this,10)].name]; });
$.each(colMap, function() {
var ti = parseInt(this,10);
perm = insert(perm,ti,ti);
if (opts.done) {
opts.done.call(self, perm);
/* Function to cleanup the dialog, and select. Also calls the
done function with no permutation (to indicate that the
columnChooser was aborted */
"cleanup" : function(calldone) {
call(opts.dlog, selector, 'destroy');
call(opts.msel, select, 'destroy');
if (calldone && opts.done) {
"msel_opts" : {}
}, $.jgrid.col, opts || {});
if($.ui) {
if ($.ui.multiselect ) {
if(opts.msel == "multiselect") {
if(!$.jgrid._multiselect) {
// should be in language file
alert("Multiselect plugin loaded after jqGrid. Please load the plugin before the jqGrid!");
opts.msel_opts = $.extend($.ui.multiselect.defaults,opts.msel_opts);
if (opts.caption) {
selector.attr("title", opts.caption);
if (opts.classname) {
if (opts.width) {
$(">div",selector).css({"width": opts.width,"margin":"0 auto"});
select.css("width", opts.width);
if (opts.height) {
$(">div",selector).css("height", opts.height);
select.css("height", opts.height - 10);
var colModel = self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel");
var colNames = self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colNames");
var colMap = {}, fixedCols = [];
$.each(colModel, function(i) {
colMap[this.name] = i;
if (this.hidedlg) {
if (!this.hidden) {
select.append("<option value='"+i+"' "+
function call(fn, obj) {
if (!fn) { return; }
if (typeof fn == 'string') {
if ($.fn[fn]) {
$.fn[fn].apply(obj, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
} else if ($.isFunction(fn)) {
fn.apply(obj, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
var dopts = $.isFunction(opts.dlog_opts) ? opts.dlog_opts.call(self, opts) : opts.dlog_opts;
call(opts.dlog, selector, dopts);
var mopts = $.isFunction(opts.msel_opts) ? opts.msel_opts.call(self, opts) : opts.msel_opts;
call(opts.msel, select, mopts);
// fix height of elements of the multiselect widget
var resizeSel = "#colchooser_"+$.jgrid.jqID(self[0].p.id),
$container = $(resizeSel + '>div>div.ui-multiselect'),
$selectedContainer = $(resizeSel + '>div>div.ui-multiselect>div.selected'),
$availableContainer = $(resizeSel + '>div>div.ui-multiselect>div.available'),
$selectedActions = $selectedContainer.find('>div.actions'),
$availableActions = $availableContainer.find('>div.actions'),
$selectedList = $selectedContainer.find('>ul.connected-list'),
$availableList = $availableContainer.find('>ul.connected-list');
$container.height($container.parent().height()); // increase the container height
containerHeight = $container.height();
// extend the list of components which will be also-resized
selector.data('dialog').uiDialog.resizable("option", "alsoResize",
resizeSel + ',' + resizeSel +'>div' + ',' + resizeSel + '>div>div.ui-multiselect');
In the case you can continue to use the original minimized version of jquery.jqGrid.min.js and the code which use can be just $(this).jqGrid('columnChooser');. Together with all default settings it will be like
$.extend(true, $.ui.multiselect, {
locale: {
addAll: 'Make all visible',
removeAll: 'Hidde All',
itemsCount: 'Avlialble Columns'
$.extend(true, $.jgrid.col, {
width: 450,
modal: true,
msel_opts: {dividerLocation: 0.5},
dialog_opts: {
minWidth: 470,
show: 'blind',
hide: 'explode'
$grid.jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#pager', {
caption: "",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-calculator",
title: "Choose columns",
onClickButton: function () {
The demo demonstrate the approach. The main advantage of the changes - the really resizable Column Chooser:
UPDATED: Free jqGrid fork of jqGrid, which I develop starting with the end of 2014, contains of cause the modified code of columnChooser.
I get the following error while trying the code on the mobile device.
Result of expression 'selector.data('dialog').uiDialog' [undefined] is not an object.
The error points to the following line of code.
selector.data('dialog').uiDialog.resizable("option", "alsoResize", resizeSel + ',' + resizeSel +'>div' + ',' + resizeSel + '>div>div.ui-multiselect');
When I inspect the code, I find that the data object does not have anything called uiDialog.
just been looking thru the code, try adding this line:
jqModal : true,
to this code:
$grid.jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#pager', {
caption: "",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-calculator",
title: "Choose columns",
onClickButton: function () {
like this:
$grid.jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#pager', {
caption: "",
buttonicon: "ui-icon-calculator",
title: "Choose columns",
jqModal : true,
onClickButton: function () {